Title: Astronomical Data Analysis Software and Systems V
Volume: 101 Year: 1996 View this Volume on ADS
Editors: Jacoby, George H.; Barnes, Jeannette
ISBN: 1080-7926 eISBN: 978-1-58381-437-6
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Paper Title Page Authors
Software Demands Imposed By H_0 Studies 3 Jacoby, G. H.
Limits to the Precision of Joint Flux and Position Measurements on Array Data 13 Adorf, Hans-Martin
XSPEC: The First Ten Years 17 Arnaud, K. A.
The Application of Artificial Neural Networks to Stellar Classification 21 Jones, Coryn A. L.; Irwin, Mike; von Hippel, Ted
3D Source Detection 25 Kashyap, Vinay
Stellar Photometry with CCD Sub-Pixel Sensitivity Variations 29 Penny, A. J.; Leese, R.
Automated Arc Line Identifications in IRAF 33 Valdes, Francisco G.
CAL AIPS Developments in the Nineties 37 van Moorsel, Gustaaf; Kemball, Athol; Greisen, Eric
Analysis of Digital POSS-II Catalogs Using Hierarchical Unsupervised Learning Algorithms 41 Yoo, Jungsoon; Gray, Alexander; Roden, Joseph; Fayyad, Usama M.; de Carvalho, R. R.; Djorgovski, S. G.
The AIPSview Astronomy Visualization Tools 47 Crutcher, Richard M.; Baker, M. Pauline; Baxter, George; Pixton, John; Ravlin, Harold
ETOOLS: Tools for Photon Event Data 57 Abbott, M.; Kilsdonk, T.; Olson, E.; Christian, C.; Conroy, M.; Brissenden, R.; van Stone, D.; Herrero, J.
The Distributed Processing Library (DPL) 61 Allan, D. J.
Parsley: a Command-Line Parser for Astronomical Applications 64 Deich, William
Datastream Compression for IRAF Image Display 68 Fitzpatrick, Michael; Tody, Doug
Systems Aspects of COBE Science Data Compression 72 Freedman, I.; Farrelle, P. M.
MATADOR: Software for the Manipulation of 3D Data 76 Gavryusev, V.; Munoz-Tunon, C.
Karma: a Visualization Test-Bed 80 Gooch, Richard
STSDAS Tables Package Uses FITSIO 84 Hodge, P.
The Palomar--ST ScI Digitized Sky Survey (POSS--II): Preliminary Data Availability 88 Lasker, B. M.; Doggett, J.; McLean, B.; Sturch, C.; Djorgovski, S.; de Carvalho, R. R.; Reid, I. N.
The ASSIST: Unified Management of Public and Private Information 92 Mandel, Eric; Ackerman, Mark S.
Browsing Images in World Coordinate Space with SAOimage 96 Mink, Douglas J.
Implementation of an Optical Prescription Retrieval Code Using PVM (Parallel Virtual Machine) in a Mixed Architecture Network 100 Mo, J.; Romelfanger, F.; Hanisch, R. J.; Redding, D.; Sirlin, S.; Boden, A.
IDA---A FITS Table Browser and Editor 104 Page, Clive G.
An Ultra-Low Bandwidth Video Transmission System 108 Percival, J. W.; White, R. L.
Detecting EUV Transients in Near Real Time with ALEXIS 112 Roussel-Dupre, D.; Bloch, J. J.; Theiler, J.; Pfafman, T.; Beauchesne, B.
FPTOOL: A GUI for the Analysis of Fabry-Perot Data in IRAF 116 Shopbell, P. L.; Bland-Hawthorn, J.
A Reexamination of the `UV Leak' of the High Resolution Imager on ROSAT 120 Silverman, J. D.; Kearns, K.; Harris, D. E.
The German ROSAT XUV Data Center and a ROSAT XUV Pointed Phase Source Catalogue 124 Staubert, R.; Brunner, H.; Kreysing, H.-C.
Massively Parallel Spatially-Variant Maximum Likelihood Image Restoration 131 Boden, A. F.; Redding, D. C.; Hanisch, R. J.; Mo, J.
CCDPHOT---An IDL Widget Based CCD Photometry Reduction System 135 Buie, Marc W.
Error Estimation in Elliptical Isophote Fitting 139 Busko, I. C.
A Source Detection Method for ROSAT/PSPC X-Ray Images based on Wavelet Transforms 143 Damiani, F.; Maggio, A.; Micela, G.; Sciortino, S.
