Title: |
The Galactic Center: a Window to the Nuclear Environment of Disk Galaxies
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Mark R. Morris, Q. Daniel Wang, and Feng Yuan
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Paper Title |
Page |
Authors |
Front Matter |
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Volume Cover |
Morris, Mark R.; Wang, Q. Daniel; Yuan, |
Front Matter |
1 |
Morris, Mark R.; Wang, Q. Daniel; Yuan, |
Conference Photos |
2 |
Morris, Mark R.; Wang, Q. Daniel; Yuan, |
Session I. The Interstellar Content of the Galactic Center Region |
| |
The ASTE Galactic Center CO J=3–2 Survey: Probing Shocked Molecular Gas in the CMZ |
3 |
Oka, T.; Tanaka, K.; Matsumura, S.; Nagai, M.; Kamegai, K.; Hasegawa, T. |
Probing the Interstellar and Circumstellar Media in the Central Parsec with M-band Spectroscopy |
14 |
Moultaka, J.; Eckart, A.; Schödel, R. |
H3+ in Warm, Diffuse Gas of the Central Molecular Zone |
18 |
Oka, T.; Geballe, T. R.; Goto, M.; Usuda, T.; Indriolo, N.; McCall, B. J. |
Violent Interaction among Molecular Gas, Supernova Remnants, and Ionized Gas in the Galactic Center Region |
23 |
Tsuboi, M.; Tadaki, K.; Sato, M. T.; Miyazaki, A.; Handa, T. |
The High-Density Ionized Gas in the Central Parsecs of the Galaxy |
27 |
Zhao, J.; Blundell, R.; Moran, J. M.; Downes, D.; Schuster, K. F.; Marrone, D. |
Hydrogen Recombination Line Observations of the Galactic Center Region |
31 |
Royster, M. J.; Hewitt, J. W.; Roberts, D. A.; Yusef-Zadeh, F. |
Large Scale Distribution of CN in the Central Molecular Zone: PDR or Weak XDR? |
33 |
Tanaka, K.; Oka, T.; Nagai, M.; Kamegai, K. |
Observing the Galactic Center in the Mid-Infrared |
35 |
Thibon, M.; Haubois, X.; Dodds-Eden, K.; Weiss, A.; Paumard, T.; Clénet, Y.; Perrin, G.; Gillessen, S.; Genzel, R.; Rouan, D.; Pantin, É. |
Magnetic Fields in the Galactic Center |
39 |
Ferrière, K. |
A New Lower Limit to the Galactic Centre's Magnetic Field |
49 |
Crocker, R. M. |
The Galactic Center Magnetic Field on Smaller Scales:
Multifrequency Observations of Nonthermal Filament Candidates |
53 |
Lang, C. C.; Drout, M. R. |
Near–Infrared Polarimetry toward the Galactic Center – Magnetic Field Configuration in the Central One Degree Region |
57 |
Nishiyama, S.; Hatano, H.; Tamura, M.; Nagata, T. |
Interstellar Polarization Efficiency toward the Galactic Center |
59 |
Hatano, H.; Kurita, M.; Sato, S.; Nishiyama, S.; IRSF/SIRIUS Group |
Molecular Loops in the Galactic Center |
61 |
Fukui, Y.; Torii, K.; Kudo, N.; Yamamoto, H.; Kawamura, A.; Machida, M.; Takahashi, K.; Nozawa, S.; Matsumoto, R. |
Three-Dimensional Global MHD Simulations of the Magnetic Loop
Structures in our Galactic Center |
65 |
Machida, M.; Matsumoto, R.; Nozawa, S.; Takahashi, K.; Torii, K.; Kudo, N.; Fukui, Y. |
Molecular Loops in the Galactic Center — The Physical Condition in the Whole Loops |
69 |
Kudo, N.; Torii, K.; Machida, M.; Takahashi, K.; Nozawa, S.; Yamamoto, H.; Okuda, T.; Kawamura, A.; Mizuno, N.; Onishi, T.; Matsumoto, R.; Fukui, Y. |
Molecular Loops in the Galactic Center: Detailed Observations of the Footpoint of the Loops |
71 |
Torii, K.; Fukui, Y.; Kudo, N.; Yamamoto, H.; Kawamura, A.; Machida, M.; Takahashi, K.; Nozawa, S.; Matsumoto, R. |
