Title: |
Hot Subdwarf Stars and Related Objects
Volume: |
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Editors: |
Heber, Ulrich; Jeffery, C. Simon; Napiwotzki, Ralf
Synopsis: |
These are the proceedings of the third international workshop on Hot Subdwarf Stars and Related Objects, held in the historic city of Bamberg, Germany, in July 2007. Hot Subdwarfs represent several stages in the very late evolution of low-mass stars. B-type subdwarfs are helium-core burners at the extreme end of the horizontal branch, while O types represent a rich mixture of post-giant branch, post-horizontal branch and post-asymptotic giant branch stars. They are important for many fields of modern astrophysics. Hot subdwarf stars provide: • The UV light of old unresolved populations, such as giant elliptical galaxies, which may be used to measure their ages • laboratories to study plasma processes in high-gravity atmospheres, including radiatively-driven atomic diffusion and its consequences for the chemical composition of the star’s outer layers. • laboratories to study close binary evolution. Many have invisible companions, mostly white-dwarf mergers, while one has a planet, and others may have neutron-star or black-hole companions • laboratories for asteroseismology. Pulsations check the evolution models by giving direct measurements of mass and radius, and the potential to explore other internal properties. New instruments and theoretical models, as well as a vibrant young research community, are forcin rapid progress in all of these areas. These proceedings provide and informative snapshot of current research. They also include a small number of papers which have been extended to include an introduction for non-specialists. These papers offer a valuable resource useful to a wide audience including beginning graduate students and experienced reviewers for several years to come.
Paper Title |
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Authors |
Cover |
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Volume 392 Cover |
Heber, U.; Jeffery, C.S.; Napiwotzki, R. |
Front Matter |
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Volume 392 Front Matter |
1 |
Heber, U.; Jeffery, C.S.; Napiwotzki, R. |
Conference Photo |
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Volume 392 Conference Photograph |
2 |
Heber, U.; Jeffery, C.S.; Napiwotzki, R. |
Part 1. Hot Subdwarfs in Galaxies and Globular Clusters |
| |
The Current Understanding on the UV Upturn |
3 |
Yi, S.K. |
Hot Subdwarfs in Binaries as the Source of the Far-UV Excess in Elliptical Galaxies* |
15 |
Podsiadlowski, P.; Han, Z.; Lynas-Gray, A.E.; Brown, D. |
Binaries among Extreme Horizontal Branch Stars in Globular Clusters |
27 |
Moni Bidin, C.; Catelan, M.; Villanova, S.; Piotto, G.; Altmann, M.; Momany, Y.; Moehler, S. |
The UV Spectrum of the Galactic Bulge |
39 |
Busso, G.; Moehler, S. |
New Views of the Hot Horizontal Branch in ω Centauri |
47 |
Moehler, S.; Dreizler, S.; Lanz, T.; Bono, G.; Sweigart, A.V.; Calamida, A.; Monelli, M.; Nonino, M. |
Variability of EHB Stars in the Globular Cluster NGC 6752 |
55 |
Kaluzny, J.; Thompson, I. |
An Eclipsing “Blue Straggler” V228 from 47 Tuc: Evolutionary Consideration |
59 |
Sarna, M.J. |
Part 2. Atmospheres and Evolution |
| |
Helium and the Hot Horizontal Branch |
67 |
O'Toole, S.J. |
