Title: Astronomical Data Analysis Software and Systems IX
Volume: 216 Year: 2000 View this Volume on ADS
Editors: Manset, Nadine; Veillet, Christian; Crabtree, Dennis
ISBN: 1-58381-047-1 eISBN: 978-1-58381-552-6
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Paper Title Page Authors
Managing the Software Development Process 3 Lubelczyk, J.; Parra, A.
A New Paradigm for User Support and Software Tools 12 Miller, G. E.; Koratkar, A.; Golombek, D.
Using a Data-Driven Model for Instrument Software Development 16 Clarke, D. A.; Allen, S. L.
A "Scientific" Approach to Software Project Management: Part II: Results of a Survey of Scientific Computing 20 Granados, A. F.
An Assessment of Data Analysis Software at ST ScI 24 Shaw, R. A.; White, R. L.; Greenfield, P.
The Transition from VMS to Unix Operations for STScI's Science Planning and Scheduling Team 28 Adler, D. S.; Taylor, D. K.
Cloudy's Journey from FORTRAN to C, Why and How 32 Ferland, G. J.
Event Driven Programming with Glish 39 Schiebel, D. R.
Scientific Computing with Python 49 Beazley, D. M.
A New CL for IRAF Based On Python 59 Greenfield, P.; White, R. L.
A Python-based IRAF Task Parameter Editor 63 de La Peña, M. D.
PyFITS. a Python FITS Module 67 Barrett, P. E.; Bridgman, W. T.
The Aladin Java Applet Experience 71 Fernique, P.; Bonnarel, F.
Multi-tier Internet Architecture with Java, UML and OOA &D 75 Chavez, J.
SPECVIEW: An Interactive Java Tool for Visualization and Analysis of Spectral Data 79 Busko, I.
Using XML for Accessing Resources in Astronomy 83 Ochsenbein, F.; Albrecht, M.; Brighton, A.; Fernique, P.; Guillaume, D.; Hanisch, R. J.; Shaya, E.; Wicenec, A.
XML at the ADC: Steps to a Next Generation Data Repository 87 Shaya, E.; Gass, J.; Blackwell, J.; Thomas, B.; Holmes, B.; Cheung, C. Y.
SAOTk and TclXPA: Tcl/Tk Extensions for Astronomy 91 Joye, W.; Mandel, E.
The ADASS VIII Proceedings: a Case Study in Editing for the Electronic Age 95 Plante, R. L.; Roberts, D. A.; Mehringer, D. M.
Queue Scheduling at the JCMT: the Real-life Experience 101 Tilanus, R. P. J.
Long and Short Term Scheduling Tools in ESO 111 Giannone, G.; Chavan, A. M.; Silva, D. R.; Krueger, A. P.; Miller, G. E.
The New MAJORDOME: Efficient Scheduling of Autonomous Telescopes 115 Boër, M.; Bringer, M.; Berassain, J.; Fontan, G.; Merce, C.
ComPASS: A Common Framework for Streamlining Multi-Level Planning Systems from Scientist to Observatory/Spacecraft 119 Brooks, T.
Adding Multiple Exposure Planning and Expert System Technology in the Scientist's Expert Assistant 123 Wolf, K. R.
The Design of the Reduction Block Scheduler for the VLT Pipeline 127 Banse, K.; Grosbøl, P.
Save the Bits - New Features for a New Millennium 133 Seaman, R. L.
Using DVD-R for Storing Astronomical Archive Data (cont'd) 137 Pirenne, B.
The Indexing of the SDSS Science Archive 141 Kunszt, P. Z.; Szalay, A. S.; Csabai, I.; Thakar, A. R.
The Status of the Second Generation Digitized Sky Survey and Guide Star Catalog 145 McLean, B. J.; Greene, G. R.; Lattanzi, M. G.; Pirenne, B.
Operating the TNG Data Handling and Archiving 149 Smareglia, R.; Pasian, F.; Vuerli, C.; Zacchei, A.
