Title: |
16th Cambridge Workshop on Cool Stars, Stellar Systems, and the Sun
Volume: |
Year: |
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Editors: |
Christopher Johns-Krull
Synopsis: |
The Cool Stars 16 conference (CS16) was held on the University of Washington
campus in Seattle, Washington during August 28 - September 2, 2010. The Cool
Stars series was initiated just over 20 years ago, in 1980, and now consists of meetings
held approximately every two years. This workshop series has become the preeminent
international meeting series covering cool star science. Over the six days of the
meeting, nearly 350 attendees presented and discussed many of the latest research
results in cool star and solar research. The main plenary sessions were spread over
five days and covered core areas of stellar research including the formation and
evolution of low mass stars and brown dwarfs, the determination of fundamental
stellar parameters, magnetic activity, and the solar-stellar connection. In addition to
these traditional areas of cool star research, two less traditional areas received special
attention at CS16: time domain studies of cool stars highlighting many of the exciting
new results emerging from the Kepler satellite; and studies of cool stars in the
galactic context, driven by the large impact the Sloan Digital Sky Survey has had on
cool star research.
In addition to the plenary sessions, the latest research in the field was presented and
discussed in a five day poster session and in 12 splinter sessions which rounded out
the scientific program of the meeting. Topics covered included fundamental stellar
properties from interferometry, multi-dimensional atmospheric modeling,
determining metallicities of the coolest dwarfs, what happens at the fully convective
boundary, planets around cool stars and their habitability, variablity of young stars,
ares and X-rays, and wide field surveys of cool dwarfs. These proceedings summarize
the scientific program presented at the meeting. The printed volume contains
papers from the main plenary sessions, summaries of the 12 splinter sessions, and
papers from the 15 poster finalists selected by the scientific organizing committee at
the meeting. Papers from the remaining poster presentations, as well as the papers
found in this volume, are available in the electronic version of the proceedings.
These proceedings are suitable for researchers and graduate students interested in
learning about the astrophysics of cool stars and the Sun, including formation,
circumstellar disks, magnetic activity, mass loss, and their distribution in the galaxy.
Paper Title |
Page |
Authors |
Front Matter |
| |
Front Matter |
Johns-Krull, Christopher |
Conference Photos |
1 |
Johns-Krull, Christopher |
Part I. Formation and Evolution |
| |
Mid-Infrared Variation in Young Stars |
5 |
Rebull, L. M. |
Innovative Imaging of Young Stars: First Light ExPo Observations |
15 |
Jeffers, S. V.; Canovas, H.; Keller, C. U.; Min, M.; Rodenhuis, M. |
Accretion Makes a Splash on TW Hydrae |
23 |
Brickhouse, N. S. |
Constraining the Evolution of Brown Dwarf Binarity as a
Function of Age: A Keck LGS AO Search for Brown Dwarf and
Planetary Mass Companions to Upper Scorpius Brown Dwarfs |
31 |
Biller, B.; Allers, K.; Liu, M.; Close, L. M.; Dupuy, T. |
Extreme Coronal Mass Ejections in Young Low-Mass Stars |
43 |
Aarnio, A. N.; Stassun, K. G.; Matt, S. P.; Hughes, W. J.; McGregor, S. L. |
Finding the Youngest Planets |
53 |
Crockett, C. J.; Mahmud, N.; Prato, L.; Johns–Krull, C. M.; Hartigan, P.; Jaffe, D. T.; Beichman, C. A. |
Revealing the Chamaeleon: First Detection of a Low-mass Stellar Halo Around the Young Open Cluster η Chamaeleontis |
