Title: Active Galactic Nuclei: from Central Engine to Host Galaxy
Volume: 290 Year: 2003 View this Volume on ADS
Editors: Collin, Suzy; Combes, Francoise; Shlosman, Isaac
ISBN: 1-58381-135-4 eISBN: 978-1-58381-625-7
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Paper Title Page Authors
The AGN Paradigm for Radio-Loud Objects 3 Urry, M.
The AGN Paradigm: Radio-Quiet Objects 11 Veilleux, S.
Everything you always wanted to know about AGN ... but were afraid to ask 23 Begelman, M.
Unification Model of Seyfert Galaxies: Are all Seyfert 2 Galaxies Created Equal? 31 Tran, H. D.
XMM-Newton Observations of AGN Iron Line profiles 35 Reeves, J.
Chandra Grating Observations of AGN 39 Yaqoob, T.; Padmanabhan, U.
Masses of Supermassive Black Holes in Active Galactic Nuclei 43 Peterson, B. M.
On the Alignment of AGN jets and galaxy discs, and implications for the accretion process 47 Pringle, J. E.
Close look at an AGN with a VLBI magnifier 51 Gurvits, L. I.
Models of photo-ionized X-ray reflection in AGN 55 Nayakshin, S.
Comparison of GBH and AGN accretion flow 59 Czerny, B.
The Ghost in the Machine 65 Lawrence, A.
Narrow Line Seyfert 1 galaxies -- Observational and Theoretical Progress until 2002 69 Boller, Th.
Ionized Disc Models of MCG-6-30-15 77 Ballantyne, D. R.; Fabian, A. C.; Vaughan, S.
Line Profiles from Different Accretion Engine Geometries 79 Blackman, E. G.; Hartnoll, S. A.
FUSE Observation of the Narrow-line Seyfert 1 Galaxy RE 1034+39 81 Casebeer, D.; Leighly, K. M.
Diagnostics using the n = 2 complex of He-like ions in the optically thick media 83 Coupé, S.; Dumont, A.-M.; Artru, M.-C.
Influence of thermal instability on the AGN spectrum 85 Coupé, S.; Dumont, A.-M.; Różáńska, A.
Investigating the AGN's central engine: the intrinsic emission of Seyfert Galaxies 87 Deluit, S.
Nuclear Activity of Mkn 6 from UBV Observations in 1970-2002 89 Doroshenko, V. T.
Modelling the spectrum of AGN: escape probabilities versus transfer computations 93 Dumont, A.-M.; Collin, S.; Coupé, S.; Pelat, D.; Godet, O.
Observing NGC 4051 in the Low State with Chandra 95 Fruscione, A.; Siemiginowska, A.; Uttley, P.; McHardy, I.; Lamer, G.
XMM-Newton observation of the Seyfert I galaxy IC 4329A 97 Gondoin, P.
XMM-Newton observations of the Seyfert galaxy Mrk 335 99 Gondoin, P.
One week with Chandra: a long look at NGC 5548 101 Kaastra, J. S.; Steenbrugge, K. C.; Brinkman, A. C.; Crenshaw, D. M.; Kraemer, S. B.; Paerels, F. B. S.; Liedahl, D. A.; George, I. M.; Turner, T. J.; Yaqoob, T.
Electron Scattering in Super-Eddington Accretion Flows and Age Estimation of Supermassive Black Holes 103 Kawaguchi, T.
Interchange Method in Compressible Magnetized Couette Flow: Magnetorotational and Magnetoconvective Instabilities 105 Kazanas, D.; Christodoulou, D.; Contopoulos, J.
Chandra HETG Observation of the Ultrasoft Narrow-line Seyfert 1 Galaxy 1H 0707-495 107 Leighly, K. M.; Zdziarski, A. A.; Kawaguchi, T.; Matsumoto, C.
Self-consistent radiative coupling in the two-phase models for AGN 109 Malzac, J.; Dumont, A.-M.; Mouchet, M.
