Title: |
New Horizons in Galactic Center Astronomy and Beyond
Volume: |
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Editors: |
Masato Tsuboi and Tomoharu Oka
Synopsis: |
21—24 October, 2019
The term “Galactic Center” refers to the central few hundred parsecs of our Milky Way Galaxy. This special area of our Galaxy contains various energetic phenomena surrounding our central supermassive black hole that also occur in the nuclear regions of many other distant galaxies. Galactic Center astronomy is crucial to understanding more distant galaxies, and is now being revolutionized by the amazing data obtained with new observatories and instruments. The “Galactic Center Workshop 2019 - New Horizons in Galactic Center Astronomy and Beyond” conference was held at Keio University, Yokohama, during 21-24 October, 2019. These proceedings summarize the state-of-the-art knowledge of the Galactic Center as presented at that meeting.
Paper Title |
Page |
Authors |
Front Matter |
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Volume Cover |
Front Matter |
1 |
Session I. Reviews |
| |
Diffuse X-Ray Sky in the Galactic Center |
3 |
Koyama, K. |
Star Formation and Gas Dynamics of the Central Molecular Zone |
19 |
Krumholz, M. R. |
Chemistry in Galactic Centers |
33 |
Harada, N. |
Session II. Properties and Dynamics in the Central Molecular Zone |
| |
The Motion and Distribution of Warm Diffuse Gas in the Central Molecular Zone as Revealed by Spectra of H3+ |
45 |
Geballe, T. R. |
The Geometry of the Gas Surrounding the Central Molecular Zone: On the Origin of Localised Molecular Clouds With Extreme Velocity Dispersions |
51 |
Sormani, M. C. |
Gas Flows Toward the Central Molecular Zone |
57 |
Ott, J.; Meier, D. S.; Gramze, S.; Candelaria, T.; team SWAG |
A Radio Polarimetric Study of the Galactic Center Radio Arc: Characterizing Rotation Measure and Magnetic Field Distributions |
61 |
Paré, D. M.; Lang, C. C.; Morris, M. R.; Moore, H.; Mao, S. A. |
Gas Flows in Galactic Centre Environments: Cloud Evolution and Star Formation in the Central Molecular Zone |
67 |
Petkova, M. A.; Diederik Kruijssen, J. M. |
How Maser Observations Unravel the Gas Motions in the Galactic Center |
71 |
Immer, K.; Reid, M. J.; Brunthaler, A.; Menten, K. M.; Zhang, Q.; Lu, X.; Mills, E. A. C.; Ginsburg, A.; Henshaw, J.; Longmore, S.; Kruijssen, D.; Pillai, T. |
Detection of Another Molecular Bubble in the Galactic Center |
75 |
Tsujimoto, S.; Oka, T.; Takekawa, S.; Yamada, M.; Tokuyama, S.; Iwata, Y.; Roll, J. A. |
Hard X-ray Non-thermal Emission of the Arches Cluster Complex Observed in 2015–2016 With NuSTAR and XMM–Newton |
79 |
Kuznetsova, E.; Krivonos, R. |
Search for Broad-velocity-width Molecular Features in the Galactic Plane |
81 |
Yokozuka, H.; Oka, T.; Takekawa, S.; Iwata, Y.; Tsujimoto, S.; Watanabe, Y. |
