Title: |
Cosmic Frontiers
Volume: |
Year: |
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Editors: |
Metcalfe, Nigel; Shanks, Tom
Synopsis: |
These proceedings of an international conference held during July-August 2006 in Durham, UK, provide a comprehensive, up-to-date overview of recent observational breakthroughs from the present generation of astronomical surveys and what they imply for theories of galaxy formation and cosmology. Starting in the early Universe with the observations of the microwave background, the evidence for the standard cosmological model provided by the WMAP satellite is reviewed. It is the exquisite balance between the impressive fit to the microwave background temperature fluctuations provided by the standard model and its requirements for finely-tuned ‘dark energy’ and a still undetected Cold Dark Matter particle that makes this such an exciting moment in cosmology. Other pieces of evidence for the standard model are also reviews these include the form of large-scale galaxy clustering from the extensive 2dF and SDSS surveys and also the Type Ia supernova Hubble diagram, all of which involved heroic astronomical efforts in surveying the sky. The conference then looks at the deeper surveys, now aimed at understanding the processes of galaxy formation and evolution. Here there appears to be considerably less support for the standard model. In particular, massive early-type galaxies appear to be old and also to have been in place at high redshifts. This evolutionary behavior does not arise naturally from the standard model and the proceedings review ways of reconciling such observations with theory. Thus the 15 invited reviews, 29 contributed talks, and 39 poster papers combine to provide a state-of-the-art snapshot of the observational questions set by survey astronomy for theories of cosmology and galaxy formation. The book is suitable for researchers and graduate students interested in both theoretical and observational aspects of survey astronomy, galaxy formation and cosmology.
Paper Title |
Page |
Authors |
Cover |
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Volume 379 Cover |
Metcalfe, N.; Shanks, T. |
Front Matter |
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Volume 379 Front Matter |
1 |
Metcalfe, N.; Shanks, T. |
Conference Photo |
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Volume 379 Conference Photograph |
2 |
Metcalfe, N.; Shanks, T. |
Part 1. Cosmic Microwave Background |
| |
Primordial Initial Conditions from WMAP Temperature and Polarization CMB Observations |
3 |
Bean, R. |
Cosmological Parameters 2006 |
8 |
Sanchez, A.G.; Baugh, C.M. |
The Halo Mass Function into the Dark Ages |
12 |
Reed, D.S.; Bower, R.; Frenk, C.S.; Jenkins, A.; Theuns, T. |
Cosmic Microwave Background Challenges to the Standard Model |
16 |
Hansen, F.K.; Eriksen, H.K.; Banday, A.J.; Gorski, K.M.; Lilje, P.B. |
Our CMB motion: The Role of the Local Void |
24 |
Tully, R.B. |
Part 2. Cosmic Dawn |
| |
The Highest Redshift Quasars: Early Black Hole Growth and the End of Reionization Epoch |
35 |
Fan, X. |
High Redshift QSOs in the UKIDSS Large Area Survey |
43 |
Venemans, B.P. |
Exploring the Cosmic Dawn with Subaru Telescope |
47 |
Ouchi, M.; Tokoku, C.; Shimasaku, K.; Ichikawa, T. |
Part 3. Large Scale Structure |
| |
