Title: The Solar-B Mission and the Forefront of Solar Physics
Volume: 325 Year: 2004 View this Volume on ADS
Editors: Sakurai, Takashi; Sekii, Takashi
ISBN: 1-58381-187-7 eISBN: 978-1-58381-260-0
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Paper Title Page Authors
Part 1.
Solar-B: Mission Overview
Solar-B Solar Optical Telescope (SOT) 3 Shimizu, T.
Solar-B X-Ray Telescope (XRT) 15 Kano, R.; Hara, H.; Shimojo, M.; Tsuneta, S.; Sakao, T.; Matsuzaki, K.; Kosugi, T.; Golub, L.; DeLuca, E.E.; Bookbinder, J.A.; Cheimets, P.; Owens, J.K.; Hill, L.D.
Solar-B EUV Imaging Spectrometer (EIS) 27 Hara, H.
Part 2.
Convection and Subsurface Magnetic Fields
Solar Dynamo Models 37 Dikpati, M.
Dynamics of Emerging Flux Tubes 47 Fan, Y.
The Decay of a Simulated Pore 57 Cameron, R.; Voegler, A.; Shelyag, S.; Schuessler, M.
Three-Dimensional MHD Simulation of Convection and Emerging Flux 63 Isobe, H.; Shibata, K.
Jet Phenomena in the Solar Atmosphere caused by Interaction between Emerging Flux and Coronal Fields 69 Miyagoshi, T.; Yokoyama, T.; Isobe, H.; Shibata, K.
Helioseismology for Solar-B and Joint Investigations with SDO/HMI Project 75 Kosovichev, A.
SOT Local-Helioseismology Programme 87 Sekii, T.
Part 3.
Surface Manifestation of Magnetic Fields
Recent Progress in High-Resolution Observations 95 Berger, T.E.; Title, A.M.
Small-Scale Solar Magnetic Elements: Simulations and Observations 105 Solanki, S.K.; Schuessler, M.
The Magnetism of the Very Quiet Sun 115 Sanchez Almeida, J.
Discussion on the Weak Component of Solar Magnetism 125 Wang, J.
A Parallel Approach to Nonlinear Force-Free Fields 131 Wheatland, M.S.
Asymmetric Stokes--V Profiles at the Penumbral Boundary of a Sunspot 137 Choudhary, D.P.; Balasubramaniam, K.S.; Suematsu, Y.
Vector Magnetic Field of Moving Magnetic Features around a Well-Developed Sunspot 143 Kubo, M.; Shimizu, T.
Magnetic Helicity Injection and Sigmoidal Coronal Loops 145 Yamamoto, T.T.; Sakurai, T.; Kusano, K.; Maeshiro, T.; Yokoyama, T.
Magnetic Helicity, Magnetic Energy, and EUV Variability 151 Sakamoto, Y.
Phase Relationship between the Activity Cycles of Sunspots and Polar Faculae 157 Hagino, M.; Sakurai, T.; Miyazawa, A.
Part 4.
Magnetohydrodynamics of the Solar Atmosphere
Magnetohydrodynamics of the Solar Atmosphere 165 Nordlund, A.
Study of Magnetic Helicity in the Solar Corona 175 Kusano, K.; Maeshiro, T.; Yokoyama, T.; Sakurai, T.
Injection of Magnetic Energy and Magnetic Helicity into the Solar Atmosphere by an Emerging Magnetic Flux Tube 185 Magara, T.
Mutual Helicity between Reconnecting Flux Loops 191 Melrose, D.B.
Radio Signatures of Upper and Lower Reconnection Outflow Shocks 197 Aurass, H.
Part 5.
Coronal Structures
X-Ray and EUV Observations of Large-Scale Coronal Structures 205 Culhane, J.L.; Foley, C.R.
Differential Emission Measure Reconstruction with the Solar-B X-Ray Telescope 217 Golub, L.; DeLuca, E.E.; Sette, A.; Weber, M.
Electron Densities of High-Temperature Coronal Loops 227 Watanabe, Tetsuya
Spectroscopic Studies of Steady Coronal Structures — Line Width Variations with Height of Fe — XIV Emission Lines 235 Singh, J.; Sakurai, T.; Ichimoto, K.; Watanabe, Tetsuya
Part 6.
Heating of the Atmosphere
Chromospheric Heating and Dynamics 243 Carlsson, M.; Stein, R.F.
Coronal Waves: Coronal Heating and Coronal Seismology 253 Nakariakov, V.M.
Coronal Heating and Acceleration of the Fast/Slow Solar Wind by Fast/Slow MHD Waves 263 Suzuki, T.K.
Nanoflares and Coronal X-Ray Variability 271 Jain, R.; Katsukawa, Y.; Tsuneta, S.; Vekstein, G.