61 |
Murphy, S. J.; Lawson, W. A.; Bessell, M. S. |
HST/COS Spectra of DF Tau and V4046 Sgr: First Detection of Molecular Hydrogen Absorption Against the Lyman α Emission Line |
69 |
Yang, H.; Linsky, J. L.; France, K. |
Part II. Fundamental Parameters |
| |
Lithium Depletion in Solar Type stars: Lithium and Planet Presence |
81 |
Sousa, S. G.; Santos, N. C.; Israelian, G.; Delgado Mena, E.; Fernandes, J.; Mayor, M.; Udry, S.; Domínguez Cerdeña, C.; Rebolo, R.; Randich, S. |
Model Atmospheres From Very Low Mass Stars to Brown Dwarfs |
91 |
Allard, F.; Homeier, D.; Freytag, B. |
Low-Mass Eclipsing Binaries: Observations vs. Theory |
99 |
Morales, J. C.; Ribas, I.; Jordi, C. |
Testing Theory with Dynamical Masses and Orbits of Ultracool Binaries |
111 |
Dupuy, T. J.; Liu, M. C.; Ireland, M. J. |
New Low-Mass Eclipsing Binaries from Kepler |
121 |
Coughlin, J. L.; López-Morales, M.; Harrison, T. E.; Ule, N.; Hoffman, D. I. |
Dust and Chromospheres in M warfs |
131 |
Bessell, M. S. |
Characterization of High-Energy Emissions of GKM Stars using Wide Binaries with White Dwarfs |
139 |
Catalán, S.; Garcés, A.; Ribas, I. |
Rotational Velocities of Very Low Mass Binaries |
147 |
Konopacky, Q. M.; Ghez, A. M.; Macintosh, B. A.; White, R. J.; Barman, T. S.; Rice, E. L.; Hallinan, G. |
Convective Core Overshoot and Mass Loss in Classical Cepheids: A Solution to the Mass Discrepancy? |
155 |
Neilson, H. R.; Cantiello, M.; Langer, N. |
Part III. Time Domain |
| |
Asteroseismology of Cool Dwarfs and Giants with Kepler |
167 |
Gilliland, R. L. |
Starspots and Stellar Rotation: Stellar Activity with Kepler |
177 |
Walkowicz, L. M.; Basri, G. S. |
Weather at the L/T Transition: A Large J-Band Survey for Variability of Cool Brown Dwarfs |
187 |
Radigan, J.; Jayawardhana, R.; Lafrenière, D.; Artigau, É. |
The Galactic M Dwarf Flare Rate |
197 |
Hilton, E. J.; Hawley, S. L.; Kowalski, A. F.; Holtzman, J. |
Observations of Late-Type Stars with the Infrared Spatial Interferometer |
207 |
Wishnow, E.; Townes, C.; Ravi, V.; Lockwood, S.; Mistry, H.; Fitelson, W.; Mallard, W.; Werhimer, D. |
A Search for Periodic Optical Variability in Radio Detected Ultracool Dwarfs: A Consequence of a Magnetically-Driven Auroral Process? |
219 |
Harding, L. K.; Hallinan, G.; Boyle, R. P.; Butler, R. F.; Sheehan, B.; Golden, A. |
Part IV. Magnetic Fields and Magnetic Activity |
| |
Solar Energetic Events, the Solar-Stellar Connection, and Statistics of Extreme Space Weather |
231 |
Schrijver, C. J. |
New Insights into Stellar Magnetism from the Spectropolarimetry in All Four Stokes Parameters |
245 |
Kochukhov, O.; Snik, F.; Piskunov, N.; Jeffers, S. V.; Keller, C. U.; Makaganiuk, V.; Valenti, J. A.; Johns-Krull, C. M.; Rodenhuis, M.; Stempels, H. C. |
Magnetic Fields on Cool Stars |
255 |
Reiners, A. |
The Age-Rotation-Activity Relation: From Myrs to Gyrs |
269 |
Covey, K. R.; Agüeros, M. A.; Lemonias, J. J.; Law, N. M.; Kraus, A. L.; Palomar Transient Factory Collaboration |
Global-scale Magnetism (and Cycles) in Dynamo Simulations of
Stellar Convection Zones |
277 |
Brown, B. P.; Browning, M. K.; Brun, A. S.; Miesch, M. S.; Toomre, J. |
Magnetic Field Measurements on the Classical T Tauri Star BP Tauri |
285 |
Chen, W.; Johns-Krull, C. M. |
The Mouse that Roared: A SuperFlare from the dMe Flare Star
EV Lac Detected by Swift and Konus-Wind |
293 |
Osten, R. A.; Godet, O.; Drake, S.; Tueller, J.; Cummings, J.; Krimm, H.; Pye, J.; Pal'shin, V.; Golenetskii, S.; Reale, F.; Oates, S. R.; Page, M. J.; Melandri, A. |
Observations of X-ray Flares in G-K Dwarfs by XMM-Newton |
301 |
Pandey, J. C.; Singh, K. P. |
