Lupton, R.

Volume Paper Title Page Number Authors
101 Shiva: an astronomical data analysis framework 248 Sergey, G.; Berman, E.; Huang, C. H.; Kent, S.; Newberg, H.; Nicinski, T.; Petravick, D.; Stoughton, C.; Lupton, R.
238 The SDSS Imaging Pipelines 269 Lupton, R.; Gunn, J. E.; Ivezić, Z.; Knapp, G. R.; Kent, S.
317 Reaching to the Edge of the Milky Way Halo with SDSS 179 Ivezic, Z.; Lupton, R.; Schlegel, D.; Smolcic, V.; Johnston, D.; Gunn, J.; Knapp, J.; Strauss, M.; Rockosi, C.
327 Halo Structure Traced by SDSS RR Lyrae 104 Ivezic, Z.; Lupton, R.; Schlegel, D.; Smolcic, V.; Johnston, D.; Gunn, J.; Knapp, J.; Strauss, M.; Rockosi, C.; SDSS Collaboration
338 Experience with SDSS: the Promise and Perils of Large Surveys 151 Lupton, R.; Ivezic, Z.
347 New Features for VO-Enabled Data Intensive Science with the SDSS 684 Thakar, A.R.; Szalay, A.S.; O'Mullane, W.; Budavari, T.; Nieto-Santisteban, M.A.; Fekete, G.; Li, N.; Carliles, S.; Gray, J.; Lupton, R.
364 A Comparison of SDSS Standard Star Catalog for Stripe 82 with Stetson's Photometric Standards 165 Ivezic, Z.; Smith, J.A.; Miknaitis, G.; Lin, H.; Tucker, D.L.; Lupton, R.; Knapp, G.R.; Gunn, J.E.; Strauss, M.; Holtzman, J.; Kent, S.; Yanny, B.; Schlegel, D.; Finkbeiner, D.; Padmanabhan, N.; Rockosi, C.; Juric, M.; Bond, N.; Lee, B.; Jester, S.; Harris, H.; Harding, P.; Brinkmann, J.; York, D.
371 The Characterization, Subtraction, and Addition of Astronomical Images 160 Lupton, R.
485 Development of a Database System for Data Obtained by Hyper Suprime-Cam on the Subaru Telescope 243 Yamada, Y.; Takata, T.; Furusawa, H.; Okura, Y.; Koike, M.; Yamanoi, H.; Yasuda, N.; Bickerton, S.; Katayama, N.; Mineo, S.; Lupton, R.; Bosch, J.; Loomis, C.; Miyatake, H.; Price, P.; Smith, K.; Lang, D.
485 Web-based Hyper Suprime-Cam Data Providing System 297 Koike, M.; Furusawa, H.; Takata, T.; Price, P.; Okura, Y.; Yamada, Y.; Yamanoi, H.; Yasuda, N.; Bickerton, S.; Katayama, N.; Mineo, S.; Lupton, R.; Bosch, J.; Loomis, C.