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Paper: Radio and X-ray Observations of Five TeV Supernova Remnants
Volume: 438, The Dynamic Interstellar Medium: A Celebration of the Canadian Galactic Plane Survey
Page: 361
Authors: Tian, W.; Leahy, D.
Abstract: We briefly summarize recent results of five TeV Supernova Remnants (SNRs) from radio and X-ray observations. We focus on re-measuring kinematic distances of 5 TeV SNRs, i.e. HESS J1731–347 (G353.6–0.7, 3.2 kpc), HESS J1834–087 (G23.3–0.3, W 41, 4.0 kpc), HESS J1833–105 (G21.5–0.9, 4.8 kpc), HESS J1846–029 (G29.7–0.3, Kes 75, 6.3 kpc), and TeV SNR G54.1+0.3 (6.5 kpc), and studying non-thermal X-ray emission from two old SNRs (G353.6–0.7 and W 41). These not only allow constraining the TeV SNRs basic physical properties, but also help reveal acceleration mechanisms of TeV γ-ray producing electrons which are either related with the SNRs or the pulsar wind nebulae.
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