The Activity and Rotation Limit in the Hyades |
313 |
Seemann, U.; Reiners, A.; Seifahrt, A.; Kürster, M. |
Part V. Galactic Context |
| |
New Surveys for Brown Dwarfs and Their Impact on the IMF |
323 |
Kirkpatrick, J. D. |
L Dwarf Kinematics |
333 |
Schmidt, S. J.; West, A. A.; Hawley, S. L. |
A Very Cool, Very Nearby Brown Dwarf Hiding in the Galactic Plane |
339 |
Lucas, P. W.; Tinney, C. G.; Burningham, B.; Leggett, S. K.; Pinfield, D. J.; Smart, R.; Jones, H. R. A.; Marocco, F.; Barber, R. J.; Yurchenko, S. N.; Tennyson, J.; Ishii, M.; Tamura, M.; Day-Jones, A. C.; Adamson, A.; Allard, F.; Homeier, D. |
Low–Mass Stars in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey: Galactic
Structure, Kinematics, and the Luminosity Function |
347 |
Bochanski, J. J. |
Looking for Systematic Variations in the Stellar Initial Mass Function |
361 |
Bastian, N.; Covey, K. R.; Meyer, M. R. |
Implications of Radial Migration for Stellar Population Studies |
371 |
Roškar, R.; Debattista, V. P.; Loebman, S. R.; Ivezić, Z.; Quinn, T. R. |
Searching for Ultra-cool Objects at the Limits of Large-scale Surveys |
379 |
Pinfield, D. J.; Patel, K.; Zhang, Z.; Gomes, J.; Burningham, B.; Day-Jones, A. C.; Jenkins, J. |
Part VI. Splinter Sessions |
| |
Habitability of Planets Orbiting Cool Stars |
391 |
Barnes, R.; Meadows, V. S.; Domagal-Goldman, S. D.; Heller, R.; Jackson, B.; López-Morales, M.; Tanner, A.; Gómez-Pérez, N.; Ruedas, T. |
Aspects of Multi-Dimensional Modelling of Substellar Atmospheres |
403 |
Helling, Ch.; Pedretti, E.; Berdyugina, S.; Vidotto, A. A.; Beeck, B.; Baron, E.; Showman, A. P.; Agol, E.; Homeier, D. |
Young Stars in the Time Domain: A CS16 Splinter Summary |
415 |
Covey, K. R.; Plavchan, P.; Bastien, F.; Flaccomio, E.; Flaherty, K.; Marsden, S.; Morales-Calderón, M.; Muzerolle, J.; Turner, N. J. |
Ultracool Dwarf Science from Widefield Multi-Epoch Surveys |
429 |
Deacon, N. R.; Pinfield, D. J.; Lucas, P. W.; Liu, M. C.; Bessell, M. S.; Burningham, B.; Cushing, M. C.; Day-Jones, A. C.; Dhital, S.; Law, N. M.; Mainzer, A. K.; Zhang, Z. H. |
Splinter Session “Solar and Stellar Flares” |
441 |
Fletcher, L.; Hudson, H.; Cauzzi, G.; Getman, K. V.; Giampapa, M.; Hawley, S. L.; Heinzel, P.; Johnstone, C.; Kowalski, A. F.; Osten, R. A.; Pye, J. |
The Radio–X-ray Relation in Cool Stars: Are We Headed Toward a Divorce? |
455 |
Forbrich, J.; Wolk, S. J.; Güdel, M.; Benz, A.; Osten, R.; Linsky, J. L.; McLean, M.; Loinard, L.; Berger, E. |
Planet Formation Around M-dwarf Stars: From Young Disks to Planets |
469 |
Pascucci, I.; Laughlin, G.; Gaudi, B. S.; Kennedy, G.; Luhman, K.; Mohanty, S.; Birkby, J.; Ercolano, B.; Plavchan, P.; Skemer, A. |
Juvenile Ultracool Dwarfs |
481 |
Rice, E. L.; Faherty, J. K.; Cruz, K.; Barman, T.; Looper, D.; Malo, L.; Mamajek, E. E.; Metchev, S.; Shkolnik, E. L. |
Frontiers in X-ray Astronomy - CS16 Splinter Session |
493 |
Robrade, J.; Schneider, P. C.; Poppenhaeger, K. |
The M4 Transition: Toward a Comprehensive Understanding of the
Transition into the Fully Convective Regime |
505 |
Stassun, K. G.; Hebb, L.; Covey, K.; West, A. A.; Irwin, J.; Jackson, R.; Jardine, M.; Morin, J.; Mullan, D.; Reid, I. N. |
Fundamental Stellar Properties from Optical Interferometry |
517 |
van Belle, G. T.; Aufdenberg, J.; Boyajian, T.; Harper G.; Hummel, C.; Pedretti, E.; Baines, E.; White, R.; Ravi, V.; Ridgway, S. |
Determining the Metallicity of Low-Mass Stars and Brown Dwarfs: Tools for Probing Fundamental Stellar Astrophysics, Tracing Chemical Evolution of the Milky Way and Identifying the Hosts of Extrasolar Planets |
531 |
West, A. A.; Bochanski, J. J.; Bowler, B. P.; Dotter, A.; Johnson, J. A.; Lépine, S.; Rojas-Ayala, B.; Schweitzer, A. |
