Hammersley, P. L.

Volume Paper Title Page Number Authors
66 Sounding the Galactic Plane at Two Microns 277 Mahoney, T.; Hammersley, P. L.; Calbet, X.; Garzon, F.; Selby, M. J.
87 The Impact of Proposed Observing Modes on the Spanish SM Telescope 41 Hammersley, P. L.; Carranza, J. M.
231 Is the Milky Way a Double-barred Galaxy? 81 Hammersley, P. L.; López-Corredoira, M.; Garzon, F.
232 A Near-Infrared Sampling Survey of the Galactic Plane. 241 Hammersley, P. L.; Mahoney, T.J.; Lopez-Corredoira, M.; Garzon, F.