Title: |
9th Pacific Rim Conference on Stellar Astrophysics
Volume: |
Year: |
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Editors: |
S. Qian, K. Leung, L. Zhu, and S. Kwok
Synopsis: |
These are proceedings of the 9th Pacific Rim Conference on Stellar Astrophysics (PRCSA2011) organized by Yunnan Astronomical Observatory (YNAO). The main purpose of this conference series is to accelerate the development of astronomy in many countries in the Asian region by promoting the interaction between astrophysicists in Eastern Pacific Rim countries and their colleagues around the world.
The conference was focused on the Star Formation, Stellar Evolution, Supper Massive to Very Low Mass Stars and Brown Dwarfs, Variables, Binary and Multiple Star Systems, Galaxies, Star Clusters and Planets, Cataclysmic Variables, Novae outburst and Supernovae, Neutron Stars and Black Holes.
This book is of interest for researchers in stellar astrophysics. It presents an overview of the relevant results and the progress made in the field in the recent years.
Paper Title |
Page |
Authors |
Front Matter |
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Front Matter |
S. Qian, K. Leung, L. Zhu and S. Kwok |
Conference Photos |
1 |
S. Qian, K. Leung, L. Zhu and S. Kwok |
Session I. Binary stars |
| |
Synthesis of Organic Matter by Stars and its Effect on the Origin of Life on Earth |
3 |
Kwok, S. |
The Origin of Very Wide Binary Stars |
9 |
Kouwenhoven, M. B. N.; Goodwin, S. P.; Davies, M. B.; Parker, R. J.; Kroupa, P.; Malmberg, D. |
Light Curve Analysis of Eclipsing Binaries by Iteration |
17 |
Kang, Y.; Ritipuuk, P.; Hong, K. |
The Formation and Evolution of Near Contact Binaries |
25 |
Zhu, L. Y.; Qian, S. B. |
Binary Star Research Using Micro-Telescopes |
33 |
Zejda, M.; Mikulášek, Z.; Liška, J.; Svoboda, P.; de Villiers, S. N. |
Observation and Study of the Short-Period Algol-Type Binaries |
39 |
Yang, Y.; Wei, J. |
New Progress on High Fill-Out, Extreme Mass Ratio Overcontact Binary Systems |
45 |
He, J.; Qian, S.; Soonthornthum, B. |
Application of Binary Evolution in Astrophysical Studies |
51 |
Zhongmu, L. |
Gravitational Wave Foreground Radiation from Neutron Star-White Dwarf Binaries |
57 |
Liu, J.; Zhang, Y.; Zhang, H. |
Preliminary Photometric Solutions of Two EA Type Binaries in ω Centauri |
63 |
Li, K.; Qian, S.; Leung, K. |
Mass Flow in Algol Type Binary |
67 |
Zhang, J.; Qain, S. |
Research on the Orbital Period of Massive Binaries |
71 |
Zhao, E.; Qain, S. |
Two G-type Solar-like Contact Binaries: GSC 0763-0572 and CW Cassippeiae |
75 |
Wang, J.; Qian, S. |
Preliminary Result of Photometric Study of V899 Her |
79 |
Suherli, J.; Malasan, H. L. |
Session II. Variable Stars and Cataclysmic Variables |
| |
The Pulsation of Extremely Metal Poor AGB Stars |
87 |
Wood, P.R. |
Understanding the Evolution and Outbursts of Cataclysmic Variables Based on Photometric Observations |
95 |
Qian, S.; Zhu, L.; Liao, W.; Liu, L.; Li, L.; He, J.; Zhao, E.; Dai, Z.; Zhang, J.; Li, K.; Wang, J. |
Recent Progress of Cepheid Research at National Central University: From Spitzer to Kepler |
103 |
Ngeow, C. |
Making Accurate O-C Diagrams |
111 |
Mikulášek, Z.; Zejda, M.; Qian, S.; Zhu, L. |
Weighing Betelgeuse: Measuring the Mass of α Orionis from Stellar Limb-darkening |
117 |
Neilson, H. R.; Lester, J. B.; Haubois, X. |
The Chromospheric Activity of Late-type Stars of the Different Rotational Periods |
123 |
Zhang, L. |
The Investigation of the Cataclysmic Variable Stars Inside the Period Gap: A Paradox Between Observation and Theory |
127 |
Dai, Z.; Qian, S. |
Predicting the Evolutionary Descendents of Sequence E Stars |
133 |
Nie, J. D.; Wood, P. R.; Nicholls, C. P. |
Period Color Relations at Maximum/Minimum Light For RR Lyraes in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey |
139 |
Bontorno, A.; Berke, M.; Phelps, C.; Kanbur, S.; Ngeow, C. |
Period Search For Variable Stars |
143 |
Chang, D. C.; Negow, C. C.; Chen, W. P. |
Circumstellar Dust of Be Stars Studied by Millimeter and Submillimeter Observations |
147 |
Lee, C.; Chen, W. P. |
