Title: Astronomical Data Analysis Software and Systems IV
Volume: 77 Year: 1995 View this Volume on ADS
Editors: Shaw, R. A.; Payne, H. E.; Hayes, J. J. E.
ISBN: 0-937707-96-1 eISBN: 978-1-58381-413-0
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Paper Title Page Authors
The Electronic PictureBook and Astronomy's Education Initiative 3 Brown, R. A.; Ishee, J.; Lallo, C.
The View from NASA Headquarters: Trends and Changes in Mission Operations and Data Analysis Programs 8 Riegler, G.
Modelling Astrophysical Turbulent Convection 15 Brummell, N.; Toomre, J.
Distributed Software for Observations in the Near Infrared 25 Gavryusev, V.; Baffa, C.; Giani, E.
The New Astrophysics Data System 28 Eichhorn, G.; Murray, S. S.; Kurtz, M. J.; Accomazzi, A.; Grant, C. S.
Development of an ADS Data Dictionary Standard 32 Grant, C. S.; Accomazzi, A.; Eichhorn, G.; Kurtz, M. J.; Murray, S. S.
ADS Abstract Service Enhancements 36 Accomazzi, A.; Grant, C. S.; Eichhorn, G.; Kurtz, M. J.; Murray, S. S.
WWW as a Support for the Long Term LBT Archive 40 Fini, L.
The World Wide Web: Cornerstone of the EUVE Science Archive 44 McDonald, K.; Stroozas, B.; Antia, B.; Roberts, B.; Chen, K.; Craig, N.; Christian, C.
The EINSTEIN On-Line Service 48 Harris, D. E.; Grant, C. S.; Andernach, H.
AstroWeb -- Internet Resources for Astronomers 52 Jackson, R. E.; Adorf, H.-M.; Egret, D.; Heck, A.; Koekemoer, A.; Murtagh, F.; Wells, D. C.
Indexing and Searching Distributed Astronomical Data Archives 55 Jackson, R. E.
An Information System for Proposal Submission and Handling 58 Chavan, A. M.; Albrecht, M. A.
Design of a Remote Proposal Submission System 62 Richmond, A.; Duesterhaus, M.; Yom, S.; Schlegel, E.; Smale, A.; White, N. E.
Electronic Submission of HST Phase I Observing Proposals 65 Payne, H. E.; Asson, D. J.
A Generalized Mosaic-to-SQL Interface with Extensions to Distributed Archives 68 Pasian, F.; Smareglia, R.
WDB---A Web Interface to Sybase 72 Rasmussen, B. F.
Two Small Astronomical Catalogs Available In Hypertext 76 Strom, K. M.
User Interfaces to HST Data: StarView and the World Wide Web 80 Travisano, J. J.
ISSA-PS, The Postage Stamp Server for IRAS Imaging Data 84 van Buren, D.; Ebert, R.; Egret, D.
A Portable GUI Development System---The IRAF Widget Server 89 Tody, D.
The AstroVR Collaboratory, an On-line Multi-User Environment for Research in Astrophysics 99 van Buren, D.; Curtis, P.; Nichols, D. A.; Brundage, M.
A Graphical User Interface for a Development Environment (GUIDE) 109 Bhatnagar, A.
Tcl/Tk with DRAMA - A Natural for Building User Interfaces to Instrumentation Systems? 113 Farrell, T. J.; Bailey, J. A.; Shortridge, K.
A Method for Visualizing Time Variability in X-Ray Images 117 Giommi, P.; White, N. E.; Angelini, L.
ASpect: A Multi-Wavelength Spectrum Analysis Package for IRAF 121 Hulbert, S. J.; Eisenhamer, J. D.; Levay, Z. G.; Shaw, R. A.
Applying Public Access Programming Techniques To SAOimage 125 Mandel, E.; Tody, D.
WIP -- an Interactive Graphics Software Package 129 Morgan, J. A.
Providing a Common GUI to Image Processing Tasks under pcIPS 133 Smirnov, O. M.; Piskunov, N. E.
A Graphical Planning and Scheduling Toolkit for Astronomical Spacecraft 136 Kleiner, S. C.
A Graphical Front End for the WIYN Telescope Engineering Data System 140 Percival, J. W.
Space and the Spaceball 144 Gooch, R.
Visualization of GBT Geometry 148 Wells, D. C.
What Happened to the Results? 155 Ansari, S. G.; Micol, A.
The Hubble Space Telescope Data Archive 158 Borne, K. D.; Baum, S. A.; Fruchter, A.; Long, K. S.
The Hubble Data Archive: Opening the Treasures of the HST to the Community 162 Pollizzi, J. A., III
Designing an Open E-Mail Interface to a Data Archive 166 Richon, J.
An Object-Oriented Approach to Astronomical Databases 169 Brunner, R. J.; Ramaiyer, K.; Szalay, A.; Connolly, A. J.; Lupton, R. H.
Data Archive System for KISO Observatory and Okayama Astrophysical Observatory 173 Ichikawa, S.; Yoshida, S.; Yoshida, M.; Horaguchi, T.; Hamabe, M.
