Title: |
The Future of Photometric, Spectrophotometric, and Polarimetric Standardization
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Sterken, Christiaan
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Paper Title |
Page |
Authors |
Cover |
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Volume 364 Cover |
Sterken, C. |
Front Matter |
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Volume 364 Front Matter |
1 |
Sterken, C. |
Conference Photo |
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Volume 364 Conference Photograph |
2 |
Sterken, C. |
Part 1. Concepts of Standardization |
| |
Concepts of Standards and Standardization |
3 |
Sterken, C. |
Notions of Transformation |
13 |
Sterken, C. |
Part 2. Photometry: Construction, Calibration and Maintenance of Photometric Systems |
| |
Standardization in the Classical UBV RI Photometric System |
27 |
Landolt, A.U. |
The Walraven V BLUW Photometric System: 32 Years of 5-Channel Photometry |
63 |
Pel, J.W.; Lib, J. |
Improved Photometric Accuracy and the Creation of an All-sky High-Accuracy Stellar Standard System |
77 |
Mironov, A.; Zakharov, A.; Ambartsumyan, A. |
Photometric and Astrometric Calibration of the JWST Instrument Complement |
81 |
Diaz-Miller, R.I. |
Historical View of the u′g′r′i′z′ Standard System |
91 |
Smith, J.A.; Tucker, D.L.; Allam, S.S.; Ivezic, Z.; Yanny, B.; Gunn, J.E.; Knapp, G.R.; Eisenstein, D.; Finkbeiner, D.; Fukugita, M. |
Time Series Photometry Data: Standard Access, Standard Format |
99 |
Holl, A. |
The Secondary Standards Programme for OmegaCAM |
103 |
Verdoes Kleijn, G.; Vermeij, R.; Valentijn, E.; Kuijken, K. |
Photometry with FORS at the ESO VLT |
113 |
Freudling, W.; Romaniello, M.; Patat, F.; Moller, P.; Jehin, E.; O'Brien, K. |
Part 3. Photometry: Sky Surveys |
| |
All-Sky Photometric Surveys |
139 |
Henden, A.A.; Sallman, M.P. |
Overview of Photometric Calibration of LSST Instruments and Data |
145 |
Burke, D.L. |
Calibration of the Pan-STARRS 3π Survey |
153 |
Magnier, E; the Pan-STARRS Team |
A Comparison of SDSS Standard Star Catalog for Stripe 82 with Stetson's Photometric Standards |
165 |
Ivezic, Z.; Smith, J.A.; Miknaitis, G.; Lin, H.; Tucker, D.L.; Lupton, R.; Knapp, G.R.; Gunn, J.E.; Strauss, M.; Holtzman, J.; Kent, S.; Yanny, B.; Schlegel, D.; Finkbeiner, D.; Padmanabhan, N.; Rockosi, C.; Juric, M.; Bond, N.; Lee, B.; Jester, S.; Harris, H.; Harding, P.; Brinkmann, J.; York, D. |
The SkyMapper Southern Sky Survey |
177 |
Keller, S.; Bessell, M.; Schmidt, B.; Francis, P. |
The Photometric Calibration of the Dark Energy Survey |
187 |
Tucker, D.L.; Annis, J.T.; Lin, H.; Kent, S.; Stoughton, C.; Peoples, J.; Allam, S.S.; Mohr, J.J.; Barkhouse, W.A.; Ngeow, C.; Alam, T.; Beldica, C.; Cai, D.; Daues, G.; Plante, R.; Miller, C.; Smith, C.; Suntzeff, N.B. |
Hints on the Calibration of Wide Field Imagers |
201 |
Monelli, M.; Bono, G.; Corsi, C.E.; Caputo, F.; Pulone, L.; Walker, A.R.; Buonanno, R.; Dall'Ora, M.; Ripepi, V.; Francois, P.; Nonino, M.; Munteanu, A.; Smith, H.A.; Stetson, P.B.; Thevenin, F. |
Part 4. Standardization of Spectrophotometry |
| |
Photometry with GAIA |
215 |
Jordi, C.; Carrasco, J.M. |
A Uniform Set of Optical/NIR Photometric Zero Points to be Used with CHORIZOS |
227 |
Maiz-Apellaniz, J. |
Unified Absolute Spectrophotometry for Star Clusters |
237 |
Dodd, R.J. |
The ASTRA Spectrophotometer: Design and Overview |
255 |
Adelman, S.J.; Gulliver, A.F.; Smalley, B.; Pazder, J.S.; Younger, P.F.; Boyd, L.J.; Epand, D.; Younger, T. |
The ASTRA Spectrophotometer: Reduction and Flux Calibrations |
265 |
Smalley, B.; Gulliver, A.F.; Adelman, S.J. |
Removal of Instrumental Signatures in Echelle Spectra |
275 |
Hensberge, H. |
SNAP Candidate Standard Stars |
283 |
Allam, S.S.; Deustua, S.E.; Tucker, D.L.; Mostek, N.; Richmond, M.W. |
Spectrophotometric Calibration of the 10-m GTC Telescope at La Palma Observatory |
289 |
Di Cesare, M.A.; Hammersley, P.L.; Rodrguez-Espinosa, J.M. |
On the Calibration of Multi-object Spectrographs |
