Title: |
Astronomical Data Analysis Software and Systems IX
Volume: |
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Manset, Nadine; Veillet, Christian; Crabtree, Dennis
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Paper Title |
Page |
Authors |
| |
Managing the Software Development Process |
3 |
Lubelczyk, J.; Parra, A. |
A New Paradigm for User Support and Software Tools |
12 |
Miller, G. E.; Koratkar, A.; Golombek, D. |
Using a Data-Driven Model for Instrument Software Development |
16 |
Clarke, D. A.; Allen, S. L. |
A "Scientific" Approach to Software Project Management: Part II: Results of a Survey of Scientific Computing |
20 |
Granados, A. F. |
An Assessment of Data Analysis Software at ST ScI |
24 |
Shaw, R. A.; White, R. L.; Greenfield, P. |
The Transition from VMS to Unix Operations for STScI's Science Planning and Scheduling Team |
28 |
Adler, D. S.; Taylor, D. K. |
Cloudy's Journey from FORTRAN to C, Why and How |
32 |
Ferland, G. J. |
Event Driven Programming with Glish |
39 |
Schiebel, D. R. |
Scientific Computing with Python |
49 |
Beazley, D. M. |
A New CL for IRAF Based On Python |
59 |
Greenfield, P.; White, R. L. |
A Python-based IRAF Task Parameter Editor |
63 |
de La Peña, M. D. |
PyFITS. a Python FITS Module |
67 |
Barrett, P. E.; Bridgman, W. T. |
The Aladin Java Applet Experience |
71 |
Fernique, P.; Bonnarel, F. |
Multi-tier Internet Architecture with Java, UML and OOA &D |
75 |
Chavez, J. |
SPECVIEW: An Interactive Java Tool for Visualization and Analysis of Spectral Data |
79 |
Busko, I. |
Using XML for Accessing Resources in Astronomy |
83 |
Ochsenbein, F.; Albrecht, M.; Brighton, A.; Fernique, P.; Guillaume, D.; Hanisch, R. J.; Shaya, E.; Wicenec, A. |
XML at the ADC: Steps to a Next Generation Data Repository |
87 |
Shaya, E.; Gass, J.; Blackwell, J.; Thomas, B.; Holmes, B.; Cheung, C. Y. |
SAOTk and TclXPA: Tcl/Tk Extensions for Astronomy |
91 |
Joye, W.; Mandel, E. |
The ADASS VIII Proceedings: a Case Study in Editing for the Electronic Age |
95 |
Plante, R. L.; Roberts, D. A.; Mehringer, D. M. |
Queue Scheduling at the JCMT: the Real-life Experience |
101 |
Tilanus, R. P. J. |
Long and Short Term Scheduling Tools in ESO |
111 |
Giannone, G.; Chavan, A. M.; Silva, D. R.; Krueger, A. P.; Miller, G. E. |
The New MAJORDOME: Efficient Scheduling of Autonomous Telescopes |
115 |
Boër, M.; Bringer, M.; Berassain, J.; Fontan, G.; Merce, C. |
ComPASS: A Common Framework for Streamlining Multi-Level Planning Systems from Scientist to Observatory/Spacecraft |
119 |
Brooks, T. |
Adding Multiple Exposure Planning and Expert System Technology in the Scientist's Expert Assistant |
123 |
Wolf, K. R. |
The Design of the Reduction Block Scheduler for the VLT Pipeline |
127 |
Banse, K.; Grosbøl, P. |
Save the Bits - New Features for a New Millennium |
133 |
Seaman, R. L. |
Using DVD-R for Storing Astronomical Archive Data (cont'd) |
137 |
Pirenne, B. |
The Indexing of the SDSS Science Archive |
141 |
Kunszt, P. Z.; Szalay, A. S.; Csabai, I.; Thakar, A. R. |