Disk-Halo Interface: The “Footpoint” of the Galactic Molecular Loops |
73 |
Riquelme, D.; Amo-Baladrón, A.; Martín-Pintado, J.; Mauersberger, R.; Bronfman, L.; Martín, S. |
Expanded VLA Detection of 36.2 GHz Class I Methanol Masers in
Sagittarius A |
75 |
Sjouwerman, L. O.; Pihlström, Y. M.; Fish, V. L. |
Session II. Star Formation, Young Stars, and HII Regions in the Central Molecular Zone |
| |
Sustained Star Formation in the Central Molecular Zone of the Milky Way |
79 |
Kim, S. S.; Saitoh, T. R.; Jeon, M.; Merritt, D.; Figer, D. F.; Wada, K. |
Revealing the Population of Isolated, Massive Stars in the Central Molecular Zone |
86 |
Mauerhan, J. C.; Morris, M. R.; Muno, M. P.; Cotera, A.; Wang, D.; Dong, H. |
The Initial Mass Function and Formation History of Stars in the Galactic Centre |
96 |
Baumgardt, H.; Löckmann, U.; Kroupa, P. |
Massive Young Stars in the Galactic Center |
100 |
Bartko, H.; Martins, F.; Trippe, S.; Fritz, T. K.; Genzel, R.; Ott, T.; Eisenhauer, F.; Gillessen, S.; Paumard, T.; Alexander, T.; Dodds-Eden, K.; Gerhard, O.; Levin, Y.; Mascetti, L.; Nayakshin, S.; Perets, H. B.; Perrin, G.; Pfuhl, O.; Reid, M. J.; Rouan, D.; Zilka, M.; Sternberg, A. |
HST Paα Survey of the Galactic Center – Seeking the Missing Young Stellar Populations within the Galactic Center |
104 |
Dong, H.; Wang, Q. D.; Cotera, A.; Stolovy, S.; Morris, M. R.; Mauerhan, J.; Mills, E. A.; Schneider, G.; Lang, C. |
First Spectroscopic Identification of Massive Young Stellar Objects in the Galactic Center |
115 |
An, D.; Ramírez, S. V.; Sellgren, K.; Arendt, R. G.; Adwin Boogert, A. C.; Schultheis, M.; Stolovy, S. R.; Cotera, A. S.; Robitaille, T. P.; Smith, H. A. |
A Sharper Look at the Motion of Stars in the Arches with Keck-LGS Adaptive Optics |
119 |
Clarkson, W.; Lu, J. R.; Ghez, A. M.; Morris, M. R.; McCrady, N.; Stolte, A.; Yelda, S. |
Using LGS AO to Measure the Arches Mass Function |
121 |
McCrady, N.; Lu, J.; Clarkson, W.; Ghez, A.; Morris, M. R.; Stolte, A.; Yelda, S. |
Isolated Massive Star Winds in the Galactic Center: Radio Counterparts to Paschen Alpha and X-ray Sources |
123 |
Drout, M. R.; Lang, C. C. |
Extinction toward the Compact HII Regions G-0.02-0.07 |
125 |
Mills, E.; Morris, M. R.; Lang, C. C.; Cotera, A.; Dong, H.; Wang, Q. D.; Stolovy, S. |
Session III. Stellar Dynamics and Stellar Distributions in the Presence of the Galactic Black Hole |
| |
Key Questions about Galactic Center Dynamics |
129 |
Alexander, T. |
Dynamical Models of the Galactic Center |
142 |
Merritt, D. |
The Eccentric Disc Instability: Dependency on Background Stellar Cluster |
153 |
Madigan, A. |
The Power of Monitoring Stellar Orbits |
157 |
Gillessen, S.; Eisenhauer, F.; Bartko, H.; Dodds-Eden, K.; Fritz, T. K.; Pfuhl, O.; Ott, T.; Genzel, R. |
Increasing the Scientific Return of Stellar Orbits at the Galactic Center |
167 |
Yelda, S.; Ghez, A. M.; Lu, J. R.; Do, T.; Clarkson, W.; Matthews, K. |
Dynamics and Origins of the Young Stars in the Galactic Center |
172 |
Perets, H. B. |
Mass Segregation in the Galactic Centre |
180 |
Hopman, C.; Madigan, A. |
The Formation of Stellar Cusps in Galactic Nuclei |