Automated Identification of High Velocity Compact Clouds in the Central Molecular Zone |
85 |
Uruno, A.; Oka, T.; Takekawa, S.; Iwata, Y.; Tsujimoto, S.; Kanno, S.; Nakagawara, R.; Yokozuka, H.; Watanabe, Y. |
Spectral Line Survey Toward the Energetic HVCC CO 0.02–0.02 |
89 |
Nakagawara, R.; Oka, T.; Iwata, Y.; Tsujimoto, S.; Roll, J. A.; Kanno, S.; Uruno, A.; Yokozuka, H.; Watanabe, Y.; Takekawa, S. |
High Spatial Resolution Imaging of the NGC 253 Nuclear Starburst |
91 |
Nakanishi, K. |
The Role of the Magnetic Activity in the Galactic Center Region With Thermal Effect |
93 |
Kakiuchi, K.; Suzuki, T. K.; Inoue, T. |
Peculiar Group of High-velocity Compact Clouds Near the Sagittarius B Cloud Complex |
95 |
Watanabe, Y.; Oka, T.; Takekawa, S.; Tsujimoto, S.; Iwata, Y.; Kanno, S.; Yokozuka, H.; Uruno, A.; Nakagawara, R. |
Monitoring S2 Flux in Search of Potential Bow-shocks to Determine the Ambient Medium Density Profile |
99 |
Hosseini, S. E.; Zajaček, M.; Eckart, A.; Sabha, N. B. |
Discovery of a High-Velocity Compact Cloud With Very High CO J=3–2/J=1–0 Ratio |
103 |
Kanno, S.; Oka, T.; 1; Tsujimoto, 2. S.; Iwata, Y.; Takekawa, S. |
Parallax and Proper Motions Measurement of 22 GHz Water Maser Sources Toward the CMZ With VLBI Astrometric Observations |
107 |
Sakai, D.; Oyama, T.; Nagayama, T.; Honma, M.; Kobayashi, H. |
A New Look at the High-velocity Compact Cloud CO 0.02–0.02 |
109 |
Iwata, Y.; Oka, T.; 1; Takekawa, 2. S.; Nakagawara, R.; Tsujimoto, S.; Roll, J. A. |
Large Scale Mapping of the Central Molecular Zone: C+ and CO Emission |
111 |
Riquelme, D.; Güsten, R.; Harris, A.; Requena-Torres, M. |
Heating Molecular Gas in the CMZ |
113 |
Candelaria, T. M.; Meier, D. S.; Ott, J.; Mills, E. A. C. |
The Proper Motion of Sgr A* With Upgrade-VERA |
115 |
Oyama, T.; Nagayama, T.; Sakai, D.; Yamauchi, A. |
From Simulations to Observations: Line Emission Maps of the Star-forming Clouds in the Central Molecular Zone |
117 |
Petkova, M. A.; Diederik Kruijssen, J. M. |
A High Spectral Resolution View of the Central Parsec |
121 |
Moultaka, J.; Eckart, A.; Tikare, K.; Bajat, A. |
A Population of Compact Radio Sources at the Galactic Center |
125 |
Zhao, J.-H.; Morris, M. R.; Goss, W. M. |
A 50-pc Molecular Ring That Encircles the Brightest Region of Diffuse X-ray Emission — Physical Association or Just a Coincidence? |
127 |
Hasegawa, T.; Oka, T.; Takekawa, S. |
Variable Water Maser Emission from the CMZ of the Circinus Galaxy and NGC 4945 |
131 |
Hagiwara, Y.; Horiuchi, S.; Edwards, P. G. |
Magnetohydrodynamic Simulations of the Formation of Eruptive Magnetic Flux Ropes and Molecular Loops in the Galactic Center |
135 |
Tomiyoshi, T.; Matsumoto, R. |
Session III. Evolution of the Galactic Nucleus |
| |
