Title: |
19th European Workshop on White Dwarfs
Volume: |
Year: |
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Editors: |
Dufour, P.; Bergeron, P.; Fontaine, G.
Synopsis: |
Montreal, Canada
11-15 August, 2014
The 19th European Workshop on White Dwarfs held at the Université de Montréal, Canada, August 11-15, 2014. This meeting was part of a series of biennial conferences founded some 40 years ago by the late Professor Volker Weidemann at the University of Kiel, Germany, and which now draws participants from around the globe. Indeed, the European Workshops on White Dwarfs have become the most significant scientific gatherings of researchers interested in this type of stars. These proceedings constitute a snapshot of current research on white dwarf stars suitable for scientists and graduate students studying these important stars.
The 19th European Workshop on White Dwarfs in Montréal was attended by 130 participants from 21 different countries. A large fraction of the attendees were graduate students and postdocs, reflecting the youthfulness and vitality of the white dwarf community. The main scientific topics discussed were: 1) Atmospheres, Abundance Analyses, and Chemical Composition; 2) Structure, Evolution, and Ages; 3) Pulsating White Dwarfs and Asteroseismology; 4) Disks, Dust, and Planets around White Dwarfs; 5) Fundamental Properties of White Dwarfs; 6) Properties of White Dwarf Populations and Clusters; 7) Physical Processes in White Dwarfs; 8) Surveys: Results and Prospects; 9) White Dwarfs in Binaries; 10) Central Stars of Planetary Nebulae; and 11) Supernova Progenitors and Supernovae.
Paper Title |
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Authors |
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Book Cover |
Dufour, P.; Bergeron, P.; Fontaine, G. |
Front Matter |
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Front Matter |
1 |
Dufour, P.; Bergeron, P.; Fontaine, G. |
Conference Photos |
2 |
Dufour, P.; Bergeron, P.; Fontaine, G. |
Part I. Atmospheres, Abundance Analyses, Chemical Composition |
| |
Detection of Arsenic in the Atmospheres of Dying Stars |
3 |
Chayer, P.; Dupuis, J.; Kruk, J. W. |
HD188112: Supernova Ia Progenitor? |
9 |
Latour, M.; Irrgang, A.; Heber, U.; Schaffenroth, V. |
A Possible Solution to the Lyman/Balmer Line Problem in Hot DA White Dwarfs |
15 |
Preval, S. P.; Barstow, M. A.; Badnell, N. R.; Holberg, J. B.; Hubeny, I. |
Hot, Hydrogen-deficient White Dwarfs in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey Data Release 10 |
21 |
Reindl, N.; Rauch, T.; Werner, K.; Kepler, S. O.; Gänsicke, B.; Gentile Fusillo, N. P. |
Trans-iron Elements in the Hot DO-type White Dwarf RE0503–289 and the Prospective Search for Technetium |
27 |
Werner, K.; Rauch, T.; López-Urrutia, J. R. C.; Kruk, J. W.; Kučas, S.; Quinet, P. |
On the Origin of Hydrogen in DB White Dwarfs |
33 |
Bergeron, P.; Rolland, B.; Limoges, M.-M.; Giammichele, N.; Séguin-Charbonneau, L.; Green, E. M. |
Magnetic Atmosphere Models for White Dwarfs with Heavy
Elements |
37 |
Dufour, P.; Jordan, S.; Blouin, S.; Tardif, F.; Groulx, J.; Kilic, M.; Gianninas, A.; Barber, S. D.; Gilligan, C. |
