Title: |
6th International Conference of Numerical Modeling of Space Plasma Flows (ASTRONUM 2011)
Volume: |
Year: |
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Editors: |
Nikolai V. Pogorelov and J. Antonio Font
Synopsis: |
6th Annual International Conference in Valencia, Spain
13–17 March 2011. This Volume contains the Proceedings of ASTRONUM-2011 – the sixth
in a series of international conferences now organized by the Center for Space Plasma and Aeronomic Research at the University of Alabama in
Huntsville, the Laboratory for Research into the Fundamental Laws of the
Universe at the French Alternative Energies and Atomic Energy Commission,
and the University of Valencia, Spain.
The subjects of the conference include such topics as turbulence and
cosmic ray transport, astrophysical and space plasma flows, kinetic and
hybrid simulations, numerical methods,algorithms,frameworks,
and data handling and visualization. All of these topics are of great
importance for scientists investigating solar structure, the heliosphere,
the Sun-Earth connection, and various astrophysical phenomena.
The problems discussed at the conference are characterized by different time and space scales, regions, or particle populations, for which
different sets of defining equations or concepts are necessary to understand the
physical system in its entirety. This book is of interest for specialists in
applied mathematics, astrophysics, space physics, and computer science
working on the application of novel numerical algorithms to contemporary problems arising in these fields. It can also be used by graduate students to get acquainted with the fundamental approaches to solving fluid dynamics and kinetic equations governing space plasma flows.
Paper Title |
Page |
Authors |
Front Matter |
| |
Front Matter |
Pogorelov, N. V.; Font, J. A. |
Part I. Turbulence and Cosmic Ray Transport |
| |
Residual Energy in Weak and Strong MHD Turbulence |
3 |
Boldyrev, S.; Perez, J. C.; Wang, Y. |
Gauging the Turbulent Mach Numbers in Optically Thick Clouds |
9 |
Burkhart, B.; Lazarian, A.; Ossenkopf, V.; Stutzki, J. |
Multifluid Magnetohydrodynamic Turbulence in Weakly Ionised
Astrophysical Plasmas |
15 |
Downes, T. P. |
Astrophysical Reconnection and Particle Acceleration |
21 |
Lazarian, A.; Kowal, G.; Douveia dal Pino, B. |
Three-dimensional Hall Magnetohydrodynamics Turbulence |
28 |
Meyrand, R.; Galtier, S. |
The Lagrangian Frequency Spectrum of Magnetohydrodynamic Turbulence |
34 |
Müller, W.; Busse, A.; Gogoberidze, G. |
Cosmic Ray Transport in MHD Turbulence: Large and Small Scale Interactions |
40 |
Yan, H.; Lazarian, A. |
Part II. Astrophysical Flows |
| |
Powering Short GRBs by Mergers of Moderately Magnetized Neutron Stars |
49 |
Aloy, M. A.; Rezzolla, L.; Giacomazzo, B.; Obergaulinger, M. |
Gaseous Flows in Inner Regions of Circum-binary Disks
of T Tauri Stars |
55 |
Bisikalo, D. V.; Sytov, A. Y.; Fateeva, A. M.; Kaygorodov, P. V. |
Radiatively Efficient Magnetized Bondi Accretion |
61 |
Cunningham, A. J.; McKee, C. F.; Klein, R. I.; Krumholz, M. R.; Teyssier, R. |
Numerical Relativity Simulations of the Papaloizou–Pringle Instability in Black Hole–Torus Systems |