Part VII. Formation and Evolution Online Posters |
| |
Wide Tertiary Companions to Nearby Spectroscopic Binaries: A Close Look with Gemini-North AO |
547 |
Allen, P. R.; Close, L. |
Observation of Young Stars at the University Observatory Jena |
553 |
Berndt, A.; Errmann, R.; Maciejewski, G.; Raetz, St.; Marka, C.; Ginski, Ch.; Mugrauer, M.; Schmidt, T. O. B.; Neuhäuser, R.; Seeliger, M.; Moualla, M.; Pribulla, T.; Hohle, M. M.; Tetzlaff, N.; Adam, Ch.; Eisenbeiss, T.; YETI team |
Generation of Knots in a Randomly Pulsed Protostellar Jet: Synthesis of the X-ray Emission |
559 |
Bonito, R.; Orlando, S.; Miceli, M.; Eislöffel, J.; Peres, G.; Favata, F. |
Stellar and Substellar Mass Function of the Young Open Cluster
Candidates Alessi 5 and β Monocerotis |
565 |
Boudreault, S.; Caballero, J. A. |
Cool Star Science with the FIRE Spectrograph |
573 |
Burgasser, A. J.; Simcoe, R. A.; Bochanski, J. J.; Melis, C.; McMurtry, C.; Pipher, J.; Forrest, W.; Cushing, M. C.; Looper, D. L.; Mohanty, S. |
CARMENES: Towards the Detection of Exoearths |
581 |
Caballero, J. A.; Quirrenbach, A.; Amado, P. J.; Mandel, H.; Ribas, I.; Reiners, A.; Mundt, R.; Seifert, W.; Sánchez-Carrasco, M. A.; CARMENES Consortium |
Protoplanetary Disks of Binary Systems in Orion |
589 |
Daemgen, S.; Petr-Gotzens, M. G.; Correia, S. |
Evidence for a Feedback Relationship Between Mass Accretion and Inner Disk Properties |
597 |
Deen, C. P.; Jaffe, D. T. |
Coordinated Optical/X-ray observations of the CTTS V2129 Oph
The Chandra View |
603 |
Flaccomio, E.; Argiroffi, C.; Alencar, S. H. P.; Bouvier, J.; Donati, J.-F.; Getman, K.; Gregory, S. G.; Hussain, G.; Ibrahimov, M.; Jardine, M. M.; Skelly, M.; Walter, F. |
Multi-Wavelength Study of the 2008-2009 Outburst of V1647 Ori |
609 |
García-Alvarez, D.; Wright, N. J.; Drake, J. J.; Abraham, P.; Anandarao, B. G.; Kashyap, V.; Kospal, A.; Kun, M.; Marengo, M.; Moor, A.; Peneva, S.; Semkov, E.; Venkat, V.; Sanz-Forcada, J. |
The Bipolar X-Ray Jet of the Classical T Tauri Star DG Tau |
617 |
Güdel, M.; Audard, M.; Bacciotti, F.; Bary, J. S.; Briggs, K. R.; Cabrit, S.; Carmona, A.; Codella, C.; Dougados, C.; Eislöffel, J.; Gueth, F.; Günther, H. M.; Herczeg, G.; Kundurthy, P.; Matt, S. P.; Mutel, R. L.; Ray, T.; Schmitt, J. H. M. M.; Schneider, P. C.; Skinner, S. L.; van Boekel, R. |
IRAS 20050+2720: Anatomy of a Young Stellar Cluster |
625 |
Günther, H. M.; Wolk, S. J.; Gutermuth, R. A.; Spitzbart, B.; Bourke, T. L.; Pillitteri, I.; DeRose, K. |
Confirmation and Characterization of Young Disk-Bearing Brown Dwarfs and sub-Brown Dwarfs |
633 |
Gully-Santiago, M. A.; Allers, K. N.; Jaffe, D. T. |
Candidate Planetary Mass Objects in Rho Ophiuchi |
639 |
Haisch Jr., K. E.; Barsony, M.; Tinney, C. |
Probing the Inner Disk and Magnetosphere of KH 15D |
647 |
Hamilton, C. M.; Johns-Krull, C. M.; Mundt, R.; Herbst, W.; Winn, J. N. |
The Disks, Envelopes, Jets and Environment of PDS 144: A Wide Herbig Ae Binary |
655 |
Hornbeck, J.; Grady, C. A.; Hamaguchi, K.; Williger, G. M.; Perrin, M.; Grogin, N.; Wisniewski, J.; Brown, A.; Woodgate, B.; Petre, R.; Daly, B.; Arraki, K. |
A Sparse Population of Young Stars in Cepheus |
661 |
Klutsch, A.; Montes, D.; Guillout, P.; Frasca, A.; Pineau, F.-X.; Grosso, N.; Marilli, E.; López-Santiago, J. |
A Search for Substellar Companions of T Tauri Stars |
669 |
Mahmud, N. I.; Crockett, C. J.; Prato, L.; Johns-Krull, C. M.; Hartigan, P.; Jaffe, D. T.; Beichman, C. A.. |
Emission Line Spectrum of BF Cyg |
677 |
McKeever, J.; Lutz, J.; Wallerstein, G.; Munari, U.; Siviero, A. |
SONYC - Substellar Objects in Nearby Young Clusters |