Photometric and Spectroscopic Analysis of Warm DQ White Dwarfs |
41 |
Fortier, A.; Dufour, P. |
Comparative Analysis of Atmospheric Parameters Obtained from the Photometric and Spectroscopic Techniques |
45 |
Genest-Beaulieu, C.; Bergeron, P.; Darveau-Bernier, A. |
TheoSSA - Model WD Spectra on Demand: The Impact of Ne, Na, Mg, and Iron-group Elements on the Balmer Lines |
49 |
Reindl, N.; Rauch, T. |
Model Atmosphere Analysis of the Magnetic Field in Cool, Hydrogen-line (DA) White Dwarfs |
53 |
Rolland, B.; Bergeron, P. |
Part II. Structure and Evolution, Ages |
| |
Amplitude Variability as Evidence of Crystallization in GD 518 and Other Massive Pulsating White Dwarfs |
59 |
Hermes, J. J.; Kepler, S. O.; Montgomery, M. H.; Gianninas, A.; Castanheira, B. G.; Winget, D. E. |
Rotation of White Dwarf Stars |
65 |
Kawaler, S. D. |
Rotation and Strong Magnetism of White Dwarfs |
71 |
Kissin, Y.; Thompson, C. |
Atmospheric Parameters and Carbon Abundance for Hot DB White Dwarfs |
77 |
Koester, D.; Provencal, J.; Gänsicke, B. T. |
Post-Asymptotic Giant Branch Evolution of Low- and Intermediate-Mass Stars. Preliminary Results |
83 |
Miller Bertolami, M. M. |
Calibration of the Mixing-Length Free Parameter for White Dwarf Structures |
89 |
Tremblay, P.-E.; Ludwig, H.-G.; Freytag, B.; Fontaine, G.; Steffen, M.; Brassard, P. |
The Very Fast Evolution of the VLTP Object V4334 Sgr |
95 |
van Hoof, P. A. M.; Kimeswenger, S.; Van de Steene, G. C.; Zijlstra, A. A.; Hajduk, M.; Herwig, F. |
Fingering Convection and its Consequences for Accreting White Dwarfs |
101 |
Vauclair, S.; Vauclair, G.; Deal, M.; Wachlin, F. C. |
Deriving the Ages of Field White Dwarfs |
107 |
von Hippel, T.; van Dyk, D.; Si, S.; Montgomery, M. H.; O'Malley, E.; Robinson, E.; Stenning, D.; Stein, N.; Kraczek, E. J.; Jefferys, W. H.; Webster, A. |
Metal Accretion onto White Dwarfs. I. The Approximate Approach Based on Estimates of Diffusion Timescales |
113 |
Fontaine, G.; Brassard, P.; Dufour, P.; Tremblay, P.-E. |
Metal Accretion onto White Dwarfs. II. A Better Approach Based on Time-Dependent Calculations in Static Models |
117 |
Fontaine, G.; Chayer, P.; Dupuis, J.; Dufour, P.; Brassard, P. |
Metal Accretion onto White Dwarfs. III. A Still Better Approach Based on the Coupling of Diffusion with Evolution |
121 |
Brassard, P.; Fontaine, G. |
Improvements in the Montréal Evolutionary Code and Application to White Dwarfs |
125 |
Brassard, P.; Fontaine, G. |
On Thermohaline Mixing in Accreting White Dwarfs |
129 |
Koester, D. |
Testing Fundamental Particle Physics with the Galactic White Dwarf Luminosity Function |
133 |
Miller Bertolami, M. M.; Melendez, B. E.; Althaus, L. G.; Isern, J. |
Determination of the Core Composition of White Dwarfs in M67 |
137 |
Simon, A.; Fontaine, G.; Brassard, P. |
The Born-again Planetary Nebulae Abell 30 and Abell 78 |
141 |
Todt, H.; Guerrero, M. A.; Fang, X.; Toalá, J. A.; Arthur, J. S.; Blair, W. P.; Chu, Y.-H.; Gruendl, R. A.; Hamann, W.-R.; Márquez-Lugo, R. A.; Oskinova, L.; Ruiz, N.; Steffen, M.; Schönberner, D. |
Deriving Precise Ages of Field White Dwarfs using Bayesian Techniques |