189 |
Murphy, B. W. |
Testing Stellar Cusp Formation Theories with Observations of the Milky Way Nuclear Star Cluster |
200 |
Do, T.; Ghez, A. M.; Morris, M. R.; Lu, J. R.; Matthews, K.; Yelda, S.; Wright, S.; Larkin, J. |
Composition of the Galactic Center Star Cluster |
210 |
Buchholz, R. M.; Schödel, R.; Eckart, A. |
The Impact of Stellar Collisions in the Galactic Center |
212 |
Davies, M. B.; Church, R. P.; Malmberg, D.; Nzoke, S.; Dale, J.; Freitag, M. |
The Milky Way Nuclear Star Cluster in Context |
222 |
Schödel, R. |
Kinematics of the Old Stellar Population at the Galactic Centre |
232 |
Trippe, S.; Gillessen, S.; Gerhard, O. E.; Bartko, H.; Fritz, T. K.; Eisenhauer, F.; Ott, T.; Dodds-Eden, K.; Genzel, R.; Maness, H. L.; Martins, F. |
Testing General Relativity with Galactic-Centre Stars |
242 |
Angélil, R.; Saha, P. |
Hypervelocity Stars |
246 |
Brown, W. R. |
On the Origin of Hypervelocity Stars |
254 |
Yu, Q.; Lu, Y. |
Stellar Disc – Dynamical Evolution in a Perturbed Potential |
258 |
Šubr, L. |
ATCA Detection of SiO Masers in the Inner Parsecs of the Galactic Center |
260 |
Li, J.; An, T.; Shen, Z.; Miyazaki, A. |
Chemical Abundances in the Galactic Center |
263 |
Ramírez, S. V.; Cunha, K.; Sellgren, K.; Smith, V. V.; Blum, R. D.; Terndrup, D. |
The Light Variation of OH/IR Stars in the Galactic Bulge Region |
265 |
Zhu, S.; Jiang, B. W. |
Science with GRAVITY, the NIR Interferometric
Imager |
267 |
Paumard, T.; Gillessen, S.; Brander, W.; Eckart, A.; Berger, J.; Garcia, P.; Amorim, A.; Anton, S.; Bartko, H.; Baumeister, H.; Carvas, P.; Cassaing, F.; Choquet, E.; Clénet, Y.; Collin, C.; Dodds-Eden, K.; Eisenhauer, F.; Fédou, P.; Gendron, É.; Genzel, R.; Gräter, A.; Guériau, C.; Haubois, X.; Haug, M.; Hippler, S.; Hofmann, R.; Hormuth, F.; Houairi, K.; Ihle, S.; Jocou, L.; Kellner, S.; Kervella, P.; Klein, R.; Kolmeder, J.; Kudryavtseva, N.; Lacour, S.; Lapeyrene, V.; Laun, W.; Lenzen, R.; Le Ruyet, B.; Lima, J. M. A.; Marteaud, M.; Moulin, T.; Naranjo, V.; Neumann, U.; Patru, F.; Perraut, K.; Perrin, G.; Pfuhl, O.; Réess, J.; Rabien, S.; Ramos, J. R.; Rohloff, R.; Rousset, G.; Sevin, A.; Thiel, M.; Vincent, F.; Ziegleder, J.; Ziegler, D. |
Gravitational Lensing in the Galactic Center |
271 |
Bozza, V.; Mancini, L. |
Astrometric Study of the Complex Environment of Sgr A* in Imaging Mode with the VLTI/GRAVITY Instrument |
275 |
Vincent, F. H.; Paumard, T.; Perrin, G.; Mugnier, L.; Eisenhauer, F.; Gillessen, S. |
A First Black Hole Imager, Caravan-sub at Andes |
279 |
Miyoshi, M.; Furuya, R-S.; Kawaguchi, N. (NAOJ); Nakajima, J.; Irimajiri, Y.; Koyama, Y.; Sekido, M.; Ujihara, H. (NICT); Ishitsuka, H. (IGP); Asaki, Y.; Kato, Y.; Takeuchi, H.; Tsuboi, M. (ISAS, JAXA); Kasuha, T. (Hosei Univ.); Tomimatsu, A. (Nagoya Univ.); Takahashi, M. (Aichi Edu. Univ.); Eriguchi, Y.; Yoshida, Si. (Tokyo Univ.); Koide, S. (Kumamoto Univ.); Takahashi, R. (RIKEN); Oka, T. (Keido Univ.) |
Future Instrumentation to Observe the Galactic Center—Development of Astronomical Instrumentation at the University of Cologne |
281 |
Straubmeier, C.; Araujo-Hauck, C.; Eckart, A.; Fischer, S.; García-Marín, M.; Horrobin, M.; Lindhorst, B.; Rost, S.; Tremou, E.; Wank, I.; Wiest, M.; Zuther, J. |
