Khokhlov, A.

Volume Paper Title Page Number Authors
73 Type IA supernovae: Pulsating delayed detonation models, IR light curves, and the formation of molecules 441 Hoflich, Peter; Khokhlov, A.; Wheeler, C.
94 Numerical Simulations of Galaxy Formation: Effects of Star Formation and Gas Dynamics 125 Yepes, C.; Kates, R.; Klypin, A.; Khokhlov, A.
453 Three-dimensional Simulations of Thermonuclear Detonation with α-Network: Numerical Method and Preliminary Results 107 Khokhlov, A.; Domínguez, I.; Bacon, C.; Clifford, B.; Baron, E.; Hoeflich, P.; Krisciunas, K.; Suntzeff, N.; Wang, L.
453 Incomplete Carbon Detonations in Thermonuclear Supernovae\footnotemark 119 Domínguez, I.; Khokhlov, A.