Exploring Interactive Archive Data Presentation at the COSSC 176 Jordan, J. M.; Cresitello-Dittmar, M.; Allen, J. S.
Accessing the Digitized Sky Survey 179 Morrison, J. E.
GUIDARES: Reading the Guide Star Catalog in Very Many Ways 182 Malkov, O. Yu.; Smirnov, O. M.
Storing and Distributing GONG Data 185 Trueblood, M.; Erdwurm, W.; Pintar, J. A.
What is an Astronomical Data Model? 191 Farris, A.; Allen, R. J.
Propagating Uncertainties and Units in Data Structures 195 McDowell, J.; Elvis, M.
An Abstract Data Interface 199 Allan, D. J.
Proposed FITS Keywords and Column Headers for ALEXIS Mission Data Files 203 Bloch, J.; Theiler, J.
ASC Data Structures and Model 207 Conroy, M.; Simon, R.; McDowell, J.; Barry, K.
Reformatting the Ginga Database to FITS and the Creation of a Data Products Archive 211 Corbet, R. H. D.; Larkin, C.; Butcher, J. A.; Osborne, J. P.; Nousek, J. A.
Source-searching in Photon-event Lists without Imaging 215 Page, C. G.
The OGIP FITS Working Group 219 Corcoran, M. F.; Angelini, L.; George, I.; McGlynn, T.; Mukai, K.; Pence, W.; Rots, A.
Organizing Observational Data at the Telescope 221 Peron, M.; Baade, D.; Albrecht, M. A.; Grosbol, P.
IMPORT/EXPORT: Image Conversion Tools for IRAF 225 Fitzpatrick, M.
Convert: Bridging the Scientific Data Format Chasm 229 Jennings, D. G.; Pence, W. D.; Folk, M.
Representations of Celestial Coordinates in FITS 233 Greisen, E. W.; Calabretta, M.
A Generic Data Exchange Scheme Between FITS Format and C Structures 237 Peng, W.; Nicinski, T.
A Proposed Convention for Writing FITS Data Tapes: DRAFT 0 241 ROSAT/ASCA/Xte Development Team
FITSIO Subroutine Library Update 245 Pence, W. D.
FITS Checksum Verification in the NOAO Archive 247 Seaman, R.
Automated Classification of a Large Database of Stellar Spectra 253 Gulati, R. K.; Gupta, R.; Gothoskar, P.; Khobragade, S.
Classification of Objects in the Guide Star Catalog 257 Malkov, O. Yu.; Smirnov, O. M.
Object Detection Using Multi-Resolution Analysis 260 Murtagh, F.; Zeilinger, W.; Starck, J.-L.; Bijaoui, A.
Unsupervised Catalog Classification 264 Murtagh, F.
Astronomical Image Compression Using the Pyramidal Median Transform 268 Starck, J.-L.; Murtagh, F.; Louys, M.
Clustering Analysis Algorithms and Their Applications to Digital POSS-II Catalogs 272 de Carvalho, R. R.; Djorgovski, S. G.; Weir, N.; Fayyad, U.; Cherkauer, K.; Roden, J.; Gray, A.
Multiresolution and Astronomical Image Processing 279 Starck, J.-L.; Murtagh, F.; Bijaoui, A.
Improvements in Filter Design for Removing Galactic ``Cirrus'' from IRAS Images 289 Basart, J. P.; He, L. X.; Appleton, P. N.; Pedelty, J. A.
Star Finding and PSF Determination using Image Restoration 293 Hook, R. N.; Lucy, L. B.
Registering, PSF-Matching and Intensity-Matching Images in IRAF 297 Phillips, A. C.; Davis, L. E.
Restoration of HST WFPC2 Images in Gyro-Hold Mode 301 Mo, J.; Hanisch, R. J.
MEM Task for Image Restoration in IRAF 305 Wu, N.
Statistical Consulting Center for Astronomy 311 Feigelson, E. D.; Akritas, M. G.; Rosenberger, J. L.
Stochastic Relaxation as a Tool for Bayesian Modeling of Astronomical Images 315 Busko, I. C.
Spatial Models and Spatial Statistics for Astronomical Data 319 Pasztor, L.; Toth, L. V.
Spatial Structure of NGC 6822: an Example for Statistical Modeling of Astronomical Data 323 Pasztor, L.; Gallart, C.; Aparicio, A.; Vilchez, J. M.
Cheating Poisson: A Biased Method for Detecting Faint Sources in All-Sky Survey Data 327 Lewis, J. W.
Bias-Free Parameter Estimation with Few Counts, by Iterative Chi-Squared %chi (2) Minimization 331 Kearns, K.; Primini, F.; Alexander, D.
A Method for Minimizing Background Offset Errors When Creating Mosaics 335 Regan, M. W.; Gruendl, R. A.
CCDs at ESO: A Systematic Testing Program 341 Abbott, T. M. C.; Warmels, R. H.
Modeling Scattered Light in the HST Faint Object Spectrograph 345 Bushouse, H.; Rosa, M.; Mueller, Th.
