Li, P.

Volume Paper Title Page Number Authors
271 The BeppoSAX View on the 2001 Reactivation of SGR 1900+14 285 Feroci, M.; Mereghetti, S.; Costa, E.; in't Zand, J. J. M.; Soffitta, P.; Cline, T.; Duncan, R.; Finger, M.; Golenetskii, S. V.; Hurley, K.; Kouveliotou, C.; Li, P.; Mazets, E.; Tavani, M.; Thompson, C.; Woods, P.
498 Multi-Physics Feedback Simulations with Realistic Initial Conditions of the Formation of Star Clusters: From Large Scale Magnetized Clouds to Turbulent Clumps to Cores to Stars 91 Klein, R. I.; Li, P.; McKee, C. F.
536 Close Binaries in Multiple Star Systems 81 Liao, W.-P.; Qian, S.-B.; Zhu, L.-Y.; Li, P.; Zeng, Q.-H.