Observations of the X-ray Source Population in the Galactic Center |
139 |
Krivonos, R.; Hailey, C.; Mori, K.; Bauer, F.; Berkowitz, M.; Hong, J.; Hord, B.; Mandel, S.; Schutt, Y. |
Intermediate-mass Black Hole Candidates in the Galactic Center |
149 |
Takekawa, S.; Oka, T.; Iwata, Y.; Tsujimoto, S.; Nomura, M. |
Ionized Gas Ring Rotating Around the Galactic Center IMBH, IRS13E3 |
155 |
Tsuboi, M.; Kitamura, Y.; Tsutsumi, T.; Miyawaki, R.; Miyoshi, M.; Miyazaki, A. |
Intermediate Mass Black Holes Orbiting Around SgrA* |
159 |
Arca Sedda, M. |
Galactic Center Archeology Through the Exploration of the Nuclear Bulge by Small-JASMINE |
163 |
Gouda, N.; JASMINE team |
Extreme Young Star Clusters With MAORY+MICADO at the ELT: The Arches Cluster |
167 |
Sabha, N. B.; Mapelli, M.; Fiorentino, G.; Spera, M.; Bellazzini, M.; Schreiber, L. |
A Search for Compact Radio Sources Toward the Center of the Galaxy |
171 |
Sukehiro, S.; Fujisawa, K.; Yonekura, Y. |
A Lower Limit to the Mass of an IMBH Candidate in the Galactic Center |
175 |
Ballone, A.; Mapelli, M.; Pasquato, M. |
Origin of the X-ray Excess in the Galactic Centre |
179 |
Panamarev, T.; Just, A.; Spurzem, R.; Arca Sedda, M.; Berczik, P.; Wang, L. |
Statistical Search for a Cusp in the GC Nuclear Star Cluster |
181 |
Sakai, S.; Martinez, G.; Chappell, S.; Ghez, A.; Do, T. |
Discovery of Molecular Loops in NGC 253 |
183 |
Konishi, R.; Muraoka, K.; Onishi, T.; Tokuda, K.; Enokiya, R.; Fukui, Y. |
Session IV. Accretion and Feedback in the Galactic Center |
| |
Interpreting Low-Luminosity Accretion From the Extended Quiescent Emission of Sgr A* |
189 |
Corrales, L. |
Dynamics of Streamers Towards the Circumnuclear Disk: On-going Mass Accretion |
197 |
Hsieh, P.-Y. |
A Detection of Sgr A* in the Far Infrared |
203 |
von Fellenberg, S. D.; Gillessen, S.; Graciá-Carpio, J.; Fritz, T. K.; Dexter, J.; Bauböck, M.; Ponti, G.; Gao, F.; Habibi, M.; Plewa, P. M.; Pfuhl, O.; Jimenez-Rosales, A.; Waisberg, I.; Widmann, F.; Ott, T.; Eisenhauer, F.; Genzel, R. |
Cosmic-ray Particles in the Galactic Center: Blowing in the Wind |
207 |
Yusef-Zadeh, F.; Wardle, M.; Heywood, I.; Cotton, W.; Royster, M. |
Flaring in the Heart of the Milky Way: X-ray and Infrared Variability of Sgr A* from Chandra and Spitzer |
211 |
Boyce, H.; Haggard, D.; Witzel, G.; Willner, S. P.; Neilsen, J.; Hora, J. L.; Markoff, S.; Ponti, G.; Baganoff, F.; Becklin, E.; Fazio, G.; Lowrance, P.; Morris, M.; Smith, H. A. |
A Population of G-objects in the Central Arcsecond |
215 |
Ciurlo, A.; Campbell, R. D.; Morris, M. R.; Do, T.; Ghez, A. M.; Hees, A.; Sitarski, B. N.; O'Neil, K. K.; Chu, D. S.; Martinez, G. D.; Naoz, S.; Stephan, A. P. |
Formation of the Circumnuclear Disc and the Nearby Molecular Clouds |
219 |
Ballone, A.; Mapelli, M.; Trani, A. A. |