The Status of the Second Generation Digitized Sky Survey and Guide Star Catalog |
145 |
McLean, B. J.; Greene, G. R.; Lattanzi, M. G.; Pirenne, B. |
Operating the TNG Data Handling and Archiving |
149 |
Smareglia, R.; Pasian, F.; Vuerli, C.; Zacchei, A. |
The Importance of Mid-Range Telescope Data Archives - an Example of Ondřejov Observatory 2-meter Telescope |
153 |
Skoda, P. |
Subaru Telescope ARchive System (STARS), Current Status and Future Work |
157 |
Takata, T.; Ogasawara, R.; Kawarai, K.; Yamamoto, T. |
Magneto Optical as a Viable Storage Solution for the HST Archive |
161 |
Abney, F.; Richon, J. |
Post Operational HST Science Instrument Archives |
164 |
Albrecht, R.; Rosa, M. R. |
The Multimission Archive at the Space Telescope Science Institute |
168 |
Padovani, P.; Abney, F.; Christian, D.; Comeau, T.; Donahue, M.; Hanisch, R. J.; Harrison, J.; Imhoff, C.; Kidwell, R.; Kimball, T.; Levay, K.; Postman, M.; Richon, J.; Smith, M.; Thompson, R. |
Object Oriented Near Real Time Packet Distribution as Part of the FIRST Integrated Network and Archive System |
172 |
Wieprecht, E.; Wiezorrek, E.; Bauer, O. H.; Huygen, R.; Vandenbussche, B.; Claes, P.; Mathieu, J. J. |
The BeppoSAX Low-Energy Concentrator Spectrometer Archive at the Space Science Department of ESA |
176 |
Werger, M.; Bennett, K.; Hazell, A.; O'Mullane, W.; Oosterbroek, T.; Parmar, A. |
ISAS Data Archive and Transmission System (DARTS) |
180 |
Miura, A.; Shinohara, I.; Matsuzaki, K.; Nagase, F.; Negoro, H.; Uno, S.; Matsui, S.; Watanabe, M.; Yamashita, A.; Takahashi, H.; Matsui, H.; Hoshino, M. |
The Chandra Data Archive |
184 |
Rots, A. H. |
The Integral DAL 1-2-3 |
187 |
O'Neel, B.; Jennings, D.; Rohlfs, R.; Paltani, S. |
The ISO Data Archive |
191 |
Arviset, C.; Dowson, J.; Hernández, J.; Plug, A.; Osuna, P.; Pollock, A.; Saxton, R. D. |
"On-the-Fly" Calibration System for the ISO Data Archive |
195 |
Osuna, P.; Arviset, C.; Saxton, R. D.; Pollock, A.; Verdugo, E. |
Distributed Data Systems and Services for Astronomy and the Space Sciences |
201 |
Hanisch, R. J. |
Scientific Data Mining |
211 |
Dowler, P.; Schade, D.; Zingle, R.; Durand, D.; Gaudet, S. |
A Data Mining Model for Astronomy |
215 |
Schade, D.; Dowler, P.; Zingle, R.; Durand, D.; Gaudet, S.; Hill, N.; Jaeger, S.; Bohlender, D. |
Data Mining from the EROS Survey: the Current Status |
219 |
Marquette, J. B. |
The HST Science Data Archive as a Discovery Tool: First Experiment |
223 |
Micol, A.; Durand, D.; Schade, D.; Gaudet, S.; Stetson, P.; Pirenne, B.; Benvenuti, P.; Malloci, G.; Raviv, G. |
New Capabilities in the Astrophysics Multispectral Archive Search Engine |
227 |
Cheung, C. Y.; Kelley, S.; Roussopoulos, N. |
Multi-threaded Query Agent and Engine for a Very Large Astronomical Database |
231 |
Thakkar, A. R.; Kunszt, P. Z.; Szalay, A. S.; Szokoly, G. P. |
On-line Access to Very Large Catalogues |
235 |
Derriere, S.; Ochsenbein, F.; Egret, D. |
The Role of the CDS Information Hub in the Cross-identification of Large Surveys |
239 |
Bonnarel, F.; Genova, F.; Bienayme, O.; Dubois, P.; Egret, D.; Fernique, P.; Jasniewicz, G.; Lesteven, S.; Ochsenbein, F.; Ortiz, P.; Wenger, M. |