World Coordinate System Based Image Registration Tools for IRAF 147 Davis, L. E.
Automated Pipeline Processing for AXAF Ground Calibration 151 Deponte, J.; Conroy, M.; Manning, K. R.; Presley, K.
The ASC Fitting Environment 155 Doe, S.; Conroy, M.; McDowell, J.
Photometric Calibration of the Digitized Sky Survey 159 Doggett, J.; Postman, M.; Lasker, B. M.; Meakes, M.
X-Ray Source Detection Using the Wavelet Transform 163 Freeman, P. E.; Kashyap, V.; Rosner, R.; Nichol, R.; Holden, B.; Lamb, D. Q.
A New Approach for the Analysis of Complex Multi-Dimensional Data from Instruments which Detect Individual Photons 167 Jernigan, J. Garrett; Vezie, Michael
Detection of Variable Sources 171 Kashyap, Vinay; Rosner, Robert
New AIPS Task FRMAP for Mapping the Spectral Line Radio Sources 175 Kogan, L.
A Reduction and Analysis Pipeline for ROSAT PSPC Data 179 Mackie, G.; Fabbiano, G.; Harnden, F. R., Jr.; Kim, D.-W.; Barbera, M.; Bocchino, F.; Damiani, F.; Maggio, A.; Micela, G.; Sciortino, S.; Ciliegi, P.
Modelling the 2-D Response of Cameras and Spectrographs with Synphot 183 Simon, Bernie; Shaw, Richard A.
SPEFO---A Simple, Yet Powerful Program for One-Dimensional Spectra Processing 187 Skoda, Petr
Deconvolution by the Multiscale Maximum Entropy Method 191 Starck, Jean-Luc; Pantin, Eric
Design-Led Software Strategy for the 2dF Survey Spectrograph 195 Taylor, Keith; Bailey, Jeremy; Wilkins, Tim; Shortridge, Keith; Glazebrook, Karl
The ASC Scientific Data Model and its DDF Implementation 199 van Stone, D.; Conroy, M.; McDowell, J.
Reduction of Bidimensional Spectral Data Obtained with the Integral Field Spectrographs of the 6-m Telescope 203 Vlasyuk, Valery V.
The IAU SOFA Initiative 207 Wallace, P. T.
Correcting Some DRAO Synthesis Telescope Wide-Field Imaging Problems 211 Willis, A. G.; Higgs, L. A.
Proposed High Order Harmonic Interferometer for Aperture Synthesis Radio Telescope 215 Wu, Nailong
Image Quality Assessment Using the Modulation Transfer Function 219 Williams, W. E.; Toner, C.
Noise Suppression with Wavelets in Image Reconstruction for Aperture Synthesis 223 Yan, Yihua; Peng, Bo; Zhang, Xizhen
BOF Session---Future of Astronomical Data Analysis Systems (FADS) 229 Noordam, Jan E.; Deich, William T. S.
BOF Session---Linux Users 233 Mills, D.
Development of Ground System Software for the JET-X Telescopes on Spectrum Roentgen Gamma 236 Denby, M.; Allan, D. J.; Ricketts, M. J.
The Netherlands SAX Data Center 240 Jager, R.; Heise, J.; Savenije, M. H. F.; Schuurmans, J. J.; de Vries, C. P.; Wiersma, G. J.
The SAX Scientific Software 244 Maccarone, M. C.
Shiva: an astronomical data analysis framework 248 Sergey, G.; Berman, E.; Huang, C. H.; Kent, S.; Newberg, H.; Nicinski, T.; Petravick, D.; Stoughton, C.; Lupton, R.
The Data Analysis System for the SUBARU Telescope 251 Takata, Tadafumi; Kosugi, George; Mizumoto, Yoshihiko; Ishihara, Yasuhide
Controlling Foreign Tasks with the IRAF CL 255 Terrett, David L.
Subject-Oriented Programming 261 Coggins, James M.
Creating an Object-Oriented Software System— The AIPS++ Experience 271 Glendenning, B. E.
NICMOS Calibration Pipeline---A Collaborative Project Between IDT and STScI 281 Bushouse, H.; MacKenty, J.; Skinner, C.; Axon, D.; Stobie, E.; Schneider, G.
ASC Data Analysis Tool Architecture 285 Conroy, M.; Doe, S.; Herrero, J.
