Title: Engaging the Heavens: Inspiration of Astronomical Phenomena V
Volume: 468 Year: 2013 View this Volume on ADS
Editors: Marvin Bolt and Stephen Case

Adler Planetarium, Chicago, Illinois, USA
26 June – 1 July 2005

Inaugurated in 1994, the INSAP conference series explores and celebrates the inspiration of astronomy on culture throughout human history. The papers in this volume arise from presentations given at INSAP V, hosted in 2005 by the Adler Planetarium & Astronomy Museum, bringing together over fifty artists, writers, astronomers, planetarium operators, and historians from
around the world.

These papers cluster around two themes: astronomical inspiration in the visual arts (including sculpture, digital media, and dance) and in the storytelling arts (including literature, poetry, and planetarium production). Topics include astronomical symbolism in the works of Carl Sandburg, Albert Camus, and British travel writers; changing depictions of Saturn from Augustus to Galileo; and astronomically-inspired contemporary art and sculpture.

These studies provide compelling insights into the diverse intersections of science and art through our historical and continued engagements with the heavens.
ISBN: 978-1-58381-818-3 eISBN: 978-1-58381-819-0

Paper Title Page Authors
Front Matter   
Book Cover
Front Matter 1 Bolt, M.; Case, S.
Conference Photo 2 Bolt, M.; Case, S.
Part I. Astronomical Inspiration of Visual Art:   
Our Complex Universe: A Human Understanding through Art 3 Kaler, J. B.
Moved by a Rapid Transit 13 Bueter, C.
Seven Enigmas: The Universe Within and Without 21 Cogswell, J.
The Sun as Art 27 Hill, S.
Aesthetic Response and Cosmic Aesthetic Distance 31 Madacsi, D.
What Are Red Sprites? An Art and Science Collaboration 37 McLeish, P.
Nebula 43 Richards, R.
Cosmic Art: Artistic Expressions of the Universe in Science 49 Papacosta, P.
Inspirational Realism: Chesley Bonestell and Astronomical Art 57 Perkowitz, S.
Quest for Exploration Artist Statement 63 Rotblatt-Amrany, J.; Amrany, O.
Astronomical and Cosmological Symbolism in Art Dedicated to Newton and Einstein 67 Sinclair, R.
Sun Circle: An Archeoastronomical Monument 77 Tanz, C.
Moonwalk 83 Waite, C. T.
The Moon Project: 1994 – 2005 91 Wolf, S.
The Dancer, the Sculptor, and the Astronomer: Science and Aesthetics at the Fin de Siécle 97 Wells, G.
Part II. Astronomical Inspiration of the Storytelling Art:   
The Faces of Saturn: Images and Texts from Augustus through Dürer to Galileo 105 Shank, M. H.
Astronomy and Existentialism in Albert Camus' “The Adulterous Woman” 129 Garwood, D.
The Planetary Consciousness of British Travel Writers 137 Henry, H.
The End: Astronomy Meets Eschatology 143 Impey, C.
Storytelling with an Audience in the Live Planetarium Program Starball 149 Kaufmann, J.
Shaped by the Stars, Reshaped by the Poet 155 Keck, K. R.
Transatlantic Inspiration: The Mathematisch-Physikalischer Salon in Dresden and the Founding of the Adler Planetarium in Chicago 161 Korey, M.
“Orion, I Don't Love You”: The Astronomical Legacy of Carl Sandburg 169 Ricca, B.
The Telling Takes Us Home 175 Lazic, G. M.
Contributor Biographies 181 Bolt, M.; Case, S.
Back Matter   
Author Index 187 Bolt, M.; Case, S.
Back Matter 189