X-ray Variability of NGC 4051 AGN with RXTE and XMM 111 McHardy, I.; Uttley, P.; Mason, K.; Page, M.
X-ray Spectral Variability of AGN with RXTE and XMM 113 McHardy, I.; Uttley, P.; Lamer, G.; Mason, K.; Page, M.
Relativistic Parker's Wind with an Extended Polytropic Equation of State 115 Meliani, Z.; Sauty, C.
Iron Kα line profiles and inner boundary conditions for magnetized accretion flows 117 Merloni, A.; Fabian, A. C.
Time Delays in NGC 4151 119 Oknyanskij, V. L.; Horne, K.; Lyuty, V. M.; Sadakane, K.; Honda, S.; Tanabe, S.
New insights into the UV-Xray variability behaviour of NGC 7469 121 Petrucci, P.-O.; Nandra, P.; Maraschi, L.
Characterization of Optical Microvariability in Quasars 123 Ramírez, A.; de Diego, J. A.; Dultzin-Hacyan, D.; Benítez, E.
An X-ray Disc in Superluminal Quasars? 125 Rokaki, E.
Evidence of a Disc Geometry in the Superluminal Quasars 127 Rokaki, E.; Lawrence, A.
Non thermal emission from AGN disk coronae 129 Torricelli-Ciamponi, G.; Pietrini, P.; Orr, A.
Non-linear variability and low-states in AGN: two sides of the same coin 131 Uttley, P.; McHardy, I.; Vaughan, S.
NGC 4051: Time variability in Chandra X-ray spectra 133 van der Meer, R. L. J.; Kaastra, J. S.; Steenbrugge, K. C.; Komossa, S.
Modeling the Fourier-frequency resolved X-ray spectra of accreting black holes 135 Zycki, P.
Chandra/XTE observations of the Seyfert 2 galaxy NGC 4945 137 Zycki, P.; Madejski, G.; Done, C.
On the influence of radio galaxies on cooling flows: M87 and Cygnus A 141 Wilson, A. S.; Young, A. J.; Smith, D. A.
Where is the X-ray gas in Active Galactic Nuclei? 145 Netzer, Hagai
Active galactic muclei at very high angular resolution 149 Sol, H.; Woillez, J.; Lai, O.; Perrin, G.
Evolution of the accretion disk in the nucleus of NGC 1097 155 Storchi-Bergmann, T.; Nemmen da Silva, R.; Eracleous, M.
The Dynamics and Evolution of the Narrow Line Region 159 Dopita, M. A.
Changing Face: from Compton-thick to Compton-thin (or viceversa) 163 Matt, G.; Guainazzi, M.; Maiolino, R.
Self-gravitating discs: what can we learn from the dynamics of maser spots? 167 Huré, J.-M.
Disk-Driven Outflows in AGNs 171 Königl, A.
Deep Chandra observation of the binary/lensed BALQSO UM 425 179 Aldcroft, T.; Green, P.; Siemiginowska, A. L.; Mathur, S.
Water Masers in Molecular Disks in Active Galaxies 181 Babkovskaia, N.; Poutanen, J.
The intergalactic WHIM and the quasar break at 1200Å 183 Haro-Corzo, S.; Binette, L.; Rodríguez-Martínez, M.
UV Spectra of NGC 1068: Photo Ionized/Accelerated NLR 185 Cecil, G.; Ferruit, P.; Groves, B.
XMM observations of the BAL QSO LBQS 2212-1759 187 Clavel, J.; Schartel, N.; Tomas, L.
Near-infrared spectroscopy of NGC 1068 with adaptive optics at CFHT (GriF) 191 Clénet, Y.; Gratadour, D.; Rouan, D.; Lai, O.; Forveille, T.
Snapshot of the X-ray spectrum in the flare model of AGN: observational issues 193 Collin, S.; Coupé, Séverine; Dumont, A.-M.; Petrucci, P.-O.; Rózańska, A.
