Title: Twenty Years of ADASS
Monograph: 6 Year: 2013 View this Volume on ADS
Editors: Ian N. Evans
ISBN: 978-1-58381-822-0 eISBN: 978-1-58381-823-7

Paper Title Page Authors
Front Matter   
Book Cover
Front Matter 1
Part I. Algorithms and Methods   
Improving the Statistical Methodology of Astronomical Data Analysis 3
The Application of Artificial Intelligence to Astronomical Scheduling Problems 11
Modelling Astrophysical Turbulent Convection 23
Numerical Simulations of Plasmas and Their Spectra 33
The Pixon Method of Image Reconstruction 43
Infrared Jitter Imaging Data Reduction: Algorithms and Implementation 53
Computational Technology for Bayesian Inference 57
HEALPix—a Framework for High Resolution, Fast Analysis on the Sphere 67
Multi-Tree Methods for Statisics on Very Large Datasets in Astronomy 73
Astrostatistics: Goodness-of-Fit and All That! 77
Automated Astrometry 87
AD Conversion Revisited in the Frequency Domain 95
Mixing Bayesian Techniques for Effective Real-time Classification of Astronomical Transients 105
Cross-identification of Astronomical Objects: Playing with Dice 109
Fitting Galaxies on GPUs 115
Part II. Archives and Databases   
The NASA/IPAC Extragalactic Database 121
Archiving Data from Ground-Based Observatories 123
Recommendations for a Service Framework to Access Astronomical Archives 133
Distributed Astronomical Data Archives 139
The New Astrophysics Data System 147
Indexing and Searching Distributed Astronomical Data Archives 151
Archives of Data from Ground-Based Observatories 155
The VLT Science Archive System 161
The HST Science Data Archive as a Discovery Tool: First Experiment 165
The Multimission Archive at the Space Telescope Science Institute 169
The SIRTF Science Center Is Alive And Well And Living In Pasadena 173
The SuperCOSMOS Science Archive 177
The Design of the W. M. Keck Observatory Archive 181
SAADA: Astronomical Databases Made Easier 187
The Many Faces of SIMBAD 197
Organizing the LSST Database for Real-Time Astronomical Processing 205
The HST Cache—A Technical Overview 209
Part III. Data Formats   
Definition of a Distribution Format for X-Ray Data 215
Representations of Celestial Coordinates in FITS 221
Optimal Compression of Floating-Point FITS Images 225
LOFAR and HDF5: Toward a New Radio Data Standard 229
Part IV. Data Mining and Virtual Observatory   
Astrobrowse: A Multi-site, Multi-wavelength Service for Locating Astronomical Resources on the Web 235
ESO/CDS Data-mining Tool Development Project 239
Distributed Data Systems and Services for Astronomy and the Space Sciences 243
Using XML for Accessing Resources in Astronomy 253
The National Virtual Observatory 257
Data Mining and the Virtual Observatory: A Data Centre Viewpoint 267
Science with Virtual Observatory Tools 273
Theoretical Support to Observational data in VO Context 283
Astronomy in the Framework of the Virtual Observatory 287
Long-Term Preservation of Astronomical Research Results 297
Cloudspace: Virtual Environments in the VO 301
Astronomy 2020: A Pragmatic Approach 305
The Virtual Observatory: Retrospective and Prospectus 315
Data Mining in the SIMBAD Database Web Log Files 323
Semantic Interlinking of Resources in the Virtual Observatory Era 327
Part V. Data Reduction Systems and Environments   
IRAF in the Nineties 339
The AstroVR Collaboratory, An On-line Multi-User Environment for Research in Astrophysics 351
A Home-Grown But Widely-Distributed Data Analysis System 361
Scisoft—A Collection of Astronomical Software for ESO Users 369
The AIPS++ Project 373
Gaia Data processing Architecture 377
Part VI. Education, Outreach, and Publishing   
Electronic Publishing & Advanced Information Retrieval 389
Electronic Publishing at the American Astronomical Society 401