The Role of Interacting Stellar Winds Feeding Sagittarius A* |
221 |
Calderón, D.; Cuadra, J.; Schartmann, M.; Burkert, A.; Russell C. M. P. |
Time Variations of the Sgr A* Flux at 230 GHz With ALMA |
223 |
Iwata, Y.; Oka, T.; Miyoshi, M.; Tsuboi, M.; Takekawa, S. |
Reconstructing the Past Light Curve of Sgr A* With X-ray Echoes |
227 |
Chuard, D.; Terrier, R.; Goldwurm, A.; Clavel, M.; Soldi, S.; Morris, M. R.; Ponti, G. |
90 Winds, Some X-rays, and Sgr A* Walk Into VR... |
229 |
Russell, C. M. P.; Luco, B.; Sepulveda, M.; Cuadra, J.; Calderón, D.; Wang, Q. D. |
Molecular Gas Forming Around a Wolf-Rayet Star at the Galactic Center? |
231 |
Ciurlo, A.; Morris, M. R.; Do, T.; Ghez, A. M. |
Consistency of the Infrared Variability of SGR A* over 22yr |
233 |
Chen, Z.; Gallego-Cano, E.; Do, T.; Witzel, G.; Ghez, A. M.; Schödel, R.; Sitarski, B. N.; Becklin, E. E.; Lu, J.; Morris, M. R.; Dehghanfar, A.; Gautam, A. K.; Hees, A.; Hosek Jr., M. W.; Jia, S.; Mangian, A. C.; Matthews, K. |
Keck LGSAO Observations of X7, an Extended Evolving Object Near Sgr A* |
235 |
Campbell, R.; Ciurlo, A.; Morris, M. R.; Do, T.; Ghez, A. |
Session V. Testing General Relativity with Sgr A* |
| |
General Relativistic Effects Around the Galactic Center Black Hole |
239 |
Abuter, R.; Amorim, A.; Bauböck, M.; Berger, J. P.; Bonnet, H.; Brandner, W.; Clénet, Y.; Foresto, V. C. d.; de Zeeuw, P. T.; Dexter, J.; Duvert, G.; Eckart, A.; Eisenhauer, F.; Schreiber, N. M. F.; Garcia, P.; Gao, F.; Gendron, E.; Genzel, R.; Gerhard, O.; Gillessen, S.; Habibi, M.; Haubois, X.; Henning, T.; Hippler, S.; Horrobin, M.; Jiménez-Rosales, A.; Jocou, L.; Kervella, P.; Lacour, S.; Lapeyrére, V.; Bouquin, J. L.; Léna, P.; Ott, T.; Paumard, T.; Perraut, K.; Perrin, G.; Pfuhl, O.; Rabien, S.; Coira, G. R.; Rousset, G.; Scheithauer, S.; Sternberg, A.; Straub, O.; Straubmeier, C.; Sturm, E.; Tacconi, L. J.; Vincent, F.; Fellenberg, S. v.; Waisberg, I.; Widmann, F.; Wieprecht, E.; Wiezorrek, E.; Woillez, J.; Yazici, S.; GRAVITY collaboration |
Testing Fundamental Physics With Stellar Orbits at the Galactic Center |
249 |
Do, T.; Hees, A.; Ghez, A.; Martinez, G. D.; Chu, D. S.; Jia, S.; Sakai, S.; Lu, J. R.; Gautam, A. K.; O'Neil, K. K.; Becklin, E. E.; Morris, M. R.; Matthews, K.; Nishiyama, S.; Campbell, R.; Chappell, S.; Chen, Z.; Ciurlo, A.; Witzel, A.; Gallego-Cano, E.; Kerzendorf, W. E.; Lyke, J. E.; Naoz, S.; Saida, H.; Schödel, R.; Takahashi, M.; Takamori, Y.; Witzel, G.; Wizinowich, P.; Roberts, B. M. |
Testing Theories of Gravity via Black Hole Shadows in Sgr A* |
255 |
Mizuno, Y.; Younsi, Z.; Fromm, C. M.; Porth, O.; De Laurentis, M.; Olivares, H.; Falcke, H.; Kramer, M.; Rezzolla, L. |
Short Time Scale Variation in the Sub-millimeter Flux of Sgr A* |
259 |
