Title: |
8th International Conference of Numerical Modeling of Space Plasma Flows (ASTRONUM 2013)
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Editors: |
Pogorelov, N. V.; Audit, E.; Zank, G. P.
Synopsis: |
8th Annual International Conference
Biarritz, France
1-5 July 2013
This Volume contains the Proceedings of ASTRONUM-2013, the eighth in a series of international conferences organized by the Center for Space Plasma and Aeronomic Research at the University of Alabama in Huntsville and Maison de la Simulation, a joint laboratory affiliated with the French Alternative Energies and Atomic Energy Commission (CEA), National Center for Scientific Research (CNRS), French Institute for Research in Computer Science and Automation (INRIA), University of Paris-Sud, and University of Versailles Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines (UVSQ).
The subjects of the conference included such topics as turbulence and cosmic ray transportation, astrophysical and space plasma flows, kinetic and hybrid simulations, numerical methods, algorithms, and frameworks. All of these topics are of great importance to scientists investigating solar structure, the heliosphere, the Sun-Earth connection, and various other astrophysical phenomena.
The scientific problems discussed at the conference are characterized by different temporal and spatial scales, regions, or particle populations, for which different sets of defining equations or concepts are necessary to understand the physical systems in their entirety. This book will be of interest to specialists in applied mathematics, astrophysics, space physics, and computer science working on the application of novel numerical algorithms to contemporary problems arising in these fields. It will also be useful to graduate students who want to get acquainted with the fundamental approaches to solving the magnetohydrodynamics and kinetic equations governing space plasma flows.
Paper Title |
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Book Cover |
Front Matter |
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Front Mater |
1 |
Pogorelov, N. V.; Audit, E.; Zank, G. P. |
Part I. Turbulence and Cosmic Ray Transport |
| |
Testing Observational Tracers of Turbulence with Numerical Simulations: Measuring the Sonic Mach Number in Molecular Clouds |
3 |
Burkhart, B.; Lazarian, A.; Correia, C.; Ossenkopf, V.; Stutzki, J.; de Medeiros, J. R. |
Fermi Acceleration in Magnetic Reconnection Sites |
8 |
de Gouveia Dal Pino, E. M.; Kowal, G.; Lazarian, A. |
Numerical Modeling of Anomalous Transport of Cosmic Rays |
17 |
Fichtner, H.; Stern, R.; Effenberger, F. |
Reconnection in Turbulent Astrophysical Fluids |
23 |
Lazarian, A.; Eyink, G.; Vishniac, E.; Kowal, G. |
Charged Particle Transport in Turbulent Media |
35 |
Spanier, F.; Ivascenko, A.; Lange, S.; Schreiner, C. |
Nonlinear Transport of Cosmic Rays in Turbulent Magnetic Field |
41 |
Yan, H.; Xu, S. |
Part II. Astrophysical Flows |
| |
Tilted Disk Formation in Intermediate Polars |
51 |
Bisikalo, D. V.; Zhilkin, A. G. |
Cosmic Magnetic Fields from Torsion Modes and Massive Photon Inflation |
57 |
Garcia de Andrade, L. C. |
Growth of Magnetic Field in the Large-scale Structure of the Universe |
65 |
Cho, J. |
The Influence of Frequency-dependent Radiative Transfer on Radiative Shock Precursors |
71 |
González, M.; Vaytet, N.; Audit, E.; Chabrier, G. |
Gas Acceleration by Fast Dust Particles and the Dusty Rayleigh–Taylor Instability |
77 |
Hendrix, T.; Keppens, R. |
3D Gray Radiative Properties of a Radiation Hydrodynamic Model of a YSO Accretion Shock |
83 |
Ibgui, L.; de Sá, L.; Stehlé, C.; Chièze, J.-P.; Orlando, S.; Hubeny, I.; Lanz, T.; Matsakos, T.; González, M.; Bonito, R. |
Physical Properties of Gaseous Features in Barred Galaxies: Effects of the Bar Strength |
90 |
Kim, W.-T.; Seo, W.-Y.; Kim, Y. |
Numerical Treatment of Dust Diffusion in Dusty Proto-Planetary Disks |
96 |
Li, S.; Li, H. |
Two- and Three-Dimensional Multi-Physics Simulations of Core Collapse Supernovae: A Brief Status Report and Summary of Results from the “Oak Ridge” Group |
102 |