SDFITS: A Standard for Storage and Interchange of Single Dish Data |
243 |
Garwood, R. W. |
SIMBAD as a Test Bed for two Object Oriented Database Management Systems: Objectivity/DB and O2 |
247 |
Wenger, M.; Kinnar, F.; Jocqueau, R. |
VERDI: A Web Database System for Redshift Surveys |
251 |
Wirth, G. D.; Patton, D. R. |
XML in the ADS |
255 |
Eichhorn, G.; Accomazzi, A.; Demleitner, M.; Grant, C. S.; Kurtz, M. J.; Murray, S. S. |
Keck Telescope Control System |
261 |
Lupton, W. F. |
Using XML and Java for Astronomical Instrument Control |
271 |
Ames, T. J.; Koons, L. C.; Sall, K. B.; Warsaw, C. E. |
An Effective PC/Linux Based Control System Upgrade for the UH 2. 2-m Telescope |
275 |
Lovell, R.; Sousa, E.; Inouye, M.; Maesato, K.; Pickles, A.; Tonry, J.; Mizoshiri, A.; Oshiro, P.; Amano, L.; Motomura, H. |
Application of a Kalman Filter at UKIRT |
279 |
Yang, Y.; Rees, N. P.; Chuter, T. |
Toolkit Based Extension of the SDSS Control System |
283 |
McGehee, P. M. |
CFH12K: Control Software and Data Handling |
287 |
Isani, S.; Cuillandre, J.-C.; Starr, B.; Luppino, G. |
The MERLIN Correlator Software Project |
291 |
Troup, E.; Garrington, S. T.; McKay, N. P. F.; Noble, R. G. |
Infrared Astronomy and NGST |
297 |
Smith, E. P. |
The NGST Mission Simulator |
307 |
Speck, S.; Samson, R.; Stallcup, S.; Petro, L. |
On-Board Supercomputing for NGST and NASA's Remote Exploration and Experimentation Project |
311 |
Nieto-Santisteban, M. A.; Hanisch, R. J.; Offenberg, J. D.; Fixsen, D. J.; Sengupta, R.; Mather, J. C. |
Chandra Ground Calibration Raytrace Database and Simulator |
315 |
Tibbetts, M.; Edgar, R.; Gaetz, T.; Jerius, D.; Michaud, K.; Nguyen, D. |
The Scientific Uplink and User Support System for SIRTF |
319 |
Heinrichsen, I.; Chavez, J.; Hartley, B.; Mei, Y.; Potts, S.; Roby, T.; Turek, G.; Valjavec, E.; Wu, X. |
The Communication of Images from New Generation Astronomical Telescopes |
323 |
McNerney, P. |
The TAROT-2 Project |
327 |
Boër, M. |
ETCs and Observations Simulation at the VLT |
331 |
Ballester, P.; Pizarro de La Iglesia, J. A.; Modigliani, A.; Boitquin, O. |
Software for Testing and Commissioning the GBT |
335 |
Braatz, J.; McMullin, J. P.; Garwood, R. W.; Maddalena, R.; Norrod, R.; Cornwell, T. J. |
Three Instruments in Four Years: The UCO/Lick Data-Driven Toolkit |
339 |
Allen, S. L.; Clarke, D. A. |
Reduction of Adaptive Optics Images |
345 |
Véran, J.-P.; Durand, D. |
GBT Active Optics Systems and Techniques |
355 |
Wells, D. C. |
A User-Friendly Way to Optimize Adaptive Optics: NAOS Preparation Software |
365 |
Marteau, S.; Gendron, E.; Lacombe, F.; Mouillet, D.; Lagrange, A.-M.; Rousset-Rouvieère, L.; Rabaud, D.; Conan, J.-M.; Rousset, G.; Zins, G.; Hubin, N. |
QuickLook Data Reduction Pipeline - Keck Adaptive Optics Real Time Data Reduction Software |
369 |
Lai, O.; Wizinowich, P.; Gathright, J. |
NAOS Real-Time Computer for Optimized Closed Loop and On-Line Performance Estimation |
373 |