Miyoshi, M.; Asaki, Y.; Tsuboi, M.; Uehara, K.; Oka, T.; Iwata, Y.; Takahashi, M.; Ishitsuka, J.; Tsutsumi, T.; Miyazaki, A.; Matsumoto, R. |
Modeling Incomplete Orbits as Gaussian Processes |
263 |
Martinez, G. D. |
Detecting General Relativistic Effect of a Star Orbiting Sgr Aast Using Subaru Telescope |
265 |
Saida, H.; Nishiyama, S.; members of Subaru Proposals |
Session VI. Star Formation in the Galactic Center |
| |
Star Formation in The Galactic Disk and The Galactic Center |
271 |
Inutsuka, S. |
Evidence for the Major Cloud-Cloud Collisions in the Central Molecular Zone |
279 |
Enokiya, R.; Fukui, Y. |
The Interaction Between the Arches Cluster and the Arched-Filaments in the Galactic Center |
283 |
García, P.; Abel, N.; Rölig, M.; Simon, R.; Stutzki, J. |
The Extraordinarily Variable Star Formation History of the Nuclear Disc of the Milky Way |
287 |
Nogueras-Lara, F.; Schödel, R. |
Birth of a Super Stellar Cluster in the Star-forming Complex Sgr B2(N) |
291 |
Schwörer, A.; Sánchez-Monge, Á.; Schilke, P. |
Twins at Heart: The Centres of M83 and the Milky Way as Opposite Extremes of a Common Star Formation Cycle |
295 |
Callanan, D.; Longmore, S. N. |
Unveiling the Hidden Star Formation in the Galactic Centre Dust Ridge with the SMA and ALMA |
299 |
Walker, D. |
Massive Cluster Formation and Feedback Within the Galactic Centre |
303 |
Barnes, A. T.; Longmore, S. N.; Bigiel, F. |
A Multi-Species Multi-Wavelength View of the Sgr A Complex |
309 |
García, P.; Steinke, M.; Simon, R; Stutzki, J. |
The 3D Positions of Gas and Dust Clouds in the Galactic Centre |
311 |
Ordenes-Huanca, C.; Cuadra, J.; Wang, D. |
ALMA Astrometry of the IR Stars in the Vicinity of Sgr Aast |
315 |
Tsuboi, M.; Kitamura, Y.; Tsutsumi, T.; Miyawaki, R.; Miyoshi, M.; Miyazaki, A. |
Sagittarius B2: Understanding the Mix of Thermal and Non-thermal Emission |
317 |
Meng, F.; Sánchez-Monge, Á.; Schilke, P.; Veena, V. S. |
New Analysis of Magnetic Field Using Gaia DR2 Catalog and Cepheids in the Galactic Plane |
319 |
Zenko, T.; Nagata, T.; Kurita, M.; Kino, M.; Nishiyama, S.; Matsunaga, N.; Nakajima, Y. |
Constraining the Binarity of the S-stars Orbiting the Central Supermassive Black Hole Using Radial Velocities |
321 |
Chu, D. S.; Do, T.; Ghez, A.; Hees, A.; Ciurlo, A.; Gautam, A. K.; O'neil, K. K.; Hosek Jr., M. W.; Chen, Z.; Sakai, S.; Lu, J. R.; Bentley, R. |
2 – 4 μm Spectroscopy of Red Point Sources in the Galactic Center |
325 |
Jang, D.; An, D.; Sellgren, K.; Ramírez, S. V.; Boogert, A. C. A.; Geballe, T. R. |
Spatially-resolved Measurement of Hydrogen Volume Density in the Central Molecular Zone of the Milky Way |
329 |
Tanaka, K. |
Star Formation in the Inner Bulges of Milky Way-like Galaxies with Gas Replenishment |
331 |
Park, S.-M.; Kim, S. S.; Shin, J.; Chun, K. |
Rings and Star Formation in Central Regions of Simulated Barred-spiral Galaxies |
