Title: |
Radio Emission from Galactic and Extragalactic Compact Sources, IAU Colloquium 164
Volume: |
Year: |
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Editors: |
Zensus, J. A.; Taylor, G. B.; Wrobel, J. M.
Paper Title |
Page |
Authors |
| |
Thirty Years of VLBI: Early Days, Successes, and Future |
1 |
Moran, J. M. |
The VSOP Mission -- A New ERA for VLBI |
11 |
Hirabayashi, H. |
The Caltech-Jodrell Bank VLBI Surveys |
17 |
Pearson, T. J.; Browne, I. W. A.; Henstock, D. R.; Polatidis, A. G.; Readhead, A. C. S.; Taylor, G. B.; Thakkar, D. D.; Vermeulen, R. C.; Wilkinson, P. N.; Xu, W. |
The Blazar Paradigm: Synchro-Compton Emission from Relativistic Jets |
25 |
Marscher, A. P. |
Ejection Phenomena in Galaxies and QSOs: Are We Going Far Enough? |
33 |
Burbidge, G. |
Structure and Properties of AGN Cores from VLBI and Total Flux Density Variations |
35 |
Valtaoja, E. |
Sub-mas Jets in Gamma-Active Blazars: Results from High Frequency VLBI |
37 |
Krichbaum, T. P.; Kraus, A.; Otterbein, K.; Britzen, S.; Witzel, A.; Zensus, J. A. |
The Identification of EGRET Sources with Flat-Spectrum Radio Sources |
39 |
Mattox, J. R. |
Millimeter VLBI Observations of the Gamma-Ray Blazar NRAO 530 |
41 |
Bower, G. C. |
Monthly VLBI Monitoring of Selected Gamma-Bright Quasars |
43 |
Britzen, S.; Witzel, A.; Krichbaum, T. P.; Roland, J.; Wagner, S. J. |
Markarian 421: TeV Gamma-ray Flares and VLBI Structure |
45 |
Edwards, P. G.; Moellenbrock, G. A.; Unwin, S. C.; Wehrle, A. E.; Weekes, T. C. |
Model of a Precessing Jet in 3C 279 |
47 |
Abraham, Z.; Carrara, E. A.; Zensus, J. A. |
Relativistic Numerical Simulations of Superluminal Sources |
49 |
Gomez, J. L.; Marti, J. M.; Marscher, A. P.; Ibanez, J. M.; Alberdi, A. |
The Magnetic Switch as the Origin of the FRI/FRII Break |
51 |
Meier, D. L.; Godon, P.; Edgington, S.; Payne, D. G.; Lind, K. R. |
Synchrotron Spectra of Compact VLBI-Jets |
53 |
Lobanov, A. P.; Zensus, J. A. |
VLBI of Southern EGRET Identifications |
55 |
Murphy, D. W.; Tingay, S. J.; Preston, R. A.; Meier, D. L.; Jones, D. L.; Edwards, P. G.; Costa, M. E.; Lovell, J. E. J.; McCulloch, P. M.; Jauncey, D. L.; Reynolds, J. E.; Tzioumis, A. K.; King, E. A.; Nicolson, G. D.; Quick, J. F. H.; Wan, T.-S.; Shen, Z.-Q. |
Two Stationary Components in the High-Redshift Quasar 1338+381 |
57 |
Bouchy, F.; Lestrade, J.-F. |
EVN+MERLIN Observations of 3C 66B and a Two-Fluid Model for VLBI Jets |
59 |
Fraix-Burnet, D.; Despringre, V.; Baudry, A. |
The Radio Jet of Quasar 0153+744 |
61 |
Hummel, C. A. |
Symmetric Parsec-Scale Radio Jets in NGC 4261 |
63 |
Jones, D. L.; Wehrle, A. E. |
Search for Short Timescale Structural Variation of 3C 273 at 22 GHz and 43 GHz |
65 |
Mantovani, F.; Valerio, C.; Junor, W.; McHardy, I. M. |
Multi-Epoch VLBA Observations of gamma-Ray Bright Blazars |
67 |
Marchenko, S. G.; Marscher, A. P.; Mattox, J. R.; Wehrle, A. E.; Xu, W. |
Superluminal Motion in the Gamma-Ray Blazar 3C 279 |
69 |
Unwin, S. C.; Wehrle, A. E.; Xu, W.; Zook, A. C.; Marscher, A. P. |
The Injector and the AGN Core |
71 |
Matveenko, L. I.; Pauliny-Toth, I. I. K. |
S5 0836+710 A Kelvin-Helmholtz Unstable Jet on Parsec Scales? |
73 |