Teaching Astronomy via the Internet 409
Linking and Tagging Initiatives at the Astrophysical Journal 413
Tools and Services for Education and Outreach: Accessing Real Astronomical Data 419
Part VII. Image Processing and Visualization   
Deconvolution for Real and Synthetic Apertures 429
Restoration of Images and Spectra from the Hubble Space Telescope 437
Difmap: An Interactive Program for Synthesis Imaging 447
The Design and Implementation of Synthesis Calibration and Imaging in AIPS++ 455
Realtime, Object-oriented Reduction of Parkes Multibeam Data using AIPS++ 463
3D Visualization and Detection of Outflows From Young Stars 473
Visualization-Directed Interactive Model-Fitting to Spectral Data Cubes 477
Computer Vision for the Solar Dynamics Observatory: First Results and What's Next 481
Part VIII. Miscellaneous   
Seeing the Forest for the Trees: Networked Workstations as a parallel Processing Computer 493
Radio to X-Ray Observation of Quasars 497
Photometric Calibration of the Digitized Sky Survey 507
World Coordinate Systems as Objects 511
Reflections on a Decade of ADASS 515
There (70°S @ 10,177 m) and Back Again, An Umbraphile's Tale 525
Seamless Distributed Observing with eSTAR 535
The State of ADASS 539
Part IX. Pipelines   
OPUS-97: A Generalized Operational Pipeline System 547
ORAC-DR: Pipelining With Other People's Code 551
The SDSS Imaging Pipelines 555
The TERAPIX Pipeline 565
An Automatic Image Reduction Pipeline for the Advanced Camera for Surveys 575
XAssist: A System for the Automation of X-ray Astrophysics Analysis 579
NICRED: A NICMOS Image Processing Pipeline 583
Automating Reduction of Miltifiber Spectra from the MMT Hectospec and Hectochelle 587
MegaPipe: the MegaCam Image Stacking Pipeline 591
The LOFAR Pulsar Data Pipeline 595
The Herschel Data Processing System — HIPE and Pipelines — Up and Running Since the Start of the Mission 599
Part X. Software Tools and Packages   
ASURV: Astronomy Survival Analysis Package 605
Aladin: Towards an Interactive Atlas of the Digitized Sky 609
XSPEC: The First Ten Years 613
CFITSIO, v2.0: A New Full-Featured Data interface 617
WCSTools: An Image Astrometry Toolkit 621
An Array Module for Python 625
ChaRT: The Chandra Ray Tracer 629
Data Reduction Software for the VLT Integral Field Spectrometer SPIFFI 633
ImgCutout, an Engine of Instantaneous Astronomical Discovery 637
TOPCAT & STIL: Starlink Table/VOTable Processing Software 641
CUPID: A Clump Identification and Analysis Package 647
The Montage Image Mosaic Service: Custom Image Mosaics On-Demand 651
Part XI. Scientific Software Development   
C++, Objected-Oriented Programming, and Astronomical Data Models 657
Subject-Oriented Programming 669
Creating an Object-Oriented Software System—The AIPS++ Exoerience 679
Other People's Software 689
Scientific Computing with Python 693
The Aladin Java Applet Experience 703
The ALADIN Survey Integrator 707
Astronomical Software—A Review 711
Software Engineering Practices for the ESO VLT Programme 717
The XMM-Newton SAS — Distributed Development and Maintenance of a Large Science Analysis System: A Critical Analysis 727
The Development of SAOImage DS9: Lessons Learned from a Small but Successful Software Project 733
Quality Management in Astronomical Software and Data Systems 737
Talking Amongst Ourselves — Communication in the Astronomical Software Community 747
The True Bottleneck of Modern Scientific Computing in Astronomy 753
Part XII. Surveys   
The Sloan Digital Sky Survey and its Archive 759
Palomar-QUEST: A case study in designing sky surveys in the VO era 769
Time Domain Explorations with Digital Sky Surveys 773
LSST and the Dark Sector: Image Processing Challenges 779
Back Matter   
Author Index 787
Back Matter 791