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Paper: Step into NASA!
Volume: 539, ASP2024: Astronomy Across the Spectrum
Page: 3
Authors: Nee, J.
Abstract: Experience your space agency in a brand-new way! This paper introduces one of the products from the NASA Museum & Informal Education Alliance: a curriculum that utilizes interactive resources to engage learners in what it’s like to work at NASA. Participants will see what’s new in interactive online web apps, 360-degree videos, and more. Find something you can use in your next class, embed into your web page, display on your exhibit floor, or show in your dome! Also ask questions, make requests, and learn more about the universe of resources that NASA has to offer you, your staff, and your audiences. One of the primary missions of NASA is to inspire the next generation of explorers. While NASA facilities host public tours, events, and educational outreach, access to these opportunities is limited. However, newer communications technology like VR and 360 multimedia, let us invite the public to “Step into NASA” and experience who we are and what we do in ways never before possible. The NASA Museum & Informal Education Alliance helps all educators find and utilize NASA educational resources, with this session being just one example of 20+ years of content. Whether you have an obscure science question, need just the right piece of multimedia, are looking for free professional development for your staff, or even want to collaborate on custom programming, the Alliance is here to help!
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