Otterbein, K.; Krichbaum, T. P.; Kraus, A.; Witzel, A.; Hummel, C. A.; Zensus, J. A. |
Structural Variations in the Quasar 3C 454.3 |
75 |
Pauliny-Toth, I. I. K. |
Superluminal Motion in the Parsec-Scale Jet of 3C 380 |
77 |
Polatidis, A. G.; Wilkinson, P. N. |
The Slow Jet in the Nucleus of 3C 84 |
79 |
Dhawan, V.; Kellermann, K. I.; Romney, J. D. |
Unification of Radio Galaxies |
81 |
Cohen, M. H.; Ogle, P. M.; Tran, H. D.; Goodrich, R. W. |
First VLBA Images of the Nuclei in 3CR Lobe-dominated Quasars |
83 |
Hough, D. H.; Vermeulen, R. C.; Readhead, A. C. S. |
Relativistic Jets in Low Power Radio Galaxies |
85 |
Giovannini, G.; Arbizzani, E.; Feretti, L.; Venturi, T.; Cotton, W. D.; Lara, L.; Taylor, G. B. |
The Sub-Parsec-Scale Structure and Evolution of Centaurus A at 8.4 and 22.2 GHz |
87 |
Tingay, S. J.; Jauncey, D. L.; Reynolds, J. E.; Tzioumis, A. K.; Preston, R. A.; Jones, D. L.; Murphy, D. W.; Meier, D. L.; Lovell, J. E. J.; McCulloch, P. M.; Costa, M. E.; Nicolson, G.; Quick, J. F. H. |
Sub-arcsecond Radio Imaging of Jets in Low Luminosity Radio Galaxies |
89 |
Bondi, M.; Parma, P.; Fanti, R.; de Ruiter, H.; Laing, R. A. |
The Counterjet in the Nucleus of Centaurus A |
91 |
Preston, R. A.; Tingay, S. J.; Jones, D. L.; Murphy, D. M.; Meier, D. L.; Jauncey, D. L.; Reynolds, J. E.; Tzioumis, A. K.; Lovell, J. E. J.; McCulloch, P. M.; Costa, M. E.; Nicolson, G. |
Some Theoretical Studies of Two Gamma-Ray Blazars: PKS 0528+134 and MRK 421 |
93 |
Qian, S. J.; Zhang, X. Z.; Witzel, A.; Krichbaum, T. P.; Britzen, S.; Kraus, A. |
Multi-Frequency VLBA+Effelsberg Observations of 1038+528 A/B |
95 |
Rioja, M. J.; Porcas, R. W. |
Magnetic Fields in AGN |
97 |
Wardle, J. F. C. |
A Multi-Frequency VLBI Polarization Study of the CSS Quasar 3C 309.1 |
105 |
Aaron, S. E.; Wardle, J. F. C.; Roberts, D. H. |
The Radio Properties of BL Lac Objects |
107 |
Aller, M. F.; Aller, H. D.; Hughes, P. A. |
Rotation-Measure Mapping of 3C 119 |
109 |
Flatters, C. |
A Polarimetric Survey of CSS Sources at 22 GHz with the VLA |
111 |
Luedke, E.; Adornes, R. B. |
Faraday Rotation Measure Observations on the Pc-Scale: Probing the AGN Environment |
113 |
Taylor, G. B.; Venturi, T.; Udomprasert, P. S. |
Magnetic Field Configuration in 4C 39.25 |
115 |
Alberdi, A.; Lara, L.; Gomez, J. L.; Marcaide, J. M.; Perez-Torres, M. A.; Kemball, A.; Leppaenen, K.; Marscher, A. P.; Patnaik, A.; Porcas, R. |
X-Band VLBA Polarization of 3C 287 |
117 |
Dallacasa, D.; Schilizzi, R. T.; Rendong, Nan |
VLBA Observations of 3C 120 |
119 |
Gomez, J. L.; Marscher, A. P.; Alberdi, A.; Marti, J. M.; Ibanez, J. M. |
CME and Ejection of Large Scale Magnetic Fields, Helical Magnetic Fields, and Intrinsically Asymmetric Jets -- New Findings in AGN |
121 |
Chu, H. S.; Zhang, F. J.; Spencer, R. E. |
Detection of Parsec-Scale Circular Polarization with the VLBA |
123 |
Homan, D. C.; Wardle, J. F. C.; Ojha, R.; Roberts, D. H. |
A Polarization Study of Quasar 4C 71.07 |
125 |
Hutchison, J. M.; Cawthorne, T. V. |
Evolution of the Parsec-Scale Structures of OJ 287 and 3C 273 |
127 |
Ojha, R.; Homan, D. C.; Roberts, D. H.; Wardle, J. F. C. |
Sub-milliarcsec Structure of 3C 111 at 0.7 and 3.6 CM |