335 |
Seo, W.-Y.; Kim, W.-T.. |
High Resolution Ionized Gas Kinematics in CMZ Clouds |
337 |
Butterfield, N.; Lang, C.; Ginsburg, A.; Barnes, A.; Dunnagan, R. |
Young Massive Clusters at the Galactic Center: The Initial Mass Function |
339 |
Hosek Jr., M. W.; Lu, J. R.; Rui, N. Z.; Anderson, J.; Najarro, F.; Ghez, A. M.; Morris, M. R.; Clarkson, W. I.; Albers, S. M. |
Investigation for Evidence and Impacts of Cloud-Cloud Collisions in the Galactic Center I: Common Foot Point of Molecular Loops 1 and 2 |
343 |
Enokiya, R.; Torii, K.; Matsunaga, K.; Fukui, Y. |
Investigation for Evidence and Impacts of Cloud-Cloud Collisions in the Galactic Center II: Active Star Forming Regions in the Central Molecular Zone |
345 |
Enokiya, R.; Matsunaga, K.; Fukui, Y. |
Investigation for Evidence and Impacts of Cloud-Cloud Collisions in the Galactic Center III: The l=1.°3 Complex |
349 |
Matsunaga, K.; Enokiya, R.; Tachihara, K.; Torii, K.; Fukui, Y. |
Session VII. The Galactic Center Stellar Population |
| |
The Nuclear Stellar Disc and Cluster of the Milky Way |
353 |
Schödel, R. |
A Masing BAaDE's Window BAaDE: The Bulge Asymmetries and Dynamical Evolution Survey |
361 |
Sjouwerman, L. O.; Pihlström, Y. M.; Stroh, M. C.; Lewis, M. O.; Trapp, A. C.; Rich, R. M.; Morris, M. R.; Claussen, M. J.; the BAaDE collaboration |
Proper Motion Study of the Galactic Centre |
365 |
Shahzamanian, B.; Schödel, R. |
The X-ray Background Emission of the Galactic Center and Bulge with NuSTAR |
371 |
Kuznetsova, E.; Krivonos, R.; Perez, K.; Wik, D. R. |
Evidence of a Chemical Difference Between the Galactic Center and the Surrounding Inner Bulge Stellar Populations |
377 |
Schultheis, M. |
High-resolution Near-infrared Spectroscopy of Late-type Stars Near the Galactic Supermassive Black Hole |
383 |
Nishiyama, S.; Kara, T.; Gorin, H.; Kurihara, S. |
Young and Eccentric: A 3-body Scattering Origin for the S-stars and the G-objects |
387 |
Trani, A. A.; Fujii, M. S.; Spera, M. |
389 |
Nogueras-Lara, F.; Schödel, R. |
The Long Eclipse in the Low-mass X-ray Binary near the Galactic Center |
391 |
Sasaki, R.; Maeda, Y.; Tsuboi, Y.; Gendreau, K.; Arzoumanian, Z.; Markwardt, C. |
Constraints on the Density of the Dark Cusp Around the Galactic Center Supermassive Black Hole With a Newly Detected, Old, {≈}79 Day Period Stellar Binary System |
393 |
Gautam, A. K.; Do, T.; Ghez, A. M.; Hosek Jr., M. W.; Naoz, S.; Sakai, S.; Morris, M. R.; Cochran, E.; Martinez, G. D.; Chu, D. S.; Lu, J. R.; Jia, S.; Becklin, E. E.; Matthews, K. |
The Molecular Layer of GCIRS7 |
397 |
