Title: Fiber Optics in Astronomy
Volume: 3 Year: 1988 View this Volume on ADS
Editors: Barden, Samuel C.
ISBN: 0-937707-20-1 eISBN: 978-1-58381-339-3
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Paper Title Page Authors
Introduction to Fiber Optics 2 Nelson, G. W.
Properties and Applications of Infrared Fiber Optics 23 Levin, K. H.; Tran, D. C.; Mossadegh, R.
Focal ratio degradation in optical fibers of astronomical interest 26 Ramsey, Lawrence W.
Measurement of fibers to be used in fiber fed spectroscopy 41 Craig, W. W.; Hailey, C. J.; Brodie, J. P.
Optical fibres for astronomical applications 52 Guerin, Jean; Felenbok, Paul
Tests of optical fibres for astronomical instrumentation at ESO 63 Avila, Gerardo
The History of Multiobject Fiber Spectroscopy 77 Hill, J. M.
AUTO FIB Current Status 93 Parry, I.; Sharples, R. M.
Factors affecting the design of multiobject spectrometers 99 Ingerson, T. E.
DensePak and spectral imaging with fiber optics 113 Barden, Samuel C.; Wade, Richard A.
Multi-object spectroscopy with FLAIR 125 Watson, F. G.
MOFOCS - A multi-object fibre optics coupled spectrograph for a Schmidt telescope 133 Pettersson, Bertil
Nessie - A versatile multi-fiber feed on the KPNO Mayall 4-meter telescope 140 Barden, Samuel C.; Massey, Philip
A precision positioning system for fiber fed multi object spectroscopy 153 Craig, W. W.; Hailey, C. J.; Stewart, R. E.; Blaedel, K. L.; Brodie, J. P.
Multi-Object Fiber Feed "Spaltspinne" 163 Pitz, E.
The Decaspec - A fiber optics manipulator for multi-object spectroscopy 170 Fabricant, Daniel G.
Multi-object spectroscopy with optical fibres 174 Felenbok, Paul; Guerin, Jean; Fernandez, Andree; Tournassoud, Pierre; Vaillant, Regis
Fiber optics feed at Beijing Astronomical Observatory (BAO) 183 Wang, Shunde
The Norris spectrograph and its fiber optic feed 190 Cohen, Judith G.; Oke, J. Beverly; Carr, Michael; Harris, Frederick H.; Hamilton, Donald
Developments in fibre-optic techniques for spectro-photometry on large telescopes 195 Baruch, J. E. F.; Brooke, G.; Johnson, P.; Hindle, A.
Wavelength-precise slit spectroscopy with optical fiber image scramblers 204 Heacox, William D.
The optical fiber feed of the LPL radial velocity spectrometer 237 McMillan, Robert S.; Perry, Marcus L.; Smith, Peter H.; Merline, William J.
High precision photometry with fiber optics 247 Borucki, W. J.; Torbet, E. B.; Pham, P. C.
A long-baseline interferometer employing single-mode fiber optics 262 Shaklan, Stuart
A fiber feed for precise radial velocity work with the CfA echelle spectrographs 269 Latham, David W.; Andersen, Johannes; Geary, John C.; Rodrigues, Orlando; Stefanik, Robert P.
Fiber-linked spectroscopy at David Dunlap Observatory 277 Kamper, Karl W.
Fibre optics in astronomy - conference overview 285 Gray, Peter M.