129 |
Alef, W.; Preuss, E.; Kellermann, K. I.; Gabuzda, D. |
VLBA Studies of Molecular Gas toward Centaurus A |
131 |
van Langevelde, H. J.; Beasley, A. |
Probing the Accretion Region of NGC 1275 with VLBI |
133 |
Walker, R. C.; Kellermann, K. I.; Dhawan, V.; Romney, J. D.; Benson, J. M.; Vermeulen, R. C.; Alef, W. |
Limiting Brightness Temperature for Synchrotron Sources |
135 |
Laehteenmaeki, A.; Valtaoja, E. |
Statistical Effects of Doppler Beaming and Malmquist Bias on Flux-Limited Samples of Compact Radio Sources |
137 |
Lister, M. L.; Marscher, A. P. |
The Effects of Light Travel Time on the Appearance of Relativistic Jets |
139 |
Mioduszewski, A. J.; Hughes, P. A.; Duncan, G. C. |
Low Frequency (327 MHz) VLBI Survey: First Results |
141 |
Altunin, V.; Beasley, A.; Luedke, E.; Alekseev, V.; Lipatov, B.; Dagkesamansky, R.; Kardashev, N.; Kovalenko, A.; Molotov, I.; Slysh, V.; Migenes, V. |
A VSOP Survey Program Pre-launch Continuum Survey |
143 |
Edwards, P. G.; Fomalont, E. B. |
A MERLIN and VLBI Survey of Faint Compact Radio Sources |
145 |
Garrett, M. A.; Garrington, S. T. |
A VLBI Survey of 461 Southern Flat Spectrum Sources |
147 |
King, E. A.; Lovell, J. E. J.; Ellingsen, S. P.; Costa, M. E.; McCulloch, P. M.; Reynolds, J. E.; Jauncey, D. L. |
Millimeter Continuum Monitoring of Extragalactic Radio Sources with the IRAM 30m Telescope |
149 |
Ungerechts, H.; Kramer, C.; Lefloch, B.; Leon, S.; Masset, F.; Moreno, R.; Paubert, G.; Reynaud, D.; Sievers, A.; Wild, W. |
Comparison of Total Flux and VLBI Properties of a Sample of 15 AGN at 22 GHz |
151 |
Wiik, K.; Valtaoja, E. |
The Submilliarcsecond Structure of Quasars and AGN |
153 |
Kellermann, K. I.; Zensus, J. A.; Vermeulen, R. C.; Cohen, M. H. |
A VLBA Calibrator Survey |
155 |
Peck, A. B.; Beasley, A. J. |
Structure and Variability of Sources from Geodetic VLBI -- Data |
157 |
Pyatunina, T. B. |
VLBA Imaging of a Large Sample of Blazars |
159 |
Attridge, J. M.; Roberts, D. H.; Wardle, J. F. C. |
EVN Observations of BL Lac Objects with Distorted Structures |
161 |
Charlot, P.; Sol, H.; Vicente, L. |
The Rosat-Green Bank Sample of Intermediate BL Lac Objects |
163 |
Laurent-Muehleisen, S. A.; Kollgaard, R. I.; Feigelson, E. D. |
Polarization VLBI Observations of a Complete Sample of Northern BL Lacertae Objects |
165 |
Pushkarev, A. B.; Gabuzda, D. C. |
The Recent Highly-Polarized Centimeter Burst in BL Lacertae |
167 |
Aller, H. D.; Hughes, P. A.; Aller, M. F. |
Very Long Baseline Polarimetry of BL Lac |
169 |
Denn, G. R.; Mutel, R. L. |
Low-luminosity BL Lac Objects and Flat-spectrum Radio Galaxies |
171 |
Bondi, M.; Dallacasa, D.; Marcha, M. J. M.; Stanghellini, C. |
A Multi-Frequency VLBI Total Intensity and Polarization Study of the BL Lacertae Object 0716+714 |
173 |
Kovalev, Y. Y.; Gabuzda, D. C.; Krichbaum, T. P.; Alef, W.; Witzel, A. |
VLBA Monitoring of Three Gamma-Ray Bright Blazars: AO 0235+164, 1633+382 (4C 38.41), & 2230+114 (CTA 102) |
175 |
Xu, W.; Wehrle, A. E.; Marscher, A. P. |
The Parsec-Scale Radio Polarization of Three GHz-Peaked-Spectrum Radio Sources |
177 |
Stanghellini, C.; Dallacasa, D.; O'Dea, C. P.; Baum, S. A.; Fanti, C.; Fanti, R. |