145 |
Webster, A.; von Hippel, T.; Si, S.; van Dyk, D.; Montgomery, M.; Robinson, E.; Stenning, D.; Stein, N.; Kraczek, E. J.; Jefferys, W. H.; O'Malley, E. |
Part III. Pulsating White Dwarfs, Asteroseismology |
| |
Method and Tools for an Objective Approach of White Dwarf Asteroseismology |
151 |
Charpinet, S.; Giammichele, N.; Brassard, P.; Van Grootel, V.; Fontaine, G. |
Quasi-Periodic Variations of the Pulsation Frequencies of Three White Dwarfs |
157 |
Dalessio, J.; Provencal, J. L.; Shipman, H. L. |
Parametric Modeling in Action: High Accuracy Seismology of Kepler DAV Stars |
163 |
Giammichele, N.; Fontaine, G.; Charpinet, S.; Brassard, P.; Greiss, S. |
White Dwarfs in the Kepler Field - What's New? |
169 |
Greiss, S.; Gänsicke, B. T.; Hermes, J. J.; Giammichele, N.; Fontaine, G.; Koester, D.; Bell, K.; Breedt, E.; Steeghs, D. |
Patterns Emerging from the Asteroseismic Studies of DBVs |
175 |
Bischoff-Kim, A. |
An Amplitude Limitation Mechanism for Pulsating White Dwarfs |
181 |
Montgomery, M. H.; Romero, A. D.; Córsico, A. H. |
Nonlinear Analysis of Pulsating White Dwarf Lightcurves |
187 |
Provencal, J. L.; Montgomery, M. H.; Shipman, H.; WET Team |
Pulsations of Pre-White Dwarfs with Hydrogen-dominated Atmospheres |
193 |
Maeda, K.; Shibahashi, H. |
The Frequency Stability of the Pulsating White Dwarf L19-2 |
199 |
Sullivan, D. J.; Chote, P. |
An Update on the Quirks of Pulsating, Accreting White Dwarfs |
205 |
Szkody, P.; Mukadam, A. S.; Gänsicke, B. T.; Hermes, J. J.; Toloza, O. |
The Instability Strip of ZZ Ceti White Dwarfs |
211 |
Van Grootel, V.; Fontaine, G.; Brassard, P.; Dupret, M.-A. |
SDSS J1618+3854: The Sixth Extremely Low-Mass White Dwarf Pulsator |
217 |
Bell, K. J.; Kepler, S. O.; Montgomery, M. H.; Hermes, J. J.; Harrold, S. T.; Winget, D. E. |
Theoretical Modeling of Pulsating Low-mass White Dwarfs |
221 |
Córsico, A. H.; Althaus, L. G. |
The Impact of the Uncertainties in the 12C(α,γ)16O Reaction Rate on the Asteroseismology of ZZ Ceti Stars: First Results |
225 |
De Gerónimo, F. C.; Córsico, A. H.; Althaus, L. G.; Romero, A. D. |
Asteroseismic Constraints on the Neutrino Magnetic Dipole Moment |
229 |
Córsico, A. H.; Althaus, L. G.; Miller Bertolami, M. M.; Kepler, S. O.; García-Berro, E. |
Determination of the Core Composition of ZZ Ceti Stars through Seismic Means |
233 |
Giammichele, N.; Fontaine, G.; Charpinet, S.; Brassard, P. |
High-speed Photometric Observations of ZZ Ceti White Dwarf Candidates |
237 |
Green, E. M.; Limoges, M.-M.; Gianninas, A.; Bergeron, P.; Fontaine, G.; Dufour, P.; O'Malley, C. J.; Guvenen, B.; Biddle, L. I.; Pearson, K.; Deyoe, T. W.; Bullivant, C. W.; Hermes, J. J.; Van Grootel, V.; Grosjean, M. |
Time Series Spectroscopic and Photometric Observations of the Massive DAV BPM 37093 |
241 |
Nitta, A.; Kepler, S. O.; Chené, A.-N.; Koester, D.; Provencal, J. L.; Kleinman, S. J.; Sullivan, D. J.; Chote, P.; Sefako, R.; Kanaan, A.; Romero, A.; Corti, M.; Kilic, M.; Montgomery, M. H.; Winget, D. E. |
Amplitude Modulation in the ZZ Ceti Star GD 244 |
245 |
Bognár, Zs.; Paparó, M.; Molnár, L.; Plachy, E.; Sódor, Á. |