683 |
Mužić, K.; Scholz, A.; Geers, V. C.; Jayawardhana, R.; Tamura, M. |
What is Heating Arcturus' Wind? |
691 |
O'Gorman, E.; Harper, G. M. |
Operation: Dwarf Hunt - A Methane Imaging Survey of Corona Australis |
699 |
Parker, S. R.; Tinney, C. G. |
Clustered Star Formation Explored with X-rays and IR Observations of
SOXS: L1641 and ι Orionis Regions |
705 |
Pillitteri, I.; Wolk, S. J.; Allen, L.; Megeath, S. T.; Gutermuth, R. A.; SOXS collaboration |
Symbiotic Stars and the Origin of Red Giant Winds |
713 |
Roche, J.; Espey, B. R.; Crowley, C. |
Disk-Rotation Connection: Very Low Mass Stars and Brown Dwarfs |
721 |
Rodriguez-Ledesma, M. V.; Mundt, R.; Eislöffel, J. |
X-rays from HH 154 |
729 |
Schneider, P. C.; Günther, H. M.; Schmitt, J. H. M. M. |
Photometric Survey for Brown Dwarfs in Orion's Belt |
733 |
Sherry, W. H.; Walter, F. M.; Brittain, S. D.; Kim, J. S.; Merritt, A. |
Discovery of a T Dwarf Companion to the “Hyperactive” L Dwarf 2MASS J13153094-2649513 |
741 |
Sitarski, B. N.; Gelino, C. R.; Burgasser, A. J.; Perrin, M. D. |
MML 53 – The Brightest Pre-Main-Sequence Eclipsing Binary |
747 |
Stempels, H. C.; Hebb, L. |
Surface and Atmospheric Structure on the T Tauri Star V2129 Oph |
755 |
Walter, F. M.; Falccomio, E.; Alencar, S.; Argiroffi, C.; Bouvier, J.; Donati, J.-F.; Getman, K.; Gregory, S. G.; Hussain, G. A. J.; Ibrahimov, M.; Jardine, M. M.; Skelly, M. B. |
The Substellar Mass Function in the Central Region of the Open
Cluster Praesepe from Deep LBT Observations |
761 |
Wang, W.; Boudreault, S.; Goldman, B.; Henning, Th.; Caballero, J. A.; Bailer-Jones, C. A. L. |
Part VIII. Fundamental Parameters Online Posters |
| |
Planet Detection, Magnetic Field of Protostars and Brown Dwarfs Meteorology with SPIRou |
771 |
Artigau, É.; Donati, J.-F.; Delfosse, X. |
Fundamental Properties of 37 Giant Stars from the CHARA Array and the NPOI Interferometers |
779 |
Baines, E. K.; Armstrong, J. T.; McAlister, H. A.; ten Brummealaar, T. A.; Turner, N. H.; Sturmann, J.; Sturmann, L.; Ridgway, S. T. |
A New Temperature Determination Using the Fe XVII Emission of Capella |
787 |
Beiersdorfer, P.; Gu, M. F.; Lepson, J.; Desai, P. |
Low Mass Eclipsing Binaries in SDSS Stripe 82 |
795 |
Bhatti, W. A.; Richmond, M. W.; Ford, H. C.; Petro, L. D. |
The WFCAM Transit Survey: A Search for Rocky Planets Around
Cool Stars |
803 |
Birkby, J.; Hodgkin, S.; Pinfield, D.; WTS consortium |
Fundamental Properties of Cool Stars with Interferometry |
811 |
Boyajian, T. S.; von Braun, K.; van Belle, G.; ten Brummelaar, T.; Ciardi, D.; Henry, T.; Lopez-Morales, M.; McAlister, H.; Ridgway, S.; Farrington, C.; Goldfinger, P. J.; Sturmann, L.; Sturmann, J.; Turner, N. |
Effects of Scattering on the Temperature Stratification in 3D Model Atmospheres of Late-Type Stars |
819 |
Collet, R.; Hayek, W.; Asplund, M. |
CAESAR: Companion Assessment of Equatorial Stars with Astrometry and Radial Velocity |
825 |
Davison, C.; White, R.; Henry, T.; Bailey, J.; Jao, W.-C.; Riedel, A.; Cantrell, J. |
Benchmark Brown Dwarfs: What Does the Current Population Look Like? |
833 |
Day-Jones, A. C.; Pinfield, D. J.; Ruiz, M. T.; Burningham, B.; Jenkins, J. S.; Clarke, J. R. A.; Zhang, Z. H.; Gallardo, J.; Gálvez-Ortiz, M. C.; Murray, D. N.; Gomes, J. |
Stellar Rotation in the Hyades and Praesepe: Gyrochronology and Braking Timescale |
841 |
Delorme, P.; Cameron, A. C.; Hebb, L.; Rostron, J.; Lister, T. A.; Norton, A. J.; Pollacco, D.; West, R. G. |
M and L Dwarf Dynamical Masses with One Adaptive Optics Observation |
849 |
Dieterich, S. B.; Henry, T. J.; Jao, W.-C.; Riedel, A. R. |
Radiation-Hydrodynamics Simulations