295 |
Nonino, M.; Bono, G.; Monelli, M.; Thevenin, F.; Francois, P.; Buonanno, R.; Corsi, C.E.; Iannicola, G.; Ferraro, I.; Pulone, L.; Moehler, S.; Smith, H.A.; Stetson, P.B.; Walker, A.R. |
Part 5. Spectrophotometric and Photometric Absolute Flux Calibrations |
| |
The Problems with Vega |
305 |
Gray, R.O. |
HST Stellar Standards with 1% Accuracy in Absolute Flux |
315 |
Bohlin, R.C. |
Networks of Absolute Calibration Stars for SST, AKARI, and WISE |
333 |
Cohen, M. |
Dark Energy Science Constraints on Calibration: Design of the SNAP Calibration System |
355 |
Deustua, S.; SNAP Calibration Team |
ACCESS – Absolute Color Calibration Experiment for Standard Stars |
361 |
Kaiser, M.E.; Kruk, J.W.; McCandliss, S.R.; Sahnow, D.J.; Van Dyke Dixon, W.; Bohlin, R.C.; Deustua, S.E. |
Preliminary Results from Detector-Based Throughput Calibration of the CTIO Mosaic Imager and Blanco Telescope Using a Tunable Laser |
373 |
Stubbs, C.W.; Slater, S.K.; Brown, Y.J.; Sherman, D.; Smith, R.C.; Suntzeff, N.B.; Saha, A.; Tonry, J.L.; Masiero, J.; Rodney, S. |
Part 6. Standardization in the Infrared |
| |
Standardization and the Enhancement of Infrared Precision |
387 |
Milone, E.F.; Young, A.T. |
Towards a Common Near-Infrared Photometric System |
409 |
Tokunaga, A.T.; Vacca, W.D. |
Extending the Methods Used to Calibrate ISO to the GTC |
423 |
Hammersley, P.L.; Di Cesare, M.A.; Rodriguez-Espinosa, J.M. |
Mid-Infrared Calibration of a Dense Spatial Network of Stars for Accurate Absolute Spectrophotometry: a New Approach for a New Generation of Telescopes |
433 |
Martin-Luis, F.; Kidger, M. |
InfraRed Standards Used for Spectrophotometric Calibration – Application to the Medium Resolution Spectrometer of MIRI |
443 |
Decin, L.; Bauwens, E.; Blommaert, J.A.D.L. |
The Spectrum of Th-Ar Hollow Cathode Lamps in the 900– 4500 nm Region: Establishing Wavelength Standards for the Calibration of VLT Spectrographs |
461 |
Kerber, F.; Nave, G.; Sansonetti, C.J.; Bristow, P.; Rosa, M.R. |
Part 7. Standardizations of Polarimetry |
| |
Standardization of (Optical) Polarization Measurements: a Simple Introduction |
481 |
Landstreet, J.D. |
Polarimetric Standardization |
495 |
Landi Degl'Innocenti, E.; Bagnulo, S.; Fossati, L. |
Standard Stars for Linear Polarization Observed with FORS1 |
503 |
Fossati, L.; Bagnulo, S.; Mason, E.; Landi Degl'Innocenti, E. |
New Near-infrared Polarimetric Standards |
515 |
Ageorges, N. |
Low Polarization Standards |
523 |
Hough, J.H.; Lucas, P.W.; Bailey, J.A.; Tamura, M. |
The Variability of Polarized Standard Stars |
529 |
Bastien, P.; Vernet, E.; Drissen, L.; Menard, F.; Moffat, A.F.J.; Robert, C.; St-Louis, N. |
Part 8. Synthetic Data and Models |
| |
A Grid of FASTWIND NLTE Model Atmospheres of Massive Stars |
545 |
Lefever, K.; Puls, J.; Aerts, C. |
Using DA White Dwarfs to Calibrate Synthetic Photometry |
553 |
Holberg, J.B. |
Part 9. Reduction Techniques, Procedures and Methods |
| |
Analytical Flatfield Corrections on VATT Data |
563 |
Boyle, R.P.; Janusz, R. |
A Technique for a Self-Luminous Flatfield Calibration Screen |
571 |
Brown, Y.J.; Stubbs, C.W.; Henry, E.T.; Bailes Brown, L. |
A Comparative Test of CCD Reduction Procedures |
579 |
Tuvikene, T.; Bouzid, M.Y.; Ederoclite, A.; Sterken, C. |
Part 10. Standardization of Unusual Objects |
| |
Photometric Calibration of the Supernova Legacy Survey Fields |
587 |
Regnault, N. |
What Really Is the Relativistic Radio-Jet Distance of the Galactic Microquasar GRO J1655–40? |
597 |
Foellmi, C. |
Variable Stars and Non-standard Photometric Data |
603 |
Olah, K.; Sterken, C. |
Part 11. Recommendations for the Future |
| |
Standardization: Needs for the Future |
613 |
Sterken, C. |
Part 12. Appendix |
| |
Color Illustrations |
617 |
various authors |
Back Matter |
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Volume 364 Back Matter |
621 |
Sterken, C. |
Photographs |
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Volume 364 Photographs |
999 |
Sterken, C. |