Simulation of HST PSFs using Tiny Tim 349 Krist, J.
QPSIM: an IRAF/PROS Tool for Source Simulation 353 Manning, K. R.; Deponte, J.; Primini, F.
The SAO {AXAF} Simulation System 357 Jerius, D.; Freeman, M.; Gaetz, T.; Hughes, J. P.; Podgorski, W.
Simulations of Pinhole Imaging for AXAF: Distributed Processing Using the MPI Standard 361 Nguyen, D.; Hillberg, B.
FTOOLS: A FITS Data Processing and Analysis Software Package 367 Blackburn, J. K.
Migrating the STARLINK Network from VMS to Unix 371 Clayton, C.
Porting CGS4DR to Unix 375 Daly, P. N.
The Array Limited Infrared Control Environment 379 Daly, P. N.; Bridger, A.; Pickup, D. A.; Paterson, M. J.
The SAX-LEGSPC Data Reduction and Analysis System: an Example of a Minimalist Approach 383 Favata, F.; Parmar, A. N.; Lammers, U.; Vacanti, G.; Busetta, M.; Mathieu, J. J.; Isherwood, P.
The Data Analysis System For The PDS Detector On-board the SAX Satellite 387 dal Fiume, D.; Frontera, F.; Nicastro, L.; Orlandini, M.; Trifoglio, M.
Use of Inheritance Techniques in Real-Time Systems under DRAMA 391 Farrell, T. J.; Shortridge, K.
Interfacing the TK Toolkit to ADAM 395 Terrett, D. L.
The Stellar Dynamics Toolbox NEMO 398 Teuben, P.
Data Reduction Software for {SWAS} 402 Wang, Z.
A New PROS Task for Calculating HRI Source Intensities or Upper Limits 406 Chen, J. C.; Conroy, M. A.; Deponte, J.; Primini, F. A.
The PROS Big Picture: A High-Level Representation of a Software System 410 Deponte, J.; Chen, J.; Manning, K. R.; Schmidt, D.; van Stone, D.
An IRAF-Independent Interface for Spatial-Region Descriptors 414 Schmidt, D.
Recreating Einstein Level One Processing Exposure Masks and Background Maps in IRAF 418 van Stone, D.; Garcia, M.; McDowell, J.
The ASC Pipeline: Concept to Prototype 422 Mistry, A.; Plummer, David; Zacher, Robert
Evolution of EUVE Guest Observer Data Reduction 425 Olson, E. C.
The OPUS Pipeline: A Partially Object-Oriented Pipeline System 429 Rose, J.; Akella, R.; Binegar, S.; Choo, T. H.; Heller-Boyer, C.; Hester, T.; Hyde, P.; Perrine, R.; Rose, M. A.; Steuerman, K.
A Retrospective View of MIRIAD 433 Sault, R. J.; Teuben, P. J.; Wright, M. C. H.
The IDL Astronomy User's Library 437 Landsman, W. B.
Spectroscopic reduction and analysis programs at the DAO 443 Hill, G.
Interactive Fitting of EUVE Emission Line Spectra 453 Abbott, M.
On the Combination of Undersampled Multiframes 456 Adorf, H.-M.
Interpolation of Irregularly Sampled Data Series---A Survey 460 Adorf, H.-M.
Calculating the Position and Velocity Components of HST 464 Ake, T. B.
Robust Data Analysis Methods for Spectroscopy 468 Ballester, P.
Application of the Linear Quadtree to Astronomical Databases 472 Barrett, P.
Wavelength Calibration at Moderately High Resolution 476 de Cuyper, J.-P.; Hensberge, H.
An Approach for Obtaining Polarization Information from {COBE}-DMR 480 Keegstra, P. B.; Bennett, C. L.; Smoot, G. F.
Discrimination of Point-like Objects in Astronomical Images using Surface Curvature 484 Llebaria, A.; Lamy, P.; Malburet, P.
Automated Globular Cluster Photometry with DASHA 488 Smirnov, O. M.; Ipatov, A. P.
MACSQIID: A package for the reduction of data from the SQIID Infrared Camera 492 MacKenty, J. W.
EMSAO: Radial Velocities from Emission Lines in Spectra 496 Mink, D. J.; Wyatt, W. F.
A Technique for Determining Proper Motions from Schmidt Plate Scans at ST ScI 500 Williamson, R. L., II; MacConnell, D. J.; Roberts, W. J.
Towards a General Definition for Spectroscopic Resolution 503 Jones, A. W.; Bland-Hawthorn, J.; Shopbell, P. L.
A Test for Weak Cosmic Ray Events on CCD Exposures 507 Bland-Hawthorn, J.; Serjeant, S.; Shopbell, P. L.
Automated Spectral Reduction in the IRAF Fabry-Perot Package 510 Shopbell, P. L.; Bland-Hawthorn, J.
Robust Estimation and Image Combining 514 Zhang, C. Y.
ADASS '94 - A Summary and a Look to the Future 518 Jacoby, G. H.