The Galaxy Power Spectrum: 2dFGRS-SDSS Tension? |
57 |
Cole, S.; Sanchez, A.G.; Wilkins, S. |
The 2dF-SDSS LRG and QSO (2SLAQ) Survey: LRG Clustering and Redshift-Space Distortions |
68 |
Ross, N.P.; Shanks, T.; Cruz da Angela, J.; the 2SLAQ Collaboration |
The WiggleZ Project: AAOmega and Dark Energy |
72 |
Glazebrook, K.; Blake, C.; Couch, W.; Forbes, D.; Drinkwater, M.; Jurek, R.; Pimbblet, K.; Madore, B.; Martin, C.; Small, T.; Forster, K.; Colless, M.; Sharp, R.; Croom, S.; Woods, D.; Pracy, M.; Gilbank, D.; Yee, H.; Gladders, M. |
Part 4. Dark Energy |
| |
Dark Energy |
83 |
Peebles, P.J.E. |
Dark Lessons from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey |
89 |
Nichol, R. |
ACS Studies of Clusters and Superclusters of Galaxies |
99 |
Blakeslee, J.P. |
The Red-Sequence Cluster Surveys |
103 |
Yee, H.K.C.; Gladders, M.D.; Gilbank, D.G.; Majumdar, S.; Hoekstra, H.; Ellingson, E.; the RCS-2 Collaboration |
Part 5. Galaxy Formation and Evolution |
| |
The Coordinated Growth of Stars, Haloes and Large-Scale Structure since z=1 |
109 |
Balaogh, M. L. |
Age-Dating the Red Sequence in Low-Redshift Clusters |
117 |
Lucey, J.R.; Smith, R.J.; Hudson, M.J.; Nelan, J.E.; Wegner, G.A. |
Identification and Morphologies of Galaxies with Old Stellar Populations at z ∼ 2.5 |
122 |
Stockton, A.; McGrath, E. |
Luminosity and Stellar Mass Functions from the 6dF Galaxy Survey |
126 |
Colless, M.; Jones, D.H.; Peterson, B.A.; Campbell, L.; Saunders, W.; Lah, P. |
Witnessing the Assembly of Present-Day Galaxies |
130 |
Meisenheimer, K.; Bell E.F.; the COMBO-17/GEMS team |
The VIMOS VLT Deep Survey: Clustering and the Role of Environment in Galaxy Evolution |
138 |
Le Fevre, O.; Cucciati, O.; Guzzo, L.; Ilbert, O.; Iovino, A.; Marinoni, C.; Meneux, B.; Paltani, S.; Pollo, A.; Bottini, D.; Garilli, B.; Le Brun, V.; Maccagni, D.; Picat, J.P.; Scaramella, R.; Scodeggio, M.; Tresse, L.; Vettolani, G.; Zanichelli, A.; Adami, C.; Arnaboldi, M.; Arnouts, S.; Bardelli, S.; Bolzonella, M.; Cappi, A.; Charlot, S.; Ciliegi, P.; Contini, T.; Foucaud, S.; Franzetti, P.; Gavignaud, I.; McCracken, H.J.; Marano, B.; Mazure, A.; Merighi, R.; Pello, R.; Pozzetti, L.; Radovich, M.; Zamorani, G.; Zucca, E.; Bondi, M.; Bongiorno, A.; Busarello, G.; de la Torre, S.; Gregorini, L.; Lamareille, F.; Mathez, G.; Mellier, Y.; Merluzzi, P.; Ripepi, V.; Rizzo, D. |
Suppressed Star Formation in Massive z ∼ 2.3 Galaxies |
146 |
Kriek, M.; van Dokkum, P.; Franx, M. |
The Spitzer View of Galaxy Evolution |
151 |
Rowan-Robinson, M. |
Statistical Studies on the Visible and Hidden Star Formation in the Universe |
159 |
Takeuchi, T.T.; Buat, V.; Burgarella, D.; Iglesias-Paramo, J. |
First Results from the UKIDSS Ultra-Deep Survey |
163 |
Almaini, O.; Foucaud, S.; Lane, K.; Conselice, C.J.; McLure, R.J.; Cirasuolo, M.; Dunlop, J.S.; Smail, I.; Simpson, C. |
Part 6. AGN Evolution |
| |
Exploring the Evolutionary Status of z≈2 SCUBA Galaxies Hosting Active Galactic Nuclei |
169 |
Alexander, D.M. |
The Connection between Black Hole Mass and Dark Matter Halo Mass from 2QZ |
177 |
Croom, S.; Fine, S.; Miller, L.; Babic, A. |
A Rich Bounty of AGN in the 9 deg2 Bootes Survey: High-z Obscured AGN and Large-Scale Structure |
181 |
Hickox, R.C.; Jones, C.; Forman, W.R.; Murray, S.S.; Kenter, A.; Brodwin M.; the Xbootes Team; the NOAO Deep Wide-Field Survey Team; the Spitzer IRAC Shallow Survey Team; the AGES Team |