Rabaud, D.; Chazallet, F.; Rousset, G.; Amra, C.; Argast, B.; Montri, J.; Madec, P.-Y.; Arsenault, R.; Hubin, N.; Charton, J.; Dumont, G. |
NAOS Computer Aided Control: an Optimized and Astronomer-Oriented Way of Controlling Large Adaptive Optics Systems |
377 |
Zins, G.; Lacombe, F.; Knudstrup, J.; Mouillet, D.; Rabaud, D.; Charton, J.; Marteau, S.; Rondeaux, O.; Lefort, B. |
ESO Photometric and Astrometric Analysis Program for Adaptive Optics 381 |
381 |
Currie, D.; Tordo, S.; Naesgarde, K.; Liwing, J.; Close, L.; Bonaccini, D.; Diolaiti, E.; Bendinelli, O.; Parmeggiani, G. |
KPNO 4-meter Active Primary - Software |
385 |
Mills, D.; Claver, C. |
Real Time Linux and the WTTM Project |
388 |
Daly, P. N. |
Sky Surveys |
395 |
Ferguson, H. C. |
The Hubble Deep Fields |
395 |
Ferguson, H. C. |
The Sloan Digital Sky Survey and its Archive |
405 |
Szalay, A. S.; Kunszt, P. Z.; Thakar, A. R.; Gray, J.; Slutz, D. |
The Wide Field Survey on the Isaac Newton Telescope |
415 |
Lewis, J. R.; Bunclark, P. S.; Irwin, M. J.; McMahon, R. G.; Walton, N. A. |
ESA Survey Missions and Global Processing |
419 |
O'Mullane, W.; Hazell, A.; Bennett, K.; Bartelmann, M.; Vuerli, C. |
Infrared Surveys with CIRSI-Scientific Objectives and Data Analysis |
423 |
Hoenig, M. D.; McMahon, R. G.; Lewis, J. R. |
The UCAC Astrometric Survey |
427 |
Zacharias, N.; Rafferty, T. J.; Zacharias, M. I. |
Implementation of the Advanced Camera for Surveys Calibration Pipeline |
433 |
Hack, W. J.; Greenfield, P. |
Doing Theoretical Astrophysics With HST's Data Processing Pipeline Software: Can Your Pipeline Software Do That? |
437 |
Miller, W.; Diaz-Miller, R.; Martin, C. |
Generating Calibration Reference Files with an OPUS Pipeline |
441 |
Swade, D. A. |
A Pipeline for an Automatic Autonomous Observatory: Application to TAROT |
445 |
Bringer, M.; Boër, M.; Morand, F. |
Observation Interval Determination for the Chandra X-ray Observatory |
449 |
Adams, N. R.; McElroy, D. L.; Evans, I. N. |
The Chandra Monitoring System |
453 |
Wolk, S. J.; Petreshock, J. G.; Allen, P.; Bartholowmew, R. T.; Isobe, T.; Cresitello-Dittmar, M.; Dewey, D. |
The Chandra Xray Center Data Archive Interfaces |
457 |
Estes, A. N.; Duprie, K.; Harbo, P.; Pak, K.; Zografou, P. |
Data Quality Control at the Very Large Telescope |
461 |
Ballester, P.; Dorigo, D.; Disarò, A.; Pizarro de La Iglesia, J. A.; Modigliani, A. |
ORAC: 21st Century Observing at UKIRT |
467 |
Bridger, A.; Wright, G. S.; Tan, M.; Pickup, D. A.; Economou, F.; Currie, M. J.; Adamson, A. J.; Rees, N. P.; Purves, M. H. |
Graphical User Interface for an Observing Control System for the UK Infrared Telescope |
471 |
Tan, M.; Bridger, A.; Wright, G. S.; Adamson, A. J.; Currie, M. J.; Economou, F. |
The Data Inspector: Data Visualization for the Chandra Monitoring Project |
475 |
Petreshock, J. G.; Wolk, S. J.; Cresitello-Dittmar, M. |
Panorapix - The TERAPIX Visualization Tool |
479 |
de Coussemaker, N. |
New Image Quick-Look System for Subaru Telescope Data Archive |
482 |
Hamabe, M.; Taga, M.; Aoki, W.; Yasuda, N.; Takata, T.; Ichikawa, S.-I.; Baba, H.; Ozawa, T.; Watanabe, M.; Horaguchi, T. |
