Title: Outstanding Problems in Heliophysics: From Coronal Heating to the Edge of the Heliosphere
Volume: 484 Year: 2014 View this Volume on ADS
Editors: Hu Q.; Zank G. P.
12th Annual International Astrophysics Conference
Myrtle Beach, South Carolina, USA

14–19 April 2013

This volume contains the proceedings of the 12th Annual International Astrophysics Conference, one of the signature series of conferences in Heliophysics and Astrophysics organized by the Center for Space Plasma and Aeronomic Research at the University of Alabama in Huntsville. The meeting attracted more than 80 participants from around the world.

The topics presented at the meeting ranged from coronal heating near the Sun to plasma conditions in the distant heliosphere and the surrounding interstellar medium. The conference was especially timely given the many unexpected results recently returned by current NASA spacecraft missions including Voyager and the Interstellar Boundary EXplorer (IBEX), and the high expectations for future missions such as Solar Probe Plus (SPP) and Solar Orbiter.

This volume will be of interest to researchers at all levels in the fields of heliophysics. It exposes readers to an in-depth analysis of a wide range of outstanding problems in heliophysics that we face today using both theoretical and observational approaches.
ISBN: 978-1-58381-852-7 eISBN: 978-1-58381-853-4
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Paper Title Page Authors
Front Matter   
Book Cover
Front Matter Hu, Q.; Zank, G. P.
Turbulence Transport Modeling of the Temporal Outer Heliosphere 1 Adhikari, L.; Zank, G. P.; Hu, Q.; Dosch, A.
A New Hybrid Method 8 Burrows, R. H.; Ao, X.; Zank, G. P.
Surprises from Saturn: Implications for Other Environments 16 Coates, A. J.
The Charge-to-Mass Dependence of SEP Fluences Over Wide Longitudes 24 Cohen, C. M. S.; Mewaldt, R. A.; Mason, G. M.
Getting Under a CME's Skin 30 de Koning, C. A.
Minima of the Centennial Gleissberg Cycle and the Heliospheric Boundary 36 Feynman, J.; Ruzmaikin, A.
Large-scale Interstellar Structure and the Heliosphere 42 Frisch, P. C.; Schwadron, N. A.
Turbulent Heating of the Core Solar Wind Protons in the Outer Heliosphere 49 Gamayunov, K.; Zhang, M.; Pogorelov, N.; Heerikhuisen, J.; Rassoul, H.
A Model for the Heliosheath That Can Account for Recent Voyager 1 Observations 55 Gloeckler, G.; Fisk, L.
Latitudinal Connectivity of Ground Level Enhancement Events 63 Gopalswamy, N.; Mäkelä, P.
3He-rich Events During the Rising Phase of Solar Cycle 24 72 Ho, G. C.; Mason, G. M.
Characteristics of Magnetic Flux Ropes from the Sun to the Heliosphere 78 Hu, Q.; Qiu, J.; Zheng, J.
Analyses of Voyager 2 Plasma Observations in the Heliosheath: Near the Heliospheric Current Sheet and Streamer Belt 84 Intriligator, D. S.; Webber, W. R.
Modeling the Global Heliosphere Using IPS-derived Time-dependent Boundary Conditions 91 Kim, T. K.; Pogorelov, N. V.; Borovikov, S. N.; Hayashi, K.; Jackson, B. V.; Tokumaru, M.; Yu, H.
Longitudinal Dependence of SEP Peak Intensities as Evidence of CME-Driven Shock Particle Acceleration 98 Lario, D.; Roelof, E. C.; Decker, R. B.
