Kim, S.

Volume Paper Title Page Number Authors
240 Gas & Galaxy Evolution: HI Imaging of the Large Magellanic Cloud 435 Kim, S.; Staveley-Smith, L.; Sault, R. J.
362 Submillimeter Observations of the 30 Doradus Nebula 297 Kim, S.
399 M 87 Globular Cluster System 471 Kim, S.; Tamura, N.; Yoon, S.J.; Sohn, S. T.; Arimoto, N.; Kodama, T.; Yamada, Y.; Chung, C.; Yun, K.; Kim, H.S.; Lee, Y.W.; Rey, S.C.
436 Resonant Pendulums: An Inquiry-Based Physics Lab 171 Kretke, K. A.; Kim, S.; Bresler, M.
436 The Tipping Point: Thresholds Between Earth's Physical Systems 237 Kim, S.; Stauffer, H.; Peach, K.; Nelson, K.
536 Optical Analysis of SN 2023ixf: From 10 Years Before to 100 Days After the Explosion 61 Kim, S.; Im, M.; Pack, G. S. H.; Lim, G.; Chang, S.-W.; IMANG & SomangNet Team