Development of a Java-based Quicklook Image Browser for Echelle Spectrograph |
486 |
Baba, H.; Yasuda, N.; Ichikawa, S.; Aoki, W.; Taga, M.; Horaguchi, T.; Hamabe, M. |
I/O Performance of AIPS++ |
490 |
Roberts, D. A.; Crutcher, R. M.; Imeraj, E.; Kemball, A.; Young, W. |
SDImager: An Imaging Tool for Single Dish Observations in AIPS++ |
494 |
Garwood, R. W.; Cormwell, T. J.; McMullin, J. P. |
DISH: The Single Dish Environment in AIPS++ |
498 |
Garwood, R. W.; McMullin, J. P. |
The ACSIS Data Reduction System |
502 |
Lightfoot, J. F.; Dent, W. R. F.; Willis, A. G.; Hovey, G. J. |
Recent Developments to the AST Astrometry Library |
506 |
Warren-Smith, R. F.; Berry, D. S. |
DASH- Distributed Analysis System Hierarchy |
510 |
Yagi, M.; Mizumoto, Y.; Yoshida, M.; Chikada, Y.; Kosugi, G.; Takata, T.; Ogasawara, R.; Ishihara, Y.; Yanaka, H.; Morita, Y.; Nakamoto, H.; Watanabe, N. |
Data Acquisition by Switching |
514 |
Greisen, E. W. |
Dithering, Sampling and Image Reconstruction |
521 |
Hook, R. N.; Fruchter, A. S. |
Residual Bias Removal in HST NICMOS Images |
531 |
Bushouse, H.; Dickinson, M.; van der Marel, R. P. |
The Removal of Periodic Read-Out Patterns from Science Frames |
535 |
de Cuyper, J.-P.; Hensberge, H. |
Cosmic Ray Rejection and Data Compression for NGST |
539 |
Fixsen, D. J.; Hanisch, R. J.; Mather, J. C.; Nieto-Santisteban, M. A.; Offenberg, J. D.; Sengupta, R.; Stockman, H. S. |
Innovative Cosmic Ray Rejection in ISOCAM Data |
543 |
Ott, S.; Metcalfe, L.; Pollock, A.; Tuffs, R. |
Compression of Mosaic CCD Images with CompFITS2 |
547 |
Gaudet, S.; Véran, J.-P.; Delisle, D.; Pirenne, B. |
A FITS Image Compression Proposal |
551 |
Pence, W.; White, R. L.; Greenfield, P.; Tody, D. |
Time Critical Analysis by Image Subtraction |
555 |
Bond, I. |
Dual-Beam Rastering and Deconvolution Techniques for SCUBA |
559 |
Jenness, T.; Holland, W. S.; Chapin, E.; Lightfoot, J. F.; Duncan, W. D. |
Data Access Layer to Support Variable Inputs Using C |
563 |
Cresitello-Dittmar, M. |
(Re-) Configurable Data File Writing At UKIRT |
567 |
Purves, M. H. |
Representations of World Coordinates in FITS |
571 |
Calabretta, M.; Greisen, E. W. |
Object Classification as a Data Analysis Tool |
577 |
White, R. L. |
The Earth Occultation Technique with the Burst and Transient Source Experiment |
587 |
Wilson, C. A.; Harmon, B. A.; McCollough, M. L.; Fishman, G. J.; Zhang, S. N.; Paciesas, W. S. |
ISIS: An Interactive Spectral Interpretation System for High Resolution X-Ray Spectroscopy |
591 |
Houck, J. C.; Denicola, L. A. |
Deconvolution as a Tool for Improved Crowded-Field Photometry with HST |
595 |
Butler, R. |
CIA V4. 0 - News about Data Analysis with the ISOCAM Interactive Analysis System |
599 |