67 |
Font, J. A.; Kiuchi, K.; Shibata, M.; Montero, P. |
Dusty Circumstellar Environments: MPI-AMRVAC Simulations |
73 |
Keppens, R.; van Marle, A. J.; Meliani, Z. |
Gas Dynamics in Central Regions of Barred Galaxies: Hydrodynamic Models |
79 |
Kim, W.-T.; Seo, W.-Y. |
Gravitational Waves and Neutrino Emissions from the Merger of Binary Neutron Stars |
85 |
Kiuchi, K.; Sekiguchi, Y.; Kyutoku, K.; Shibata, M. |
Radiation Hydrodynamics AMR Simulations of High Mass Star Formation: The Effects of
Feedback in Cores to Clusters |
91 |
Klein, R. I. |
Semi-Lagrangian Implicit Integrations in SPH modeling:
A Model for the Accretion Disc in a Microquasar |
99 |
Lanzafame, G. |
Radiation-MHD Simulations of Pillars and Globules in HII Regions |
106 |
Mackey, J. |
MHD Simulations of a Supernova-driven ISM and the Warm Ionized
Medium Using a Positivity Preserving Ideal MHD Scheme |
112 |
Low, M.-M. M.; Hill, A. S.; Joung, M. R.; Waagan, K.; Klingenberg, C.; Wood, K.; Benjamin, R. A.; Federrath, C.; Haffner, L. M. |
Numerical Simulation of Flares in GRB Afterglow Phase |
118 |
Meliani, Z.; Vlasis, A.; Keppens, R. |
Resistive Generation of Intergalactic Magnetic Field
at Cosmic Dawn |
125 |
Miniati, F.; Bell, A. R. |
Magnetorotational Processes in Core-collapse Supernovae |
131 |
Moiseenko, S. G.; Bisnovatyi-Kogan, G. S.; Ardeljan, N. V. |
General Relativistic Explosion Models of Core-Collapse Supernovae |
137 |
Müller, B.; Marek, A.; Janka, H.-T.; Dimmelmeier, H. |
Simulation of Relativistic Jets and Associated Self-consistent Radiation |
143 |
Nishikawa, K.-I.; Choi, E.-J.; Min, K.; Hardee, P.; Mizuno, Y.; Zhang, B.; Niemiec, J.; Medvedev, M.; Nordlund, A.; Frederiksen, J.; Sol, H.; Pohl, M.; Hartmann, D. H.; Fishman, J. F. |
MHD Simulations of Non-rotating Stellar Core Collapse
with Neutrinos |
149 |
Obergaulinger, M.; Janka, T. |
Numerical Simulations of Relativistic Jets in Active Galactic Nuclei:
The Role of Shocks in the Reheating of the Intracluster Medium |
155 |
Perucho, M.; Quilis, V.; Martí, J.-M. |
Global Simulations of MRI-driven Accretion onto Magnetized Stars |
161 |
Romanova, M.; Ustyugova, G.; Koldoba, A.; Lovelace, R. V. E. |
Magneto-elastic Oscillations and Magnetar QPOs |
167 |
Stergioulas, N.; Gabler, M.; Cerdá-Durán, P.; Font, J. A.; Müller, E. |
MHD Simulation of Bondi–Hoyle Accretion onto Magnetized Neutron Star |
173 |
Toropina, O. D.; Romanova, M. M.; Lovelacem R. V. E. |
A Numerical Model for Multigroup Radiation Hydrodynamics |
180 |
Vaytet, N.; Audit, E.; Dubroca, B.; González, M. |
Part III. Space Plasma Flows |
| |
On Some Algorithm for Modeling the Solar Coronal Magnetic Field as MHD Equilibrium on Unstructured Mesh |
189 |
Amari, T.; Delyon, F.; Alauzet, F.; Frey, P.; Olivier, G.; Aly, J. J.; SDO/HMI Team |
The Expanding Box Model in ECHO: Application to the Parametric Decay of Alfvén Waves in the Fast Solar Wind |
196 |
Del Zanna, L.; Landi, S.; Matteini, L.; Velli, M. |
Numerical Study of the Global Corona for CR 2055 Driven by Daily Updated Synoptic Magnetic Field |
202 |
Feng, X.; Yang, L. P.; Xiang, C. Q.; Liu, Y.; Zhao, X.; Wu, S. T. |
Numerical Modeling of Solar Wind Flow Using Interplanetary Scintillation Data as Boundary Conditions |