of Cool Stellar and Substellar Atmospheres |
855 |
Freytag, B.; Allard, F.; Ludwig, H.-G.; Homeier, D.; Steffen, M. |
The STELLA Open Cluster Survey – Rotational Evolution of Low-mass Stars: a Status Report |
863 |
Fügner, D.; Granzer, T.; Strassmeier, K. G. |
Keck LGS-AO Imaging of Cool WISE Brown Dwarfs |
871 |
Gelino, C. R.; Kirkpatrick, J. D.; Cushing, M. C.; Mainzer, A.; Griffith, R.; Skrutskie, M.; Eisenhardt, P.; Wright, E. L. |
Chemical Abundances of Volatiles and Refractories in
Solar Analogs with and without Planets:
No Relation with Terrestial Planets |
879 |
González Hernández, J. I.; Israelian, G.; Santos, N. C.; Sousa, S.; Delgado-Mena, E.; Neves, V.; Udry, S. |
Atmospheric Parameters of Stars in Hubble's Next Generation Spectral Library |
887 |
Heap, S. R.; Lindler, D. |
Hα/Pδ Lines of Hydrogen in Cool Luminous Stars |
893 |
Huang, W.; Wallerstein, G. |
Photometric Metallicities in dSph Systems |
899 |
Hughes, J.; Wallerstein, G. |
There is Something About CaH |
907 |
Jao, W.-C. |
Spitzer Mid-Infrared Photometry of 500 – 750 K Brown Dwarfs |
913 |
Leggett, S. K.; Albert, L.; Artigau, E.; Burningham, B.; Delfosse, X.; Delorme, P.; Forveille, T.; Lucas, P. W.; Marley, M. S.; Pinfield, D. J.; Reylé, C.; Saumon, D.; Smart, R. L.; Warren, S. J. |
The NIRSPEC Brown Dwarf Spectroscopic Survey Online Archive BDSSarchive.org |
921 |
Mace, G.; Rice, E.; McLean, I. |
The Effective Temperature Scale of M Dwarfs from Spectral Synthesis |
929 |
Reylé, C.; Rajpurohit, A. S.; Schultheis, M.; Allard, F. |
The Sodium Doublets as Youth Indicators for Low-Mass Stars |
935 |
Schlieder, J. E.; Fielding, D.; Lepine, S.; Rice, E.; Tomasino, R.; Simon, M.; Shara, M. M. |
Physical Parameters of Eclipsing Binary Stars from the ASAS-3 Database |
937 |
Singh, H. P.; Deb, S. |
Analysis of CH4 Q-branch Absorption in Brown Bwarf Spectra Observed by AKARI |
945 |
Sorahana, S.; Yamamura, I. |
Chemical Tagging Hyades Supercluster as a Consistency Test of Stellar
Kinematic Groups |
953 |
Tabernero, H. M.; Montes, D.; González Hernández, J. I. |
NIRSPEC Radial Velocity Measurements of Late-M Dwarfs |
961 |
Tanner, A.; White, R.; Bailey, J.; Barman, T. |
Synthetic Spectra and Photometry of C-rich Hydrodynamical Model Atmospheres |
969 |
Wachter, A.; Eriksson, K.; Aringer, B.; Höfner, S.; Nowotny, W. |
Part IX. Time Domain Online Posters |
| |
Rotation and Differential Rotation in Rapidly Rotating Field Stars |
977 |
Ammler-von Eiff, M.; Reiners, A. |
Mining Databases for M Dwarf Variability |
983 |
Davenport, J. R. A.; Becker, A. C.; Hawley, S. L.; Kowalski, A. F.; Sesar, B.; Cutri, R. M. |
A Swiss Watch Running on Chilean Time: A Progress Report on Two New Automated CORALIE RV Pipelines |
991 |
Jenkins, J. S.; Jordán, A. |
Shock-Induced Polarized Hydrogen Emission Lines in omicron Ceti |
999 |
Lèbre, A.; Fabas, N.; Gillet, D. |
Cosmic Rays Variation Before Changes in Sun-Earth Environment |
1007 |
Mukherjee, S. |
Spectroscopic Microvariability Induced by Convective Motions |
1013 |
Porter, L.; Asplund, M. |
Spectrally-Resolved Light-curves from an XMM-Newton Survey of Stellar X-ray Flares |
1019 |
Pye, J. P.; Rosen, S. R. |
The Many Faces of Betelgeuse |
1025 |
Ravi, V.; Wishnow, E.; Lockwood, S.; Townes, C. |
Kepler Light Curves and Stellar Rotational Periods |
1033 |
Reinhold, T.; Reiners, A.; Basri, G.; Walkowicz, L. M. |
Chandra Reveals Variability and Sub-arcsecond Spatial Structure
in the X-ray Emission from FU Orionis |
1039 |
Skinner, S. L.; Güdel, M.; Briggs, K.; Lamzin, S. A. |
Transit and Spectral Studies of CoRoT-2 |
1043 |
Wolter, U.; Czesla, S.; Schröter, S.; Huber, K.; Schmitt, J. H. M. M. |
The First M-dwarf Flares with SALT |