Multi-Temperature Corona and the Photospheric Magnetic Fields 281 Katsukawa, Y.; Tsuneta, S.
Coronal Heating, Spicules, and Solar-B 283 Moore, R.L.; Falconer, D.A.; Porter, J.G.; Hathaway, D.H.; Yamauchi, Y.; Rabin, D.M.
Coronal Heating with Sweet-Parker Picoflares 289 Tsuneta, S.; Katsukawa, Y.
Kink Oscillations in the Solar Corona 295 Satya Narayanan, A.; Ramesh, R.; Kathiravan, C.; Ebenezer, E.
Macrospicules, Coronal Heating, and Solar-B 301 Yamauchi, Y.; Moore, R.L.; Suess, S.T.; Wang, H.; Sakurai, T.
Variation of the X-ray Bright Point Number over the Solar Activity Cycle 307 Hara, H.; Nakakubo-Morimoto, K.
Derivation of DEM Distribution Using Yohkoh/SXT 313 Shimojo, M.
Features of Solar Telescopes at the Hida Observatory and the Possibilities of Coordinated Observations with Solar-B 319 UeNo, S.; Nagata, S.; Kitai, R.; Kurokawa, H.
Studies on the Temperature Structure and Heating of the Solar Corona by Solar-B and Solar Magnetic Activity Research Telescope (SMART) 325 Nagata, S.
Part 7.
Flares and Magnetic Reconnection
Studies on the Flare Energy Build-Up Process Using Solar-B/Solar Optical Telescope (SOT) and Solar Magnetic Activity Research Telescope (SMART) at Hida Observatory 331 Ishii, T.T.; Nagata, S.; UeNo, S.; Kitai, R.; Kurokawa, H.; SMART Team
RHESSI: First Results 335 Hudson, H.S.
Coronal Hard X-Ray Source Related to a Plasma Ejection 341 Masuda, S.
Hα Impact Polarization Observed in a Gradual Flare 347 Hanaoka, Y.
Hard X-Ray Spectral Observation of a High-Temperature Thermal Flare 353 Kobayashi, K.; Katsukawa, Y.; Kubo, M.; Sakamoto, Y.; Kohara, N.; Tsuneta, S.; Tamura, T.; Kumagai, K.; Yamagami, T.; Saito, Y.
Particle Acceleration Associated with Three-Dimensional Fan Magnetic Reconnection 355 Litvinenko, Y. E.
Downflow as a Reconnection Outflow 361 Asai, A.; Shibata, K.; Yokoyama, T.; Shimojo, M.
Spectroscopic Detection of Magnetic Reconnection Evidence in the Solar Atmosphere with Solar-B/EIS 367 Brooks, D.H.; Isobe, H.; Shibata, K.; Chen, P.F.; Lanzafame, A.C.
Simulated XRT and EIS Observations of Magnetic Reconnection in Coronal Mass Ejection and X-Ray Arcade 373 Shiota, D.; Isobe, H.; Brooks, D.H.; Shibata, K.; Chen, P.F.
Part 8.
Large-Scale Coronal Dynamics
Initiation of CMEs: EIT Waves and EUV Dimmings 381 Zhukov, A.N.
Observations of Flare-Associated Waves with Solar-B 389 Narukage, N.; Shibata, K.
Tether-Cutting Energetics of a Solar Quiet Region Prominence Eruption 395 Sterling, A.C.
Association of Coronal Mass Ejections and Type II Radio Bursts with Impulsive Solar Energetic Particle Events 401 Yashiro, S.; Gopalswamy, N.; Cliver, E.W.; Reames, D.V.; Kaiser, M.L.; Howard, R.A.
The Relationship between Prominence Eruptions and Global Coronal Waves 409 Attrill, G.D.R.; Harra, L.K.; Matthews, S.A.; Foley, C.R.; Sterling, A.C.
Flare-Induced Coronal Disturbances Observed with Norikura "NOGIS" Coronagraph: A CME Onset 415 Hori, K.; Ichimoto, K.; Sakurai, T.; Nishino, Y.; NOGIS Team
Observation of Two Different Types of Coronal Mass Ejections 421 Suzuki, I.; Uchida, Y.
Investigation of Loop-Type CMEs with a 3D MHD Simulation 427 Kuwabara, J.; Uchida, Y.
Interplanetary Flux Ropes and Their Coronal Counterparts 433 Watanabe, Takashi; Namiki, Y.; Adachi, H.; Marubashi, K.; Watari, S.
Precipitation Diffusion Model of Solar-Wind Particles for Sky Brightness Variation 439 Unno, W.; Yuasa, M.; Shibahashi, H.
Conference Photographs   
Conference Photos from Vol. 325 999 Sakurai, T.; Sekii, T.