The Importance of Mid-Range Telescope Data Archives - an Example of Ondřejov Observatory 2-meter Telescope 153 Skoda, P.
Subaru Telescope ARchive System (STARS), Current Status and Future Work 157 Takata, T.; Ogasawara, R.; Kawarai, K.; Yamamoto, T.
Magneto Optical as a Viable Storage Solution for the HST Archive 161 Abney, F.; Richon, J.
Post Operational HST Science Instrument Archives 164 Albrecht, R.; Rosa, M. R.
The Multimission Archive at the Space Telescope Science Institute 168 Padovani, P.; Abney, F.; Christian, D.; Comeau, T.; Donahue, M.; Hanisch, R. J.; Harrison, J.; Imhoff, C.; Kidwell, R.; Kimball, T.; Levay, K.; Postman, M.; Richon, J.; Smith, M.; Thompson, R.
Object Oriented Near Real Time Packet Distribution as Part of the FIRST Integrated Network and Archive System 172 Wieprecht, E.; Wiezorrek, E.; Bauer, O. H.; Huygen, R.; Vandenbussche, B.; Claes, P.; Mathieu, J. J.
The BeppoSAX Low-Energy Concentrator Spectrometer Archive at the Space Science Department of ESA 176 Werger, M.; Bennett, K.; Hazell, A.; O'Mullane, W.; Oosterbroek, T.; Parmar, A.
ISAS Data Archive and Transmission System (DARTS) 180 Miura, A.; Shinohara, I.; Matsuzaki, K.; Nagase, F.; Negoro, H.; Uno, S.; Matsui, S.; Watanabe, M.; Yamashita, A.; Takahashi, H.; Matsui, H.; Hoshino, M.
The Chandra Data Archive 184 Rots, A. H.
The Integral DAL 1-2-3 187 O'Neel, B.; Jennings, D.; Rohlfs, R.; Paltani, S.
The ISO Data Archive 191 Arviset, C.; Dowson, J.; Hernández, J.; Plug, A.; Osuna, P.; Pollock, A.; Saxton, R. D.
"On-the-Fly" Calibration System for the ISO Data Archive 195 Osuna, P.; Arviset, C.; Saxton, R. D.; Pollock, A.; Verdugo, E.
Distributed Data Systems and Services for Astronomy and the Space Sciences 201 Hanisch, R. J.
Scientific Data Mining 211 Dowler, P.; Schade, D.; Zingle, R.; Durand, D.; Gaudet, S.
A Data Mining Model for Astronomy 215 Schade, D.; Dowler, P.; Zingle, R.; Durand, D.; Gaudet, S.; Hill, N.; Jaeger, S.; Bohlender, D.
Data Mining from the EROS Survey: the Current Status 219 Marquette, J. B.
The HST Science Data Archive as a Discovery Tool: First Experiment 223 Micol, A.; Durand, D.; Schade, D.; Gaudet, S.; Stetson, P.; Pirenne, B.; Benvenuti, P.; Malloci, G.; Raviv, G.
New Capabilities in the Astrophysics Multispectral Archive Search Engine 227 Cheung, C. Y.; Kelley, S.; Roussopoulos, N.
Multi-threaded Query Agent and Engine for a Very Large Astronomical Database 231 Thakkar, A. R.; Kunszt, P. Z.; Szalay, A. S.; Szokoly, G. P.
On-line Access to Very Large Catalogues 235 Derriere, S.; Ochsenbein, F.; Egret, D.
The Role of the CDS Information Hub in the Cross-identification of Large Surveys 239 Bonnarel, F.; Genova, F.; Bienayme, O.; Dubois, P.; Egret, D.; Fernique, P.; Jasniewicz, G.; Lesteven, S.; Ochsenbein, F.; Ortiz, P.; Wenger, M.
SDFITS: A Standard for Storage and Interchange of Single Dish Data 243 Garwood, R. W.
SIMBAD as a Test Bed for two Object Oriented Database Management Systems: Objectivity/DB and O2 247 Wenger, M.; Kinnar, F.; Jocqueau, R.