No color-morphology Bimodality of AGN Host Galaxies |
185 |
Boehm, A.; Wisotzki, L.; the GEMS team |
2SLAQ QSO Clustering and the L-z Degeneracy |
189 |
Cruz da Angela, J.; Shanks, T.; Croom, S.M.; the 2SLAQ collaboration |
Observational Links between AGN Evolution and Galaxy Growth |
194 |
Miller, L. |
Proto-Clusters with Evolved Populations around Radio Galaxies at 2 < z < 3 |
202 |
Kodama, T.; Tanaka, M.; Tanaka, I.; Kajisawa, M. |
The Environmental Dependencies of Star-Formation and the Origin of the Bimodality in Galaxy Properties |
206 |
Haines, C.P.; Gargiulo, A.; Mercurio, A.; Merluzzi, P.; La Barbera, F.; Busarello, G.; Capaccioli, M. |
Part 7. Feedback and Environment |
| |
Radio-Loud AGN Feedback in Elliptical Galaxies |
213 |
Best, P.N. |
The Star Formation Law in High-Redshift Damped Lyα Systems |
217 |
Wolfe, A.M. |
Cosmic Ray Feedback in Hydrodynamical Simulations of Galaxy and Galaxy Cluster Formation |
221 |
Pfrommer, C.; Springel, V.; Jubelgas, M.; Ensslin, T.A. |
Resolved Spectroscopy of a Gravitationally Lensed L* Lyman Break Galaxy at z ∼ 5: Evidence for a Starburst-Driven, Galactic-Scale Bi-Polar Outflow |
226 |
Swinbank, M. |
Constraining Feedback in Galaxy Formation: Using Galaxy and AGN Surveys to Shed Light on “Gastrophysics” |
231 |
Monaco, P. |
The Transverse Proximity Effect in Spectral Hardness |
235 |
Worseck, G.; Wisotzki, L. |
Mass and the Morphology-Density Relation |
239 |
Holden, B.; Kelson, D. |
Reflections of Cluster Assembly in the Stellar Populations and Dynamics of Member Galaxies |
243 |
Moran, S.M.; Ellis, R.S.; Treu, T.; Smith, G.P. |
Part 8. Galaxy Evolution and Environment |
| |
Galaxy Evolution and Environment |
249 |
van Dokkum, P.; Quadri, R. |
How ‘Heredity’ and ‘Environment’ Shape Galaxy Properties |
257 |
De Lucia, G. |
STAGES: Environmental Drivers of Galaxy Evolution |
265 |
Gray, M.; the STAGES collaboration |
Part 9. Posters |
| |
Searching for Obscured AGN at High-z: Infrared Power Law Galaxies |
271 |
Alonso-Herrero, A. |
Coevolution of Dark Matter Halos and Black Holes |
273 |
Babic, A.; Miller, L.; Percival, W.; Croom, S. |
Environments of Galaxies: Stellar Mass and Color Dependence |
276 |
Baldry, I.K. |
The Evolution of Disk Galaxies since z = 1 |
278 |
Boehm, A.; Ziegler, B.L. |
Galaxies in the First Billion Years: Implications for Reionization and the Star Formation History at z > 6 |
280 |
Bunker, A.J.; Eyles, L.P.; Chiu, K.; Stanway, E.R.; Ellis, R.S.; Stark, D.P.; McMahon, R.G.; Lacy, M. |
Evidence for Dark Energy: Cross-Correlating SDSS5 with WMAP3 |
283 |
Cabre, A.; Gaztanaga, E.; Manera, M.; Fosalba, P.; Castander, F. |
Simulating the Dark Energy Survey |
285 |
Castander, F.J.; the Dark Energy Survey Collaboration |
Statistical Properties of Voids |
287 |
Ceccarelli, L.; Valotto, C.; Lambas, D.G.; Padilla, N. |
Mid-IR Spectroscopy of High-z SMGs: First Results |
290 |
Menendez-Delmestre, K.; Blain, A.W.; Alexander, D.M.; Smail, I.; Armus, L.; Chapman, S.C.; Frayer, D.; Ivison, R.J.; Teplitz, H. |
A Large Spectroscopic Survey of z>5 Galaxies |
292 |
Douglas, L.; Bremer, M.; Lehnert, M. |
Color Bimodality in Galaxy Clusters since z ~ 0.9 |
294 |
Ellingson, E.; Loh, Y.S.; Yee, H.K.C.; Gilbank, D.G.; Gladders, M.D.; Barrientos, F. |