Intrinsic UV Absorption and Reddening in Seyfert Galaxies 195 Crenshaw, D. M.; Kraemer, S. B.
How relevant is the torus activity/geometry for the TeV gamma-rays emitted in the jets of M87? 197 Donea, A.-C.; Protheroe, R. J.
Multi-phase Disk Wind Models with Combined Hydromagnetic Stresses and Radiative Forces 199 Everett, J. E.
A Multiphase Outflow Model for QSO 1044+3656 201 Everett, J. E.; Königl, A.; Arav, N.
Structure of ionized gas around AGN 203 Falcke, H.; Bennert, N.; Schulz, H.; Wilson, A. S.; Wills, B. J.
Intrinsic UV Absorption in the Seyfert 1 Galaxy NGC 3783: FUSE and HST/STIS Results 205 Gabel, J. R.; Kraemer, S. B.; Crenshaw, D. M.
Dust and Radiation Pressure in Narrow Line Regions 207 Groves, B.; Dopita, M.
VLT Observations of two Unusual BAL Quasars 209 Hall, P. B.; Hutsemèkers, D.
Dynamical Growth of Black Holes in Dark Matter Halos 213 MacMillan, J.; Henriksen, R. N.
The neutral dust and gas in the radio galaxy 3C 305 215 Jackson, N.; Beswick, R.; Pedlar, A.; Cole, G.; Leahy, J. P.; Holloway, A. J.; Sparks, W. B.; Axon, D.
A First Close Look at the Balmer-edge Behavior of Quasar Big Blue Bump 217 Kishimoto, M.; Antonucci, R.; Blaes, O.
Analytical Modeling of Hydromagnetic Jets in AGNs 219 Vlahakis, N.; Köenigl, A.
Accretion Disk Wind in Mrk 110 221 Kollatschny, W.
Non-Keplerian rotation in AGNs 223 Lodato, G.; Bertin, G.
Studying AGN from the central engine to the host galaxy: how adaptive optics systems can help 225 Marco, O.
The PAH contribution to AGN near-infrared emission 227 Marco, O.; Brooks, K.
Broad Line Region Structure Along the Eigenvector 1 229 Marziani, P.; Zamanov, R.; Sulentic, J. W.; Dultzin-Hacyan, D.; Bongardo, C.; Calvani, M.
The Relationship Between BAL QSOs and the General Population of AGN 231 Marziani, P.; Bongardo, C.; Braito, V.; Calvani, M.; Zamanov, R.; Sulentic, J. W.; Dultzin-Hacyan, D.
Spectroscopic X-ray classification of Optical Type-1 AGNs 233 Morales, R.; Nicastro, F.; Elvis, M.
Weighing black holes with warm absorbers 235 Morales, R.; Fabian, A. C.
Nuclear AGN Outflow Interacting with Expanding Stellar Atmospheres: relevance to BLR modeling 237 Pietrini, P.; Torricelli-Ciamponi, G.
HST/STIS Spectroscopy of the Nuclei of Seyfert 2s 239 Pogge, R.; Fields, D. L.; Martini, P.; Shields, J.
Do identical mechanisms produce intranight and year's optical variable radiation of active galactic nuclei? 241 Pronik, I. I.
Near Infrared Spectroscopy as a Probe of Dust Obscuration in Seyfert Galaxies 243 Rhee, J. H.; Larkin, J. E.
Low-ionization lines in the Broad Line Region of Active Galactic Nuclei 245 Rodríguez-Ardila, A.; Viegas, S. M.; Pastoriza, M.
O I Emission in Active Galactic Nuclei and its Usefulnes as a Reddening Indicator for the Broad Line Region 247 Rodríguez-Ardila, A.; Viegas, S. M.; Pastoriza, M.
The Radiation Spectra of illuminated accretion disks in AGN 249 Rózańska, A.; Czerny, B.; Dumont, A.-M.; Collin, S.; Siemiginowska, A.
