Title: |
Blazar Variability Workshop II: Entering the GLAST Era
Volume: |
Year: |
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Editors: |
Miller, H.R.; Marshall, K.; Webb, J.R.; Aller, M.F.
Paper Title |
Page |
Authors |
Cover |
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Volume 350 Cover |
Miller, H.R.; Marshall, K.; Webb, J.R.; Aller, M.F. |
Front Matter |
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Volume 350 Front Matter |
1 |
Miller, H.R.; Marshall, K.; Webb, J.R.; Aller, M.F. |
Part 1. Multifrequency Observations |
| |
Multifrequency Variability of Blazars: 25 Years and Counting! |
3 |
Webb, J.R. |
Multiwavelength Observations of 3C 66A in 2003-2004 |
8 |
Boettcher, M. |
Modeling the SED and Variability of 3C 66A in 2003/2004 |
14 |
Joshi, M.; Boettcher, M. |
Analysis of Simultaneous Observations of the BL Lac Object PG 1553+11 in the Radio, Optical, and X-ray Regimes |
18 |
Osterman, M.A.; Miller, H.R.; Marshall, K.; Aller, H.; Aller, M.; Fried, R.; Kurtanidze, O.; Tornikoski, M. |
Part 2. Radio — X-ray Monitoring |
| |
Radio-Band Observations of Blazar Variability |
25 |
Aller, M.F.; Aller, H.D.; Hughes, P.A. |
Blazar Optical Variability: Past, Present and Future |
33 |
Miller, H.R. |
Variable Sources in Active Galactic Nuclei |
41 |
Hagen-Thorn, V.A. |
The Next Outburst of OJ 287 |
47 |
Nilsson, K.; Tokalo, L.O.; Sillanpaae, A.; Ciprini, S. |
Characterizing X-ray Variability Processes in AGN |
51 |
Markowitz, A. |
Multicolor Microvariability in S5 0716+714 in 2003 |
55 |
Carini, M. |
Long Term X-ray Variability of Markarian 509 |
59 |
Marshall, K.; Miller, H.R. |
Optical Variability of the Blazar PKS 2155-304 |
63 |
Ryle, W.T.; Osterman, M.A.; Miller, H.R. |
An Investigation of Intermediate Mass Black Hole Candidates |
67 |
Sadun, A.; Boltwood, P.; Rimmer, P.; Ghosh, K. |
Optical Variability of BL Lac: is it Redder-when-Fainter? |
71 |
Benitez, E.; Ramirez, A. |
Optical Monitoring of PKS 2155-304 During August-September 2004 with the KVA Telescope |
75 |
Ciprini, S.; Lindfors, E.; Nilsson, K.; Ostorero, L. |
FUI-NSF Correlative Study Progress Report: Microvariability and Short Term Variations in Blazars |
79 |
Azarnia, G.; Webb, J.; Velazquez, H. |
The Western Kentucky University Blazar Monitoring Program: The First Four Years |
82 |
Walters, R.; Barnaby, D.; Carini, M. |
High-energy Variability of Blazars |
86 |
Sambruna, R.M. |
Long Timescale X-ray Variability of 3C 273: Similarity to Seyfert Galaxies and Galactic Binary Systems |
94 |
McHardy, I. |
Blazars and the Emerging AGN/Black Hole X-ray Binary Paradigm |
98 |
Uttley, P. |
Part 3. Gamma-ray Observations |
| |
Observations of Active Galactic Nuclei with Ground-Based Cherenkov Telescopes |
105 |
Krawczynski, H. |
Blazar Variability: A Gamma-ray Perspective |
113 |
Thompson, D.J. |
New Blazar Detections at MeV Energies by COMPTEL |
120 |
Collmar, W. |
Decelerating Flows in TeV Blazars: A Resolution to the BL Lacertae-FR I Unification Problem |
124 |
Kazanas, D.; Georganopoulos, M. |
Broadband Properties of Candidate Blazar Counterparts of Unidentified EGRET Sources |
128 |
Bloom, S.D. |
Blazar Observations with VERITAS |
131 |
Horan, D.; de la Calle-Perez I. |
Part 4. Blazar Jets |
| |
Structure and Evolution of Blazar Jets: Recent Results from VLBI Surveys |
139 |
Lister, M.L. |
Fine-Scale Structure of Blazars |
145 |
Kovalev, Y.Y. |
Jet Kinematics of AGNs at High Radio Frequencies |
149 |
Jorstad, S.G.; Marscher, A.P.; Lister, M.L.; Stirling, A.M.; Cawthorne, T.V.; Gomez, J.L.; Gear, W.K.; Stevens, J.A.; Robson, E.I.; Smith, P.S.; Forster, J.R. |
Probing the Compact Jets of Blazars with Light Curves, Images, and Polarization |
155 |
Marscher, A.P. |
Confirmation of Apparent Speeds Exceeding 25c in the Jets of Three EGRET Blazars |
163 |
Piner, B.G.; Bhattarai, D.; Edwards, P.G.; Jones, D.L. |
Part 5. Theory |
| |
Disk-Jet Connection |
169 |
Vlahakis, N. |
How is the Blazar GeV Emission Really Produced? |
178 |
Georganopoulos, M.; Perlman, E.S.; Kazanas, D.; Wingert, B. |
Accrection Disks, Jets and Blazar Variability |
183 |
Wiita, P.J. |
Intrinsic Curvature in the X-ray Spectra of BL Lac Objects |
191 |
Perlman, E.S.; Daugherty, T.; Georganopoulos, M.; Koratkar, A.; Madejski, G.; Andersson, K.; Krolik, J.; Rector, T.; Stocke, J.T.; Wagner, S.; Aller, M.; Aller, H.; Allen, M.G. |
Magnetically Dominated Jets and Accretion Flows |
195 |
Meier, D.L.; Nakamura, M. |
Stability and Structure in Astrophysical Jets |
205 |
Hardee, P.E. |
Part 6. Future Missions |
| |
High Energy Observations of Blazars: the Future |
215 |
Madejski, G.M.; Sikora, M. |
QSO Astrophysics with the Space Interferometry Mission |
225 |
Londish, D.; Wehrle, A.E.; Unwin, S.C.; Jones, D.L.; Meier, D.L.; Piner, B.G. |
The Capabilities of the GLAST LAT for Studies of Blazar Variability |
229 |
McEnery, J. |
Back Matter |
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Volume 350 Back Matter |
233 |
Miller, H.R.; Marshall, K.; Webb, J.R.; Aller, M.F. |