What if the Dark Energy is from the End of Inflation? |
296 |
Fong, R. |
Strong Lensing Clusters in the Red-Sequence Cluster Survey 2 |
298 |
Gilbank, D.G.; Gladders, M.D.; Yee, H.K.C.; the RCS-2 Collaboration |
Detecting the Transverse Proximity Effect: Radiative Feedback from QSOs |
300 |
Goncalves, T.S.; Steidel, C.C. |
Can We Find Early-Type Galaxies with a Bluer Core Today? |
302 |
Gonzalez-Perez, V.; Castander, F.J.; Kauffmann, G. |
Infrared Imaging of SDSS Quasars: Implications for Quasar Evolution |
304 |
Kennefick, J.; Bursick, S. |
Obscured Star Formation in Distant Red Galaxies – 850μm Detection |
306 |
Knudsen, K.K.; van der Werf, P.; Franx, M.; Foerster Schreiber, N.M.; van Dokkum, P.G.; Illingworth, G.D.; Labbe, I.; Moorwood, A.; Rix, H.-W.; Rudnick, G. |
The Stellar Population of Lyα Emitting Galaxies at z ~ 5.7 |
309 |
Lai, K.; Huang, J.-S.; Fazio, G.; Cowie, L.L.; Hu, E.M.; Kakazu, Y. |
Evolution of the X-ray Luminosity Function of MACS Clusters |
312 |
Ma, C.-J.; Ebeling, H. |
A Guide for Primordial Star Hunters |
314 |
Martel, H.; Brook, C.; Kawata, D.; Gibson, B.; Scannapieco, E. |
Lyα Blobs at z = 3.1 |
316 |
Matsuda, Y. |
Clustering Evolution of Star-Forming Galaxies from the VVDS/GALEX Survey |
318 |
Meneux, B.; Heinis, S.; Le Fevre, O.; Milliard, B.; Guzzo, L.; Arnouts, S.; Pollo, A.; the VVDS/GALEX team |
VIMOS-VLT Deep Survey: Galaxy Structures in the Wide Sample |
320 |
Meneux, B.; Garilli, B.; Maccagni, D.; Guzzo, L.; Pollo, A.; Le Fevre, O.; the VVDS team |
Impact of QSO Lensing on WMAP Results |
322 |
Mountrichas, G.; Shanks, T. |
Ultra Compact Dwarfs: Further Results |
325 |
Phillipps, S. |
A Hole in the Sky – The Dependence of the Galaxy Luminosity Function on the Environment |
327 |
Phleps, S.; Wolf, C.; Peacock, J.A.; Meisenheimer, K.; van Kampen, E. |
Anisotropic Outflows and Enrichment of the Intergalactic Medium |
330 |
Pieri, M.M.; Martel, H.; Grenon, C. |
The VIMOS-VLT Deep Survey: Dependence of Galaxy Clustering on Luminosity |
332 |
Pollo, A.; Guzzo, L.; Le Fevre, O.; Meneux, B.; the VVDS team |
Measuring the High Redshift Space Density of FRI Radio Galaxies |
334 |
Rigby, E.; Best, P.; Snellen, I. |
Halo Dependent Properties of Groups |
336 |
Robotham, A. |
New Constraints on Dark Matter Substructure from Weak Gravitational Flexion |
338 |
Rowe, B.; Bacon, D.; Heymans, C.; Taylor, A.; Massey, R.; Barden, M.; Caldwell, J.A.R. |
Scientists “too busy” for Pupils: What Lesson is there for Physicists? |
341 |
Sathe, D.V. |
Observing the Evolution of Disk Galaxies |
344 |
Tamm, A.; Tenjes, P. |
VESPA: Recovering the Star Formation Histories of Galaxies |
346 |
Tojeiro, R. |
A Keck Spectroscopic Study of MS 1054–03 (z = 0.83): Forming the Red Sequence |
348 |
Tran, K.-V.H. |
Detection of the Effect of Cosmological Large-Scale Structure on the Orientation of Galaxies |
350 |
Trujillo, I.; Carretero, C.; Patiri, S.G. |
Completion of the GOYA Photometric Survey |
352 |
Vallbe i Mumbru, M.; Balcells, M.; Gallego, J. |
LAEs at High Redshift through Gravitational Lensing |
354 |
Verdugo, T.; de Diego, J.A. |
What do We Learn from IRAC Observations of Galaxies at 2 < z < 3.5? |
356 |
Wuyts, S. |
Back Matter |
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Volume 379 Back Matter |
359 |
Metcalfe, N.; Shanks, T. |