Hβ Blue and Red Bumps Velocity Variations in of 3C 390.3 251 Shapovalova, A. I.; Burenkov, A. N.; Vlasuyk, V. V.; Bochkarev, N. G.; Doroshenko, V. T.; Carrasco, L.; Chavushyan, V. H.; Valdes, J. R.; Collin, S.; Dumont, A.-M.
Profile Variations ov the Hβ and Hα broad emission lines in NGC 5548 253 Shapovalova, A. I.; Burenkov, A. N.; Borisov, N.; Vlasuyk, V. V.; Bochkarev, N. G.; Doroshenko, V. T.; Carrasco, L.; Chavushyan, V. H.; Valdes, J. R.; Collin, S.; Dumont, A.-M.
The Metallicity-Luminosity Relationship in AGN: The Case of Narrow Line Seyfert 1 Galaxies. 255 Shemmer, O.; Netzer, H.; Oliva, E.; Maiolino, R.
Partly cloudy skies in NGC 3227: catching an absorption event with RXTE and XMM-Newton 257 Uttley, P.; McHardy, I. M.; Lamer, G.
The UGC FR 1 radio galaxy sample: which giant ellipticals can host radio-jets? 259 Verdoes Kleijn, G.; Baum, S.; van der Marel, R.; O'Dea, C.; Noel-Storr, J.; van Gorkom, J.; de Zeeuw, T.
The Starburst-AGN Connection: Starburst-induced Obscuring Torus 261 Wada, K.; Norman, C. A.
WSO/UV: World Space Observatory/Ultraviolet 263 Wamsteker, W.; The WSO Implementation Committee
AGN Jets 267 Blandford, R.
Jets at different scales 275 Maraschi, L.
Which Central Engine for Jets Producing H. E. Photons and Possible UHECRs? 283 Pelletier, G.
Learning about Jets from Observations of Blazars 287 Sikora, M.; Madejski, G. M.
Two new VHE BL Lac objects, 1ES 1426+428 and 1ES 1959+650, detected by the CAT Telescope 291 Djannati-Ataí, A.; The CAT Collaboration
Four Partially Baked Results 295 Antonucci, R.; Whysong, D. H.
Outflows and Unification 303 Wills, B. J.
Jets in Seyfert Galaxies 311 Shastri, P.; Lal, D. Vir; Gabuzda, D. C.
Jets in AGN, Microquasars and Gamma-Ray Bursts 315 Mirabel, I. F.
Radio galaxies and the star formation history of the universe 319 Gopal-Krishna; Wiita, P. J.; Osterman, M. A.
The environmental impact of FR-II radio sources 323 Alexander, P.
On the content of jets 327 Celotti, A.; Ghisellini, G.
Simulations of the long-term evolution of cooling flow clusters containing radio sources 329 Charlot, P.; Gabuzda, D. C.; Sol, H.; Degrange, B.; Piron, F.
Simultaneous VLBI and high-energy TeV observations of the γray blazar Mkn 421 329 Charlot, P.; Gabuzda, D. C.; Sol, H.; Degrange, B.; Piron, F.
The nuclei of radio galaxies as seen by the HST 331 Chiaberge, M.; Macchetto, F. D.; Sparks, W. B.; Capetti, A.; Celotti, A.
Parsec Scale Properties of Radio Sources 333 Giovannini, G.; Giroletti, M.; Taylor, G. B.
A helical magnetic field in the jet of 3C 273 335 Asada, K.; Inoue, M.; Kameno, S.; Uchida, Y.
NGC 3079: A Spiral Galaxy with Double-Lobed Radio Emission 337 Irwin, J. A.; Saikia, D. J.
Modeling the multifrequency emission of blazars 339 Katarzyński, K.; Kus, A.; Sol, H.
Hydrodynamic Simulations of Light Bipolar Large Scale Jets 341 Krause, M.; Camenzind, M.