VERDI: A Web Database System for Redshift Surveys 251 Wirth, G. D.; Patton, D. R.
XML in the ADS 255 Eichhorn, G.; Accomazzi, A.; Demleitner, M.; Grant, C. S.; Kurtz, M. J.; Murray, S. S.
Keck Telescope Control System 261 Lupton, W. F.
Using XML and Java for Astronomical Instrument Control 271 Ames, T. J.; Koons, L. C.; Sall, K. B.; Warsaw, C. E.
An Effective PC/Linux Based Control System Upgrade for the UH 2. 2-m Telescope 275 Lovell, R.; Sousa, E.; Inouye, M.; Maesato, K.; Pickles, A.; Tonry, J.; Mizoshiri, A.; Oshiro, P.; Amano, L.; Motomura, H.
Application of a Kalman Filter at UKIRT 279 Yang, Y.; Rees, N. P.; Chuter, T.
Toolkit Based Extension of the SDSS Control System 283 McGehee, P. M.
CFH12K: Control Software and Data Handling 287 Isani, S.; Cuillandre, J.-C.; Starr, B.; Luppino, G.
The MERLIN Correlator Software Project 291 Troup, E.; Garrington, S. T.; McKay, N. P. F.; Noble, R. G.
Infrared Astronomy and NGST 297 Smith, E. P.
The NGST Mission Simulator 307 Speck, S.; Samson, R.; Stallcup, S.; Petro, L.
On-Board Supercomputing for NGST and NASA's Remote Exploration and Experimentation Project 311 Nieto-Santisteban, M. A.; Hanisch, R. J.; Offenberg, J. D.; Fixsen, D. J.; Sengupta, R.; Mather, J. C.
Chandra Ground Calibration Raytrace Database and Simulator 315 Tibbetts, M.; Edgar, R.; Gaetz, T.; Jerius, D.; Michaud, K.; Nguyen, D.
The Scientific Uplink and User Support System for SIRTF 319 Heinrichsen, I.; Chavez, J.; Hartley, B.; Mei, Y.; Potts, S.; Roby, T.; Turek, G.; Valjavec, E.; Wu, X.
The Communication of Images from New Generation Astronomical Telescopes 323 McNerney, P.
The TAROT-2 Project 327 Boër, M.
ETCs and Observations Simulation at the VLT 331 Ballester, P.; Pizarro de La Iglesia, J. A.; Modigliani, A.; Boitquin, O.
Software for Testing and Commissioning the GBT 335 Braatz, J.; McMullin, J. P.; Garwood, R. W.; Maddalena, R.; Norrod, R.; Cornwell, T. J.
Three Instruments in Four Years: The UCO/Lick Data-Driven Toolkit 339 Allen, S. L.; Clarke, D. A.
Reduction of Adaptive Optics Images 345 Véran, J.-P.; Durand, D.
GBT Active Optics Systems and Techniques 355 Wells, D. C.
A User-Friendly Way to Optimize Adaptive Optics: NAOS Preparation Software 365 Marteau, S.; Gendron, E.; Lacombe, F.; Mouillet, D.; Lagrange, A.-M.; Rousset-Rouvieère, L.; Rabaud, D.; Conan, J.-M.; Rousset, G.; Zins, G.; Hubin, N.
QuickLook Data Reduction Pipeline - Keck Adaptive Optics Real Time Data Reduction Software 369 Lai, O.; Wizinowich, P.; Gathright, J.
NAOS Real-Time Computer for Optimized Closed Loop and On-Line Performance Estimation 373 Rabaud, D.; Chazallet, F.; Rousset, G.; Amra, C.; Argast, B.; Montri, J.; Madec, P.-Y.; Arsenault, R.; Hubin, N.; Charton, J.; Dumont, G.
