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Paper: The DRAO Synthesis Telescope in the post-CGPS Era
Volume: 438, The Dynamic Interstellar Medium: A Celebration of the Canadian Galactic Plane Survey
Page: 415
Authors: Kothes, R.; Landecker, T. L.; Gray, A. D.

The DRAO ST was used for the past 15 years as the primary instrument for the Canadian Galactic Plane Survey (CGPS, Taylor et al. 2003). This has been a spectacularly successful project, advancing our understanding of the Milky Way Galaxy through panoramic imaging of the main constituents of the Interstellar Medium. Observations for the CGPS are now complete and the Synthesis Telescope at DRAO (Landecker et al. 2000) has returned to proposal-driven mode.

The Dominion Radio Astrophysical Observatory invites astronomers to apply for observing time with the DRAO Synthesis Telescope. The DRAO ST provides radio observations of atomic hydrogen and radio continuum emission, including the polarized signal, with high spatial dynamic range and arcminute resolution. Imaging techniques developed for the CGPS have made the telescope into a front-line instrument for wide-field imaging, particularly of polarized emission. We will discuss telescope characteristics, show examples of data to demonstrate the unique capabilities of the ST, and explain where and how to apply for observing time.

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