Title: |
The Dynamic Interstellar Medium: A Celebration of the Canadian Galactic Plane Survey
Volume: |
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Editors: |
R. Kothes, T. L. Landecker, and A. G. Willis
Synopsis: |
Energy and mass interchanges in the interstellar medium (ISM) of our Galaxy drive and are driven by the life-cycles of stars. From stellar point-like injection to global input from spiral density waves, the range of scales relevant to ISM phenomena is vast. Understanding this Galactic Ecosystem requires observations of the different phases of the ISM over very large angular scales. The Canadian Galactic Plane Survey (CGPS) is a project to combine radio, millimeter, and infrared surveys of the Galactic plane to provide arcminute-scale images of all major components of the interstellar medium over a large portion of the Galactic disk.
In June 2009, the CGPS team invited astronomers from all over the world to participate in a conference to celebrate the success of this paradigm-breaking survey of the Milky Way and its impact on ISM research over the past decade. The CGPS project has demonstrated the central role that surveys can play in advancing astrophysical research.
As we stand poised to make use of a new generation of telescopes designed primarily as survey instruments, it is time to assess the state of the field. The program for this conference was designed to bring together scientists
working on the ISM of the Milky Way and nearby galaxies to discuss recent advances in both observations and theoretical understanding of all the major constituents of the ISM. The conference covered (i) Galactic Structure
and Dynamics, (ii) Dust and Molecular Clouds, (iii) the Neutral ISM, (iv) the Ionized ISM, (v) the Magneto-Ionic Medium, (vi) Massive Stars
and the ISM, and (vii) New Observational Advances and Future Prospects.
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Paper Title |
Page |
Authors |
Front Matter |
| |
Volume Cover |
Kothes, R.; Landecker, T. L.; Willis, A. G. |
Front Matter |
1 |
Kothes, R.; Landecker, T. L.; Willis, A. G. |
Conference Photos |
2 |
Kothes, R.; Landecker, T. L.; Willis, A. G. |
Session I. Galactic Structure and Dynamics |
| |
Structure and Dynamics in Nearby Galaxies from THINGS |
3 |
Thornley, M. D.; Leroy, A. K.; Schruba, A.; Bagetakos, I.; Portas, A.; Usero, A.; Bigiel, F.; Foyle, K. |
Structure and Dynamics of the Milky Way: The Evolving Picture |
16 |
Foster, T.; Cooper, B. |
Errors in Rotation Curves and Kinematic Distances |
31 |
Gómez, G. C. |
Studying Galactic Structure Through Regions of High-Mass Star Formation |
38 |
Green, J. A. |
The Dynamical Role of Cosmic Rays in Galactic Winds |
45 |
Everett, J.; Zweibel, E.; Hu, K. |
Session II. Dust and Molecular Clouds |
| |
Interstellar Dust |
55 |
Compiégne, M. |
Dust in Wind-Blown Bubbles |
69 |
Everett, J.; Churchwell, E. |
The BGPS Distance Omnibus Project |
76 |
Rosolowsky, E.; Ginsburg, A.; Ellsworth-Bowers, T. |
Molecular Cloud Evolution |
83 |
Vázquez-Semadeni, E. |
Molecular Cloud Determination in the Northern Galactic Plane |
98 |
Mottram, J. C.; Brunt, C. M. |
A Cometary Molecular and Atomic Cloud in the Cepheus Star
Forming Region |
105 |
Kerton, C. R. |
Session III. The Neutral ISM |
| |
Cold Atomic Gas in the CGPS and Beyond |
111 |
Gibson, S. J. |
Galactic Small Scale Structure Revealed by the GALFA-H I Survey |
126 |
Begum, A.; Stanimirović, S.; Peek, J. E. G.; Ballering, N.; Heiles, C.; Douglas, K. A.; Putman, M.; Gibson, S. J.; Grcevich, J.; Korpela, E. J.; Lee, M.; Saul, D.; Gallagher, J. |
H I Structure in the Milky Way: From Large to Small |
133 |
McClure-Griffiths, N. M. |
Density and Velocity Power Spectra in Turbulent Thermally Bi-stable Flows |
145 |
Gazol, A.; Kim, J. |
A Synthetic 21 cm Galactic Plane Survey of a Simulated Spiral Galaxy |
149 |
Douglas, K. A.; Acreman, D. M.; Dobbs, C. L.; Brunt, C. M. |
Targeted Deep Surveys of High Galactic Latitude H I with the GBT |
156 |
Blagrave, K.; Lockman, F. J.; Martin, P.G. |
The Distribution of Disk-Halo H I Clouds in the Inner Milky Way |
163 |
Ford, H. A.; Lockman, F. J.; McClure-Griffiths, N. M. |
Absorption and Emission Line Studies of Gas in the Milky Way Halo |
