Title: Evolution of the Universe of Galaxies: Edwin Hubble Centennial Symposium
Volume: 10 Year: 1990 View this Volume on ADS
Editors: Kron, Richard G.
ISBN: 0-937707-28-7 eISBN: 978-1-58381-346-1

Paper Title Page Authors
Self-Made Cosmologist: The Education of Edwin Hubble 1 Osterbrock, Donald E.; Brashear, Ronald S.; Gwinn, Joel A.
Shapley, Hubble, and Cosmology 19 Gingerich, Owen
Edwin Hubble's Cosmology 22 Hetherington, Norriss S.
Thin discs and dense bulges - What do they tell us about galaxies? 25 Ostriker, Jeremiah P.
Morphology and dynamics of galaxies in the Hickson compact groups 30 Rubin, Vera C.; Ford, W. K., Jr.; Hunter, Deidre
Scaling laws for dark matter in late-type galaxies 33 Kormendy, John
Halo model mass limits for spiral galaxies 45 Erickson, Lance K.; Gottesman, Stephen T.; Hunter, James H., Jr.
The dark matter content of disk galaxies 48 Pierce, Michael J.
The dynamics of the Local Group and the mass of the Galaxy 51 Zaritsky, Dennis
Surface brightness and bandpass bias in the Hubble morphological sequence 54 Bothun, Gregory D.
Blue compact dwarf galaxies in Virgo and nearby groups 67 Hoffman, G. L.; Salpeter, E. E.; Helou, George
S0 galaxies and the Hubble sequence 70 van den Bergh, Sidney
Elliptical galaxies 82 Illingworth, Garth D.; Franx, Marijn
CCD surface photometry of Corona Borealis cluster galaxies 103 Gudehus, Donald H.
The mass-metallicity - Luminosity density relation for elliptical galaxies 106 de Carvalho, R.; Djorgovski, S.
Dark matter in elliptical galaxies 109 Kent, Stephen M.
Stellar populations in elliptical galaxies 119 Baum, William A.
Elliptical Galaxy M32 131 Freedman, Wendy L.
Dwarf Cepheids in the Carina dwarf galaxy 134 Nemec, James; Mateo, Mario
The Globular Cluster System of the Edge-On SB Galaxy NGC 5170 138 Fischer, Philippe; Hesser, James E.; Harr, Hugh C.; Bothun, Gregory D.
The evolution of disk galaxies at Z = 0 141 Kennicutt, Robert C., Jr.
Nearby luminous blue galaxies 157 Gallagher, John S., III
A search for Wolf-Rayet stars at the Galactic center 167 Werner, M. W.; Stauffer, J. R.; Becklin, E. E.
Profuse central star formation in 'SO' galaxies 170 Dressel, L. L.; O'Connell, R. W.; Telesco, C. M.; Decher, R.
A non-steady cooling flow model for NGC 1275 (Perseus) 173 Meiksin, Avery
High Resolution CO Images of Seyfert Galaxies 176 Meixner, Margaret; Wright, Melvyn; Puchalsky, Rich; Blitz, Leo
CCD photometry of the ring galaxy ARP 146 179 Spight, L. D.; Schultz, A. B.; Colegrove, P. T.; Disanti, M. A.; Fink, U.
Color maps of ARP 146 182 Schultz, A. B.; Spight, L. D.; Colegrove, P. T.; Disanti, M. A.; Fink, U.
Extracting cosmological and evolutionary parameters from distant galaxy observations 185 Bruzual, Gustavo A.
Spectral evolution of cluster galaxies 200 Dressler, Alan; Gunn, James E.
The brightest galaxies in clusters 209 Bhavsar, Suketu P.
Galaxy evolution and formation 212 Cowie, Lennox L.; Lilly, Simon J.
The cosmic submillimeter background - A signature of the initial burst of galaxy formation? 228 Djorgovski, S.; Weir, W. N.
Dark matter, galaxies, and background radiation 231 Wollman, Eric R.
Voids in the Lyman-alpha forest 234 Bechtold, Jill
The H I column density spectrum - A simulation provides evidence for Tytler's 'single population' 245 Manning, Curtis V.
Spectroscopy of large numbers of faint galaxies 248 Ellis, Richard S.
UBC/Laval 2.7m liquid mirror telescope (LMT) - Progress report 265 Gibson, Brad K.; Hickson, Paul
The evolution of field galaxies - Is Omega = 1? 268 Koo, David C.
K band photometry of a complete sample of field galaxies with spectroscopic redshifts 286 Bershady, Matthew; Hereld, Mark; Kron, Richard G.; Koo, David
The study of galaxy evolution using a large area 2 micron survey 289 Elston, Richard; Rieke, George; Rieke, Marcia
Imaging faint galaxies 292 Tyson, J. A.
Deep CCD imaging of field galaxies in U, BJ, and R - Constraints on galaxy evolution 304 Guhathakurta, P.; Tyson, J. A.; Majewski, S. R.
Lyman-alpha emission from young galaxy disks 307 Cohen, Ross D.; Smith, Harding E.
A search for primeval galaxies at Z = 2 319 Pritchet, C. J.; Hartwick, F. D. A.
The evolution of galaxies and galaxy clusters associated with quasars 322 Yee, H. K. C.
The evolution of quasars in galaxy cluster environments 334 Ellingson, E.
Testing the binary black hole model of OJ 287 337 Corso, George J.; Harris, Ronald W.; Fox, Richard; Schultz, Joseph
Redshifts and the SMF model for quasars and AGNs 340 Greyber, Howard D.
High redshift radio galaxies - Evidence for early galaxy formation 344 Lilly, Simon J.
Evolutionary model uncertainties in the K-band Hubble diagram 356 Weir, W. N.; Djorgovski, S.; Bruzual, Gustavo A.
Relations between radio and optical properties in distant radio galaxies 359 van Breugel, Wil J. M.; McCarthy, Patrick J.
Infrared Images of Distant 3C Radio Galaxies 371 Eisenhardt, P.; Chokshi, A.; Dickinson, M.; Djorgovski, S.; McCarthy, P.; Spinrad, H.
High redshift radio galaxies and the alignment effect 373 Chambers, K. C.; Miley, G. K.
The evolution of weak radio galaxies at radio and optical wavelengths 389 Windhorst, Rogier; Mathis, Doug; Neuschaefer, Lyman