Title: |
Working on the Fringe: Optical and IR Interferometry from Ground and Space
Volume: |
Year: |
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Editors: |
Unwin, Stephen; Stachnik, Robert
Paper Title |
Page |
Authors |
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Science Opportunities with Microarcsecond Astrometry |
1 |
Spergel, D. N. |
Stellar Mass Function From SIM Astrometry/Photometry |
10 |
Gould, A.; Salim, S. |
Tidal Streams as Probes of the Galactic Potential |
15 |
Johnston, K. V.; Zhao, H. S.; Spergel, D. N.; Hernquist, L. |
Interferometric Observations of the Cepheid ζ Geminorum with FLUOR / IOTA |
22 |
Kervella, P.; Coudé du Foresto, V.; Traub, W. A.; Lacasse, M. G. |
Interferometry of Binary Stars with the HST Fine Guidance Sensor |
28 |
Franz, O. G.; Wasserman, L. H.; Benedict, G. F.; McArthur, B. E.; Henry, T. J.; Bradley, A. J.; Whipple, A. L.; Duncombe, R. L.; Fredrick, L. W.; Hemenway, P. D.; Jefferys, W. H.; Shelus, P. J.; Nelan, E. P.; Story, D. B.; van Altena, W. F. |
Interferometric Astrometry of the pre-Cataclysmic Binary Feige 24 Using Hubble Space Telescope Fine Guidance Sensor 3: a Parallax |
38 |
Benedict, G. F.; McArthur, B. E.; Franz, O. G.; Wasserman, L. H.; Nelan, E. P.; Fredrick, L. W.; van Altena, W. F.; Lee, J.; Jefferys, W. H.; Shelus, P. J.; Hemenway, P. D.; Duncombe, R. L.; Story, D. B.; Whipple, A. L. |
Imaging and Modeling of Binaries with NPOI |
44 |
Hummel, C. A. |
Binary Star Studies with the Palomar Testbed Interferometer |
51 |
Lane, B. F.; Boden, A. F. |
Scientific and Technical Progress at IOTA |
57 |
Traub, W. A. |
Predicting Stellar Angular Sizes |
64 |
van Belle, G. T. |
Masses and Mass Distributions of Galaxies Calculated Using Numerical Action and Proper Motions from SIM |
74 |
Shaya, E.; Phelps, S.; Peebles, P. J. E.; Tully, R. B. |
Detecting Faint Companions with SIM |
78 |
Liu, Y.; Peterson, D. M. |
Differential Astrometry with the Keck Interferometer |
84 |
Boden, A. F.; Colavita, M. M.; Lane, B. F.; Shao, M.; van Belle, G. T.; Lawson, P. R. |
Differential phase mode with the Keck Interferometer |
89 |
Akeson, R. L.; Swain, M. R. |
Spectrally Resolved Interferometry with the GI2T/REGAIN Interferometer |
95 |
Mourard, D. |
FITS Data Formats for Optical/IR Interferometry |
101 |
Jaffe, W.; Hippler, S.; Perrin, G. |
2nd-order Phase Unwrapping and Processing for Interferometry |
105 |
Mertz, L. |
The Practice of Astrometry in Space with the Space Interferometry Mission Instrument |
107 |
Shao, M.; Baron, R. |
The Full-sky Astrometric Mapping Explorer - Astrometry for the New Millennium |
114 |
Horner, S. D.; Germain, M. E.; Greene, T. P.; Harris, F. H.; Johnson, M. S.; Johnson, K. J.; Monet, D. G.; Murison, M. A.; Phillips, J. D.; Reasenberg, R. D.; Seidelmann, P. K.; Urban, S. E.; Vassar, R. H. |
DIVA - A Space-Borne Fizeau Interferometer for Global Astrometry and Photometry |
121 |
Röser, S. |
Testing Hipparcos K Giants as Grid Stars for SIM |
128 |
Frink, S.; Quirrenbach, A.; Röser, S.; Schilbach, E. |
Placing the SIM All-Sky Astrometric Grid onto the ICRS |
134 |
Gaume, R. A.; Fey, A. L.; Boboltz, D. A.; Johnston, K. J. |
Relativistic Stellar Aberration Requirements for the Space Interferometry Mission |
142 |
