Title: |
SOHO-23: Understanding a Peculiar Solar Minimum
Volume: |
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Editors: |
Cranmer, Steven R.; Hoeksema, J. Todd; Kohl, John L.
Synopsis: |
These are the proceedings of the twenty-third in the series of international workshops associated with the Solar and Heliospheric Observatory (SOHO) mission. This workshop brought together more than 95 scientists with a broad range of interests and expertise to focus on the topic of the unusual minimum of the Sun's activity cycle that persisted in 2007, 2008, and 2009. The meeting attempted to arrive at a better understanding of why this minimum appeared to differ from other solar minima observed during the space age, and it also explored similarities and differences with minima from earlier periods. The issue of whether or not the Sun is entering a new "grand minimum" of activity (comparable to the historical Dalton and Maunder minima) was a topic of vivid discussion.
The SOHO-23 workshop addressed the following topics:
(1) the role of the solar interior in determining solar minimum characteristics, (2) manifestations of the unusual solar minimum in the photosphere and chromosphere, (3) the time-variable corona and the current solar minimum, (4) how the solar wind transmits the unique properties of solar minimum to the heliosphere, and (5) solar cycle history and prediction. There were 20 invited review talks, 28 contributed talks, and 44 poster papers presented on these topics.
This book is of interest for researchers and graduate students interested in solar physics and related fields such as astrophysics, space plasma physics, and laboratory plasma physics.
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Paper Title |
Page |
Authors |
Front matter |
| |
Cover |
Cranmer, Steven R.; Hoeksema, J. Todd; Kohl, John L. |
Front matter |
1 |
Cranmer, Steven R.; Hoeksema, J. Todd; Kohl, John L. |
Part I. Overviews |
| |
What’s So Peculiar about the Cycle 23/24 Solar Minimum? |
3 |
Sheeley, N. R., Jr. |
The Role of Harvard College Observatory and UVCS in the Development of SOHO |
15 |
Huber, M. C. E. |
Part II. Role of the Solar Interior in Determining Solar Minimum Characteristics |
| |
Helioseismology over the Solar Cycle |
23 |
Thompson, M. J. |
The Dynamo Dialectic: An Inside Look at the Current Solar Minimum |
29 |
Miesch, M. S. |
Differences Between the Current Solar Minimum and Earlier Minima |
37 |
Basu, S.; Broomhall, A.-M.; Chaplin, W. J.; Elsworth, Y.; Fletcher, S.; New, R. |
The New Solar Minimum: How Deep does the Problem Go? |
43 |
Fletcher, S.; New, R.Broomhall, A.-M.; Chaplin, W.; Elsworth, Y. |
Frequency Shifts of the Individual Low-Degree P-Modes during Solar Cycle 23 and its Extended Minimum |
51 |
Salabert, D.; García, R. A.; Pallé, P. L.; Jiménez-Reyes, S. J. |
What Solar Oscillation Tell Us About the Solar Minimum |
57 |
Jain, K.; Tripathy, S. C.; Burtseva, O.; Hernández, I. G.; Hill, F.; Howe, R.; Kholikov, S.; Komm, R.; Leibacher, J. |
Part III. Manifestations of the Unusual Solar Minimum in the Photosphere and Chromosphere |
| |
Irradiance Variations during This Solar Cycle Minimum |
63 |
Woods, T. N. |
Minima of Solar Cycles 22/23 and 23/24 as Seen in SOHO/CELIAS/SEM Absolute Solar EUV Flux |
73 |
Didkovsky, L. V.; Judge, D. L.; Wieman, S. R.; McMullin, D. |
Hydrogen Lyman Emission through the Solar Cycle |
81 |
Curdt, W.; Tian, H. |
Is There Such a Thing as Quiet Sun? |
87 |
Rast, M. P. |
Did Recent Large-Scale Evolution of the Magnetic Field Presage the Unusual Current Minimum? |
93 |
Benevolenskaya, E. E. |
Turbulent Magnetic Fields in the Quiet Sun: A Search for Cyclic Variations |
103 |
Kleint, L.; Berdyugina, S. V.; Shapiro, A. I.; Bianda, M. |
Three Cycles of the Solar Toroidal Magnetic Field and This Peculiar Minimum |
109 |
Lo, L.; Hoeksema, J. T.; Scherrer, P. H. |
Zeeman Component Decomposition (ZCD) of Polarized Spectra: Application for the Quiet Sun Internetwork Magnetic Field |
113 |
Sennhauser, C.; Berdyugina, S. V. |
Sunspot Umbra Atmosphere from Full Stokes Inversion |
117 |
Wenzel, R.; Berdyugina, S. V.; Fluri, D. M.; Arnaud, J.; Sainz-Dalda, A. |
Magnetic Fields and Hα Filament Formation during Solar Minimum |
123 |
Panasenco, O.; Pevtsov, A. |
