Title: Earth and Space Science: Making Connections in Education and Public Outreach
Volume: 443 Year: 2011 View this Volume on ADS
Editors: Joseph B. Jensen, James G. Manning, Michael G. Gibbs
The Astronomical Society of the Pacific (ASP), in partnership with the Geological
Society of America, hosted a national education and public outreach (EPO)
symposium at the University of Colorado at Boulder, July 31 – August 4, 2010.
This meeting represents the 122nd annual meeting of the ASP founded in 1889 “to
advance the Science of Astronomy and to diffuse information concerning it.”
The ASP continues to provide a forum for those engaged in various forms of earth
and space science EPO and to share lessons learned, reflect on the past, and make
connections for the future. This volume provides a summary of the symposium
that can be used as a resource for those engaged in EPO activities or those who
which to learn about the field.
The symposium consisted of participants who are scientists, NASA- and NSFfunded
EPO program professionals, K-12 teachers, university educators and
administrators, informal science educators (e.g. museums, planetariums, parks),
public communicators, web masters, bloggers, science writers, and other EPO
professionals. The symposium provided an opportunity for earth & space science
EPO professionals to share the results of their work with each and the public
through posters, papers, panels, special interest group meetings, and oral reports.
This book of proceedings highlights the significant contributions made by the
EPO community.
In conjunction with the EPO meeting, the ASP hosted a concurrent workshop for
astronomy educators entitled “Cosmos in the Classroom.” A few contributions to
this workshop are included in this volume, and contain helpful teaching suggestions
and research results that will be of interest to the EPO community and
educators at all levels.
Visit for additional information regarding the ASP and how
you can join the Society to support the cause of improving science literacy.
ISBN: 978-1-58381-766-7 eISBN: 978-1-58381-767-4

Paper Title Page Authors
Front Matter   
Volume Cover
Front Matter 1 Joseph B. Jensen,; James G. Manning,; Michael G. Gibbs
Conference Photos 2 Joseph B. Jensen,; James G. Manning,; Michael G. Gibbs
Part I. Plenary Sessions   
EPO and Astro 101: Shotgun Wedding, Marriage of Convenience, or Meaningful Relationship? 3 Fraknoi, A.; CoBabe-Ammann, E.; Prather, E.
The New Science Education Frameworks—Express Your Opinion 7 Schatz, D.; Wysession, M.; Duggan-Haas, D.; Linneman, S.; Pyle, E.
Taking a Scientific Approach to Science Teaching 9 Pollock, S.
Teach to the Stars: How People Learn Science 11 Hewson, P.
Citizen Science Across the Disciplines 13 Fienberg, R. T.; Gay, P. L.; Lewis, G.; Gold, M.
The Day We Found the Universe: The Little-Known History of How We Came to Understand the Expanding Universe 25 Bartusiak, M.
A World of Change: Climate Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow 26 Solomon, S.
Science—and Antiscience—in the Climate and Evolution Debates 27 Neff, T.; Ammann, C.; Grinspoon, D.; Tans, P.
Tricks of the Trade: Effective Classroom Management (An Open Microphone Session) 29 Slater, T.; Bruning, D.
Part II. Special Interest Sessions   
Making Connections with Underserved Communities, Broadening Participation in the STEM Fields 33 Garmany, K.; Gibbs, M.; Grundstrom, E.; Fienberg, R. T.; Harvey, J.; Sharma, M.; McLin, K.; Scalice, D.; Statler, T.
Teaching Climate Change 43 O'Donoghue, A.
The Intersection of NASA Astrophysics Education and Public Outreach and Higher Education: A Special Interest Group Meeting 49 Sharma, M.; Smith, D.; Schultz, G.; Bianchi, L.; Blair, W.
Teaching With Galileoscopes and Other Small Telescopes 54 Pompea, S. M.; Sparks, R. T.; Walker, C. E.
Part III.Workshops   
A Portable/Traveling Human Orrery 63 Lebofsky, L. A.; McCarthy Jr., D. W.; Higgins, M. L.; Lebofsky, N. R.
Investigating Asteroids: A Mission Storyline—Past, Present, Future 69 Ristvey Jr., J. D.; Wise, J. A.
Graphing, Gravity, and Kepler’s Laws—Activities from NASA's Kepler Mission EPO 79 Gould, A.; DeVore, E.; Harman, P.
Astronomy Meets the Environmental Sciences: Activities for Informal and Formal Educational Settings 85 Walker, C. E.; Pompea, S. M.; Sparks, R. T.