NAOS Computer Aided Control: an Optimized and Astronomer-Oriented Way of Controlling Large Adaptive Optics Systems 377 Zins, G.; Lacombe, F.; Knudstrup, J.; Mouillet, D.; Rabaud, D.; Charton, J.; Marteau, S.; Rondeaux, O.; Lefort, B.
ESO Photometric and Astrometric Analysis Program for Adaptive Optics 381 381 Currie, D.; Tordo, S.; Naesgarde, K.; Liwing, J.; Close, L.; Bonaccini, D.; Diolaiti, E.; Bendinelli, O.; Parmeggiani, G.
KPNO 4-meter Active Primary - Software 385 Mills, D.; Claver, C.
Real Time Linux and the WTTM Project 388 Daly, P. N.
Sky Surveys 395 Ferguson, H. C.
The Hubble Deep Fields 395 Ferguson, H. C.
The Sloan Digital Sky Survey and its Archive 405 Szalay, A. S.; Kunszt, P. Z.; Thakar, A. R.; Gray, J.; Slutz, D.
The Wide Field Survey on the Isaac Newton Telescope 415 Lewis, J. R.; Bunclark, P. S.; Irwin, M. J.; McMahon, R. G.; Walton, N. A.
ESA Survey Missions and Global Processing 419 O'Mullane, W.; Hazell, A.; Bennett, K.; Bartelmann, M.; Vuerli, C.
Infrared Surveys with CIRSI-Scientific Objectives and Data Analysis 423 Hoenig, M. D.; McMahon, R. G.; Lewis, J. R.
The UCAC Astrometric Survey 427 Zacharias, N.; Rafferty, T. J.; Zacharias, M. I.
Implementation of the Advanced Camera for Surveys Calibration Pipeline 433 Hack, W. J.; Greenfield, P.
Doing Theoretical Astrophysics With HST's Data Processing Pipeline Software: Can Your Pipeline Software Do That? 437 Miller, W.; Diaz-Miller, R.; Martin, C.
Generating Calibration Reference Files with an OPUS Pipeline 441 Swade, D. A.
A Pipeline for an Automatic Autonomous Observatory: Application to TAROT 445 Bringer, M.; Boër, M.; Morand, F.
Observation Interval Determination for the Chandra X-ray Observatory 449 Adams, N. R.; McElroy, D. L.; Evans, I. N.
The Chandra Monitoring System 453 Wolk, S. J.; Petreshock, J. G.; Allen, P.; Bartholowmew, R. T.; Isobe, T.; Cresitello-Dittmar, M.; Dewey, D.
The Chandra Xray Center Data Archive Interfaces 457 Estes, A. N.; Duprie, K.; Harbo, P.; Pak, K.; Zografou, P.
Data Quality Control at the Very Large Telescope 461 Ballester, P.; Dorigo, D.; Disarò, A.; Pizarro de La Iglesia, J. A.; Modigliani, A.
ORAC: 21st Century Observing at UKIRT 467 Bridger, A.; Wright, G. S.; Tan, M.; Pickup, D. A.; Economou, F.; Currie, M. J.; Adamson, A. J.; Rees, N. P.; Purves, M. H.
Graphical User Interface for an Observing Control System for the UK Infrared Telescope 471 Tan, M.; Bridger, A.; Wright, G. S.; Adamson, A. J.; Currie, M. J.; Economou, F.
The Data Inspector: Data Visualization for the Chandra Monitoring Project 475 Petreshock, J. G.; Wolk, S. J.; Cresitello-Dittmar, M.
Panorapix - The TERAPIX Visualization Tool 479 de Coussemaker, N.
New Image Quick-Look System for Subaru Telescope Data Archive 482 Hamabe, M.; Taga, M.; Aoki, W.; Yasuda, N.; Takata, T.; Ichikawa, S.-I.; Baba, H.; Ozawa, T.; Watanabe, M.; Horaguchi, T.
Development of a Java-based Quicklook Image Browser for Echelle Spectrograph 486 Baba, H.; Yasuda, N.; Ichikawa, S.; Aoki, W.; Taga, M.; Horaguchi, T.; Hamabe, M.
