Title: |
New Solar Physics with Solar-B Mission
Volume: |
Year: |
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Editors: |
Shibata, Kazunari; Nagata, Shin'ichi; Sakurai, Takashi
Synopsis: |
These proceedings of an international conference held 8-11 November 2005 in Kyoto provide a comprehensive overview of the science and possible observing programs of the Solar-B mission, whose main goals are to identify the coronal heating mechanism and to investigate magnetohydrodynamic processess occurring in the solar atmosphere such as magnetic reconnection. The Solar-B satellite was successfully launched on 23 September 2006 (JST) by ISAS/JAXA, and has been renamed Hinode (sunrise in Japanese). The Solar-B mission is the third japanese Solar physics satellite project following Hinotori and Yohkoh, and involves significant multilateral international collaboration with NASA (USA), PPARC (UK), and ESA. The aim of the conference was to discuss basic scientific objectives, possible observing proposals and programs of the Solar-B mission. This conference was the sixth in the series of Solar-B science meetings. The conference consisted of 12 sessions: Instrumentation, Convection and Dynamo, Magnetism of Quiet Sun and Active Regions, Waves and Shocks, Chromospheric Heating, Coronal Heating, Local Helioseismology, Emerging Flux, Reconnection Flares, Coronal Mass Ejections, and Solar Wind, thus covering almost all fields of solar physics. There were 19 invited reviews, 18 contributed talks, and 73 poster papers presented on these topics. The book is suitable for researchers and graduate students interested in solar physics and related fields, such as astrophysics, space plasma physics, magnetospheric physics, laboratory plasma physics, and magnetohydrodynamics.
Paper Title |
Page |
Authors |
Cover |
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Volume 369 Cover |
Shibata, K.; Nagata, S.; Sakurai, T. |
Front Matter |
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Volume 369 Front Matter |
1 |
Shibata, K.; Nagata, S.; Sakurai, T. |
Conference Photo |
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Volume 369 Conference Photograph |
2 |
Shibata, K.; Nagata, S.; Sakurai, T. |
Session 1. Instrumentation |
| |
The Solar-B EUV Imaging Spectrometer: An Overview of the EIS Instrument |
3 |
Culhane, J.L. |
The X-Ray Telescope for Solar-B: Calibration and Predicted Performance |
19 |
DeLuca, E.E. |
Archiving, Distribution and Analysis of Solar-B Data |
31 |
Shimojo, M.; the Solar-B Mission Operation and Data A |
Application of CHIANTI to Solar-B |
35 |
Dere, K.; Landi, E.; Del Zanna, G.; Young, P.; Mason, H.; Landini, M. |
Calibration of the SOT Polarization |
39 |
Ichimoto, K.; Suematsu, Y.; Shimizu, T.; Katsukawa, Y.; Noguchi, M.; Nakagiri, M.; Miyashita, M.; Tsuneta, S.; Tarbell, T.D.; Shine, R.A.; Hoffmann, C.M.; Cruz, T.; Lites, B.W.; Elmore, D.F.; SOT Team |
Calibration of SOT Dopplergrams |
43 |
Katsukawa, Y.; Ichimoto, K.; Sekii, T.; Suematsu, Y.; Tsuneta, S.; Shine, R.A.; Tarbell, T.D. |
Examinations of the Relative Alignment of the Instruments on SOT |
47 |
Okamoto, T.J.; Katsukawa, Y.; Shimizu, T.; Ichimoto, K.; Suematsu, Y.; Tsuneta, S.; Tarbell, T.D.; SOT team |
Estimate on SOT Light Level in Flight with Throughput Measurements in SOT Sun Tests |
51 |
Shimizu, T.; Kubo, M.; Tarbell, T.D.; Berger, T.E.; Suematsu, Y.; Ichimoto, K.; Katsukawa, Y.; Miyashita, M.; Noguchi, M.; Nakagiri, M.; Tsuneta, S.; Elmore, D.F.; Lites, B.W. |
Performance Characteristics of the Solar-B Spectro-Polarimeter |
55 |
Lites, B.W.; Elmore, D.F.; Streander, K.V.; Hoffmann, C.M.; Tarbell, T.D.; Title, A.M.; Shine, R.A.; Ichimoto, K.; Tsuneta, S.; Shimizu, T.; Suematsu, Y. |
The Solar-B Science Center in Japan |
59 |
Shimojo, M.; Tsuneta, S.; Solar-B project/NAOJ |
Temperature Analysis with the XRT |
63 |
Weber, M. |
Session 2. Convection, Sunspots and Dynamo |
| |
Recent High Resolution Observations and Interpretations of Sunspot Fine Structure |
71 |
Scharmer, G.B.; Langhans, K.; Kiselman, D.; Loefdahl, M.G. |