Multi-Frequency VLBI Observations of the GPS Source 1934-638 |
179 |
Tzioumis, A. K.; King, E. A.; Reynolds, J. E.; Jauncey, D. L.; Gough, R. G.; Preston, R. A.; Murphy, D. W.; Tingay, S. J.; Meier, D. L.; Jones, D. L.; Lovell, J. E. J.; Edwards, P. G.; McCulloch, P. M.; Costa, M. E.; Kedziora-Chudczer, L.; Campbell-Wilson, D.; Nicolson, G. D.; Quick, J. F. H. |
A Spectral Analysis of 3C 67 and 3C 190 |
181 |
Katz-Stone, D. M.; Rudnick, L. |
3C 216: Is It the CSS Source with the Highest Rotation Measure? |
183 |
Luedke, E.; Cotton, W. D.; Sanghera, H. S.; Dallacasa, D. |
Milliarcsecond Structure of the Faraday Effects in 3C 147: ``The CSS Prototype with Highest Rotation Measure'' (Which Is Not) |
185 |
Luedke, E.; Cotton, W. D.; Sanghera, H. S.; Dallacasa, D. |
GPS Sources with High Peak Frequencies |
187 |
Edge, A. C.; Pooley, G.; Jones, M.; Grainge, Keith; Saunders, Richard |
The Ultimate Fate of CSOs |
189 |
De Young, D. S. |
CTD 93 -- The Not-So-Simple Double |
191 |
Shaffer, D. B.; Kellermann, K. I. |
PKS 1718-649, the Nearest GPS Radio Source |
193 |
Jauncey, D. L.; Tingay, S. J.; Preston, R. A.; Reynolds, J. E.; Tzioumis, A. K.; King, E. A.; Lovell, J. E. J.; McCulloch, P. M.; Costa, M. E.; Koekemoer, A.; Tornikoski, M.; Kedziora-Chudczer, L.; Campbell-Wilson, D.; Nicolson, G. D. |
The Alignment Effect in Compact Steep Spectrum Radio Sources |
195 |
de Vries, W. H.; O'Dea, C. P.; Baum, S. A.; Barthel, P. D. |
VLBI Observations of the Seyfert Galaxy IC 5063 |
197 |
Oosterloo, T.; Tzioumis, A.; Reynolds, J.; Morganti, R.; Tsvetanov, Z.; McCulloch, P.; King, E. |
The Two-Sided VLBI Source in the Seyfert Galaxy MRK 231 |
199 |
Ulvestad, J. S.; Wrobel, J. M.; Carilli, C. L. |
Variability of the Radio Nucleus of the Galaxy M81 |
201 |
Bietenholz, M. F.; Bartel, N.; Rupen, M. P. |
VLBI Astrometry of the Ultra-Compact Nucleus of M81 |
203 |
Ebbers, A.; Bartel, N.; Bietenholz, M. F.; Rupen, M. P.; Beasley, A. J. |
Radio Emission from Low-Luminosity Active Galactic Nuclei |
205 |
van Dyk, S. D.; Ho, L. C. |
Short-Term Variability of Sagittarius A* at Millimeter Wavelengths |
207 |
Tsutsumi, T.; Kawabata, T.; Miyazaki, A.; Tsuboi, M. |
Nonthermal Nuclei in 374 UGC Galaxies |
209 |
Wrobel, J. M.; Condon, J. J.; Machalski, J. |
Compact Radio Emission in 60 micron Peaker Galaxies |
211 |
Heisler, C. A.; Norris, R. P.; Jauncey, D. L.; Reynolds, J. E.; King, E. A. |
Proper Motions and Jets in NGC 4258: Further Evidence for a Sub-Parsec Nuclear Disk |
213 |
Herrnstein, J. R. |
Shock Origin of High-Velocity Maser Emission from Circumnuclear Disks |
217 |
Maoz, E.; McKee, C. F. |
VLBI Observations of Central Region in NGC 3079 |
219 |
Satoh, S.; Inoue, M.; Nakai, N. |
Water in NGC 1068 |
221 |
Greenhill, L. J. |
NGC 1052: A Different Class of H_2O Megamaser? |
223 |
Diamond, P. J.; Claussen, M. J.; Braatz, J. A.; Wilson, A. S.; Henkel, C. |
Maser Radiation from a Turbulent Keplerian Disk: NGC 4258 |
225 |
Watson, W. D.; Wallin, B. K.; Wyld, H. W. |
Imaging of the ARP 220 OH Megamasers with VLBI |
227 |
Lonsdale, Colin J.; Diamond, P. J.; Lonsdale, Carol J.; Smith, H. E. |
SiO and H_2O Masers in the Central Parsec of the Galaxy |
