Colomer, F.

Volume Paper Title Page Number Authors
19 Astrometry of SiO masers 338 Colomer, F.; Graham, D.; Krichbaum, T.; Ronnang, B. O.; de Vicente, P.; Barcia, A.; Booth, R. S.; Witzel, A.; Gomez-Gonzalez, J.; Baudry, A.
340 3mm & 7mm VLBA Observations of SiO Masers: Probing the Close Stellar Environment of the Bipolar Proto Planetary Nebulae OH231.8+4.2 352 Desmurs, J.-F.; Contreras, C.S.; Bujarrabal, V.; Alcolea, J.; Colomer, F.
340 Multi-Transition VLBA Observations of Circumstellar SiO Masers 384 Soria-Ruiz, R.; Colomer, F.; Alcolea, J.; Desmurs, J.-F.; Bujarrabal, V.; Marvel, K.M.; Diamond, P.J.; Boboltz, D.
402 Detectability of Circumstellar SiO Maser Emission on VSOP-2 Baselines 404 Colomer, F.; Bujarrabal, V.; Soria R.; Ruiz, R.S.; Dodson, R.; Alcolea, J.; Desmurs, J.-F.