Session IV. The Supermassive Black Hole: Accretion onto Sagittarius A* |
| |
Multi-Wavelength Study of Sgr A*: The Short Time Scale Variability |
285 |
Yusef-Zadeh, F.; Miller-Jones, J.; Roberts, D.; Wardle, M.; Reid, M.; Dodds-Eden, K.; Porquet, D.; Grosso, N. |
Coordinated Multi-Wavelength Observations of Variable Emission
from the Galactic Center |
294 |
Eckart, A.; Zamaninasab, M.; Sabha, N.; García-Marín, M.; Kunneriath, D.; Straubmeier, C.; Muzic, K.; Witzel, G.; Bremer, M.; Valencia-Schneider, M.; Karas, V.; Dovciak, M.; Morris, M. R.; Baganoff, F.; Schödel, R.; Moultaka, J.; Buchholz, R. M.; Duschl, W.; Zensus, A. |
Simultaneous X-ray, Near-Infrared, and Submillimeter Observations of Sgr A* |
304 |
Trap, G.; Weiss, A.; Goldwurm, A.; Dodds-Eden, K.; Terrier, R.; Ponti, G.; Gillessen, S.; Genzel, R.; Bélanger, G.; Clénet, Y. |
Flares from Sgr A* and their Emission Mechanism |
309 |
Dodds-Eden, K.; Porquet, D.; Trap, G.; Quataert, E.; Gillessen, S.; Grosso, N.; Genzel, R.; Goldwurm, A.; Yusef-Zadeh, F.; Trippe, S.; Bartko, H.; Eisenhauer, F.; Ott, T.; Fritz, T.; Pfuhl, O. |
The Low Luminosity State of Sagittarius A* |
313 |
Sabha, N.; Witzel, G.; Eckart, A.; Zamaninasab, M.; Schödel, R.; Zernickel, A.; García-Marín, M.; Kunneriath, D.; Moultaka, J.; Mužić, K.; Straubmeier, C. |
Sub-Millimeter View of the Galactic Center |
315 |
García-Marín, M.; Eckart, A.; Weiss, A.; Witzel, G.; Bremer, M.; Zamaninasab, M.; Schödel, R.; Kunneriath, D.; Sabha, N.; Baganoff, F.; Dovvciak, M.; Duschl, W. J.; Moultaka, J.; Karas, V.; Najarro, F.; Mužić, K.; Straubmeier, C.; Vogel, S. N.; Krips, M.; Wiesemeyer, H. |
Flaring Emission from Sagittarius A* at Millimeter Wavelengths |
319 |
Li, J.; Shen, Z.; Miyazaki, A.; Huang, L.; Sault, R. J.; Miyoshi, M.; Tsuboi, M.; Tsutsumi, T. |
Near Infrared Polarimetry as a Tool for Testing the Properties of Radiation from Sagittarius A* |
323 |
Zamaninasab, M.; Witzel, G.; Eckart, A.; Sabha, N.; Dovciak, M.; Karas, V.; Schödel, R.; García-Marín, M.; Kunneriath, D.; Nishiyama, S.; Straubmeier, C.; Valencia-Schneider, M.; Zensus, A. |
The Galactic Centre in the Millimeter Regime: Observations with CARMA |
327 |
Kunneriath, D.; Eckart, A.; Zamaninasab, M.; Witzel, G.; Schödel, R.; García-Marín, M.; König, S.; Krichbaum, T. P.; Lu, R.; Moultaka, J.; Mužić, K.; Sabha, N.; Sjouwerman, L. O.; Straubmeier, C.; Vogel, S. N.; Teuben, P.; Zensus, J. A. |
High-Frequency Inter-day VLBI Monitoring of Sgr A* |
331 |
Lu, R.; Krichbaum, T. P.; Eckart, A.; König, S.; Kunneriath, D.; Witzel, G.; Witzel, A.; Zensus, J. A. |
Oscillation Phenomena in Sagittarius A* |
336 |
Miyoshi, M.; Oyama, T.; Shen, Z.; Takahashi, R.; Kato, Y. |
Testing the Black Hole Paradigm with Future Observations of SgrA* |
340 |
Bambi, C. |
Revealing the General Relativity Effects in
Accretion Events near a Supermassive Black Hole |
344 |
Karas, V.; Dovčiak, M.; Zamaninasab, M.; Eckart, A. |
Accretion and Ejection in Sgr A* |
346 |
Yuan, F. |
Numerical Models of Sgr A* |
358 |
Mościbrodzka, M.; Gammie, C. F.; Dolence, J.; Shiokawa, H.; Leung, P. K. |
3-D Radiative Properties of Hot Accretion Flows onto the
Galactic Center Black Hole |