Ott, S.; Gastaud, R.; Ali, B.; Delaney, M.; Guest, S.; Abergel, A.; Altieri, B.; Auguéres, J.-L.; Aussel, H.; Bernard, J.-P.; Biviano, A.; Blommaert, J.; Boulade, O.; Boulanger, F.; Cesarsky, C.; Cesarsky, D.; Chanial, P.; Charmandaris, V.; Chary, R.-R.; Claret, A.; Coulais, A.; Delattre, C.; Désert, F.-X.; Deschamps, T.; Didelon, P.; Elbaz, D.; Fuchs, Y.; Gallais, P.; Ganga, K.; Helou, G.; Kong, M.; Lacombe, F.; Landriu, D.; Laurent, O.; Le Coupanec, P.; Li, J.; Metcalfe, L.; Miville-Deschenes, M.-A.; Okumura, K.; Perault, M.; Peschke, S.; Pollock, A.; Roman, P.; Rouan, D.; Rupen, M.; Lone, J. Sam; Sauvage, M.; Siebenmorgen, R.; Starck, J.-L.; Tran, D.; Tuffs, R.; van Buren, D.; Vigroux, L.; Vivares, F.; Wozniak, H. |
Elements of The Chandra Data Analysis System |
603 |
Noble, M. S. |
A Framework for the Development of Multi-Mission Software |
607 |
Davis, J. E. |
Instance-Based Machine Learning Methods for the Prediction of Stellar Atmospheric Parameters |
611 |
Fuentes, O.; Gulati, R. K. |
GAIA: Recent Developments |
615 |
Draper, P. W. |
Data Analysis and Simulations of Spectroscopic and Continuum Mapping with the ISOPHOT Interactive Analysis (PIA) |
619 |
Gabriel, C.; Acosta-Pulido, J. A.; Hur, M. |
Starfinder: a Code for Crowded Stellar Fields Analysis |
623 |
Diolaiti, E.; Bendinelli, O.; Bonaccini, D.; Close, L.; Currie, D.; Parmeggiani, G. |
Recent Advances in Parameter Estimation in Astronomy with Poisson-Distributed Data |
627 |
Mighell, K. J. |
DIRT: The Dust InfraRed Toolbox |
628 |
Pound, M. W.; Wolfire, M. G.; Mundy, L. G.; Teuben, P. J.; Lord, S. |
Software for Geodynamical Researches Used in the LSGER IAA |
632 |
Malkin, Z. M.; Voinov, A. V.; Skurikhina, E. A. |
MKRMF: Multi-Dimensional Redistribution Matrices |
636 |
He, H.; Wise, M.; Ljungberg, M. |
An Automatic Astronomical Classifier Based on Topological Neural Networks |
640 |
Bringer, M.; Boër, M. |
A Commodity Computing Cluster |
644 |
Teuben, P. J.; Wolfire, M. G.; Pound, M. W.; Mundy, L. G. |
QDPHOT : An IRAF Task for Quick &Dirty Photometry |
651 |
Mighell, K. J. |
GIRA - Two Channel Photometric Restoration |
655 |
Pirzkal, N.; Hook, R. N.; Lucy, L. B. |
A Spectroscopy Exposure Time Calculator for IRAF |
659 |
Valdes, F. G. |
TwoFitlines: An Spectrum and Line Analysis Tool |
663 |
Acosta-Pulido, J. A. |
A New IRAF Catalog Access Tool for Astrometry |
667 |
Davis, L. E. |
The "stecf" IRAF Layered Package |
671 |
Hook, R. N.; Walsh, J.; Pirzkal, N.; Freudling, W. |
A C Programming Interface to the IRAF VOS Libraries |
675 |
de La Peña, M. D.; Farris, A. |
XHelp: A Help Navigator for the IRAF System |
679 |
Fitzpatrick, M. |
BoF - Python in Astronomy |
685 |
Barrett, P. E. |
Real Time Linux - The RTOS for Astronomy? |
686 |
Daly, P. N. |
The ROOT Object Oriented Framework to Analyze INTEGRAL Data |
687 |
Rohlfs, R.; O'Neel, B. |
CDS Services; recent Developments |
691 |
Genova, F.; Bonnarel, F.; Dubois, P.; Egret, D.; Fernique, P.; Jasniewicz, G.; Lesteven, S.; Ochsenbein, F.; Wenger, M. |
The Scientist's Expert Assistant Demonstration |
695 |
Grosvenor, S. R.; Burkhardt, C.; Koratkar, A.; Fishman, M.; Wolf, K. R.; Jones, J. E.; Ruley, L. |
SyNAPS: System for Networking Astronomical Publication Services |
699 |
Payne, H. E.; Huizinga, J. E.; Hanisch, R. J. |
DaRT: A Java Tool for Retrieving Archived Telescope Data |
703 |
Mehringer, D. M.; Plante, R. L. |