The production mechanism of radio jets in AGN and quasar grand unification 343 Lacy, M.
Kinematics of Relativistic Jets in Active Galactic Nuclei: The 2 cm VLBA Survey 345 Lister, M. L.; Kellermann, K. I.; Homan, D. C.; Ros, E.; Zensus, J. A.; Kadler, M.; Cohen, M. H.; Russo, M.; Vermeulen, R. C.
The Micro-Arcsecond Scintillation-Induced Variability (MASIV) VLA Survey 347 Lovell, J. E. J.; Jauncey, D. L.; Tzioumis, A. K.; Bignall, H. E.; Kedziora-Chudczer, L.; Macquart, J.-P.; Rickett, B. J.
The microarcsecond properties of J1819+385 349 Macquart, J.-P.; de Bruyn, A. G.; Dennett-Thorpe, J.
CSS objects as a probe of fuelling the AGN 351 Saikia, D. J.
3-D GRMHD Simulations of Generating Jets 353 Nishikawa, K.-I.; Richardson, G.; Preece, R.; Fishiman, G. J.; Koide, S.; Shibata, K.; Kudoh, T.; Sol, H.; Li, L. X.; Hughes, J. P.; Hardee, P.; Blandford, R.
On a MHD classification of AGN jets 355 Sauty, C.; Tsinganos, K.; Trussoni, E.
A survey of radio jets in AGN with Chandra and HST 357 Scarpa, R.; Urry, C. M.; Cheung, T.; Sambruna, R.; Maraschi, L.; Tavecchio, F.
Results from a Complete Chandra Survey of Radio Jets 359 Schwartz, D. A.; Marshall, H. L.; Miller, B. P.; Worrall, D. M.; Birkinshaw, M.; Lovell, J. E. J.; Jauncey, D. L.; Perlman, E. S.; Murphy, D. W.; Preston, R. A.
First Chandra Images of GPS quasars 361 Siemiginowska, A.; Aldcroft, T. L.; Elvis, M.; Bechtold, J.; Brunetti, G.; Stanghellini, C.
The X-ray Emission of Low-Power Radio Galaxies 363 Worrall, D. M.; Birkinshaw, M.; Hardcastle, M. J.
Are the time lags in TeV blazars an artifact of periodic gaps in the light curves? 365 Zhang, Y. H.; Treves, A.; Cagnoni, I.
LINERs and their Physical Mechanisms 369 Filippenko, A. V.
The Central Engines of Low-Luminosity AGNs 379 Ho, L. C.
Intermediate mass Black Holes, and their Relation with AGN 383 Makishima, K.; Murakami, M. M.; Sugiho, M.; Takahashi, H.; Kubota, A.; Kobayashi, Y.
A Hubble Space Telescope Spectroscopic Survey of LINER/H II Transition Nuclei 387 Barth, A. J.; Ho, L. C.; Filippenko, A. V.
OVRO High Resoliution Imaging of Dense Molecular Clouds in the Central Three Parsecs of the Galaxy 389 Christopher, M. H.; Scoville, N. Z.
Low-luminosity black holes: The case of M87 391 di Matteo, T.; Allen, S. W.; Fabian, A. C.; Wilson, A. S.; Young, A. J.
A Search for Offset Black Holes in LINERs 393 Dressel, L.
Molecular outflows the composition galaxy NGC 6764 395 Leon, S.; Eckart, A.; Laine, S.; Schinnerer, E.
Unveiling hidden AGNs in ULIRGs and low-luminosity AGN through high-frequency radio observations 397 Nagar, N. M.; Falcke, H.; Wilson, A. S.
Chandra observation of X-ray weak quasars 399 Risaliti, G.
HST Spectroscopy of the M87 Nucleus 401 Shields, J. C.; Sabra, B. M.; Ho, L. C.; Barth, A. J.; Filippenko, A. V.