Photospheric Manifestations of Supergranules during the Last Two Solar Minima |
127 |
Williams, P. E.; Pesnell, W. D. |
The Signature of Flares in VIRGO Total Solar Irradiance Measurements |
133 |
Quesnel, A.; Dennis, B. R.; Fleck, B.; Fröhlich, C.; Hudson, H. S.; Tolbert, A. K. |
Part IV. The Time-Variable Corona and the Current Solar Minimum |
| |
Large Scale Properties of Coronal Heating along the Solar Cycle |
139 |
Peres, G.; Argiroffi, C.; Orlando, S.; Reale, F. |
The Progress of Solar Cycle 24 at High Latitudes |
147 |
Altrock, R. C. |
Flare and CME Properties and Rates at Sunspot Minimum |
153 |
Hudson, H. S.; Li, Y. |
Statistical Properties of Flares and Sunspots over the Solar Cycle |
161 |
Temmer, M. |
Historical Eclipses and the Recent Solar Minimum Corona |
171 |
Judge, P. G.; Burkepile, J.; de Toma, G.; Druckmüller, M. |
Properties of the Reconnecting Current Sheets in CME/Flare Events |
177 |
Lin, J.; Li, J.; Ko, Y.-K.; Raymond, J. C. |
Studies of Wave-Like Phenomena Caused by the Catastrophe and the Consequences |
181 |
Lin, J.; Shen, C.; Wang, H. |
Time Evolution of a Coronal Velocity Source Surface during Solar Cycle 23 |
187 |
Strachan, L.; Panasyuk, A. V.; Kohl, J. L. |
Variations in the Absolute Ultraviolet Intensities of Polar Coronal Holes |
191 |
Gardner, L. D.; Kohl, J. L.; Cranmer, S. R.; Lin, M.; Panasyuk, A. V.; Uzzo, M. |
Ion Temperatures in the Low Solar Corona: Polar Coronal Holes at Solar Minimum |
197 |
Landi, E.; Cranmer, S. R. |
Physical Conditions in a CME from Hinode, STEREO, and SOHO Observations |
201 |
Landi, E.; Raymond, J. C.; Miralles, M. P.; Hara, H. |
Part V. How does the Solar Wind Transmit the Unique Properties of Solar Minimum out to the Heliosphere? |
| |
Extended Coronal Heating and Solar Wind Acceleration over the Solar Cycle |
209 |
Cranmer, S. R.; Kohl, J. L.; Miralles, M. P.; van Ballegooijen, A. A. |
The Minimum Between Cycle 23 and 24: Is Sunspot Number the Whole Story? |
217 |
de Toma, G.; Gibson, S. E.; Emery, B. A.; Arge, C. N. |
The Whole Heliosphere Interval in the Context of the Current Solar Minimum |
223 |
Gibson, S. E.; Webb, D. F.; Thompson, B. J. |
Comparison of Two Solar Minima: Narrower Streamer Stalk Region and Conserved Open Magnetic Flux in the Region Outside of Streamer Stalks |
229 |
Zhao, L.; Fisk, L. |
The Tale of Two Minima and a Solar Cycle in Between: An Ongoing Fast Solar Wind Investigation |
237 |
Miralles, M. P.; Cranmer, S. R.; Panasyuk, A. V.; Uzzo, M. |
How are the Present Solar Minimum Conditions Transmitted to the Outer Heliosphere and Heliosheath? |
245 |
Richardson, J. D. |
The Solar Wind as Seen by SOHO/SWAN Since 1996: Comparison with SOHO/LASCO C2 Coronal Densities |
253 |
Lallement, R.; Quémerais, E.; Lamy, P.; Bertaux, J.-L.; Ferron, S.; Schmidt, W. |
Solar Energetic Particle Events through the Current Solar Cycle Minimum |
259 |
Kahler, S. W. |
Proton Heating Rate in Polar Winds at Solar Minima |
269 |
Vasquez, B. J.; Smith, C. W.; Stawarz, J. E. |
Solar Wind Characteristics during the Current Solar Minimum (2007–2009): STEREO PLASTIC Observations |
275 |
Galvin, A. B.; Popecki, M.; Simunac, K.; Kistler, L.; Ellis, L.; Farrugia, C. |
Impact of Coronal Mass Ejections, Interchange Reconnection, and Disconnection on Heliospheric Magnetic Field Strength |
279 |
Crooker, N. U.; Owens, M. J. |
Part VI. Solar Cycle History and Prediction |
| |
Past and Future Solar Activity from Cosmogenic Radionuclides |
287 |
Abreu, J. A.; Beer, J.; Ferriz-Mas, A. |
Updating the Historical Sunspot Record |
297 |
Svalgaard, L. |
Does the Current Minimum Validate (or Invalidate) Cycle Prediction Methods? |
307 |
Hathaway, D. H. |
Comparing Estimates of the Mg II Index at Solar Minimum from 1961 through 1981 with the Observed Mg II Index from 1978 to Present |
315 |
Morrill, J. S.; Floyd, L.; McMullin, D.; Snow, M.; Viereck, R. |
Modeling the Slow Solar Wind during the Solar Minimum |
321 |
Ofman, L.; Kramar, M. |
The Solar Microwave Flux and the Sunspot Number |
325 |
Svalgaard, L.; Hudson, H. S. |
Ground-Level Enhanced (GLE) Solar Particle Events at Solar Minimum |
329 |
Tylka, A. J.; Dietrich, W. F. |
Author Index |
335 |
Cranmer, Steven R.; Hoeksema, J. Todd; Kohl, John L. |
Back Matter |
337 |
Cranmer, Steven R.; Hoeksema, J. Todd; Kohl, John L. |