Impey, C.

Volume Paper Title Page Number Authors
43 Surveys of Low Surface Brightness Galaxies 145 Impey, C.
128 BAL Quasars in the VLA FIRST Survey 31 Becker, R. B.; Gregg, M. D.; Laurent-Muehleisen, S. A.; White, R. L.; Helfand, D. J.; McMahon, R. G.; Oegerle, W.; Friedman, S.; Richards, G.; York, D.; Rockosi, C.; Impey, C.
146 Quasar Pairs as Probes of Large Scale Structure 391 Impey, C.
170 What we don't know about the Universe 393 Impey, C.
230 The Cosmological Significance of Low Surface Brightness Galaxies 593 Impey, C.
237 Host Galaxies of Lensed Luminous Quasars at ~ 2 169 Rix, H.-W.; Falco, E. E.; Impey, C.; Kochanek, C.; Lehár, J.; McLeod, B.; Muñoz, J.; Peng, C.
254 How Well Do We Understand the Local Universe? 1 Impey, C.
409 Seeing the Universe: On the Cusp of Technology 82 Impey, C.
441 Galileo: A Reverie 435 Impey, C.
468 The End: Astronomy Meets Eschatology 143 Impey, C.
471 Galaxy Redshifts: From Dozens to Millions 289 Impey, C.
473 Uncovering What Our Students Really Think about Science and Society—Are We Doomed? 97 Prather, E. E.; Wallace, C. S.; Teske, J. K.; Impey, C.; Buxner, S.
473 An Ongoing Investigation of Science Literacy: Results of a 22-Year Study Probing Students' Knowledge and Attitude Towards Science 189 Impey, C.; Buxner, S.; Antonellis, J.; CATS
473 Investigating What Undergraduate Students Know About Science: Results from Complementary Strategies to Code Open-Ended Responses 301 Tijerino, K.; Buxner, S.; Impey, C.; CATS
473 Investigating Where Students Get Their Information About Science 305 Buxner, S.; Impey, C.; Tijerino, K.; CATS
500 Weighing the Balance of Science Literacy in Education and Public Policy 17 Buxner, S.; Impey, C.; Johnson, B.
500 Studying Students' Science Literacy: Non-Scientific Beliefs and Science Literacy Measures 167 Impey, C.; Buxner, S.
500 Investigating Undergraduate Students' Science Literacy: Responses Related to Radiation and DNA 199 Impey, C.; Buxner, S.; Nieberding, M.; Romine, J.
500 Investigating the Relationship between Students' Science Knowledge and Their Reported Sources of Information 207 Buxner, S.; Romine, J.; Impey, C.; Nieberding, M.
531 Teaching Astro 101 Online 3 Impey, C.
531 Creating Astronomy MOOCs and Other Online Classes 124 Wenger, M.; Impey, C.
533 Online Resources for Teaching Introductory Astronomy 7 Impey, C.
533 Exploring the Frontiers of Space in 3D 63 Impey, C.; Danehy, A.
533 A Machine Learning Approach to Improving Student Writing About Science 122 Wenger, M.; Impey, C.; Danehy, A.; Buxner, S.
537 Using Machine Learning to Improve Student Writing About Science 6 Wenger, M.; Impey, C.; Danehy, A.; Buxner, S.
537 Astronomy Worldviews: How Students in Introductory Astronomy Courses Relate Science to Five Social Domains 109 Lewis, H.; Buxner, S.; Impey, C.; Prather, E.; Wenger, M.; Mendelsohn, B.