Turyshev, S. G. |
The Confusion Limit on Astrometry with SIM |
147 |
Rajagopal, J.; Allen, R. J.; Böker, T. |
Dim Star Astrometry with SIM: The Pathlength Feed-Forward Experiment on the STB-3 Testbed |
153 |
Nemati, B. |
Modeling Interferometric Searches for Extrasolar Planets with Narrow-Angle Astrometry |
159 |
Konacki, M.; Maciejewski, A. J. |
Nine Years of Interferometry from Space, HST's FGSs |
165 |
Nelan, E. P.; Makidon, R. B. |
The Detection of Extrasolar Planets with SIM |
171 |
Casertano, S.; Sozzetti, A. |
Observations of Dust Shells, Motion, and Molecules in the Mid-Infrared with the Infrared Spatial Interferometer |
180 |
Danchi, W. C.; Monnier, J. D.; Hale, D. D. S.; Tuthill, P. G.; Townes, C. H. |
A Menagerie of Stars: New Images from the Diffraction Limit |
188 |
Tuthill, P. G.; Monnier, J. D.; Danchi, W. C. |
Interferometric observations of late type stars between 2 and 4 microns using single-mode waveguides |
194 |
Mennesson, B.; Coudé Du Foresto, V.; Perrin, G.; Ruilier, C.; Chagnon, G.; Ridgway, S.; Traub, W. A.; Carleton, N.; Lacasse, M. G.; Morel, S.; Pras, B. |
The nulling coronagraph applied to interferometric arrays |
201 |
Guyon, O.; Roddier, F. |
Stellar Diameters Measured at NPOI |
208 |
Germain, M. E.; Nordgren, T. E.; Armstrong, J. T. |
Potential Impact of High-Resolution Optical Interferometry on Studies of Stellar Evolution |
214 |
Brown, A. |
Imaging of stellar proper motions in the nucleus of M 31 with SIM |
219 |
Böker, T.; Allen, R. J.; Rajagopal, J. |
Science Capabilities of the ST3 Mission |
224 |
Linfield, R. P.; Gorham, P. W. |
Practical Considerations for Imaging Interferometry |
230 |
Haniff, C. A. |
The CHARA Array on Mt. Wilson: An Overview |
241 |
McAlister, H. A. |
A Pictorial Essay of the CHARA Array |
248 |
Ten Brummelaar, T. |
The Keck Interferometer: Instrument Overview and Proposed Science |
256 |
Booth, A. J.; Colavita, M. M.; Shao, M.; Swanson, P. N.; van Belle, G. T.; Crawford, S. L.; Palmer, D. L.; Reder, L. J.; Serabyn, E.; Swain, M. R.; Vashist, G.; Wizinowich, P.; Wallace, J. K.; Kendrick, R.; Lupton, W.; Walker, J. |
Planar Integrated Optics Beam Combiners for Astronomical Apeture Synthesis |
264 |
Berger, J.-P.; Schanen-Duport, I.; El-Sabban, S.; Benech, P.; Severi, M.; Pouteau, P.; Rousselet-Perraut, K.; Haguenauer, P.; Duchêne, Y.; Malbet, F.; Kern, P. |
Phasing Algorithms for Multi-Element Optical Interferometers |
271 |
Pedretti, E. |
The Multi Aperture Imaging Array |
278 |
Zarifis, V.; Bell, R. M., Jr.; Benson, L. R.; Cuneo, P. J.; Duncan, A. L.; Herman, B. J.; Holmes, B.; Sigler, R. D.; Stone, R. E.; Stubbs, D. M.; Kendrick, R. L.; Paxman, R. G.; Seldin, J. H.; Löfdahl, M. G. |
Tolerance for pupil centers invariance in "densified pupil imaging" |
286 |
Auillans, P. J. |
First Results on Low Mass Binary Stars Obtained with Long Baseline Interferometry |
290 |
Ségransan, D.; Forveille, T.; Millan-Gabet, C. Perrier. R.; Traub, W. A. |
Atmospheric Fluctuation Measurements with the Palomar Testbed Interferometer |
297 |
Linfield, R. P.; Lane, B. F.; Colavita, M. M.; The PTI Collaboration |
Use of a Seeing Monitor to Determine the Velocities of Turbulent Atmospheric Layers |
303 |
Roosen, R.; Meisner, J. |
