Title: The Evolution of Galaxies on Cosmological Timescales
Volume: 187 Year: 1999 View this Volume on ADS
Editors: Beckman, J. E.; Mahoney, T. J.
ISBN: 1-58381-013-7 eISBN: 978-1-58381-523-6
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Paper Title Page Authors
Chemical Evolution of the Galaxy 3 Pagel, B. E. J.
Dynamical Evolution of the Galaxy 20 Gilmore, Gerard; Feltzing, Sofia
The Bar and Triaxial Bulge of the Galaxy as Seen by New Near-Infrared Surveys 31 Garzòn, F.
The Formation and Evolution of the Milky Way from the Accretion of High-Velocity Clouds 43 Blitz, Leo; Spergel, David N.; Teuben, Peter J.; Hartmann, Dap
Molecular Gas and the Dynamics of Galaxies 59 Combes, F.
Observations of Barred Galaxies 72 Knapen, Johan H.
Birth, Aging, and Death of Galactic Bars 88 Friedli, Daniel
Dynamical Evolution of Central Regions in Disk Galaxies 100 Shlosman, Isaac
Ionized Gas in Spiral Galaxies and the Ionization of the Intergalactic Medium 115 Beckman, John E.; Zurita, Almudena; Rozas, Maite
Satellites as Probes of the Masses of Spiral Galaxies 125 Erickson, Lance K.; Gottesman, S. T.; Hunter, James H., Jr.; Boonyasait, Veera
The IMF and Its Evolution 145 Elmegreen, Bruce
Star-Formation History of Galaxies 164 Hammer, François
Evolution of Shape in the Field 178 Heller, C. H.
The Massive Stellar Content in Starburst Galaxies and Its Impact on Galaxy Evolution 189 Gonzàlez Delgado, Rosa M.
The Chemical Evolution of the Universe 203 Edmunds, M. G.
Chemical Evolution of Dwarf Irregular Galaxies: Chemodynamical Models and the Effect of Gas Infall 214 Hensler, Gerhard; Rieschick, Andreas; Käpen, Joachim
Abundance Ratios in Early-Type Galaxies 231 Peletier, Reynier
Uncertainties in Population-Synthesis Models 245 Bruzual A.G.
Stellar Populations in Young Galaxies 256 Arimoto, Nobuo; Takagi, Toshinobu; Vansevicius, Viadas
Luminous Blue Compact Dwarf Galaxies: a Key Player in Galaxy Evolution 271 Guzmàn, Rafael
Merger-Driven Galaxies 281 Mirabel, I. F.
Galaxy Transformation by Merging 293 Barnes, Joshua E.
Morphology of Galaxies in the Hubble Deep Field North and South 309 Marleau, Francine R.; Simard, Luc
Nature and Evolution of Damped Lyman Alpha Systems 323 Viadilo, G.