368 |
Kato, Y. |
Constraining the Accretion Flow in Sgr A* by GR Dynamical and Radiative Modeling |
372 |
Shcherbakov, R. V.; Penna, R. F. |
Inflow-Outflow Solution with Stellar Winds and Conduction near Sgr A* |
374 |
Shcherbakov, R. V.; Baganoff, F. K. |
Modelling the Flaring Emission at the Galactic Centre |
378 |
Howard, E. |
Polarized Emission and Black Hole Shadow Image of Sagittarius A* |
380 |
Huang, L.; Liu, S.; Takahashi, R.; Shen, Z. -Q. |
Slit-Modulation Imaging Method for
Detecting Periodic Structural Change in SgrA* |
384 |
Miyoshi, M. |
VLBA Synthesis Imagings of SgrA* at 43 GHz |
386 |
Miyoshi, M.; Oyama, T.; Shen, Z. |
Session V. High-Energy Diagnostics of Galactic Nuclear Activity |
| |
An Overview of the High-Energy Emission from the Galactic Center |
391 |
Goldwurm, A. |
The Very High Energy γ-ray View of the Galactic Centre as of Early 2010 |
408 |
van Eldik, C. (H.E.S.S. Collaboration) |
The Galactic Center Diffuse X-rays |
418 |
Koyama, K. |
X- and Gamma-Ray Emission from the Galactic Center |
426 |
Dogiel, V. A.; Cheng, K.-S.; Chernyshov, D. O.; Ip, W.-H.; Ko, C.-M.; Tatischeff, V. |
An X-Ray Face-on View of the Galactic Center Molecular Clouds
Observed with Suzaku |
430 |
Ryu, S. G.; Koyama, K.; Nobukawa, M.; Fukuoka, R.; Tsuru, T. G. |
X-ray Iron Line Emission From Sagittarius A* |
434 |
Ji, L.; Baganoff, F. K.; Dong, H.; Yuan, F. |
Suzaku Discovery of Two Peculiar Clumps
at the South End of the Radio Arc |
438 |
Fukuoka, R.; Koyama, K.; Ryu, S. G.; Tsuru, T. G. |
Variable Hard X-Ray Emission from the Sgr B2 Molecular Cloud |
442 |
Terrier, R.; Ponti, G.; Bélanger, G.; Decourchelle, A.; Tatischeff, V.; Goldwurm, A.; Trap, G. |
Molecular Clouds: X-ray Mirrors of Galactic Nuclear Activity |
446 |
Ponti, G.; Terrier, R.; Goldwurm, A.; Belanger, G.; Trap, G. |
X-ray Echoes of Infrared Flaring in Sgr A* |
450 |
Wardle, M. |
Discovery of K-shell Lines of Neutral S, Ar, Ca, Cr, and Mn Atoms
from the Galactic Center Region |
456 |
Nobukawa, M.; Koyama, K.; Tsuru, T. G.; Ryu, S. G. |
Session VI. Supermassive Black Holes and Stellar Feedback in Nuclear Environments |
| |
Feedback from Nuclear Star Clusters (NCs) and SMBHs |
463 |
Nayakshin, S. |
The Circumnuclear Environment in M31 |
468 |
Li, Z. |
Color-Magnitude Relations of Active and Non-Active Galaxies in the Chandra Deep Fields: Stellar-Mass Selection Effects and High-Redshift Constraints |
478 |
Xue, Y. Q.; Brandt, W. N.; Luo, B.; Rafferty, D. A.; Alexander, D. M.; Bauer, F. E.; Lehmer, B. D.; Silverman, J. D. |
Dust and Gas in the Nucleus of NGC 1068:
Comparison to the Galactic Center's Central Molecular Zone |
483 |
Geballe, T. R.; Mason, R. E.; Oka, T. |
The Small-Scale Mid-Infrared Emission of Low-Luminosity AGN |
487 |
Mason, R.; Lopez Rodriguez, E.; Packham, C.; Radomski, J.; Levenson, N.; Aretxaga, I.; Alonso Herrero, A.; Colina, L.; Elitzur, M.; Roche, P. |
Strong Gradient of the Spectral Index in the Compact Jet of the Low-Luminosity Active Galactic Nucleus in M 81 |
491 |
Hada, K.; Doi, A.; Nagai, H.; Inoue, M. |
Contribution to Sub-Millimeter VLBI Network |
493 |
Inoue, M.; Asada, K.; Chen, M. T.; Huang, Y. D.; Chen, C. P.; Matsushita, S.; Ho, P. |