Interferometric Imaging Tests for the Large Binocular Telescope |
312 |
Correia, S.; Richichi, A. |
Ground-Based Interferometry with Adaptive Optics |
318 |
Roddier, F. |
Estimated Performance for 10-micron Interferometry at the VLTI with the MIDI Instrument |
325 |
Porro, I. L.; Graser, U.; Leinert, C.; Lopez, B.; von der Lühe, O. |
Adaptive Optics with Laser Guide Stars - The ALFA System |
331 |
Ott, T.; Eckart, A.; Hackenberg, W.; Rabien, S.; Davies, R.; Anders, S.; Hippler, Stefan; Kasper, M. |
A planar optics beam combiner for stellar interferometry |
337 |
Haguenauer, P.; Rousselet-Perraut, K.; Kern, P.; Malbet, F.; Berger, J.-P.; Schanen-Duport, I.; Benech, P. |
The Integrated Optics Near-infrared Interferometric Camera (IONIC) |
344 |
Rousselet-Perraut, K.; Stadler, E.; Feautrier, P.; Le Coarer, E.; Petmezakis, P.; Haguenauer, P.; Kern, P.; Malbet, F.; Berger, J.-P.; Schanen-Duport, I.; Benech, P.; Delage, L. |
Exo-Earth Imager for Exoplanet Snapshots with Resolved Detail |
350 |
Labeyrie, A. |
Enabling Concepts for a Dual Spacecraft Formation-Flying Optical Interferometer for NASA's ST3 Mission |
359 |
Gorham, P. W.; Folkner, W. M.; Blackwood, G. H. |
Design of the ST3 Formation Flying Interferometer |
366 |
Lay, O. P.; Blackwood, G. H.; Dubovitsky, S.; Gorham, P. W.; Linfield, R. P. |
Reentering the Gravitational Fringe Field of the Solar System |
373 |
Fisher, P. C. |
OSIRIS - The Russian Space-borne Astrometric Interferometer |
376 |
Smirnov, M. A.; Boyarchuk, A. A.; Barabanov, S. I.; Bagrov, A. V.; Mikisha, A. M.; Rykhlova, L. V.; Tokovinin, A. A. |
OSIRIS: An Optical Stellar Interferometer for Russian Investigations in Space |
381 |
Bagrov, A. V.; Boyarchuk, A. A.; Barabanov, S. I.; Mikisha, A. M.; Rykhlova, L. V.; Smirnov, M. A. |
A Rotating Space Interferometer with Variable Baselines and Low Power Consumption |
385 |
Gezari, D. |
Flat mirror optics to study extra-solar terrestrial planets from space |
389 |
Angel, R.; Burge, J.; Woolf, N. |
Initial Results of a White Light Nulled Fringe |
396 |
Morgan, R. M.; Burge, J. H. |
Imaging Extra-solar Systems from the Ground: The MMT and LBT Nulling Interferometers |
401 |
Hinz, P. M.; Angel, J. R. P.; Woolf, N. J.; Hoffmann, W. F.; McCarthy, D. W., Jr. |
Sensitivity of the TPF Interferometer for Planet Detection |
408 |
Beichman, C. A.; Velusamy, T. |
Interferometer Designs for the Terrestrial Planet Finder |
423 |
Lawson, P. R.; Dumont, P. J.; Colavita, M. M. |
A Dual 3-Element Nulling Interferometer for TPF |
430 |
Velusamy, T.; Beichman, C. A.; Shao, M. |
Nulling Interferometry: Working on the Dark Fringe |
437 |
Serabyn, E.; Wallace, J. K.; Nguyen, H. T.; Schmidtlin, E. G. H.; Hardy, G. J. |
Nulling Interferometry for the DARWIN Mission - Laboratory Demonstration Experiment |
443 |
Ollivier, M.; Léger, A.; Anceau. P.; Sekulic, C.; Brunaud, J.; Artzner, G.; Mariotti, J.-M.; Michel, G.; Coudé Du Foresto, V.; Mennesson, B.; Bouchareine, P.; Lépine, T.; Malbet, F. |
The Future of Optical/IR Interferometry: The View from NSF |
448 |
van Citters, G. W. |
Round Table Discussion: Science in a Political World Moderators: |
460 |
Stachnik, R. V.; Peterson, D. M.; Allen, R. J.; Beichman, C. A.; Johnston, K. J.; Labeyrie, S. Kulkarni. A.; Shao, M.; van Citters, G. W. |