Evolution of Solar Wind Heavy Ions over the Solar Cycle 104 Lepri, S. T.; Landi, E.; Zurbuchen, T. H.
A Generalized Focused Transport Equation 110 le Roux, J. A.; Webb, G. M.; Ye, J.
Observations of Loss-Cone Pitch Angle Distributions of Solar Energetic Particles 117 Leske, R. A.; Cummings, A. C.; Cohen, C. M. S.; Mewaldt, R. A.; Labrador, A. W.; Stone, E. C.; Wiedenbeck, M. E.; Christian, E. R.; von Rosenvinge, T. T.
Electron Acceleration and Spectral Hardening of Continuum Emission in Solar Flares 123 Li, G.; Kong, X.; Chen, Y.; Zank, G. P.; Zhao, L.
Large-scale Quantization in Space Plasmas: Summary and Applications 130 Livadiotis, G.; McComas, D. J.
Fe Enhancements in SEP Onsets: Flare/CME Mixture or Transport Effect? 137 Mason, G. M.; Li, G.; Cohen, C. M. S.; Desai, M. I.; Haggerty, D. K.; Leske, R. A.; Mewaldt, R. A.; Zank, G. P.
Extension of the h-index to Quantify a Scientific Research Project's Impact: hp and mp 144 McComas, D. J.; Schwadron, N. A.
ESA's Comet Orbiter Rosetta and Lander Philae 149 McKenna-Lawlor, S.; Schwehm, G.; Schulz, R.; Ulamec, S.
Effect of Solar-Wind Velocity, Magnetic Field and Density on Solar Energetic Particle Transport 156 Ng, C. K.
Distribution of Nanoflares as Spatially Resolved Current Sheets in the Solar Corona 162 Ng, C. S.; Lin, L.
Toward a 3D Kinetic Model of the Solar Wind 168 Pierrard, V.; Pieters, M.
Magnetized Plasma Near the Heliopause: Voyager 1 Measurements and Theoretical Modeling 174 Pogorelov, N. V.; Borovikov, S. N.
Interstellar Magnetic Field in the Nearest Surroundings of the Sun 182 Ratkiewicz, R.; Strumik, M.; Grygorczuk, J.; Ben-Jaffel, L.
The Centennial Gleissberg Cycle: Origin and Forcing of Climate 189 Ruzmaikin, A.; Feynman, J.
The IBEX Ribbon from the Ion Retention Region 195 Schwadron, N. A.; McComas, D. J.
IBEX, SWCX and a Consistent Model for the Local ISM 204 Slavin, J. D.
Non-linear Effects Associated with Solar Type III Radio Bursts 210 Thejappa, G.; MacDowall, R. J.
Middle Atmosphere Response to Large SEP Events: September 2005 Event 216 Verkhoglyadova, O. P.; Wang, S,
MHD Analysis of the Solar Wind Structure from the Photosphere to the Inner Heliosphere 222 Washimi, H.; Zank, G.; Hu, Q.; Tanaka, T.; Nakamizo, A.; Kojima, M.
Advected Invariants in Magnetohydrodynamics and Gas Dynamics 228 Webb, G. M.; Hu, Q.; McKenzie, J. F.; Dasgupta, B.; Zank, G. P.
The Interplanetary Population of Suprathermal Ions from Impulsive Solar Energetic Particle Events: Solar Cycle Variations 234 Wiedenbeck, M. E.; Mason, G. M.
Analyses of the Evolution and Interaction of Multiple Coronal Mass Ejections and Their Shocks in July 2012 241 Wu, S. T.; Wu, C.; Liou, K.; Plunkett, S.; Dryer, M.; Fry, C. D.
Temperature Anisotropy Upper Bounds and Low-Frequency Electromagnetic Fluctuations in the Solar Wind 248 Yoon, P. H.; Seough, J.; Gaelzer, R.
Heliospheric Structure: The Bow Wave and the Hydrogen Wall 255 Zank, G. P.; Heerikhuisen, J.; Wood, B. E.; Pogorelov, N. V.; Zirnstein, E.; McComas, D. J.
Latitudinal Dependence of Coronal Hole-Associated Fast Solar Wind 263 Zhao, L.; Landi, E.
Back Matter   
Author Index 271 Hu, Q.; Zank, G. P.
Back Matter 273