Title: Numerical Modeling of Space Plasma Flows: Astronum-2006
Volume: 359 Year: 2006 View this Volume on ADS
Editors: Pogorelov, Nikolai V.; Zank, Gary P.
ISBN: 978-1-583812-27-3 eISBN: 978-1-58381-293-8

Paper Title Page Authors
Volume 359 Cover Hanawa et al.; Pogorelov, N.V.; Zank, G.P.
Front Matter   
Volume 359 Front Matter 1 Pogorelov, N.V.; Zank, G.P.
Part 1.
Numerical methods, algorithms and frameworks
Central Finite Volume Methods in Multidimensional MHD 3 Arminjon, P.; Touma, R.
Numerical Simulations of Astrophysical Plasmas: Status and Perspectives of the Saclay/DAPNIA Software Project 9 Audit, E.; Pomarede, D.; Teyssier, R.; Thooris, B.
Front Tracking under TSTT 15 Glimm, J.; Fix, B.; Li, X.; Liu, J.; Liu, X.; Lu, T.; Samulyak, R.; Xu, Z.
Magnetohydrodynamics with Chombo: Tests and First results 25 Kryukov, I.A.; Borovikov, S.N.; Pogorelov, N.V.; Zank, G.P.
Parallel Adaptive Solution of the MHD Equations and Its Role in the Space-Weather Modeling Framework 33 Powell, K.G.; Gombosi, T.I.; Stout, Q.F.; De Zeeuw, D.L.; Toth, G.; Sokolov, I.V.; Ridley, A.J.; Hansen, K.C.; Manchester, W.B.; Roussev, I.I.
Development of Low Dissipative High Order Filter Schemes for Multiscale Navier-Stokes/MHD Systems 47 Yee, H.C.; Sjogreen, B.
Simulating Coupling Complexity in Space Plasmas 62 Zank, G.P.; Pogorelov, N.V.; Raeder, J.; Florinski, V.; Heerikhuisen, J.; Shaikh, D.; Kryukov, I.A.; Borovikov, S.N.
Part 2.
Turbulence and cosmic ray transport
Particle Acceleration in Galactic Winds 71 Dorfi, E.A.
Cosmic Ray Interaction With Plasma Flows in the Heliosphere 77 Florinski, V.
High resolution simulations of supersonic turbulence in molecular clouds 84 Kritsuk, A.G.; Wagner, R.; Norman, M.L.; Padoan, P.
Spectral Methods for Modeling Local Interstellar Turbulent Flows 91 Shaikh, D.; Pogorelov, N.V.; Zank, G.P.
Towards an Improved Numerical Treatment of Compressible Turbulence in Astrophysical Flows 97 Woodward, P.R.; Porter, D.H.; Anderson, S.; Fuchs, T.
Part 3.
Large-scale fluid-based simulations
MHD Models for Winds from Neutron Stars, and their Interaction with the Environment 113 Bucciantini, N.
A Case Study of Verifying and Validating an Astrophysical Simulation Code 119 Calder, A.C.; Taylor, N.T.; Antypas, K.; Sheeler, D.; Dubey, A.
MHD Models for Multi-Spacecraft / Ground-based Data Analysis and Conjunction Visualizations 125 Daum, P.; Wild, J.A.
Tracking Magnetic Nulls in a Simulated Magnetosphere 131 Dorelli, J.C.; Bhattacharjee, A.; Raeder, J.
The Role of Thermal Instability in Star Formation 137 Falle, S.A.E.G.; Ager, M.; Hartquist, T.W.
Multidimensional MHD Algorithms in Athena 143 Gardiner, T.A.; Stone, J.M.
The Magnetic Reconnection Code: an AMR-based fully implicit simulation suite 151 Germaschewski, K.; Bhattacharjee, A.; Ng, C.-S.
An Approximate Riemann Solver for the MHD Equations and Its Application to type II Supernova 158 Hanawa, T.; Mikami, H.; Sato, Y.; Matsumoto, T.
Magnetohydrodynamic Numerical Simulations of Emerging Flux and Associated Active Phenomena in the Solar Atmosphere 164 Miyagoshi, T.; Isobe, H.; Yokoyama, T.; Shibata, K.
Self-adaptive Event-Driven Simulations of Multi-Scale Plasma Systems 171 Omelchenko, Y.; Karimabadi, H.; Goldstein, M.L.; Usmanov, A.V.
Numerical Modeling of Weakly Ionized Plasmas 178 O'Sullivan, S.; Downes, T.P.
The Role of Charge Exchange in Heliospheric Asymmetries Caused by the Interstellar Magnetic Field 184 Pogorelov, N.V.; Zank, G.P.
Reconnection-generated Plasma Flows Interacting with the Near-Earth Plasma Sheet 190 Pritchett, P.L.
Numerical Modeling of MHD Accretion Flows in Gamma-ray Bursts 196 Proga, D.
Physical, Numerical, and Computational Challenges in Modeling the Geospace Environment 202 Raeder, J.; Dorelli, J.; Larson, D.; Loring, B.
Residual Distribution Schemes for Hyperbolic Balance Laws in Generalized Coordinates 213 Rossmanith, J.A.
MHD Simulations of the Solar Wind and ICME Dynamics from the Inner to the Outer Heliosphere 220 Wang, C.; Richardson, J.
Magnetohydrodynamic Simulation of Solar Supergranulation 226 Ustyugov, S.D.
Formation of Bipolar Planetary Nebulae Due to Accelerated Stellar Winds 232 Washimi, H.; Zank, G.P.; Tanaka, T.; Balick, B.
Part 4.
Large-scale kinetic and hybrid calculations
The Hybrid Simulation Applied to Space Plasmas 241 Giacalone, J.
MHD-Boltzmann Simulations of the Solar Wind-Interstellar Medium Interaction 251 Heerikhuisen, J.; Florinski, V.; Zank, G.P.; Pogorelov, N.V.
Global Hybrid Simulations of the Earth's Magnetosphere 257 Karimabadi, H.; Vu, H.X.; Krauss-Varban, D.; Omelchenko, Y.
Large-Scale Hybrid Simulations of Reconnection 264 Krauss-Varban, D.; Karimabadi, H.
Application of the Molecular Hydrodynamics to Accretion Flows 270 Matsuda, T.; Isaka, H.; Murata, H.; Boffin, H.M.J.
Kinetic Modeling of Heavy Ions and Atoms in the Heliosphere 276 Mueller, H.-R.; Zank, G.P.
Part 5.
Data handling and visualization
Interactive Out-of-Core Visualization of Multiresolution Time Series Data 285 Bergeron, R.D.; Foulks, A.
Method of Tetrahedral Mesh Generation for Regions with Curvilinear Boundaries 295 Borovikov, S.N.; Kryukov, I.A.; Ivanov, I.E.
Virtual Observatories for Space Physics Observations and Simulations: New Routes to Efficient Access 302 Roberts, D.A.
Back Matter   
Volume 359 Back Matter 311 Pogorelov, N.V.; Zank, G.P.