Chandra Snapshot Observations of Low-Luminosity AGN with a Compact Radio Source 403 Terashima, Y.; Wilson, A. S.
The Nature of 3EG J1746--2851 in the Nucleus of the Galaxy 405 Yusef-Zadeh, F.
AGN Fueling: The observational point of view 411 Combes, F.
Bars and Seyferts 419 Knapen, J. H.; Laine, S.; Shlosman, I.; Peletier, R. F.
NUGA: The IRAM Survey of AGN Spiral Hosts 423 García-Burillo, S.; Combes, F.; Eckart, A.; Tacconi, L. J.; Hunt, L. K.; Leon, S.; Baker, A. J.; Englmaier, P. P.; Boone, F.; Schinnerer, E.; Neri, R.
Dynamical Processes in the Central Kpc and Active Galactic Nuclei 427 Shlosman, I.
Bar-Driven Disk Evolution: Grand-Design Nuclear Spirals 437 Jogee, S.; Shlosman, I.; Laine, S.; Englmaier, P.; Knapen, J. H.; Scoville, N. Z.; Wilson, C. D.
So close, and yet so far: Bringing gas in the central 10 pc via Inner Density Waves 441 Emsellem, E.
An Infrared View of Local Universe AGN 445 Alonso-Herrero, A.
Links Between Starbursts and AGN 449 Scoville, N.
Elusive AGN in starburst nuclei 457 Maiolino, R.
Starbursts around AGN - What do we know about them? 461 Cid Fernandes, R.; González Delgado, R. Maria; Schmitt, H.; Strochi-Bergmann, T.; Pires Martins, L.; Heckman, T.; Leitherer, C.
Unmasking Active Nuclei in Starforming Galaxies 469 Ward, M.
STIS UV Snapshot Survey of z<0.1 3C Radio Galaxies 473 Allen, M. G.; Sparks, W. B.; Koekemoer, A.; Martel, A. R.
SIRTF Spectral Energy Distributions of Luminous AGN 475 Alonso-Herrero, A.; Rieke, G. H.; Hines, D.; Dole, H.; Rieke, M. J.; Egami, E.; Papovich, C.; Morrison, J.; Gordon, K.; Misselt, K.; Engelbracht, C.
The Host Galaxies of Low-luminosity AGN and Starbursts in the Northern COLA Sample 477 Appleton, P. N.; Marston, A. P.; Jarrett, T.; Charmandaris, V.; Corbett, E.; Dopita, M. A.; Kewley, L.; Zezas, A.; Norris, R. P.
The OVRO MAIN survey: Molecular gas in Active and Inactive Nuclei 479 Baker, A. J.; Jogee, Shardha; Sakamoto, Kazushi; Scoville, Nicholas Z.
Neutral Hydrogen Absorption against the Radio Galaxy 3C 293 and the LIRG NGC 6240 481 Beswick, R. J.; Pedlar, A.; Mundell, C. G.; Gallimore, J. F.; Peck, A. B.; Taylor, G. B.; Holloway, A. J.
Host galaxies of AGN 483 Boisson, C.; Joly, M.; Pelat, D.
Search for diffuse extended mid-IR emission in Luminous IR Galaxies 485 Charmandaris, V.; Le Floc'h, E.; Mirabel, F. I.
NIRSPEC Spectroscopy of ULIRG UGC5101 487 Christopher, M. H.; Scoville, N. Z.; Armus, L.; Schinnerer, E.
The correlation of line strength with QSO luminosity and redshift from composite spectra 489 Corbett, E.; Croom, S.; Boyle, B.; Netzer, H.; Loaring, N.; Miller, L.; Outram, P.; Shanks, T.; Smith, R.
On-axis VLT spectroscopy of quasar host galaxies: HE 1503+0228, at z=0.135 491 Courbin, F.; Letawe, G.; Magain, P.; Wisotzki, L.; Jablonka, P.; Jahnke, K.; Kuhlbrodt, B.; Alloin, D.; Meylan, G.