170 |
Bekhti, N. B.; Richter, P.; Winkel, B.; Kerp, J.; Kalberla, P. M. W.; Klein, U.; Murphy, M. T. |
Session IV. The Ionized ISM |
| |
The Distribution of Warm Ionized Medium in Galaxies |
179 |
Haffner, L. M. |
The Role of Turbulence in the Warm Ionized Medium |
190 |
Hill, A. S.; Wood, K.; Haffner, L. M. |
Session V. The Magneto-Ionic Medium |
| |
Magnetic Fields in Nearby Galaxies |
197 |
Fletcher, A. |
Properties of Polarized Radio Emission from Spiral Galaxies |
211 |
Geisbuesch, J. |
The Magnetic Field of the Milky Way Galaxy |
216 |
Brown, J. C. |
Constraints on the Galactic Magnetic Field from the Canadian
Galactic Plane Survey |
229 |
Rae, K. M.; Brown, J. C. |
Modeling the Galactic Magnetic Field Using Rotation Measure Observations in the
Galactic Disk from the CGPS, SGPS, and the VLA |
236 |
Van Eck, C. L.; Brown, J. C. |
The Interstellar Magnetic Field Near the Galactic Center |
243 |
Ferrière, K. |
The Magneto-Ionic Medium in the Milky Way |
249 |
Haverkorn, M. |
Polarimetry of Extended Galactic Radio Emission—Revealing Magnetic Fields in the Interstellar Medium |
261 |
Landecker, T. L. |
The Polarization Signatures of Old Planetary Nebulae in the
Canadian Galactic Plane Survey |
268 |
Ransom, R. R.; Kothes, R.; Landecker, T. L.; Wolleben, a. M. |
Galactic Foregrounds and CMB Polarization |
276 |
Carretti, E. |
Canadian Galactic Plane Survey Compact Source Catalogue |
288 |
Sunstrum, C.; R.Taylor, A.; Tian, W.; Leahy, D.; Kothes, R. |
Applying Bayesian Analysis to Radio Polarization Data |
292 |
Geisbuesch, J.; Alexander, P. |
Rotation Measures from Two Data Points - the NVSS Rotation Measure
Catalogue |
296 |
Sunstrum, C.; Taylor, A. R.; Stil, J. |
Measuring the Diffuse Polarized Foreground of the ELAIS-N1 Deep Field |
303 |
Baran, A.; Fiege, J.; Taylor, A. R.; Foster, T.; Landecker, T. L. |
Session VI. Massive Stars and the ISM |
| |
The Evolution of the Large-Scale ISM: Bubbles, Superbubbles and Non-Equilibrium Ionization |
313 |
de Avillez, M. A.; Breitschwerdt, D. |
A CGPS View of the ISM Towards HD 192281 |
328 |
Arnal, M.; Cichowolski, S.; Testori, J. C.; Pineault, S.; Cappa, C. |
The Interstellar Medium Around 41 New Wolf-Rayet Stars in the Inner Galaxy |
335 |
Pineault, S.; Gonzalez Moreno, J. A. |
The Origin of Excess X-Ray Emission in Two LMC Superbubbles |
342 |
Jaskot, A. E.; Strickland, D. K.; Oey, M. S.; Chu, Y.-H. |
On the Distance and Age of the Pulsar Wind Nebula 3C 58 |
347 |
Kothes, R. |
Modeling Supernova Remnants Using Radio and X-ray Data |
354 |
West, J. L.; Safi-Harb, S.; Foster, T. |
Radio and X-ray Observations of Five TeV Supernova Remnants |
361 |
Tian, W.; Leahy, D. |
Distances to Supernova Remnants from H I Absorption Spectra |
365 |
Leahy, D.; Tian, W. |
H I Shells at Forbidden Velocities |
372 |
Kang, J.; Koo, B.-C.; Salter, C. |
Session VII. New Observational Advances and Future Prospects |
| |
The Effelsberg–Bonn H I Survey: Milky Way Data |
381 |
Winkel, B.; Kerp, J.; Kalberla, P. M. W.; Ben Bekhti, N. |
Early Results from the Wisconsin H-Alpha Mapper Southern Sky Survey |
388 |
Haffner, L. M.; Reynolds, R. J.; Madsen, G. J.; Hill, A. S.; Barger, K. A.; Jaehnig, K. P.; Mierkiewicz, E. J.; Percival, J. W.; Chopra, N. |
The GALFA-H I Survey |
393 |
Peek, J. E. G.; Begum, A.; Douglas, K. A.; Gibson, S. J.; Grcevich, J.; Heiles, C.; Korpela, E. J.; Lee, M.; Putman, M.; Saul, D. R.; Stanimirović, S. |
GALFACTS: The G-ALFA Continuum Transit Survey |
402 |
Taylor, A. R.; Salter, C. J. |
Virtual Observatory Interfaces to CADC Data |
409 |
Redman, R. O. |
The DRAO Synthesis Telescope in the post-CGPS Era |
415 |
Kothes, R.; Landecker, T. L.; Gray, A. D. |
The Expanded Very Large Array |
421 |
Dougherty, S. M.; Perley, R. A. |
GASKAP – A Galactic Spectral Line Survey with the Australian Square Kilometer Array Pathfinder |
428 |
Dickey, J. M.; Gibson, S. J.; Gomez, J. F.; Imai, H.; Jones, P. A.; McClure-Griffiths, N. M.; Stanimirović, S.; van Loon, J. T. |
Focal Plane Array Systems - the Future of Radio Astronomy |
435 |
Willis, A. G.; Veidt, B.; Gray, A. D. |
Back Matter |
| |
Author Index |
443 |
Kothes, R.; Landecker, T. L.; Willis, A. G. |
Back Matter |
445 |
Kothes, R.; Landecker, T. L.; Willis, A. G. |