I/O Performance of AIPS++ 490 Roberts, D. A.; Crutcher, R. M.; Imeraj, E.; Kemball, A.; Young, W.
SDImager: An Imaging Tool for Single Dish Observations in AIPS++ 494 Garwood, R. W.; Cormwell, T. J.; McMullin, J. P.
DISH: The Single Dish Environment in AIPS++ 498 Garwood, R. W.; McMullin, J. P.
The ACSIS Data Reduction System 502 Lightfoot, J. F.; Dent, W. R. F.; Willis, A. G.; Hovey, G. J.
Recent Developments to the AST Astrometry Library 506 Warren-Smith, R. F.; Berry, D. S.
DASH- Distributed Analysis System Hierarchy 510 Yagi, M.; Mizumoto, Y.; Yoshida, M.; Chikada, Y.; Kosugi, G.; Takata, T.; Ogasawara, R.; Ishihara, Y.; Yanaka, H.; Morita, Y.; Nakamoto, H.; Watanabe, N.
Data Acquisition by Switching 514 Greisen, E. W.
Dithering, Sampling and Image Reconstruction 521 Hook, R. N.; Fruchter, A. S.
Residual Bias Removal in HST NICMOS Images 531 Bushouse, H.; Dickinson, M.; van der Marel, R. P.
The Removal of Periodic Read-Out Patterns from Science Frames 535 de Cuyper, J.-P.; Hensberge, H.
Cosmic Ray Rejection and Data Compression for NGST 539 Fixsen, D. J.; Hanisch, R. J.; Mather, J. C.; Nieto-Santisteban, M. A.; Offenberg, J. D.; Sengupta, R.; Stockman, H. S.
Innovative Cosmic Ray Rejection in ISOCAM Data 543 Ott, S.; Metcalfe, L.; Pollock, A.; Tuffs, R.
Compression of Mosaic CCD Images with CompFITS2 547 Gaudet, S.; Véran, J.-P.; Delisle, D.; Pirenne, B.
A FITS Image Compression Proposal 551 Pence, W.; White, R. L.; Greenfield, P.; Tody, D.
Time Critical Analysis by Image Subtraction 555 Bond, I.
Dual-Beam Rastering and Deconvolution Techniques for SCUBA 559 Jenness, T.; Holland, W. S.; Chapin, E.; Lightfoot, J. F.; Duncan, W. D.
Data Access Layer to Support Variable Inputs Using C 563 Cresitello-Dittmar, M.
(Re-) Configurable Data File Writing At UKIRT 567 Purves, M. H.
Representations of World Coordinates in FITS 571 Calabretta, M.; Greisen, E. W.
Object Classification as a Data Analysis Tool 577 White, R. L.
The Earth Occultation Technique with the Burst and Transient Source Experiment 587 Wilson, C. A.; Harmon, B. A.; McCollough, M. L.; Fishman, G. J.; Zhang, S. N.; Paciesas, W. S.
ISIS: An Interactive Spectral Interpretation System for High Resolution X-Ray Spectroscopy 591 Houck, J. C.; Denicola, L. A.
Deconvolution as a Tool for Improved Crowded-Field Photometry with HST 595 Butler, R.
CIA V4. 0 - News about Data Analysis with the ISOCAM Interactive Analysis System 599 Ott, S.; Gastaud, R.; Ali, B.; Delaney, M.; Guest, S.; Abergel, A.; Altieri, B.; Auguéres, J.-L.; Aussel, H.; Bernard, J.-P.; Biviano, A.; Blommaert, J.; Boulade, O.; Boulanger, F.; Cesarsky, C.; Cesarsky, D.; Chanial, P.; Charmandaris, V.; Chary, R.-R.; Claret, A.; Coulais, A.; Delattre, C.; Désert, F.-X.; Deschamps, T.; Didelon, P.; Elbaz, D.; Fuchs, Y.; Gallais, P.; Ganga, K.; Helou, G.; Kong, M.; Lacombe, F.; Landriu, D.; Laurent, O.; Le Coupanec, P.; Li, J.; Metcalfe, L.; Miville-Deschenes, M.-A.; Okumura, K.; Perault, M.; Peschke, S.; Pollock, A.; Roman, P.; Rouan, D.; Rupen, M.; Lone, J. Sam; Sauvage, M.; Siebenmorgen, R.; Starck, J.-L.; Tran, D.; Tuffs, R.; van Buren, D.; Vigroux, L.; Vivares, F.; Wozniak, H.