229 |
Menten, K. M.; Reid, M. J. |
Evidence for a Circumnuclear Atomic Disk and Massive Black Hole in the Hidden Quasar Cygnus A |
231 |
Conway, J. E. |
The Nuclear Region of a Megamaser in a Southern AGN, NGC 5793: Parsec-Scale Structure and OH Absorption |
233 |
Hagiwara, Y.; Kawabe, R.; Nakai, N.; Diamond, P. J. |
Proper Motions and the Distance to a Water Vapor Maser in the Galaxy M33 |
235 |
Argon, A. L.; Greenhill, L. J.; Moran, J. M.; Reid, M. J.; Menten, K. M. |
VLBI Observations of a Megamaser in a Seyfert Galaxy IC 2560 |
237 |
Nakai, N.; Inoue, M.; Hagiwara, Y.; Miyoshi, M.; Diamond, P. J. |
Water Maser Emission and the Parsec-Scale Jet in NGC 3079 |
239 |
Trotter, A. S.; Moran, J. M.; Greenhill, L. J. |
Results from Space-VLBI Pre-Launch Surveys: H_2O Masers |
241 |
Migenes, V.; Horiuchi, S.; Inoue, M.; Edwards, P.; Fomalont, E. B.; Slysh, V. I.; Val'tts, I. E. |
Multi-Epoch VLBA Observations of the SiO Maser Emission towards R Aquarii (R Aqr) |
243 |
Boboltz, D. A.; Diamond, P. J.; Kemball, A. J. |
Imaging of the Surface of a Star: VLBA Monitoring of the SiO Masers around U Herculis |
245 |
Diamond, P. J.; Kemball, A. J. |
VLA Observations of H_2O Masers in the Class 0 Protostar S106FIR |
247 |
Furuya, R.; Kawabe, R.; Saito, M.; Umemoto, T.; Kitamura, Y. |
The H_2O Supermaser Emission Region in Orion KL |
249 |
Matveenko, L. I.; Diamond, P. J.; Graham, D. A. |
Shock Structure of the High-Velocity Water Masers in W49 N |
251 |
Liljestroem, T. |
Proper Motions of Water Masers in Circumstellar Shells |
253 |
Marvel, K. B.; Diamond, P. J.; Kemball, A. J. |
VLA Imaging of Class I Methanol Masers at 7 MM with Angular Resolution 0 to 4.2" |
255 |
Slysh, V. I.; Kogan, L. |
Intraday Variability of Flat-Spectrum Radio Sources |
257 |
Wagner, S. J. |
VLBI Observations of Intraday Variability |
265 |
Gabuzda, D. C.; Kochanev, P. Y.; Kollgaard, R. I. |
PKS 0405-385 as Seen by the ISM Telescope |
267 |
Kedziora-Chudczer, L. L.; Walker, M. A.; Jauncey, D. L.; Wieringa, M. H.; Reynolds, J. E.; Tzioumis, A. K.; Nicolson, G. D. |
Interstellar Scintillation and Intraday Variability |
269 |
Rickett, B. J. |
Four Southern Intraday Variable Radio Sources |
271 |
Kedziora-Chudczer, L. L.; Jauncey, D. L.; Wieringa, M. H.; Reynolds, J. E.; Tzioumis, A. K. |
Serendipitous VLBI Observations of Intraday Variability in the BL Lac Objects 1334-127, 2131-021, and 2155-152 |
273 |
Kochanev, P. Y.; Gabuzda, D. C. |
Do Jets Exist in All Compact Extragalactic Objects? |
275 |
Kovalev, Y. A.; Kovalev, Y. Y. |
Polarization Properties of Intraday Variable Blazars |
277 |
Kraus, A.; Krichbaum, T. P.; Witzel, A. |
Multi-Frequency Monitoring of a Sample of Extragalactic Radio Sources |
279 |
Mingaliev, M.; Botashev, A.; Stolyarov, V. |
The Nature of a Homogeneous Sample of Compact Radio Sources Variable at 151 MHz |
281 |
Minns, A. R.; Riley, J. M.; Warner, P. J.; Rioja, M. J.; Roettgering, H. J. A. |
Variable Radio Sources in the GB6 Catalog |
283 |
Gregory, P. C.; Scott, W. K.; Poller, B. |
A Perspective on Scintillation |
285 |
Walker, M. A. |
Towards an Understanding of the Galactic Distribution of Electron-Density Fluctuations |