Mezzacappa, A.; Bruenn, S. W.; Lentz, E. J.; Hix, W. R.; Messer, O. E. B.; Harris, J. A.; Lingerfelt, E. J.; Endeve, E.; Yakunin, K. N.; Blondin, J. M.; Marronetti, P. |
Challenges in Computing Thermal and Non-thermal Emission from Relativistic Outflows |
114 |
Mimica, P.; Aloy, M. A.; Cuesta-Martínez, C.; Aloy, C. |
Fluid Instabilities in the Crab Nebula Jet: Results from Numerical Simulations |
120 |
Mignone, A.; Striani, E.; Bodo, G.; Anjiri, M. |
Simulations of Accretion onto Magnetized Stars: Results of 3D MHD Simulations and 3D Radiative Transfer |
127 |
Romanova, M.; Kurosawa, R. |
Magnetized Neutron Stars in the Interstellar Medium |
134 |
Toropina, O. D.; Romanova, M. M.; Lovelace, R. V.E. |
Simulation of Microquasars: The Challenge of Scales |
141 |
Walder, R.; Melzani, M.; Folini, D.; Winisdoerffer, C.; Favre, J. M. |
Part III. Space Plasma Flows |
| |
MHD Modeling of the Kink “Double-gradient” Branch of the Ballooning Instability in the Magnetotail |
149 |
Korovinskiy, D.; Divin, A.; Ivanova, V.; Erkaev, N.; Semenov, V.; Ivanov, I.; Biernat, H.; Lapenta, G.; Markidis, S. |
Parallel-cascade-based Mechanisms for Heating Solar Coronal Loops: Test Against Observations |
155 |
Li, B.; Xie, H.; Li, X.; Xia, L.-D. |
Advances in Multiscale Simulations of Solar Wind Interactions with the Earth's Magnetosphere |
161 |
Omelchenko, Y. A.; Karimabadi, H.; Vu, H. X. |
Time-dependent Processes in the Sheath Between the Heliospheric Termination Shock and the Heliopause |
167 |
Pogorelov, N. V.; Borovikov, S. N.; Heerikhuisen, J.; Kim, T. K.; Zank, G.P. |
Energy Analysis During the Collision of Two Successive CMEs |
179 |
Shen, F.; Shen, C.; Wang, Y.; Feng, X.; Xiang, C. |
MHD Simulations: Corotating Interaction Regions |
186 |
Wiengarten, T.; Kleimann, J.; Fichtner, H.; Kissmann, R. |
3D Global Magnetohydrodynamic Simulations of the Solar Wind/Earth's Magnetosphere Interaction |
192 |
Yalim, M. S.; Poedts, S. |
Part IV. Kinetic, Particle, and Hybrid Simulations |
| |
Energetic Particle Transport with Stochastic Differential Equations: General Methods and the Extension to Anomalous Diffusion Regimes |
201 |
Effenberger, F. |
Part V. Numerical Methods, Algorithms, and Frameworks |
| |
Solving the 3+1 GRMHD Equations in the eXtended Conformally Flat Condition: the XNS Code for Magnetized Neutron Stars |
211 |
Bucciantini, N.; Pili, A. G.; Del Zanna, L. |
High-order Schemes for Non-ideal 3+1 GRMHD: A Study of the Kinematic Dynamo Process in Accretion Tori |
217 |
Del Zanna, L.; Bugli, M.; Bucciantini, N. |
Dual Time Stepping Method For three-dimensional MHD With Splitting Based Scheme |
223 |
Feng, X.; Fu, H. |
Structure Preserving Schemes |
231 |
Käppeli, R.; Mishra, S. |
Performance of Improved High-order Filter Schemes for Turbulent Flows with Shocks |
237 |
Kotov, D. V.; Yee, H. C.; Sjögreen, B. |
Improved Time Integration for WENO Methods in Astrophysical Applications |
243 |
Kupka, F.; Grimm–Strele, H.; Happenhofer, N.; Higueras, I.; Koch, O.; Muthsam, H.J. |
Building a Numerical Relativistic Non-ideal Magnetohydrodynamics Code for Astrophysical Applications |
249 |
Aranguren, S. M.; Aloy, M.A.; Aloy-Torás, C. |
A New Two-moment Scheme with Algebraic Closure for Energy-dependent Multi-flavor Neutrino Transport in Supernovae |
255 |
Obergaulinger, M.; Just, O.; Janka, H.-T.; Aloy, M. A.; Aloy, C. |
On the Existence and Non-uniqueness of Solutions of Riemann Problems in Ideal Magnetohydrodynamics |
261 |
Takahashi, K.; Yamada, S. |
A New Numerical Scheme for Relativistic Magnetohydrodynamics with Dissipation and Its Application |
267 |
Takamoto, M. |
High Order Schemes in BATS-R-US: Is it OK to Simplify Them? |
273 |
Tóth, G.; Chen, Y.; van der Holst, B.; Daldorff, L. K. S. |
A Godunov-Type Solver for Gravitational Flows: Towards a Time-Implicit Version in the HERACLES Code |
279 |
Vides, J.; Van Criekingen, S.; Audit, E.; Szydlarski, M. |
An ADER-WENO Finite Volume AMR code for Astrophysics |
285 |
Zanotti, O.; Dumbser, M.; Hidalgo, A.; Balsara, D. |
Back Matter |
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Author Index |
291 |
Pogorelov, N. V.; Audit, E.; Zank, G. P. |
Back Matter |
293 |