Live from Gemini: Expanding the Walls of the Classroom Globally 95 Harvey, J.; Michaud, P.; Valcourt, R.
Astrophotography for All: Capturing the Colorful Cosmos with Online Telescopes 99 Reinfeld, E. L.; Dussault, M. E.; Sienkiewicz, F. F.; Glass, M.
Video Tips for Worry-Free Presentations 104 Berendsen, M.; Santascoy, J.
I'm a StarryTeller 106 Wallace, E. F.
Affordable Digital Planetariums with WorldWide Telescope 109 Rosenfield, P.; Connolly, A.; Fay, J.; Sayres, C.; Tofflemire, B.
“A Scientist Has Many Things to Do:” EPO Strategies that Focus on the Processes of Science 116 Laursen, S. L.; Brickley, A. L.
Exploring Assessment Tools for Research and Evaluation in Astronomy Education and Outreach 125 Buxner, S. R.; Wenger, M. C.; Dokter, E. F. C.
Part IV. Oral Contributions   
CSU Science Teacher and Researcher (STAR) Program: Developing “Teacher-Researchers” Through Paid Summer Research Experiences for Pre-Service and Early Career Science and Math Teachers 137 Keller, J.; Rebar, B.; Elrod, S.
Capitol College Center for Space Science Education and Outreach: Building a STEM Pipeline 143 Gibbs, M. G.; Veenstra, D.
Wild about Social Media and Technology? 147 Santascoy; S., J.
An Interpretive Study of Meanings Citizen Scientists Make When Participating in Galaxy Zoo 150 Mankowski, T. S.; Slater, S. J.; Slater, T. F.
Designing Effective EPO Products for Museums: Preliminary Evaluation Findings from the Interstellar Boundary Explorer (IBEX) EPO Program 156 Nichols, M.; Bartolone, L.; Baldassari, C.; Hoyer-Winfield, S.
The Other Worlds Project: Students Detect Exoplanets Using the MicroObservatory Online Telescopes 162 Gould, R. R.; Sunbury, S.; Sienkiewicz, F.; Deutsch, F.; Ibrahim, A.; Dussault, M.; Krumhansl, R.
Options for High-Quality, Rugged, Inexpensive, Student-Made Telescopes 169 Brandenburg, G.; Edmonds, J.; Horn, T.
Partnering with Amateur Astronomers to Get Your Message to the Public 175 White, V.
New National Science Standards and Astronomy: An Update on the National Scene 177 Slater, S. J.; Slater, T. F.
Assessing the Effect of a Digital Planetarium Show on the Astronomical Understanding of Fifth Graders 183 Larsen, K.; Bednarski, M.
Long-Term Audience Impacts of Live Fulldome Planetarium Lectures for Earth Science and Global Change Education 187 Yu, K. C.; Champlin, D. M.; Goldsworth, D. A.; Raynolds, R. G.; Dechesne, M.
Interdisciplinarity, Debate And Movie Clips As Highly Motivating Factors In Live Shows—Five Years Of Success 193 Stengler, E.; Sirera, J. M.
Engaging Students through Astronomically Inspired Music 201 Whitehouse, M.
“Yondering” IYA: How the Astronomical Society of the Pacific is Adapting its International Year of Astronomy Programs for the Long Haul 205 Manning, J. G.
Part V. Poster Contributions   
Extraordinary Matter: Visualizing Space Plasmas and Particles 211 Barbier, S. B.; Bartolone, L.; Christian, E.; Thieman, J.; Eastman, T.; Lewis, E.
Emergence: A Planetarium and Art Gallery Collaboration Between Artist, Astronomer, and Musician 215 Beaver, J.; Waller, J. B.; Turner, M.
Sustainable Astronomy 219 Blaha, C.; Goetz, J.; Johnson, T.
Exploring Outcomes for Teachers Who Engage in Astronomical Research with Scientists 223 Buxner, S. R.
Education and Public Outreach at the American Astronomical Society 227 Fienberg, R. T.
Goldilocks and the Three Planets 233 Fillingim, M.; Brain, D.; Peticolas, L.; Yan, D.
The Capitol College Space Operations Institute: A Partnership with NASA 237 Gibbs, M. G.; Walters, A.; Dolan, K.
Global Systems Science and Hands-On Universe Course Materials for High School 241 Gould, A.