The Puoko-nui Photometers |
249 |
Sullivan, D. J.; Chote, P.; Harrold, S. T.; Winget, D. E. |
GW Lib: a Unique Laboratory for White Dwarf Pulsations |
253 |
Toloza, O.; Gänsicke, B. T.; Hermes, J. J.; Townsley, D. M.; Szkody, P.; Beuermann, K.; Bildsten, L.; de Martino, D.; Godon, P.; Henden, A. A.; Hubeny, I.; Knigge, C.; Long, K. S.; Marsh, T. R.; Patterson, J.; Schreiber, M. R.; Sion, E. M.; Zorotovic, M. |
A First Look at the Nonadiabatic Properties of Pulsating Accreting White Dwarfs of the GW Lib Type |
257 |
Van Grootel, V.; Fontaine, G.; Brassard, P.; Dupret, M.-A. |
Evidence of Resonant Mode Coupling in the Pulsating DB White Dwarf Star KIC 08626021 |
261 |
Zong, W.; Charpinet, S.; Vauclair, G. |
Part IV. Disks, Dust, and Planets Around White Dwarfs |
| |
Evolved Planetary Systems around Very Cool and Old White Dwarfs |
267 |
Hollands, M. A.; Gänsicke, B. T.; Koester, D. |
Is the Oxygen-Rich White Dwarf SDSS J1242+5226 Accreting Water-Abundant Debris? |
273 |
Raddi, R.; Gänsicke, B. T.; Koester, D.; Farihi, J.; Hermes, J. J.; Scaringi, S.; Breedt, E.; Girven, J. |
Variable Emission from a Gaseous Disc around a Metal-Polluted White Dwarf |
279 |
Wilson, D. J.; Gänsicke, B. T.; Koester, D.; Raddi, R.; Breedt, E.; Southworth, J.; Parsons, S. G. |
Limits from the Ongoing Search for Planets Around White Dwarf Stars Using Pulsation Timings |
285 |
Winget, D. E.; Hermes, J. J.; Mullally, F.; Bell, K. J.; Montgomery, M. H.; Williams, S. G.; Harrold, S. T.; Kepler, S. O.; Castanheira, B.; Chandler, D. W.; Winget, K. I.; Mukadam, A. S.; Nather, R. E. |
Recognition of the First Observational Evidence of an Extrasolar Planetary System |
291 |
Zuckerman, B. |
The Search for Transits Around White Dwarfs |
295 |
Braker, I. P.; Burleigh, M. R.; Lawrie, K. A.; Faedi, F.; Goad, M. R.; West, R. G. |
Part V. Fundamental Properties of White Dwarfs |
| |
Constraining the Initial-Final Mass Relation with Wide Double White Dwarfs |
301 |
Andrews, J. J.; Agüeros, M. A.; Gianninas, A.; Kilic, M.; Dhital, S.; Anderson, S. |
Refining our Knowledge of the White Dwarf Mass-Radius Relation with HST Observations of Sirius-type Binaries |
307 |
Barstow, M. A.; Bond, H. E.; Burleigh, M. R.; Casewell, S. L.; Farihi, J.; Holberg, J. B.; Hubeny, I. |
A Detailed Study of CSS 41177: an Eclipsing Double White Dwarf |
313 |
Bours, M. C. P.; Marsh, T. R.; Parsons, S. G.; Copperwheat, C. M.; Dhillon, V. S.; Littlefair, S. P.; Gänsicke, B. T.; Gianninas, A.; Tremblay, P.-E. |
Cluster White Dwarfs and the Initial Mass-Final Mass Relation |
319 |
Casewell, S. L.; Dobbie, P. D. |
Calibrating the Initial-Final Mass Relationship with White Dwarf Binaries |
325 |
Catalán, S. |
Constraints to Post-AGB Evolution Speed and to IFMR Derived from Planetary Nebulae |
331 |
Gesicki, K.; Zijlstra, A. A. |
New Insights on the White Dwarf Luminosity and Mass Functions
from the LSS-GAC Survey |
337 |
Rebassa-Mansergas, A.; Liu, X.-W.; Cojocaru, R.; Yuan, H.-B.; García–Berro, E.; Torres, S.; Xiang, M.-X.; Huang, Y. |
Removing the "Plateau" from Hot White Dwarf Luminosity Functions |
343 |
Krzesinski, J.; Torres, S.; García–Berro, E. |