Systematics of Hot Subdwarfs Obtained from a Large Low Resolution Survey |
75 |
Green, E.M.; Fontaine, G.; Hyde, E.A.; For, B.-Q.; Chayer, P. |
Binary Population Synthesis and sdB Stars at Different Metallicities |
83 |
Brown, D. |
Diffusion Calculations in the Atmospheres of Subdwarf B Stars |
87 |
Behara, N.T.; Jeffery, C.S. |
The Mass Loss Rates of sdB Stars |
95 |
Unglaub, K. |
A New Determination of Abundances for the Subdwarf B Star HD 4539 |
109 |
Sale, S.E.; Schoenaers, C.; Lynas-Gray, A.E. |
Evolutionary and Observational Constraints on PG 1336−018 (NYVir) |
117 |
Hu, H.; Vuckovic, M.; Østensen, R.; Nelemans, G.; Aerts, C.; Groot, P.J. |
An Abundance Analysis of Pulsating and Non-Pulsating Subluminous B Stars: Preliminary Results |
123 |
Pereira, C.; Jeffery, C.S. |
Hot Subdwarfs from SDSS and SPY |
131 |
Hirsch, H.A.; Heber, U.; O’Toole, S.J. |
The Origin of Subdwarf O Stars |
139 |
Napiwotzki, R. |
Meet the COG’s |
151 |
Altmann, M.; Catelan, M.; Zoccali, M. |
Metal Abundances of Subdwarf B Stars from SPY – a Pattern Emerges |
159 |
Geier, S.; Heber, U.; Napiwotzki, R. |
Model Spectra of Hot Subdwarfs for the Gaia Mission |
163 |
Hindson, L.; Napiwotzki, R.; Heber, U.; Lemke, M. |
Hypervelocity Stars: Young and Heavy or Old and Light? |
167 |
Heber, U.; Hirsch, H.A.; Edelmann, H.; Napiwotzki, R.; O’Toole, S.J.; Brown, W.; Altmann, M. |
Searching for Hyper-Velocity Stars |
175 |
Tillich, A.; Heber, U.; Hirsch, H.A. |
Part 3. Binaries |
| |
SuperWASP Lightcurves of Subdwarf Stars |
179 |
Maxted, P.F.L.; Norton, A.J.; West, R.G.; Copperwheat, C.; Marsh, T.R. |
HW Vir’s Companion: an M-type Dwarf, or maybe a Giant Rotating Spherical Mirror? |
187 |
Edelmann, H. |
FUV Spectroscopy of the sdOB Primary of the Eclipsing Binary System AA Dor |
195 |
Fleig, J.; Rauch, T.; Werner, K.; Kruk, J.W. |
Orbital Effects in VLT–UVES Spectra of AADor and NYVir |
199 |
Vuckovic, M.; Østensen, R.; Bloemen, S.; Decoster, I.; Aerts, C. |
KBS 13 – a Rare Reflection Effect sdB Binary with an M Dwarf Secondary |
203 |
For, B.-Q.; Edelmann, H.; Green, E.M.; Drechsel, H.; Nesslinger, S.; Fontaine, G. |
Binary sdB Stars with Massive Compact Companions |
207 |
Geier, S.; Karl, C.; Edelmann, H.; Heber, U.; Napiwotzki, R. |
The Subdwarf B+Giant Planet System V391 Peg: Different Scenarios for its Previous Evolution |
215 |
Silvotti, R. |
HS 2231+2441: An Eclipsing sdB Binary with a Substellar Companion |
221 |
Østensen, R.H.; Oreiro, R.; Hu, H.; Drechsel, H.; Heber, U. |
Radial Velocity Variable sdO/Bs from SPY – Preliminary Orbits of Three New Short Period Binaries |
225 |
Geier, S.; Heber, U.; Napiwotzki, R. |
Part 4. Pulsating sdB/O Stars |
| |
Achievements and Challenges in the Field of sdB Asteroseismology |
231 |
Fontaine, G.; Brassard, P.; Charpinet, S.; Green, E.M.; Chayer, P.; Randall, S.K.; Van Grootel, V. |
Improved Opacities and Pulsation Models for sdB and sdO Stars |
245 |
Jeffery, C.S.; Saio, H. |
Spectroscopic Mode Identification in Slowly-Pulsating Subdwarf B Stars |
253 |
Schoenaers, C.; Lynas-Grey, A.E. |
Improved Models of sdB Stars and the Case of PG0014+067 |
261 |
Brassard, P.; Fontaine, G. |
Time-Resolved High-Resolution Spectroscopy of the Bright sdBV Balloon 090100001 |
265 |
Telting, J.H.; Østensen, R.H.; Geier, S.; Heber, U.; Glowienka, L.; Nielsen, T.; Frandsen, S. |
