Skoda, P. |
Volume |
Paper Title |
Page Number |
Authors |
216 |
The Importance of Mid-Range Telescope Data Archives - an Example of Ondřejov Observatory 2-meter Telescope |
153 |
Skoda, P. |
310 |
The Reliability of Echelle Spectroscopy in Hot Rotating Star Research |
571 |
Skoda, P.; Slechta, M. |
314 |
Comparison of Echelle Spectra Reduction Packages |
816 |
Skoda, P.; Slechta, M. |
330 |
The Slow Nova V475 Sct (Nova Scuti 2003) - Ejected Envelope and Variability |
439 |
Chochol, D.; Katysheva, N.A.; Pribulla, T.; Shugarov, S.Yu.; Skoda, P.; Slechta, M.; Volkov, I.M. |
347 |
PESO - The Python Based Control System of the Ondrejov 2m Telescope |
558 |
Skoda, P.; Fuchs, J.; Honsa, J. |
351 |
OPSO - The OpenGL based Field Acquisition and Telescope Guiding System |
185 |
Skoda, P.; Fuchs, J.; Honsa, J. |
355 |
Observations of B[e] Stars with the Ondrejov 2m Telescope |
355 |
Kucerova, B.; Korcakova, D.; Kubat, J.; Slechta, M.; Votruba, V.; Skoda, P.; Hadrava, P. |
361 |
Study of the Line-Profile Variations in the Spectrum of ζ Oph during the May/June 2004 MOST Satellite Campaign |
451 |
Koubsky, P.; Harmanec, P.; Skoda, P.; Slechta, M.; Yang, S.; Bohlender, D.; Kambe, E.; Hashimoto, O. |
361 |
Disentangling of Algol Spectra |
482 |
Saad, S.M.; Hadrava, P.; Kubat, J.; Slechta, M.; Skoda, P. |
363 |
Discovery of the Second Outburst and Further Observations of V838 Mon in the Czech Republic |
59 |
Skoda, P.; Smelcer, L.; Brat, L.; Pejcha, O.; Sobotka, P. |
363 |
Chemical Composition of V838 Mon |
231 |
Kipper, T.; Skoda, P. |
370 |
New Observations of the Binary System v Sagittarii |
207 |
Koubsky, P.; Harmanec, P.; Yang, S.; Korcakova, D.; Netolicky,M.; Skoda, P.; Slechta, M.; Votruba, V. |
394 |
The VO-compatible Spectra Archives for Small Observatories |
462 |
Skoda, P. |
535 |
Prototype of Interactive Visualisation Tool for Bayesian Active Deep Learning |
91 |
Podsztavek, O.; Skoda, P.; Tvrdik, P. |
535 |
HDF5 Parallelization for Hierarchical Semi-Sparse Data Cubes |
115 |
Nadvornik, J.; Skoda, P.; Tvrdik, P. |