Solar Magneto-Convection Simulations |
87 |
Stein, R.F.; Benson, D.; Nordlund, A. |
Helicity as the Ultimate Test to the Surface Dynamo Problem |
99 |
Pevtsov, A.A.; Longcope, D.W. |
What are ‘Faculae’? |
103 |
Berger, T.E.; Title, A.M.; Tarbell, T.D.; Rouppe van der Voort, L.; Loefdahl, M.G.; Scharmer, G.B. |
Supersonic Downflows in the Photosphere Discovered in Sunspot Moat Regions |
113 |
Shimizu, T.; Martinez-Pillet, V.; Collados, M.; Ruiz-Cobo, B.; Centeno, R.; Beck, C.; Katsukawa, Y. |
Small Scale Energy Release Driven by Supergranular flows |
119 |
Potts, H.E.; Khan, J.I.; Diver, D.A. |
Session 3. Magnetism of Quiet Sun and Active Regions |
| |
The Quiet Sun Magnetic Field |
125 |
Title, A.M. |
What Can We Learn about Filaments from Vector Magnetograms |
137 |
Schmieder, B.; Aulanier, G.; Lopez Ariste, A. |
Magnetic Correspondence between Moving Magnetic Features and Penumbral Magnetic Fields |
145 |
Kubo, M.; Shimizu, T. |
Formation of Magnetic Non-Potentiality in a Solar Active Region |
153 |
Zhang, H. |
Skew Angle and Magnetic Helicity in Solar Active Regions |
163 |
Hagino, M.; Moon, Y.-J.; Sakurai, T. |
Evolutionary Characteristics of Magnetic Helicity Injection in Active Regions |
167 |
Jeong, H.; Chae, J. |
The Use of Spectro-Polarimetric Measurements to Determine the Plasma Heating |
171 |
Jurcak, J.; Martinez Pillet, V.; Sobotka, M. |
Determination of Magnetic Helicity of a Solar Active Region using the Linear Force-Free Field Model |
175 |
Lim, E.-K.; Jeong, H.; Chae, J. |
Helicity Injection in Regions of Various Magnetic Fluxes |
179 |
Yamamoto, T.T.; Sakurai, T.; Kusano, K.; Yokoyama, T. |
Calculations of Photospheric Plasma Velocity Fields using Photospheric Magnetic Field Measurements |
183 |
Santos, J.C.; Buechner, J.; Nikutowsk, B.; Alves, M.V. |
Session 4. Waves and Shocks |
| |
Waves and Shocks in the Solar Atmosphere |
193 |
Hansteen, V.H. |
Plans to Observe Flare-Associated Waves with Solar-B |
205 |
Narukage, N. |
Flare-Associated Oscillations in Coronal Multiple-Loops Observed with the Norikura Green-Line Imaging System |
213 |
Hori, K.; Ichimoto, K.; Sakurai, T. |
Solar-B as a Tool for Coronal Wave Studies |
221 |
Nakariakov, V.M. |
Observed Co-Temporal Oscillations by CDS and TRACE and the Implications for Solar-B Instrumentation |
225 |
Walsh, R.W.; Marsh, M. |
Session 5. Chromospheric Heating |
| |
Chromospheric Dynamics: Spicules and Waves |
231 |
De Pontieu, B. |
Chromospheric Magnetic Reconnection |
243 |
Chae, J. |
The Relationship between EUV Brightenings and Dark Mottles in the Quiet Sun |
257 |
Kamio, S.; Kurokawa, H.; Brooks, D.H. |
Session 6. Coronal Heating |
| |
Towards Understanding the Solar Atmosphere |
263 |
Doschek, G.A. |
Topological Dissipation and The Solar Corona |
269 |
Gudiksen, B.V. |
Limb Prominences seen in UV, EUV and SXR |
279 |
Heinzel, P.; Farnik, F.; Anzer, U.; Dammasch, I. |
Observational Analysis of the Relation between Coronal Loop Heating and Photospheric Magnetic Fields |
287 |
Katsukawa, Y. |
Magnetic Twist of EUV Coronal Loops observed by TRACE |
299 |
Kwon, R.-Y.; Chae, J. |
Investigation of Coronal Loop Temperatures Using Three EUV Filters and Implications for Future Work with Solar-B |
303 |
Noglik, J.B.; Walsh, R.W.; Ireland, J. |
Studying Transition Region Phenomena with Solar-B/EIS |
307 |
Young, P. |
Session 7. Local Helioseismology |
| |
Local Helioseismology |
313 |
Chou, D.-Y. |
Observations of Helioseismic Response to Flare Energy-release Events |
325 |
Kosovichev, A.G. |
Session 8. Emerging Flux |
| |
Three-Dimensional Numerical Experiments of Flux Emergence into the Corona |
335 |
Moreno-Insertis, F. |
Observation of Magnetic Field Reconnection at the Base of EFR Surges |
347 |
Kurokawa, H.; Liu, Y.; Sano, S.; Ishii, T.T. |
Three-Dimensional MHD Simulations of Emerging Flux and Associated Magnetic Reconnection |
355 |
Isobe, H.; Miyagoshi, T.; Shibata, K.; Yokoyama, T. |
Flux Cancellation Associated with Flux Emergence on the Sun |
367 |
Magara, T. |
3-D Magnetohydrodynamics Simulation of the Solar Emerging Flux |
371 |
Nozawa, S. |
