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Paper: Using XML and Java for Astronomical Instrument Control
Volume: 216, Astronomical Data Analysis Software and Systems IX
Page: 271
Authors: Ames, T. J.; Koons, L. C.; Sall, K. B.; Warsaw, C. E.
Abstract: The Astronomical Instrument Markup Language is a domain-specific implementation of the more generalized Instrument Markup Language. NASA Goddard Space Flight Center and AppNet, Inc. are developing AIML to command and control astronomical instruments. Our software architecture combines the platform-independent processing capabilities of Java with the power of XML. A key aspect of the object-oriented architecture, implemented in Java, involves software that is driven by the AIML instrument description. Our techniques, initially targeted for an airborne observatory, will eventually enable astronomers around the world to easily access infrared instruments (e.g., telescopes, cameras, and spectrometers) located in various remote and inhospitable environments.
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