Numerical studies of m=1 instabilities in nuclear stellar discs around black holes 493 de Oliveira, M. R.; Combes, F.
The Circumnuclear Region of NGC 1241: Perturbations and Resonances at hundred parsecs scale 495 Dottori, H.; Díaz, R. J.; Vera-Villamizar, N.; Carranza, G.
The Circumgalactic Environment of LINERs 497 Dultzin-Hacyan, D.; Krongold, Y.; Marziani, P.
Are Bulges of Early- and Late-type Spirals Different? 499 Fathi, K.; Peletier, R. F.
NICMOS Observations of the Nuclear Star Cluster of NGC 1068 501 Gallimore, J. F.; Matthews, L. D.
An XMM-Newton Observation of Mrk 1014: An AGN dominated ULIRG and evidence for a broadened Fe K line 503 Gallo, L. C.; Boller, Th.; Lutz, D.; Sturm, E.
Hel λ5016 in the NLS1 Akn 564 505 Gallo, L. C.; Welsh, W. F.
Evidence for Morphological Evolution in Active Galaxies: HST/NICMOS Imaging of 250 Normal and Active Spirals 507 Hunt, L.; Malkan, M.
Buried AGNs in LINER-Type ULIRGs 509 Imanishi, M.
3--4μ Spectroscopy of Seyfert 2 Nuclei 511 Imanishi, M.
IRAS 17208: An Advanced Merger with a Gas-Rich Starburst Evolving towards an Eliptical Galaxy? 513 Jogee, S.; Reddy, N.; Scoville, N. Z.
AGN as cosmic thermostats 515 Kaiser, C. R.; Brüggen, M.; Binney, J. J.
Forming stellar rings in AGNS with accretion disks 517 Karas, V.; Subr, L.
The AGN-Starburst Connection in Infrared Merging Galaxies 519 Kewley, L. J.; Dopita, M. A.
Near-infrared spectroscopy of Seyfert and spiral galaxies 521 Kotilainen, J. K.; Reunanen, J.; Prieto, M. A.
An Evolutionary Sequence for AGN 523 Krongold, Y.; Dultzin-Hacyan, D.; Marziani, P.
Molecular gas in nearby Early-Type Powerful Classical Radio Galaxies 525 Leon, S.; Lim, J.; Combes, F.; Dinh-v-Trung
The X-ray Effects of Starbursts in Active Galaxies 527 Levenson, N. A.; Weaver, K. A.; Heckman, T. M.
Molecular Gas Reservoir in low-z Powerful Radio Galaxies 529 Lim, J.; Leon, S.; Combes, F.; Dinh-v-Trung
Rotation curves and metallicities of active and non-active spiral galaxies 531 Márquez, I.; The Degas Consortium
Circumnuclear dust in active and inactive galaxies: Implications for the fueling and lifetime of AGN 533 Martini, P.; Mulchaey, J. S.; Regan, M. W.; Pogge, R. W.
The Host Galaxy-AGN Connection - Is Neutral Gas the Key? 535 Mundell, C. G.
Near-IR Coronal Lines in Seyfert 1 Galaxies 537 Pastoriza, M. G.; Rodríguez-Ardila, A.; Viegas, S. M.; Prato, L.
An ISO-SWS survey of molecular hydrogen in Starburst and Seyfert Galaxies 539 Rigopoulou, D.; Genzel, R.; Lutz, D.; Moorwood, A. F. M.
The contribution of Ulirgs to the X-ray background 541 Risaliti, G.
Circumnuclear starbursts and nuclear activity: NGC6951 543 Saikia, D. J.; Kantharia, N. G.; Hota, A.; Phookun, B.; Pedlar, A.; Kohno, K.
Gas Dynamics in the Central Kiloparsec of Two Barred Spiral Galaxies 545 Schinnerer, E.; Maciejewski, W.; Scoville, N. Z.; Moustakas, L. A.; Böker, T.