The Use of Archived Astronomical Images as a Vehicle for Introducing Scientific Methodology to Non-Scientists 247 Griego, B. F.; Culver, R. B.; Craine, E. R.; Tucker, R. A.
Integrating the Galileoscope into Successfully Established as Well as New Outreach Programs at Gemini Observatory 252 Harvey, J.; Michaud, P.; Slater, T.; Slater, S.; Goldstein, J.
The Ultimate Astronomical Field Trip: Observing Experiences for Teachers 256 Hemenway, M. K.; Lacy, J. H.
LSST Education and Public Outreach 261 Jacoby, S. H.; Borne, K. D.; Prather, E. E.; Raddick, M. J.; Ratcliffe, D. M.; Spuck, T. S.
Astronomy EPO and the 2012 Hysteria: Your Personal Guide to Joining the Battle 265 Larsen, K.
Professional Development Workshops for K–8 Teachers at the Planetary Science Institute 269 Lebofsky, L. A.; Anderson, S. W.; Bleamaster, L. F.; Buxner, S. R.; Cañizo, T. L.; Croft, S. K.; Crown, D. A.; Kortenkamp, S.; Pierazzo, E.
The Undergraduate ALFALFA Team: A Model for Undergraduate Participation and Outreach in Large Research Collaborations 273 Martin, A. M.; Koopmann, R.; Higdon, S.; Balonek, T. J.; Haynes, M. P.; Giovanelli, R.; Adams, E. A. K.; Kent, B. R.; Stierwalt, S.
AstroBITS: An Online Course for High School Teachers 277 Martin, C.; Garmany, K.
The James Webb Space Telescope's Near-Infrared Camera (NIRCam): Making Models, Building Understanding 280 McCarthy Jr., D. W.; Lebofsky, L. A.; Higgins, M. L.; Lebofsky, N. R.
Using Telescopic Observations to Mentor High School Students in STEM 284 McLin, K. M.; Cominsky, L. R.
Undergraduates Learning to Teach Collaboratively in High School Classrooms 287 Perrodin, D.; Lommen, A.; Douglas, S.; Naylor, C.; Penfield, A.; Schmidt, D.; Zatko, P.
Lessons Learned from Cosmic Serpent: A Professional Development Project for Informal Educators on Science and Native Ways of Knowing 291 Peticolas, L. M.; Maryboy, N.; Begay, D.; Paglierani, R.; Frappier, R.; Teren, A.
A Real-Life Example of an Evaluation of a NASA-Funded Project 295 Preston, S.; Roberts-Gray, C.; Rood, M.; Hemenway, M. K.; Wetzel, M.
Black Holes Don't Suck: Working With Youth to Make Museum Exhibits More Accessible 299 Reinfeld, E. L.; Dussault, M. E.; Londhe, R.
Engaging Teachers and Students in the Rio Grande Valley in Earth and Space Science 304 Ries, J. G.; Baguio, M. R.
Las Cumbres Observatory Global Telescope Network: Keeping Education in the Dark 309 Ross, R. J.
From Backyard Observations to Heliospheric Science 312 Sathiapal, H.; Schmidt, T.
New York K–6 International Year of Astronomy Contest 317 Schaff, N.
NASA Astrophysics EPO Resources For Engaging Girls in Science 320 Sharma, M.; Mendoza, D.; Smith, D.; Hasan, H.
Tour Through the Solar System: A Hands-On Planetary Geology Course for High School Students 323 Sherman, S. B.; Gillis-Davis, J. J.
A Model for Student Exchange 328 Teays, T.; Henry, R. C.; Nagchaudhuri, A.; Bowden, M.; Chen, G.
The Research Experience for Undergraduates Program in Solar and Space Physics at the University of Colorado 332 Snow, M.; Wood, E.; CoBabe-Amman, E.; Baker, D.; Renfrow, S.
#SDOisGO: Using Social Media to Create Community 336 Littleton, A.; Wolt, A.; Glass, M.
High-Altitude Balloon Launches and Hands-On Sensors for Effective Student Learning in Astronomy and STEM 340 Voss, H. D.; Dailey, J.; Snyder, S. J.
Dark Skies From the Ground Up: Before, During and After GLOBE at Night 345 Walker, C. E.; Pompea, S. M.; Sparks, R. T.
Free-Choice Family Learning Experiences at Telescope Observing Events 349 Wenger, M. C.; Carter, K.; Harris, C. J.
