Title: NAIC-NRAO School on Single-dish Radio Astronomy: Techniques and Applications
Volume: 278 Year: 2002 View this Volume on ADS
Editors: Stanimirovic, Snezana; Altschuler, Daniel; Goldsmith, Paul; Salter, Chris
ISBN: 1-58381-120-6 eISBN: 978-1-58381-613-4
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Paper Title Page Authors
The National Astronomy and Ionosphere Center's (NAIC) Arecibo Observatory in Puerto Rico 1 Altschuler, Daniel R.
Why Single-Dish? 27 Emerson, Darrel
Radio Telescopes and Measurements at Radio Wavelengths 45 Goldsmith, Paul F.
Measurement in Radio Astronomy 81 Campbell, Donald B.
The Receiver System -- cm Regime 91 Norrod, Roger D.
The Receiver System--mm Regime 99 Payne, John M.
Back-ends 113 Fisher, J. R.
Spectrometry and Autocorrelation 123 Hagen, Jon
A Heuristic Introduction to Radioastronomical Polarization 131 Heiles, Carl
Continuum 1: General Aspects 155 Condon, J. J.
Continuum 2: Specific Applications 173 Salter, C. J.
The Rudiments of Spectral Line Radio Astronomy 187 Liszt, Harvey S.
Spectral Line Advanced Topics 209 Dickey, John M.
Pulsar Observations I. -- Propagation Effects, Searching Distance Estimates, Scintillations and VLBI 227 Cordes, James M.
Pulsar Observations II. -- Coherent Dedispersion Polarimetry, and Timing 251 Stairs, I. H.
Planetary Radar Astronomy 271 Black, Gregory J.
Single-Dish Calibration Techniques at Radio Wavelengths 293 O'Neil, K.
Millimeter Wave Calibration Techniques 313 Jewell, P. R.
Reduction and Analysis Techniques 329 Maddalena, Ronald J.
Single-Dish Analysis within AIPS++ 353 McMullin, Joseph P.; Garwood, Robert W.; Cornwell, Tim; Kemball, Athol; Braatz, Jim
Short-Spacings Correction from the Single-Dish Perspective 375 Stanimirovic, Snezana
Stray Radiation: Causes, Curses, and Cures 397 Lockman, Felix J.
The Effects of the Atmosphere 413 Olmi, Luca
RFI and How to Deal with It 433 Fisher, J. R.
Spectrum Management 447 Ghosh, Tapasi
Focal Plane Arrays 453 Payne, John M.
Bolometers for Submillimeter and Millimeter Astronomy 463 Holland, Wayne; Duncan, William; Griffin, Matthew
Single-Dish Radio Telescopes of the World 493 Salter, C. J.
First VLBI Observations with Arecibo in an International S2 Ad-hoc Array 507 Molotov, Igor; Chuprikov, Andrey; Likhachev, Sergey; Salter, Chris; Ghosh, Tapasi; Ghigo, Frank; Dougherty, Sean
Exploring the Sensitivity Limit: 21-cm Observations of Low Surface Brightness Galaxies with the Arecibo Telescope 511 O'Neil, K.; Eder, J.; Bothun, G.; Schombert, J.
Simulating the Performance of Large Format Sub-mm Focal-plane Arrays 515 Chapin, Edward; Hughes, David H.
On the Life and Death of OH/IR Stars 519 Lewis, B. M.
Arecibo Spectral Baselines in the Presence of Continuum Emission 521 Ghosh, Tapasi; Salter, Chris
Project Phoenix: SETI Observations from 1200 to 1750 MHz with the Upgraded Arecibo Telescope 525 Backus, P. R.; The Project Phoenix Team