287 |
Salgado, J. F.; Salter, C. J.; Ghosh, T.; Junor, W.; Manoharan, P. K. |
Mapping Small Scale Structure in Galactic H i with the VLBA |
289 |
Faison, M. D.; Goss, W. M.; Diamond, P. J. |
Constraints on the Evolution of Powerful Radio Sources from GPS and CSS Sources |
291 |
O'Dea, C. P. |
CSS Radio Sources and their Optical Characteristics |
293 |
Morganti, R.; Tadhunter, C. N.; Dickson, R.; Tzioumis, A.; King, E. |
The Evolution of Compact Steep-Spectrum Sources |
295 |
Jeyakumar, S.; Saikia, D. J. |
Evidence for Self-Similar Evolution of Gigahertz-Peaked-Spectrum Sources |
297 |
Snellen, I. A. G.; Schilizzi, R. T.; van Langevelde, H. J.; de Bruyn, A. G.; Miley, G. K. |
VLBA and MERLIN Polarization Observations of Compact Steep-Spectrum Sources |
299 |
Mantovani, F.; Bondi, M.; Junor, W.; Salter, C. J.; Saikia, D. J. |
Survey of Milliarcsec Structure in Eight Seyfert Galaxies: Results on NGC 1068 and NGC 4151 |
301 |
Roy, A. L.; Ulvestad, J. S.; Colbert, E. J. M.; Wilson, A. S.; Norris, R. P. |
VLBI Observations of Gravitational Lenses |
303 |
Porcas, R. W. |
Measuring the Hubble Constant with the Gravitational Lens System CLASS 1608+656 |
311 |
Fassnacht, C. D.; Pearson, T. J.; Blandford, R. D.; Readhead, A. C. S. |
PKS 1830-211: VLBA lambda 7mm Polarization Observations |
313 |
Garrett, M. A.; Leppaenen, K.; Porcas, R. W.; Patnaik, A. R.; Nair, S.; Teraesranta, Harri |
Measuring the Properties of the Gravitational Lens PKS 1830-211 |
315 |
Lovell, J. E. J.; McCulloch, P. M.; Ellingsen, S. P.; Phillips, C. J.; Reynolds, J. E.; Jauncey, D. L.; Sinclair, M. W.; Wilson, W. E.; Tzioumis, A. K.; King, E. A.; Gough, R. G.; Preston, R. A.; Jones, D. L.; Backus, P. R. |
Imaging the Absorbing Cloud at Z = 0.88582 toward 1830-211 |
317 |
Carilli, C. L.; Menten, K. M.; Reid, M. J.; Rupen, M.; Claussen, M. |
VLBI Observations of the Gravitational Lens B1422+231 |
319 |
Patnaik, A. R.; Porcas, R. W. |
VLBA Imaging of UX Ari |
321 |
Beasley, A. J.; Bastian, T. S. |
SGR A* and Company -- Multiwavelength Observations of SGR A* and VLA Search for ``Sgr A*'s'' in LINERs |
323 |
Falcke, H.; Goss, W. M.; Ho, L. C.; Matsuo, H.; Teuben, P.; Wilson, A. S.; Zhao, J.-H.; Zylka, R. |
Evidence of a Low-Mass Companion to AB Doradus |
325 |
Guirado, J. C.; Reynolds, J. E.; Lestrade, J.-F.; Preston, R. A.; Jauncey, D. L.; Jones, D. L.; Tzioumis, A. K.; Ferris, R. H.; King, E. A.; Lovell, J. E. J.; McCulloch, P. M.; Johnston, K. J.; Kingham, K. A.; Martin, J. O.; White, G. L.; Jones, P. A.; Arenou, F.; Froeschle, M.; Kovalevsky, J.; Martin, C.; Lindegren, L.; Soderhjelm, S. |
Scintillation and the VELA Pulsar's Magnetosphere |
327 |
Gwinn, C. R.; Britton, M. C.; Reynolds, J. E.; Jauncey, D. L.; King, E. A.; McCulloch, P. M.; Lovell, J. E. J.; Flanagan, C. S.; Smits, D. P.; Preston, R. A.; Jones, D. L. |
Interstellar Scattering in the Galactic Anticenter |
329 |
Lazio, T. J. W.; Cordes, J. M. |
Astrometry of the Planetary-System Millisecond Pulsar B1257+12 |
331 |
Nunes, N. V.; Bartel, N. |
GRS 1915+105: Flares, QPOs and Other Events at 15 GHz |
333 |
Pooley, G. G.; Fender, R. P. |
Toward a Trigonometric Parallax of SGR A* |
335 |