Part VI. Cosmos in the Classroom Special Interest Group Discussions   
Teaching Climate Change 355 O'Donoghue, A.
Getting the Most Out of Your Observatory-Based Astro 101 Laboratory 359 Hufnagel, B.; Metlay, S.
Multi-Institutional Collaborative Astronomy Education Research 363 Slater, T. F.; Slater, S. J.
Part VII. Cosmos in the Classroom Workshops   
Astronomy Meets the Environmental Sciences: Using GLOBE at Night Data 373 Barringer, D.; Walker, C. E.; Pompea, S. M.; Sparks, R. T.
Demonstrations for Astronomy Classes and Public Outreach 383 Bobrowsky, M.; Beck-Winchatz, B.; Birriel, J. J.
An Introduction to Backwards Faded Scaffolding in the ASTRO 101 Laboratory Course 389 Slater, S. J.; Slater, T. F.; Lyons, D. J.; Sibbernsen, K.; Robison, P.
Integrating the Galileoscope into the College Classroom 397 Pompea, S. M.; Sparks, R. T.; Walker, C. E.
Innovative Strategies for Empowering Your Students to Become Active, Responsible Learners 405 Hufnagel, B.
Creating a Podcast/Vodcast: A How-To Approach 410 Petersen, C. C.
Part VIII. Cosmos in the Classroom Poster Contributions   
Making Cosmic Connections in the Nature of Science 419 Androes, D. L.
A CCD Spectrometer for One Dollar 425 Beaver, J.; Robert, D.
The Center for Astronomy Education (CAE) and Our NSF CCLI Phase-III Collaboration of Astronomy Teaching Scholars (CATS) Program: Our Community-Based Model for Astronomy Education Research 431 Brissenden, G.; Impey, C. D.; Prather, E.; Lee, K.
A 20-Year Study of Undergraduate Astronomy Students' Beliefs and Knowledge in Science and Technology 434 Buxner, S. R.; Antonellis, J.; Impey, C. D.
An Online National Archive of Multiple-Choice Questions for Astro 101 and the Development of the Question Complexity Rubric 439 Cormier, S.; Prather, E.; Brissenden, G.
Math in Intro Astronomy: A Less Anxious Model 442 Fowler, D. A.
Enhancing Astro 101: A Course in Telescope Construction 446 Hastings, H. M.; Dhingra, R. Lazzaretti, M.; O'Neal, O.
Bringing the Cosmos Down to Earth: Assessing Student Learning in a Non-major Online Astronomy Course 450 Larsen, K.
What They've Always Wondered: Questions Students Ask on the First Day of “Astro 101” 454 Larson, K. A.
Uncovering the Stories Behind the Science: Infusing Astro 101 with the History of Modern Cosmology 458 Lochner, J. C.; Mattson, B. J.
Adapting the RBSEU Nova Search Project for Use in Intro Astronomy at Truckee Meadows Community College: A Case Study 462 Loranz, D.
Assessing Changes to Student Attitudes and Beliefs about Science and Astronomy 464 Mendelsohn, B.; Cormier, S.; Prather, E. E.; Brissenden, G.; CATS Collaboration
Using Time Zones and Celestial Navigation to Teach the Phases of the Moon 466 O'Donoghue, A.
Learning by Teaching: Implementation of a Multimedia Project in Astro 101 471 Perrodin, D.; Lommen, A.
Using Gamma-Ray Burst Research in an Online Introductory Astronomy Course 474 Philbin, R.
A National Study Assessing the Teaching and Learning of Introductory Astronomy; Part I: The Effect of Interactive Instruction 476 Prather, E. E.; Rudolph, A. L.; Brissenden, G.; Schlingman, W. M.
A National Study Assessing the Teaching and Learning of Introductory Astronomy; Part II: Analysis of Student Demographics 478 Prather, E. E.; Consiglio, D.; Rudolph, A. L.; Brissenden, G.
Teaching Gravity and Tides: Use Textbooks, Simulations or Videos? 481 Ruzhitskaya, L.; Montfrooij, W.
Promoting Access, Retention, and Interest in Astronomy Higher Education: Developing the STEM Professionals of Tomorrow in New Mexico 486 Vogt, N. P.; Muise, A. S.; Cook, S.; Voges, E.
Back Matter   
Author Index 491 Joseph B. Jensen,; James G. Manning,; Michael G. Gibbs
Back Matter 495 Joseph B. Jensen,; James G. Manning,; Michael G. Gibbs