Elements of The Chandra Data Analysis System 603 Noble, M. S.
A Framework for the Development of Multi-Mission Software 607 Davis, J. E.
Instance-Based Machine Learning Methods for the Prediction of Stellar Atmospheric Parameters 611 Fuentes, O.; Gulati, R. K.
GAIA: Recent Developments 615 Draper, P. W.
Data Analysis and Simulations of Spectroscopic and Continuum Mapping with the ISOPHOT Interactive Analysis (PIA) 619 Gabriel, C.; Acosta-Pulido, J. A.; Hur, M.
Starfinder: a Code for Crowded Stellar Fields Analysis 623 Diolaiti, E.; Bendinelli, O.; Bonaccini, D.; Close, L.; Currie, D.; Parmeggiani, G.
Recent Advances in Parameter Estimation in Astronomy with Poisson-Distributed Data 627 Mighell, K. J.
DIRT: The Dust InfraRed Toolbox 628 Pound, M. W.; Wolfire, M. G.; Mundy, L. G.; Teuben, P. J.; Lord, S.
Software for Geodynamical Researches Used in the LSGER IAA 632 Malkin, Z. M.; Voinov, A. V.; Skurikhina, E. A.
MKRMF: Multi-Dimensional Redistribution Matrices 636 He, H.; Wise, M.; Ljungberg, M.
An Automatic Astronomical Classifier Based on Topological Neural Networks 640 Bringer, M.; Boër, M.
A Commodity Computing Cluster 644 Teuben, P. J.; Wolfire, M. G.; Pound, M. W.; Mundy, L. G.
QDPHOT : An IRAF Task for Quick &Dirty Photometry 651 Mighell, K. J.
GIRA - Two Channel Photometric Restoration 655 Pirzkal, N.; Hook, R. N.; Lucy, L. B.
A Spectroscopy Exposure Time Calculator for IRAF 659 Valdes, F. G.
TwoFitlines: An Spectrum and Line Analysis Tool 663 Acosta-Pulido, J. A.
A New IRAF Catalog Access Tool for Astrometry 667 Davis, L. E.
The "stecf" IRAF Layered Package 671 Hook, R. N.; Walsh, J.; Pirzkal, N.; Freudling, W.
A C Programming Interface to the IRAF VOS Libraries 675 de La Peña, M. D.; Farris, A.
XHelp: A Help Navigator for the IRAF System 679 Fitzpatrick, M.
BoF - Python in Astronomy 685 Barrett, P. E.
Real Time Linux - The RTOS for Astronomy? 686 Daly, P. N.
The ROOT Object Oriented Framework to Analyze INTEGRAL Data 687 Rohlfs, R.; O'Neel, B.
CDS Services; recent Developments 691 Genova, F.; Bonnarel, F.; Dubois, P.; Egret, D.; Fernique, P.; Jasniewicz, G.; Lesteven, S.; Ochsenbein, F.; Wenger, M.
The Scientist's Expert Assistant Demonstration 695 Grosvenor, S. R.; Burkhardt, C.; Koratkar, A.; Fishman, M.; Wolf, K. R.; Jones, J. E.; Ruley, L.
SyNAPS: System for Networking Astronomical Publication Services 699 Payne, H. E.; Huizinga, J. E.; Hanisch, R. J.
DaRT: A Java Tool for Retrieving Archived Telescope Data 703 Mehringer, D. M.; Plante, R. L.