1049 |
Worters, H. L.; Bromage, G. E.; Buckley, D. A. H. |
Part X. Magnetic Fields and Magnetic Activity Online Posters |
| |
Deriving Age-Activity Relations in M Dwarf Stars Using Clusters of Known Ages |
1055 |
Andersen, J. M.; West, A. A.; Covey, K. R.; McDonald, M.; Veilleux, S.; Seth, A. |
Zeeman Broadening in Optical Stokes I of Solar-like Stars |
1061 |
Anderson, R. I.; Reiners, A.; Solanki, S. K. |
EK Eri: Magnetic Topology and Rotational Period |
1065 |
Aurière, M.; Konstantinova-Antova, R.; Petit, P.; Roudier, T. |
MHD Simulations Reveal Crucial Differences Between Solar and Very Cool Star Magnetic Structures |
1071 |
Beeck, B.; Schüssler, M.; Reiners, A. |
The Number of Rotations per Stellar Activity Cycle in G and K Main Sequence Stars |
1077 |
Böhm-Vitense, E.; Davenport, J. R. A. |
The Amazing COS FUV (1320 - 1460 Å) Spectrum of λ Vel (K4Ib-II)1 |
1083 |
Carpenter, K. G.; Ayres, T.; Brown, A.; Harper, G. M.; Wahlgren, G. M. |
Oscillations and Magnetic Fields in the G8 Star EK Eridani |
1091 |
Dall, T. H.; Cunha, M.; Strassmeier, K. G.; Stello, D.; Bruntt, H. |
The Diagnostics of the Shape of the Electron Distribution Function during the Solar Flares |
1095 |
Dzifčáková, E.; Kulinová, A.; Kašparová, J. |
The Young Binary DQ Tau: A Hunt For X-ray Emission From Colliding Magnetospheres |
1103 |
Getman, K. V.; Broos, P. S.; Salter, D. M.; Garmire, G. P.; Hogerheijde, M. R. |
Estimating the Fractional Area Coverage of Active Regions in Dwarf Stars |
1111 |
Andretta, V.; Giampapa, M. |
Long-term Stellar Activity Variations of Stars from the HARPS M-dwarf Sample: Comparison Between Activity Indices |
1117 |
Gomes da Silva, J.; Santos, N. C.; Bonfils, X. |
Fine-Tuning the Wilson-Bappu Effect |
1123 |
Gomez, T.; Wallerstein, G. |
Photospheric Activity on a Young Sun Analog |
1131 |
Gondoin, P.; Gandolfi, D.; Fridlund, M.; Guenter, E.; Hatzes, A. |
The Starspot Activities of Active Binary XY UMa from 2004 to 2005 |
1139 |
Gu, S.; Ozdemir, S.; Min Kim, K. |
Constraints on the Surface Magnetic Field Structure of
Aldebaran (α Tauri, K5 III) |
1145 |
Harper, G. M.; Brown, A.; Redfield, S. |
Damping of Surface Alfvén Waves in a 3D Simulation of Stellar Winds |
1151 |
Evans, R. M.; Opher, M.; Jatenco-Pereira, V.; Gombosi, T. I. |
White Light Flare Continuum Observations with ULTRACAM |
1157 |
Kowalski, A. F.; Mathioudakis, M.; Hawley, S. L.; Hilton, E. J.; Dhillon, V. S.; Marsh, T. R.; Copperwheat, C. M. |
Rotation and Activity in the Praesepe Open Cluster |
1165 |
Lemonias, J. J.; Agüeros, M. A.; Covey, K. R.; Law, N. M.; Kraus, A. L.; Palomar Transient Factory Collaboration |
A Search for Star-Planet Interactions in Chromospheric Lines |
1173 |
Lenz, L. F.; Reiners, A.; Kürster, M. |
Flare Frequency in the Young Stellar Cluster Trumpler 16 |
1179 |
López García, M. A.; López-Santiago, J.; Albacete-Colombo, J. F.; De Castro, E. |
Results of the First Observations with the Hamburg Robotic Telescope |
1187 |
Mittag, M.; Hempelmann, A.; González-Pérez, J. N.; Schmitt, J. H. M. M.; Hall, J. C. |
The Effects of Close Companions on the Magnetic Activity of M Dwarfs |
1195 |
Morgan, D. P.; West, A. A.; Silvestri, N. M. |
Long-term Magnetic Field Monitoring of the Sun-like Star &zi; Bootis A |
1203 |
Morgenthaler, A.; Petit, P.; Aurière, M.; Dintrans, B.; Fares, R.; Gastine, T.; Lanoux, J.; Lignières, F.; Morin, J.; Ramirez, J.; Saar, S.; Solanki, S. K.; Théado, S.; Van Grootel V., V. |
Modeling Low-mass Stars in the Presence of Magnetic Fields |
1209 |
Mullan, D. J.; MacDonald, J. |
Starspot Imaging with the CHARA Array |
1217 |
Parks, J. R.; White, R. J,; Schaefer, G. H.; Monnier, J. D.; Henry, G. W. |