Reid, M. J.; Readhead, A. C. S.; Vermeulen, R. C.; Treuhaft, R. N. |
Apparent Relativistic Motion in Cygnus X-3 |
337 |
Spencer, R. E. |
The Evolution and Distance to Scorpius X-1 |
339 |
Fomalont, E. B.; Bradshaw, C. F.; Geldzahler, B. J. |
VLBA Observations of GRS 1915+105 |
341 |
Dhawan, V.; Mirabel, I. F.; Rodriguez, L. F. |
New Radio Observations of Circinus X-1: A Summary |
343 |
Fender, R. P. |
Two Types of Jet in Cepheus A |
345 |
Hughes, V. A. |
Two-Frequency VLA Monitoring of LSI+61.303 deg during a Full Radio Period |
347 |
Paredes, J. M.; Peracaula, M.; Ribo, M.; Marti, J.; Tavani, M.; Kniffen, D. A.; Mattox, J. R. |
Radio Properties of the X-Ray Binary GX 339-4 |
349 |
Sood, R. K.; Campbell-Wilson, D.; Durouchoux, Ph.; Corbel, S.; Fender, R.; Spencer, R.; Nowak, M. A.; Tzioumis, A. K. |
An Image of a Highly Relativistic Jet from a Large Flare in the X-Ray Binary CYG X-3 |
351 |
Mioduszewski, A. J.; Hjellming, R. M.; Rupen, M. P.; Waltman, E. B.; Pooley, G. G.; Ghigo, F. D.; Fender, R. P. |
Deceleration in the Expansion of SN 1993J |
353 |
Marcaide, J. M.; Alberdi, A.; Ros, E.; Diamond, P.; Shapiro, I. I.; Guirado, J. C.; Jones, D. L.; Mantovani, F.; Perez-Torres, M. A.; Preston, R. A.; Schilizzi, R. T.; Sramek, R. A.; Trigilio, C.; van Dyk, S. D.; Weiler, K. W.; Whitney, A. R. |
VLBI Observations of Supernova 1993J: The First 1000 Days |
355 |
Rupen, M. P.; Beasley, A. J.; Bartel, N.; Bietenholz, M. F.; Graham, D. A.; Altunin, V. I.; Jones, D. L.; Conway, J. E.; Venturi, T.; Umana, G.; Rius, A. |
An Update on Radio Supernovae |
357 |
van Dyk, Schuyler D.; Sramek, Richard A.; Weiler, Kurt W.; Montes, Marcos J.; Panagia, Nino |
Super-Resolution of the Radio Remnant of SN 1987A |
359 |
Gaensler, B. M.; Tzioumis, A. K.; Manchester, R. N.; Staveley-Smith, L.; Reynolds, J. E.; Kesteven, M. J. |
Phase-Referencing Observations of Galactic Circumstellar Masers |
361 |
van Langevelde, H. J.; Sjouwerman, L. O.; Diamond, P. J.; Schilizzi, R. T.; Baudry, A. |
86 GHz VLBI Imaging of the SiO Masers in VX SGR |
363 |
Doeleman, S. S.; Lonsdale, C. J.; Greenhill, L. J. |
Disk Structure of the H_2O Maser IC 1396N |
365 |
Val'tts, I. E.; Slysh, V. I.; Migenes, V.; Umemoto, T.; Furuya, R.; Kawabe, R.; Fomalont, E. B.; Hirabayashi, H.; Inoue, M. |
Water Masers toward the Low-Luminosity YSO IRAS 05413-0104 |
367 |
Claussen, M. J.; Marvel, K. B.; Wootten, H. A.; Wilking, B. A. |
Spatially Resolved H_2O Masers as Probes of Supersonic Turbulence |
369 |
Strelnitski, V. S.; Alexander, J.; Moran, J. M.; Reid, M. J. |
First EVN Maps of 6-GHz OH Lines in Star Forming Regions |
371 |
Desmurs, J.-F.; Baudry, A. |
OH and H_2O Maser Distribution in Orion KL |
373 |
Horiuchi, S.; Migenes, V. |
VLBA Imaging of 12.2 GHz Methanol Masers |
375 |
Ellingsen, S. P.; McCulloch, P. M.; Diamond, P. J.; Norris, R. P. |
Methanol Masers -- Are They in Circumstellar Disks? |
377 |
Norris, R. P.; Phillips, C. J.; Ellingsen, S. P. |
to 4.4" BIMA Array Mapping of the 107 GHz Methanol Maser in W3(OH) |
379 |
Slysh, V. I.; Val'tts, I. E.; Kalenskii, S. V.; Larionov, G. M.; Mundy, L. G. |
Link of the HIPPARCOS Stellar Reference Frame to the Distant Quasars |