Object-Oriented Modeling and Design for Sloan Digital Sky Survey Retained Data 289 Huang, Chih-Hao; Munn, Jeff; Yanny, Brian; Kent, Stephen; Petravick, Don; Pordes, Ruth; Szalay, Alex; Brunner, Robert
The Gemini Project's Software Development Methodology 293 McGonegal, Richard J.
GNOMES: A Case History 297 Young, W. K.
Data Structures in STIS and NICMOS 303 Farris, A.
Perl as an Astronomer-Friendly Language---the pgperl Experience 307 Glazebrook, Karl
The OPUS Pipeline Managers 311 Rose, J.; Choo, T. H.; Rose, M. A.
Programming in Glish 315 Schiebel, Darrell R.
GUI Tools in AIPS++ 319 Shannon, Paul
PC-IRAF: The Choice of a GNU Generation 322 Tody, Doug; Fitzpatrick, Michael
Lessons Learned: The Object-Oriented Design of StarView 327 Travisano, J. J.
A FITS Image Extension Kernel for IRAF 331 Zarate, Nelson; Greenfield, Perry
AIPS++ and the GBT 337 Garwood, Robert W.
The Design of the Gemini Observatory Control System 347 Gillies, Kim; Walker, Shane
A Friendly Command, Control, and Information System for Astronomy 356 McGraw, John T.; Duric, Nebojsa; Sjulin, Michael; Slezak, Scott; Westpfahl, David
The Gemini Core Instrument Control System 368 Beard, S. M.
The Gemini Interlock System---An EPICS Application 372 Burns, M.
A High Speed Network for Remote Observing from Caltech with the Keck Telescope 376 Cohen, J. G.; Bergman, L.; Shopbell, P. L.
The University of Iowa Automated Telescope Facility 380 Downey, E. C.; Mutel, R. L.
Remote Eavesdropping via the World Wide Web 384 Economou, Frossie; Bridger, Alan; Daly, Phil N.; Wright, Gillian S.
The Gemini Data Handling System 388 Gaudet, Severin
Remote Observations in the Near Infrared 392 Gavryusev, V.; Baffa, C.; Giani, E.
The VLT Real Time Display 396 Herlin, T.; Brighton, A.; Biereichel, P.
Automatic Sequencing for Experimental Protocols 400 Hsieh, Paul F.; Stern, Ivan
Connection Between the SUBARU Data Analysis System and the Observation Control System 404 Kosugi, George; Mizumoto, Yoshihiko; Sasaki, Toshiyuki; Noumaru, Junichi; Chikada, Yoshihiro; Takata, Tadafumi; Ishihara, Yasuhide; Kawai, Jun; Kidou, Akihiko
The Integration of Telescopes, Instruments, and User Interfaces at KPNO and WIYN 408 Marshall, B.; Gillies, K.; Lewis, J.
The Gemini Telescope Control System 412 Mayer, C.; Laing, R.; Taylor, P. B.; Wallace, P. T.
Quicklook IRAF Scripts for Data Acquisition Management 416 Merrill, K. M.
Wide Area Synchronization to the 10ms Level 420 Moran, John; Keleti, Steven; Hsieh, Paul F.
Displaying Drift Scanning Images from Multiple CCDs in Real-Time During Data Acquisition 424 Nicinski, Tom
Superfast Photometry with MANIA Complex 428 Shvartsman, V. F.; Bernstein, I. N.; Beskin, G. M.; Komarova, V. N.; Neizvestny, S. I.; Plokhotnichenko, V. L.; Popova, M. Yu.; Zhuravkov, A. V.
Remote Observing and Automatic FTP on Kitt Peak 432 Seaman, Rob; Bohannan, Bruce
Real-Time Observing at Hat Creek 436 Hoffman, W.; Hudson, J.; Sharpe, R. K.; Grossman, A. W.; Morgan, J. A.; Teuben, P. J.
Development and Deployment of a Rule-Based Expert System for Autonomous Satellite Monitoring 440 Wong, L.; Kronberg, F.; Hopkins, A.; Machi, F.; Eastham, P.
A Tcl/Tk-Based, Intelligent Graphical Editor for Preparing HST Programs 447 Asson, D. J.; Bose, A.; Krueger, A.
An Automated System for Receiving KPNO Proposals by Electronic Mail 451 Bell, David J.; Biemesderfer, Christopher D.; Barnes, Jeannette; Massey, Phil
The RPS2 Generic Distributed Computing Framework 455 Douglas, R. E., Jr.; Jackson, R. E.