Rodríguez-Coira, G.; Amorim, A.; Bauböck, M.; Benisty, M.; Berger, J.-P.; Clénet, Y.; Coudé Du Foresto, V.; de Zeeuw, T.; Dexter, J.; Duvert, G.; Eckart, A.; Eisenhauer, F.; Ferreira, M. C.; Gao, F.; Garcia, P. J. V.; Gendron, E.; Genzel, R.; Gillessen, S.; Gordo, P.; Habibi, M.; Horrobin, M.; Jimenez-Rosales, A.; Jocou, L.; Kervella, P.; Lacour, S.; Bouquin, J. L.; Léna, P.; Ott, T.; Pössel, M.; Paumard, T.; Perraut, K.; Perrin, G.; Pfuhl, O.; Rousset, G.; Straub, O.; Straubmeier, C.; Sturm, E.; Vincent, F.; von Fellenberg, S.; Waisberg, I.; Widmann, F.; GRAVITY Collaboration |
Leave-One-Out Cross Validation: Assessing Consistency of Astrometric Measurements Using “Bayesian Residuals” |
399 |
Kosmo O'Neil, K.; Martinez, G. D.; Do, T.; Ghez, A. M.; Chu, D. S.; Sakai, S. |
The Galactic Center Diffuse X-rays and Isolated Black Holes With FORCE |
401 |
Nobukawa, M.; Ueda, Y.; Tsuru, T. G.; Mori, K.; the FORCE team |
Discovery of Recombining Plasma from a Magnetic Cataclysmic Variable, EX Hya with Suzaku |
403 |
Sako, T.; Nobukawa, M. |
Session VIII. High Energy Process, Dark Matter in the Galactic Center |
| |
Particle Astrophysics of the Galactic Center: Fermi GeV Excess |
407 |
Horiuchi, S. |
Measurement of Low-energy Cosmic Rays |
415 |
Nobukawa, K. K. |
Recent Progress in X-ray Observations of Outflows From the Galactic Center |
423 |
Nakashima, S. |
High Cosmic Ray Flux in the Galactic Center Probed by the H3+ Infrared Spectrum |
425 |
Oka, T. |
Dark Matter at the Galactic Centre: Dead or Alive? |
429 |
Bergström, L. |
Discovery of a Recombining Plasma in Sagittarius A East and Its Relation to the Past Activity of Sagittarius A* |
433 |
Uchiyama, H.; Ono, A.; Yamauchi, S.; Nobukawa, M.; Nobukawa, K. K.; Koyama, K. |
A Spot of Light in the Dark Night: On the Origin of the γ and X-ray Excesses at the Galactic Centre |
437 |
Arca Sedda, M. |
Detailed Analysis of the Supernova Remnant RX J1713.7-3946 at Energies up to 120 keV with XMM-Newton, INTEGRAL and ART-XC |
441 |
Kuznetsova, E.; Krivonos, R.; Pavlinsky, M.; Lyskova, N.; Lutovinov, A.; Churazov, E. |
Trans-fast Magnetosonic Inflows and Outflows in a Black Hole Magnetosphere |
443 |
Takahashi, M.; Kino, M. |
Probing Low-energy Cosmic Rays With Observations of the Neutral Iron Line in the W51 Complex |
445 |
Shimaguchi, A.; Nobukawa, K. K.; Yamauchi, S. |
X-ray Emission From the Mixed-morphology Supernova Remnant HB9 |
447 |
Saito, M.; Yamauchi, S.; Nobukawa, K. K.; Bamba, A.; Pannuti, T. |
Origin of the Hot Plasma in the Galactic Center X-ray Emission |
449 |
Yamauchi, S. |
Sgr A*'s X-ray and Near-infrared Flare Statistics Point Toward a Synchrotron Self-Compton Nature of Flares |
453 |
Subroweit, M.; Eckart, A. |
Local Enhancement of Ni Abundance in the Galactic Center X-ray Emission |
455 |
Nobukawa, M.; Nobukawa, K. K.; Koyama, K. |
Very-High-Energy γ-rays From the Galactic Center Generated by Cosmic Rays |
459 |
Scherer, A.; Reisenegger, A.; Cuadra, J. |
Back Matter |
| |
Back Matter |
460 |