Cool White Dwarfs Selection with Pan-STARRS Proper Motions |
347 |
Lam, M. C.; Hambly, N. C. |
The Initial-Final Mass Relation and its Dependence with Metallicity |
351 |
Romero, A. D.; Campos, F.; Kepler, S. O. |
Derivation of the Stellar Formation History from White Dwarfs in the Solar Neighborhood |
355 |
Tremblay, P.-E.; Kalirai, J. S.; Soderblom, D. R.; Cignoni, M.; Cummings, J. |
Part VI. Properties of White Dwarf Populations, Clusters |
| |
A Population Synthesis Study of the MS+WD Population in the SDSS |
361 |
García–Berro, E.; Torres, S.; Camacho, J.; Rebassa–Mansergas, A.; Gänsicke, B. T.; Schreiber, M. R.; Zorotovic, M. |
Commentary and Casual Observations on the SDSS DR7 Spectroscopic Sample |
367 |
Holberg, J. B. |
Deep Observations of the Open Cluster NGC 6253 |
373 |
Jeffery, E. J. |
A Population Synthesis Study of the White Dwarf Cooling Sequence of 47 Tucanae |
379 |
Torres, S.; García–Berro, E.; Althaus, L. G.; Miller Bertolami, M. M. |
The Blue Turn in the White Dwarf Stars of Globular Clusters |
385 |
Campos, F.; Bergeron, P.; Romero, A. D.; Kepler, S. O.; Bonatto, C. J.; Winget, D. E.; Montgomery, M. H. |
A Study of the Effects of Metallicity on the Population of Galactic Disk White Dwarfs |
389 |
Cojocaru, R.; Torres, S.; Isern, J.; García–Berro, E. |
White Dwarfs in the Galactic Plane: an Outlook to the Field and Clustered Population |
393 |
Raddi, R.; Catalán, S.; Steeghs, D.; Gänsicke, B. T.; Hermes, J. J.; Drew, J. E.; Mohr-Smith, M.; EGAPS consortium |
Part VII. Physical Processes in White Dwarfs |
| |
Which Hydrogen Balmer Lines are Most Reliable for Determining White Dwarf Atmospheric Parameters? |
399 |
Falcon, R. E.; Rochau, G. A.; Bailey, J. E.; Gomez, T. A.; Montgomery, M. H.; Winget, D. E.; Nagayama, T. |
High Transparency of Photosphere Plasma for Electromagnetic Waves Polarized Across Strong Magnetic Field on White Dwarfs |
405 |
Koryagin, S. A. |
Completely Bound Motion of Electrons with Positive Energy near Protons in a Cool White Dwarf Photosphere Plasma with Strong Magnetic Field |
411 |
Koryagin, S. A.; Arsenyev, S. A. |
Do the Constants of Nature Couple to Strong Gravitational Fields? |
415 |
Preval, S. P.; Barstow, M. A.; Holberg, J. B.; Barrow, J. D.; Berengut, J. C.; Webb, J. K.; Dougan, D.; Hu, J. |
Diffusion Coefficients in White Dwarfs |
419 |
Saumon, D.; Starrett, C. E.; Daligault, J. |
Part VIII. Surveys: Results and Prospects |
| |
White Dwarf Pulsations in LSST |
425 |
Bell, K. J.; Claver, C. F.; Krughoff, K. S.; Montgomery, M. H.; Mukadam, A. S.; Winget, D. E. |
White Dwarfs in HETDEX: Preparation for the Survey |
431 |
Castanheira, B. G.; Winget, D. E. |
White Dwarfs in SDSS DR9 and DR10 |
437 |
Gentile Fusillo, N. P.; Gänsicke, B.; Koester, D. |
White Dwarf Research with Gaia |
443 |
Jordan, S. |
New White Dwarfs in the SDSS DR10 |
449 |
Kepler, S. O.; Pelisoli, I.; Koester, D.; Ourique, G.; Kleinman, S. J.; Romero, A. D.; Nitta, A.; Eisenstein, D. J.; Costa, J. E. S.; Külebi, B.; Jordan, S.; Dufour, P.; Giommi, P.; Rebassa-Mansergas, A. |
Detectability of Substellar Companions Around White Dwarfs with Gaia |
455 |
Silvotti, R.; Sozzetti, A.; Lattanzi, M.; Morbidelli, R. |