Cepheid Period-Luminosity Relation and Kinematics Based on the Revised Hipparcos Catalogue |
151 |
Zhang, H.; Shen, M.; Zhu, Z. |
A Preliminary Photometric Study of the HW Vir-like Binary
NSVS14256825 |
155 |
Zhu, L.; Qian, S.; Liu, L.; Liao, W. P.; He, J. J.; Li, L. J.; Zhao, E. G.; Dai, Z. B.; Zhang, J.; Li, K. |
The Period Corrections of Two W UMa-type Binaries: V520 Cas and V680 Per |
159 |
Wang, J.; Qian, S. |
A Photometric Monitoring of the M-type Eclipsing Binary CU Cnc |
163 |
Jiang, L. Q.; Qian, S. B. |
Session III. Star Formation |
| |
The 100 Myr Star Formation History of NGC 5471 |
169 |
García-Benito, R.; Pérez, E.; Díaz, '. I.; Apellániz, J. M.; Cerviño, M. |
Raman Scattered He II 6545 in the Planetary Nebula NGC 6790 |
179 |
Lee, H. |
Post-AGB Stars in the Magellanic Clouds: Preliminary Results |
187 |
Kamath, D.; Wood, P. R.; van Winckel, H.; van Aarle, E. |
The Superoutburst of SDSS J162520+120308 in July of 2010 |
195 |
Voloshina, I.; Olenick, R.; Meziere, K.; Metlov, V.; Rovny, J. |
Ionization and Triggered Star Formation |
199 |
Gritschneder, M.; Lin, D. N. C.; Murray, S.D.; Burkert, A. |
Spectrophotometry and Model Atmosphere Flux Fitting |
205 |
Bessell, M. S. |
Episodic Accretion, Radiative Feedback, and Their Role in Low-mass Star Formation |
213 |
Stamatellos, D.; Hubber, D.; Hubber, A. |
Star Formation History in NGC 2264 |
219 |
Sung, H. |
Star Formation Activity in Nearby Cluster Galaxies: Metallicity Change |
225 |
Kriwattanawong, W.; Mouhcine, M.; James P. A. |
Session IV. High Energy Astrophysics and Black Holes |
| |
Magnetic Field Decay Makes Neutron Stars Look Older Than They Are |
231 |
Zhang, S.; Xie, Y |
Thermal Evolution of Neutron Stars: Current Status |
239 |
Tsuruta, S. |
Progenitors of Type Ia Supernovae |
247 |
Han, Z.; Wang, B.; Ge, H.; Chen, X. |
Power-law Magnetic Field Decay and Constant Core Temperatures of Magnetars, Normal and
Millisecond Pulsars |
253 |
Xie, Y.; Zhang, S |
Comparing the Evolution Pattern of Black Hole and Neutron Star
X-ray Binaries from Low to Supper-Eddington Luminosities |
259 |
Weng, S.; Zhang, S |
Light-time Effect and Tertiary Companions in Close Binary Stars |
265 |
Liao, W. P.; Qain, S. B. |
Optical and X-ray Observations of the Nova KT Eridani 2009 |
271 |
Hung, L. W.; Chen, W. P.; Walter, F. M. |
SN2007rw- A Type IIL Supernova |
275 |
Arora, S.; Sahu, D. K.; Anupama, G. C. |
Prospect of the Theory of Black Hole Accretion Disks |
279 |
Ju, Q.; Wang, W. |
Session V. Galaxies, Star Clusters and Planets |
| |
Red Dwarf Stars: Ages, Rotation, Magnetic Dynamo Activity and the Habitability of Hosted Planets |
285 |
Engle, S. G.; Guinan, E. F. |
Age - Metal Index Calibration Using Eclipsing Binary Stars in Globular Clusters |
297 |
Kam-Ching, L.; Sheng-Bang, Q; Li, K. |
Radial Velocity and Abundance Properties of Five Open
Clusters Based on SDSS DR7 |
303 |
Chen, L.; Gao, X. H. |
Multiphase Comparison of Period-Luminosity Relations for Magellanic Cloud Cepheids |
311 |
Bellinger, E. P.; Kanbur, S. M.; Ngeow, C. |
The Age of the Local Interstellar Bubble |
315 |
Abt, H. A. |
The ESA-GAIA Mission: Not Only Astrometry. |
317 |
Dennefeld, M. |
Science with the Skymapper Telescope |
323 |
Bessell, M. S. |
Stellar Evolution with Pulsation-Driven Mass Loss:
The Case of LMC Cepheids |
327 |
Neilson, H. R.; Langer, N.; Cantiello, M. |
Contact Binaries in Star Clusters |
333 |
Liu, L.; Qian, S. B.; Lajús, E. F.; Baume, G. L. |
Galactic Structure and Kinematics Defined by Open Clusters |
339 |
Liu, J.; Zhu, Z. |
Photometric Observations of the Young Cluster Variable GM Cephei |
345 |
Hu, S. C.; Chen, W. P.; the Young Exoplanet Transit Initiative |
Preliminary investigation of period changes of five RR Lyrae stars in the Globular Cluster M15 |
351 |
Li, K.; Qian, S. |
Radio Astronomy in Malaysia: Current Status and Outreach Activities |
355 |
Hashim, N.; Abidin, Z. Z.; Ibrahim, U. F. S. U.; Umar, R.; Hassan, M. S. R.; Rosli, Z.; Hamidi, Z. S.; Ibrahim, Z. A. |
Back Matter |
| |
Author Index |
359 |
S. Qian, K. Leung, L. Zhu and S. Kwok |
Back Matter |
361 |
S. Qian, K. Leung, L. Zhu and S. Kwok |