209 |
Kim, T. K.; Pogorelov, N. V.; Borovikov, S. N.; Hayashi, K. |
Modeling the Multi-component Solar Wind:
A few Numerical Aspects and Potential Applications to Stellar Winds |
216 |
Li, B.; Li, X. |
The Reduced Magnetohydrodynamics Coronal Tectonics Code: Implementation on GPU
Accelerated Machines |
222 |
Lin, L.; Ng, C.-S.; Bhattacharjee, A. |
Direct Modeling of Neutral Helium in the Heliosphere |
228 |
Müller, H.-R. |
The Ionosphere Coupled to the Plasmasphere and Polar Wind Models |
234 |
Pierrard, V.; Borremans, K. |
Algorithm to Find Quasi Two-dimensional Reconnection
Topology in Three-dimensional Simulations |
240 |
Raeder, J.; Germaschewski, K. |
3D MHD Numerical Study of Two CMEs' Evolution and Their Interaction |
247 |
Shen, F.; Feng, X.; Wu, S. T. |
Modeling of Solar Active Region Using a Three-Dimensional, Time-Dependent, Data-Driven Magnetohydrodynamic Model |
254 |
Wu, S. T.; Wang, A. H.; Falconer, D.; Hu, Q.; Liu, Y.; Feng, X.; Shen, F. |
Part IV. Kinetic, Particle, and Hybrid Simulations |
| |
Numerical Challenges in Kinetic Simulations of Three-wave Interactions |
265 |
Ganse, U.; Kilian, P.; Siegel, S.; Spanier, F. |
PIC Simulation of Electric Sail with
Explicit Trapped
Electron Modeling |
271 |
Janhunen, P. |
Multi-Moment Advection Scheme for Vlasov Simulations |
277 |
Minoshima, T.; Matsumoto, Y.; Amano, T. |
Three-dimensional Hybrid Simulation on GPU System
Using RETRY and LIST Moment Calculation Algorithms |
283 |
Sugiyama, T. |
Part V. Numerical Methods, Algorithms, and Frameworks |
| |
Efficient Parallelization for AMR MHD Multiphysics Calculations: Implementation in AstroBEAR |
291 |
Carroll-Nellenback, J.; Shroyer, B.; Frank, A.; Ding, C. |
Comparison Between AMR and SPH |
298 |
Falle, S.; Hubber, D.; Goodwin, S.; Boley, A. |
Heliospheric Modeling on Geodesic Grids |
304 |
Florinski, V.; Guo, X.; Balsara, D. S.; Meyer, C. |
Dynamical Stability of Galactic Shocks: Numerical Instability
and Physical Stability |
310 |
Hanawa, T.; Kikuchi, D. |
A Review of Plasma Rotation and Transport in Fusion Plasmas |
316 |
Hidalgo, C. |
A New Godunov Algorithm for Radiation MHD in Athena |
322 |
Jiang, Y.-F.; Stone, J. M.; Davis, S. W. |
Simulations of Low-temperature Plasmas with Adaptive
Cartesian Mesh |
328 |
Kolobov, V. I.; Arslanbekov, R. R. |
An Implicit Solver on A Parallel Block-Structured Adaptive Mesh Grid for FLASH |
334 |
Lee, D.; Gopal, S.; Mohapatra, P. |
Magnetohydrodynamics with Anisotropic Ion Pressure |
340 |
Meng, X.; Tóth, G.; Gombosi, T. I. |
Adaptive Mesh Computations with the PLUTO Code for Astrophysical
Fluid Dynamics |
346 |
Mignone, A.; Zanni, C. |
Code Comparison for MHD Fast-Mode Wave Propagation |
353 |
Li, S. |
Numerical Dissipation and Wrong Propagation Speed of Discontinuities For Stiff Source Terms |
359 |
Yee, H. C.; Kotov, D. V.; Sjögreen, B. |
Part VI. Data Handling and Visualization |
| |
Recent Advances in Analysis of Large Datasets |
371 |
Karimabadi, H.; Yilmaz, A.; Sipes, T. |
Author Index |
379 |
Pogorelov, N. V.; Font, J. A. |
Back Matter |
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Back Matter |
382 |
Pogorelov, N. V.; Font, J. A. |