Wade, G.

Volume Paper Title Page Number Authors
449 Magnetic Doppler Imaging of Ap Stars 280 Silvester, J.; Wade, G.; Kochukhov, O.; Landstreet, J.; Bagnulo, S.
449 Magnetic Fields, Winds and X-Rays of Massive Stars: A Spectropolarimetric Survey of the Orion Cluster 290 Petit, V.; Wade, G.; Drissen, L.; Montmerle, T.; Alecian, E.
506 Emission from the Centrifugal Magnetospheres of Magnetic B-type Stars 251 Shultz, M.; Wade, G.; Rivinius, T.; Townsend, R.; MiMeS Collaboration
506 Discovery of a Centrifugal Magnetosphere around the He-Strong Magnetic B1 Star ALS 3694 305 Shultz, M.; Wade, G.; Rivinius, T.; Sikora, J.; MiMeS Collaboration
515 Testing Opacities Using the SED Variability of Chemically Peculiar Stars 195 Krtička, J.; Huang, L.; Lüftinger, T.; Mikulášek, Z. M.; Niemczura, E.; Prvák, M.; Silvester, J.; Wade, G.; Zverko, J.