Using White Dwarfs to Calibrate the Dark Energy Survey |
459 |
Smith, J. A.; Tucker, D. L.; Fix, M. B.; Wester, W. C.; Tremblay, P.-E.; Charbonnier, S. |
Future Observations of White Dwarfs from Space |
463 |
Barstow, M. A.; Casewell, S. L. |
Part IX. White Dwarfs in Binaries |
| |
Testing Common Envelopes on Double White Dwarf Binaries |
469 |
Nandez, J. L. A.; Ivanova, N.; Lombardi Jr., J. C. |
The Population of White Dwarf Binaries with Hot Subdwarf Companions |
475 |
Geier, S.; Kupfer, T.; Heber, U.; Barlow, B. N.; Maxted, P. F. L.; Heuser, C.; Schaffenroth, V.; Ziegerer, E.; Østensen, R. H. O.; Gänsicke, B. T. |
The Search for the Shortest Period Binary White Dwarfs: The Latest Results from the ELM Survey |
481 |
Gianninas, A.; Kilic, M.; Brown, W. R.; Canton, P.; Hermes, J. J.; Bell, K. J.; Harrold, S. T. |
The Formation of Low-mass Helium White Dwarfs in Close Binaries |
487 |
Istrate, A. G. |
Enigmas from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey DR7 White Dwarf Catalog |
493 |
Liebert, J.; Smith, P. S.; Ferrario, L.; Wickramasinghe, D. T. |
Angular Momentum Evolution of V455 Andromedae |
495 |
Mukadam, A. S.; Pyrzas, S.; Townsley, D. M.; Gänsicke, B. T.; Hermes, J. J.; Szkody, P. |
Dynamical Masses of Cool White Dwarfs in Double Degenerate Binary Systems |
501 |
Nelan, E. P.; Bond, H. E.; Schaefer, G. |
Evolution of Nova TrA 2008 into a High Mass-Accretion Rate Post-Nova |
507 |
Walter, F. M. |
Analysis of Eclipses in V1032 Ophiuchi |
513 |
Bkakowska, K.; Olech, A. |
Study of Dwarf Novae Outbursts |
517 |
Otulakowska-Hypka, M.; Olech, A. |
An Intensive HST/COS Study of 31 CV WDs |
521 |
Pala, A. F.; Gänsicke, B. T.; Beuermann, K.; Bildsten, L.; De Martino, D.; Godon, P.; Henden, A. A.; Hubeny, I.; Knigge, C.; Long, K. S.; Marsh, T. R.; Patterson, J.; Schreiber, M. R.; Sion, E. M.; Szkody, P.; Townsley, D.; Zorotovic, M. |
Part X. Central Stars of Planetary Nebulae |
| |
When a Couple's Squabbling Leads to Cosmic Bubbles |
527 |
Boffin, H. M. J. |
Evolution of the Central Stars of Young Planetary Nebulae |
533 |
Hajduk, M.; van Hoof, P. A. M.; Zijlstra, A. A. |
Hydrogen-deficient Central Stars of Planetary Nebulae |
539 |
Todt, H.; Kniazev, A. Y.; Gvaramadze, V. V.; Hamann, W.-R.; Peña, M.; Gräfener, G.; Buckley, D.; Crause, L.; Crawford, S. M.; Gulbis, A. A. S.; Hettlage, C.; Hooper, E.; Husser, T.-O.; Kotze, P.; Loaring, N.; Nordsieck, K. H.; O'Donoghue, D.; Pickering, T.; Potter, S.; Romero-Colmenero, E.; Vaisanen, P.; Williams, T.; Wolf, M. |
Part XI. Supernova Progenitors, Supernovae |
| |
Hot DQ White Dwarf Stars as Failed Type Ia Supernovae |
547 |
Dunlap, B. H.; Clemens, J. C. |
Long Term Modelling of Recurrent Novae Resulting in SNIa |
553 |
Hillman, Y.; Prialnik, D.; Kovetz, A.; Shara, M. M. |
A Spherical Chandrasekhar-Mass Delayed-Detonation Model for a Normal Type Ia Supernova |
559 |
Blondin, S.; Dessart, L.; Hillier, D. J. |
The Physics and End-Products of Merging CO WD Binaries |
563 |
Zhu, C. |
Back Matter |
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Author Index |
569 |
Dufour, P.; Bergeron, P.; Fontaine, G. |
Back Matter |
573 |