Magnetohydrodynamic Numerical Simulations of Emerging Flux Tube for Studying Effects of Twist Intensity |
377 |
Miyagoshi, T.; Isobe, H.; Yokoyama, T.; Shibata, K. |
Three-dimensional Filament Eruption Driven by a Emerging Flux |
381 |
Notoya, S.; Yokoyama, T.; Kusano, K.; Sakurai, T.; Miyagoshi, T.; Isobe, H.; Yamamoto, T. |
Correlation between Increases of Magnetic Fluxes and Brightenings of Coronal Structures around Emerging Flux Regions |
385 |
Yoshimura, K. |
Session 9. Reconnection |
| |
Recent Progress in Study ofMagnetic Reconnection in a Laboratory Plasma and Possible Application to Space Astrophysical Plasmas |
391 |
Yamada, M.; Ren, Y.; Ji, H |
Investigation of Reconnection in the Solar Corona by Numerical Simulation Based on Solar-B Observations |
407 |
Buechner, J. |
Simulation Study of Three-Dimensional and Nonlinear Dynamics of Flux Tube in the Solar Corona |
421 |
Inoue, S.; Kusano, K. |
Low Atmosphere Reconnections Associated with a Filament Eruption |
425 |
Moon, Y.-J.; Chae, J.; Park, Y.D. |
A Statistical Study of the Reconnection Rate in Solar Flares |
429 |
Nagashima, K.; Yokoyama, T. |
Self-similar Reconnection : A new model for Astrophysical Application beyond the Petschek Model |
433 |
Nitta, S. |
XRT and EIS Observations of Reconnection Associated Phenomena |
439 |
Shiota, D.; Isobe, H.; Brooks, D.H.; Chen, P.-F.; Shibata, K. |
Oblique Shocks in the Reconnection Jet in Solar Flares |
443 |
Tanuma, S.; Shibata, K. |
Session 10. Flares |
| |
Structure and Evolution of Magnetic Fields Leading to Solar Flares |
449 |
Wang, H. |
Evolution of Hα Kernels and Energy Release in an X-Class Flare |
461 |
Asai, A.; Yokoyama, T.; Shimojo, M.; Masuda, S.; Shibata, K. |
Simulation Study of Transition Process from Long-Lived Sigmoid to Flare Eruption |
469 |
Kusano, K. |
Flare Energy Conversion due to Direct Electric Fields Resulting from the Sheared Reconnection |
477 |
Hirayama, T. |
High Velocity Doppler shift Observations of 10 MK Flare Plasma |
481 |
Innes, D.E.; Wang, T.J. |
Observations of Simultaneous Coronal Loop Shrinkage and Expansion during the Decay Phase of a Solar Flare |
485 |
Khan, J.I.; Fletcher, L.; Nitta, N.V. |
Supra-Arcade Downflows: Results from Observational Analysis |
489 |
McKenzie, D.E.; Savage, S.; Tolan, J.E. |
Quantitative Analysis of Nonthermal Electrons in Impulsive Hard X-ray Flares |
493 |
Minoshima, T.; Yokoyama, T. |
Electron Acceleration at the Earth’s Bow Shock, Solar Flares and Interplanetary Shocks |
497 |
Oka, M.; Terasawa, T. |
Combining Hydrodynamics Modeling with Test Particle Tracking to Improve Flare Simulations |
501 |
Winter, H.T.; Martens, P.; Rettenmayer, J. |
A Simulation of Flares in YSOs with Non-thermal Heating and Expected Hard X-ray Spectrum |
505 |
Kawamichi, T.; Shibata, K. |
Session 11. Coronal Mass Ejections |
| |
Solar Origins of Interplanetary Coronal Mass Ejections |
511 |
Harra, L.K. |
Multidimensional Simulations of Filament Channel Structure and Evolution |
525 |
Karpen, J.T. |
Origin of the Sheared Magnetic Fields that Explode in Flares and Coronal Mass Ejections |
539 |
Moore, R.L.; Sterling, A.C. |
Observation of a Coronal Mass Ejection and its Source Region with NOrikura Green-line Imaging System (NOGIS) |
543 |
Suzuki, I.; Sakurai, T.; Ichimoto, K. |
Session 12. Solar Wind |
| |
What Coronal Parameters Determine Solar Wind Speed? |
549 |
Kojima, M.; Tokumaru, M.; Fujiki, K.; Itoh, H.; Murakami, T.; Hakamada, K. |
Self-consistent MHD Modeling of Solar Wind |
557 |
Suzuki, T.K. |
The energetics of the Slow Solar wind |
569 |
Ofman, L. |
Study of Small-Scale Dynamics in Quiet Regions from TRACE/BBSO Observations |
573 |
Yamauchi, Y.; Wang, H.; Moore, R.L. |
Session 13. Discussion and Summary |
| |
Summary Review: Science with the SOT |
579 |
Lites, B.W. |
Two Fundamental MHD Problems in Solar Physics |
587 |
Sakurai, T. |
Back Matter |
| |
Volume 369 Back Matter |
593 |
Shibata, K.; Nagata, S.; Sakurai, T. |
Photographs |
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Volume 367 Photographs |
999 |
Shibata, K.; Nagata, S.; Sakurai, T. |