Star-Planet Interactions in X-rays |
1225 |
Poppenhaeger, K. |
X-rays at the End of the Main Sequence |
1231 |
Robrade, J.; Schmitt, J. H. M. M. |
Properties of Candidate Magnetic Grand Minimum Stars |
1239 |
Saar, S. H. |
Planets and X-rays: a Radiation Diet |
1247 |
Sanz-Forcada, J.; Ribas, I.; Micela, G.; Pollock, A.; Garcìa-Àlvarez, D.; Solano, E.; Eiroa, C. |
Magnetic Field Detection on Late-type Giants from Zeeman Component Decomposition |
1255 |
Sennhauser, C.; Berdyugina, S. V. |
Magnetic Fields in M-dwarfs: Quantitative Results from Detailed
Spectral Synthesis in FeH Lines |
1263 |
Shulyak, D.; Reiners, A.; Wende, S.; Kochukhov, O.; Piskunov, N.; Seifahrt, A. |
Dynamo Evolution in T Tauri stars |
1271 |
Skelly, M. B.; Donati, J.-F.; MaPP consortium |
Time-resolved Spectroscopy of DROXO X-ray Sources: Flares and Fe Kα emission |
1279 |
Stelzer, B.; Flaccomio, E.; Pillitteri, I.; Argiroffi, C.; Sciortino, S. |
M Dwarf Flares: Exoplanet Detection Implications |
1287 |
Tofflemire, B. M.; Wisniewski, J. P.; Hilton, E. J.; Kowalski, A. F.; Kundurthy, P.; Schmidt, S. J.; Hawley, S. L.; Holtzman, J. A. |
Understanding the Angular Momentum Loss of Low-Mass Stars: The Case of V374 Peg |
1293 |
Vidotto, A. A.; Jardine, M.; Opher, M.; Donati, J. F.; Gombosi, T. I. |
Chromospheric Models in ω Centauri Red Giant Stars |
1301 |
Vieytes, M.; Mauas, P.; Cacciari, C.; Origlia, L.; Pancino, L. |
Investigation of Magnetically Sensitive FeH Lines |
1309 |
Wende, S.; Reiners, A.; Seifahrt, A.; Shulyak, D.; Kochukhov, O. |
Evidence for Magnetic Star-Planet Interactions in HD 189733 |
1317 |
Wolk, S. J.; Pillitteri, I.; Kashyap, V.; Cohen, O.; Lisse, C.; Knutson, H. A. |
Revealing the Spectral Type Dependence of the Coronal FIP Effect |
1325 |
Wood, B.; Linsky, J. L. |
The Decay of Stellar Dynamos and X-ray Activity |
1333 |
Wright, N. J.; Drake, J. J.; Civano, F. |
Part XI. Galactic Context Online Posters |
| |
The Brown Dwarf Kinematics Project III: Preliminary Parallax Results |
1343 |
Faherty, J. K.; Burgasser, A. J.; Walter, F. M.; van der Bliek, N.; Shara, M. M.; Cruz, K. L. |
Peculiar L Dwarfs from the SDSS – 2MASS Crossmatch |
1351 |
Geissler, K.; Metchev, S.; Kirkpatrick, J. D.; Berriman, G. B.; Looper, D. |
Statistical Parallax Analysis of SDSS M Dwarfs |
1359 |
Hawley, S. L.; Bochanski, J. J.; West, A. A. |
PTF/M-dwarfs: First Results From a Large New M-dwarf Planetary Transit Survey |
1367 |
Law, N. M.; Kraus, A. L.; Street, R. R.; Lister, T.; Shporer, A.; Hillenbrand, L. A.; Palomar Transient Factory Collaboration |
Cool Stars in Wide Binaries: 23,000 Common Proper Motion Doubles from the SUPERBLINK Proper Motion Survey |
1375 |
Lépine, S. |
Kinematics of Ultracool Dwarfs:
Membership in Moving Groups and Associations |
1383 |
Montes, D.; Caballero, J. A. |
Nearby Motionless Stars |
1391 |
Riedel, A. R.; Henry, T. J.; White, R. J.; Song, I.; Jensen, E. L. N.; Hambly, N. C. |
Cool Dwarf Scale Heights from the Deep Lens Survey |
1399 |
Thorman, P.; Loomba, D.; Boeshaar, P.; Ryan, R. |
The Sloan Digital Sky Survey Data Release 7 M Dwarf Spectroscopic Catalog |
1407 |
West, A. A.; Morgan, D. P.; Bochanski, J. J.; Andersen, J. M.; Bell, K. J.; Kowalski, A. F.; Davenport, J. R. A.; Hawley, S. L.; Schmidt, S. J.; Bernat, D.; Hilton, E. J.; Muirhead, P.; Covey, K. R.; Rojas-Ayala, B.; Schlawin, E.; Gooding, M.; Schluns, K.; Dhital, S.; Pineda, J. S.; Jones, D. O. |
A Search for Extreme Ultracool Objects in UKIDSS+VISTA |
1411 |
Zhang, Z.; Pinfield, D.; Day-Jones, A.; Burningham, B.; Jones, H.; Lucas, P.; Gomes, J.; Ruiz, M. T.; Gallardo, J.; Jenkins, J. |
Back Matter |
| |
Author Index |
1417 |
Johns-Krull, Christopher |