The Changing Scene at NASA Headquarters 459 Howard, Sethanne
A High Capacity Object Oriented Mission Scheduling System for XTE 463 Johnson, E.; Antunes, A.
Portable Astronomical Scheduling Tools 467 Miller, Glenn E.; Bose, Ashim
Archives of Data from Ground-Based Observatories 473 Crabtree, Dennis R.; Durand, Daniel; Gaudet, Severin; Hill, Norman
Archiving TNG Data 479 Pasian, Fabio
The Aladin Project: Status Report 489 Bartlett, James G.; Bonnarel, Francois; Egret, Daniel; Genova, Francoise; Ziaeepour, Houri; Bienayme, Olivier; Ochsenbein, Francois; Creze, Michel; Florsch, Joseph; Louys, Mireille; Paillou, Philippe
The Science Archive for the Sloan Digital Sky Survey 493 Brunner, R. J.; Csabai, I.; Szalay, A.; Connolly, A. J.; Szokoly, G. P.; Ramaiyer, K.
Options for Improving Retrieval Performance of the Hubble Data Archive 497 Comeau, T.
An On-Line Database of APS POSS Images 501 Cornuelle, C. S.; Aldering, G.; Sourov, A.; Thurmes, P.; Humphreys, R. M.
The CADC/ST-ECF Archives of HST Data: Less is More 505 Crabtree, Dennis R.; Durand, Daniel; Gaudet, Severin; Hill, Norman; Pirenne, Beno\^It
Transforming Images into Icons to Remotely Retrieve Information from Astronomical Archives 509 Csillaghy, Andre
Storing and Distributing GONG Data 513 Erdwurm, Wendy; Pintar, James A.
Associating Science Exposures with Calibration Exposures in the CFHT Data Archive 517 Hill, N.; Gaudet, S.; Crabtree, D.; Durand, D.; Louie, J.
Availability of Copernicus UV Data in FITS Format 521 Klinglesmith, Daniel A., III; Sonneborn, George; Polidan, Ronald S.; Thompson, Randall W.; Taylor, Lyla L.; Carini, Michael T.; Lawton, Patricia J.; van Steenberg, Michael E.
Re-Classification of HST Targets 525 Pirenne, B.; Murtagh, F.
WISARD: A Web Interface for Searching Archival Research Data 528 Oliversen, N. A.; Lawton, P. J.; Vansteenberg, M. E.
A Multi-Mission Archive 532 Olson, E. C.; Girouard, F.; Hopkins, A.
Starbase: A User Centered Database for Astronomy 536 Roll, John
The XTE FITS Database (XFDB) 540 Rots, A. H.
Electronic Publishing at the American Astronomical Society 547 Boyce, Peter B.; Biemesderfer, Chris
The EUVE Knowledge Base 554 Abbott, Mark
The ADS Article Service Data Holdings and Access Methods 558 Accomazzi, A.; Grant, C. S.; Eichhorn, G.; Kurtz, M. J.; Murray, S. S.
The Evolving Resource Metadata Infrastructure 562 Biemesderfer, Chris
An Enriched Meta-Information Schema for Astronomical Databases 566 Calvo, S. C.; White, N. E.; McGlynn, T. A.; Duesterhaus, M. M.; Rosen, C. A.; Sabol, E. J.
Various Access Methods to the Abstracts in the Astrophysics Data System 569 Eichhorn, G.; Accomazzi, A.; Grant, C. S.; Kurtz, M. J.; Murray, S. S.
CCMA/ESF: The European Scientific Network on Converging Computing Methodologies in Astronomy 573 Maccarone, M. C.; Murtagh, F.; Bijaoui, A.
The Astronomical Software Directory Service: Distributed Documents---Centralized Searchable Index 577 Payne, H. E.; Hanisch, R. J.; Warnock, A.
The NCSA Astronomy Digital Image Library 581 Plante, Raymond L.; Crutcher, Richard M.; Sharpe, Randall K.
Data Distribution and Ph.D. Publication via the World Wide Web 585 Strom, Karen M.
The Electronic Astrophysical Journal: Resource Location and Archive Management 589 Warnock, A., III; Fullton, J. M.
Software Support of the Astronomical Research Process---ADASS '95 Conference Summary 593 Albrecht, Rudolf