The Frequency of Active and Quiescent Galaxies with Companions 547 Schmitt, H. R.
The Orientation of Accretion Disks Relative to Dust Disks in Radio Galaxies 549 Schmitt, H. R.
Host Galaxies of the CDFS 1Msec X-ray Sources HST/WFPC2 Morphologies 551 Schreier, E. J.; Grogin, N. A.; Koekemoer, A.
Spectral activities of the Seyfert galaxy Mkn 6 in 1970-1990 553 Sergeev, S. G.; Doroshenko, V. T.
Mid- and far-infrared spectroscopy of Seyfert galaxies 557 Spinoglio, L.; Malkan, M. A.; Smith, H. A.; Fischer, J.
Seyfert and starburst galaxies in the Local Universe and beyond: from ISO observations to predictions for future space missions 559 Spinoglio, L.; Andreani, P.; Malkan, M. A.
Multy Wavelength Study of The Superantennae 561 Vanzi, L.; Bagnulo, S.; Pompei, E.; Le Floc'h, E.; Maiolino, R.; Walsh, W.
Stellar kinematics of nuclear bars and discs 563 Wozniak, H.; Combes, F.; Emsellem, E.; Friedli, D.
Supermassive Black Holes in Spiral Galaxies 567 Macchetto, F. D.
Growing black holes in galactic centres 575 Haehnelt, M.
AGN and Starbursts at High Redshift Through millimeter detection of dust and molecules 583 Omont, A.; Cox, P.; Beelen, A.; Bertoldi, F.; Carilli, C. L.
3D spectroscopy for Star Formation and Shocks in AGN Environments 587 Rocca-Volmerange, B.
Quasar Intrinsic Absorption Lines: Probing High Redshift Galaxy Evolution 593 Hamann, F.; Sabra, B.; Narayanan, D.; Barlow, T.; Chaffee, F.; Junkkarinen, V.
Chandra Survey of Radio-quiet, High Redshift Quasars 597 Bechtold, J.
The Black Hole Masses and Host Galaxies of BL Lac Objects 601 Barth, A. J.; Ho, L. C.; Sargent, W. L. W.
The radio dichotomy of quasars in cosmological simulations of galaxy formation 603 Cattaneo, A.
Galactic Cold Collapse with Supermassive Black Hole 605 Cruz, F.; Velázquez, H.
Continuum and Emission Line Correlations in AGN 607 Dietrich, M.; Hamann, F.; Shields, J.; Constantin, A.; Vestergaard, M.
Systematics and astrophysics: toward an evolutionary classification of galaxies? 609 Fraix-Burnet, D.; Choler, P.; Douzery, E.
Probing the Evolution of AGN 611 Hoyle, F.; Vogeley, M.; vanden Berk, D.; Voges, W.; Fan, X.
Faint Optically selected AGN at z = 3 613 Hunt, M. P.; Steidel, C. C.; Shapley, A. E.; Adelberger, K. L.; Pettini, M.; Dickinson, M.; Giavalisco, M.; Connolly, A. J.
Reverberation Mapping of High-Redshift High-Luminosity Quasars 615 Kaspi, S.; Netzer, H.; Maoz, D.; Shemmer, O.; Brandt, W. N.; Schneider, D. P.
Submillimetre observations of a sample of high redshift quasars 617 Robson, I.; Priddey, R.; Pearson, T. J.; Fox, M. C.; Isaak, K.; McMahon, R.; Ivison, R.
Chandra Observations of Three SDSS Quasars at z≈6 619 Schwartz, D. A.; Cheung, C. C.; Wardle, J. F. C.
Mass of BL Lacs from the Velocity Dispersion of the Host Galaxy 621 Treves, A.; Carangelo, N.; Falomo, R.; Kotilainen, J.
Massive Black Holes in Active and Quiescent Galaxies 623 Wandel, A.
Panel Discussion 629 Blandford, R.; Begelman, M.