Results for Three-Season Photometry of Balloon 090100001 |
273 |
Baran, A.; Oreiro, R.; Pigulski, A.; Pérez Hernández, F.; Ulla, A.; Reed, M.D. |
Comparing the Observed Frequencies of Balloon 09010001 with Theoretical Modes of Oscillation |
277 |
Oreiro, R.; Baran, A.; Pérez Hernández, F.; Ulla, A.; Pigulski, A. |
Asteroseismic Solutions for the Two Fast Subdwarf B Pulsators Balloon 090100001 and PG 1336−018 |
285 |
Charpinet, S.; Van Grootel, V.; Brassard, P.; Fontaine, G.; Green, E.M.; Randall, S.K.; Chaye, P. |
Multisite Multicolour Photometric Observations of the Nonradially Pulsating SdB Star Balloon 090100001: A White Light Frequency Analysis |
293 |
Pereira, C.; Jeffery, C.S.; Fontaine, G.; Charpinet, S.; Aerts, C.; Ahmad, A.; Connolly, E.; Vuckovic, M.; Dhillon, V.S.; Marsh, T.R. |
Constraints on Seismic Models of Balloon 090100001 through High-Sensitivity Multicolour Photometry |
297 |
Charpinet, S.; Fontaine, G.; Brassard, P.; Randall, S.K.; Van Grootel, V.; Green, E.M.; Chayer, P. |
Time Resolved Spectroscopy of Balloon 090100001: Observations and Modelling of Variations in Atmospheric Parameters |
301 |
Østensen, R.H.; Telting, J.H.; Heber, U.; Jeffery, C.S. |
An Asteroseismological Study of the Rapidly Pulsating Subdwarf B Star PG 0911+456 |
309 |
Randall, S.K.; Green, E.M.; Van Grootel, V.; Fontaine, G.; Brassard, P.; Charpinet, S. |
An Asteroseismological Analysis of the Pulsating B Subdwarf Feige 48 Taking into Account Rotation |
317 |
Van Grootel, V.; Charpinet, S.; Fontaine, G.; Brassard, P.; Green, E.M.; Chayer, P. |
Towards Asteroseismology of the Multiperiodic Pulsating Subdwarf B Star PG1605+072 |
327 |
Tillich, A.; Heber, U.; O’Toole, S.J.; Østensen, R.; Schuh, S. |
High Speed Photometry for BUSCA |
335 |
Cordes, O.; Reif, K. |
Light Curve Analysis of the Hybrid SdB Pulsators HS 0702+6043 and HS 2201+2610 |
339 |
Lutz, R.; Schuh, S.; Silvotti, R.; Dreizler, S.; Green, E.M.; Fontaine, G.; Stahn, T.; Hügelmeyer, S.D.; Husser, T.-O. |
Simultaneous Time-Series Spectroscopy and Photometry of PG 1219+534 (KY UMa) |
343 |
Reed, M.D.; Eggen, J.R.; Harms, S.L.; Zhou, A.-Y.; VanWey, R.L.; Telting, J.H.; Østensen, R.H.; O’Toole, S.J.; Terndrup, D.M. |
A Search for EHB Pulsators in the Globular Cluster NGC 6752 |
347 |
Catelan, M.; Prieto, G.E.; Zoccali, M.; Weidner, C.; Stetson, P.B.; Moni Bidin, C.; Altmann, M.; Smith, H.A.; Pritzl, B.J.; Borissova, J.; De Medeiros J.R. |
Follow-up Observations of 23 EC14026 Pulsators: Data in Search of an Interpretation |
351 |
Reed, M.D. |
Small Frequency Spacings in the Pulsation Spectra of sdB Stars: Two Years Later |
359 |
Fontaine, G.; Brassard, P.; Charpinet, S. |
Stability Analyses of sdO Stars |
363 |
Rodríguez–López, C.; Garrido, R.; Moya, A.; MacDonald, J.; Ulla, A. |
The First Extensive Search for sdO Pulsators |
371 |
Rodríguez-López, C.; Ulla, A.; Garrido, R. |
Part 5. Conference Summary |
| |
Hot Subdwarfs in Bamberg |
379 |
Warner, B. |
Back Matter |
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Volume 392 Back Matter |
385 |
Heber, U.; Jeffery, C.S.; Napiwotzki, R. |
Addendum |
| |
Modeling the Pulsating sdB Star PG 1605+072 |
387 |
van Spaandonk, L.; Fontaine, G.; Brassard, P.; Aerts, C. |
Photographs |
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Volume 392 Photographs |
999 |
Heber, U.; Jeffery, C.S.; Napiwotzki, R. |