381 |
Lestrade, J.-F.; Preston, R. A.; Jones, D. L.; Phillips, R. B.; Rogers, A. E. A.; Titus, M. A.; Reynolds, J. E.; Jauncey, D. J.; Gabuzda, D. C.; Rioja, M. J.; Guirado, J. C.; McCulloch, P. M. |
The Radio Reference Frame |
383 |
Gaume, R. A.; Fey, A. L. |
Progress in VLBI Stellar Astrometry for the NASA/Stanford Relativity Mission (Gravity Probe B) |
385 |
Ratner, M. I.; Lebach, D. E.; Shapiro, I. I.; Bartel, N.; Bietenholz, M. F.; Ransom, R. R.; Lestrade, J.-F. |
VLBA Observations of Radio Reference Frame Sources. II. Astrometric Suitability Based on Observed Structure |
387 |
Fey, A. L.; Charlot, P. |
High Precision Astrometry with Closure Constraints |
389 |
Ros, E.; Marcaide, J. M.; Guirado, J. C.; Ratner, M. I.; Shapiro, I. I.; Krichbaum, T. P.; Witzel, A.; Preston, R. A. |
Determining Motions and Birthplaces of Pulsars through VLBI Astrometry |
391 |
Galama, T. J.; van Paradijs, J.; van den Heuvel, E. P. J.; de Bruyn, A. G.; Campbell, R. M.; Vermeulen, R. C.; Lestrade, J.-F.; Verbunt, F.; Schilizzi, R. T. |
The Astronomical Low-Frequency Array (ALFA) |
393 |
Jones, D. L.; Weiler, K. W.; Allen, R. J.; Desch, M. M.; Erickson, W. C.; Kaiser, M. L.; Kassim, N. E.; Kuiper, T. B. H.; Mahoney, M. J.; Marsh, K. A.; Perley, R. A.; Preston, R. A.; Stone, R. G. |
Giga-bit VLBI Data Recorder, New Concept of Formatter Independent |
395 |
Nakajima, J.; Koyama, Y.; Sekido, M.; Kiuchi, H.; Hama, S.; Kondo, T.; Takahashi, Y.; Kawaguchi, N.; Chikada, Y.; Miyoshi, M. |
ARISE -- A Proposed Future Space VLBI Mission |
397 |
Ulvestad, J. S.; Linfield, R. P. |
Space VLBI Assistance Software - A New Version |
399 |
Frey, S.; Fejes, I.; Heitler, G.; Noszticzius, I.; Paragi, Z. |
Gigabits XF Type Correlater |
401 |
Hashimoto, T.; Ozeki, K.; Natori, K. |
Development of K4 Correlator for Pulsar VLBI: Japan-Russia Baseline |
403 |
Sekido, M.; Hama, S.; Kiuchi, H.; Imae, M.; Hanado, Y.; Takahashi, Y.; Rodin, A. E.; Ilyasov, Y. P. |
Improving Mark III Correlator Models After Correlation |
405 |
Beasley, A. J.; Alef, W. |
Techniques for Analyzing Short Coherence Time VLBI Data |
407 |
Lonsdale, C. J.; Doeleman, S. S. |
VLBI Image Deconvolution Based on Generalized Nonlinear Information Methods |
409 |
Bajkova, A. T. |
High Resolution Imaging of Compact Radio Sources by Gridding with Regularization |
411 |
Likhachev, S. F.; Hjellming, R. M. |
Mitaka Correlator for the Space VLBI |
413 |
Shibata, K. M.; Kameno, S.; Inoue, M.; Kobayashi, H. |
Simulated Space VLBI Experiment using the Tidbinbilla 11-m DSN Tracking Station and SURFSAT and Simulated Satellites |
415 |
Wietfeldt, R.; Smith, J.; Border, J.; Altunin, V.; Ryne, M.; Lewis, C.; Benson, J.; Claussen, M.; Romney, J.; Springett, J.; Webber, J.; King, E.; Reynolds, J.; Wilson, W.; Jauncey, D.; Ferris, R.; Harbison, P.; Jenkins, B.; Costa, M.; Ellingsen, S.; Knight, C. |
HALCA Spacecraft Calibration |
417 |
Kobayashi, H.; Wajima, K.; Murata, Y.; Hirabayashi, H.; Kameno, S.; Kawaguchi, N.; Inoue, M.; Murphy, D. W. |
Position Angle of the HALCA Antenna Feed |
419 |
Kogan, L. R. |
Operating a Telescope Larger than the Earth: How to Schedule the HALCA Space VLBI Mission |
421 |
Meier, D. L. |